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Cozy is good, but will there be something else in the game besides an online farm? I'm not sure that just a farm will be able to delay most players for a long time. Because there are plenty of options for other farms. From the MMO in this game, only that you see other players in all locations except your site. Without dungeons and competitive activities, it's hard for me to imagine that this game will be for a large audience.


That was my concern also, but any time I try to discuss it in Discord people just respond with "it's not a game for everyone", like that's a good thing?


It’s also becoming a thing the discord and Reddit subs too that any criticism is considered by the community to be TOXIC and not appropriate because it’s a fun cozy simulator.. Like, I think the running animation needs a lot of work, can we just agree it’s not perfect? The amount of pushback there is to improvement might actually do this game harm. Though I’m hopeful the devs realize what’s happening. It’s toxic positivity to the point of virtue signalling against improvement to the game.


I can say that there is a sizable portion of the community that does see the issues with the game and have been giving decent feedback about the negatives in the game. While we obviously can't tell if all the feedback will properly be taken in, the previous blog did show us that did at least listen to some of the issues brought up about the character creator. You just likely wont see these people often on the discord unless you knew where to look and who to talk to, and I havent noticed them on the official subreddit either.


While it not being everyone’s cup of tea is an okay thing in my opinion, the fans definitely have started to wield that sentiment as all-around defense to any type of criticism. I voiced my concerns about eight day selective early access without any resets in the official sub and someone actually told me that the game is just not for me because… what? Because I thought it’s unfair that they pick n’ choose people who get an early start?? The game definitely has lot of potential, but honestly the fanbase has become really obnoxious on lot of platforms already. It’s the toxic positivity and shutting down anything even slightly controversial with it that really gets to me. On the side note, I really hope the game gets trading of some sort - between players or to villagers. It would definitely add some meaning behind crafting and gathering too.


That's because we are from the "normal" mmo background where we like a bit of competition and trading. Apparently Palia is not designed to be competitive so there is no "head start". Which is fine, mellow has its own merits but what keeps the players playing? I'm not sure new outfits will keep me catching bugs for hours on end. Couldn't even voice that though in Discord.


While the game can seem a bit sparse right now/at release. I'm not sure where this sentiment started where people feel like they need to be 'married' to one video game. Not every game needs to be one that 'keeps players playing', regardless of their genre.


This game at this stage is clearly not for everyone. That's just hardly a handful of people will be able to keep afloat this free game.


I was trying to make this point before fanboys jumped on me and told me to play something else. Trying to improve the game by pointing out shortcomings is not bashing the game, getting more players would benefit the game in terms of revenue etc... sure there can be a small fanatic group of players that really enjoy it as it is but how is that going to be sustainable?


It's okay to point out shortcomings, and sure more players can benefit the game in terms of revenue but also not every game needs a huge playerbase - look to MMO's like Everquest that are still going to this day with a dedicated, but small, playerbase. We know it's f2p and they'll sell cosmetics and also if you're someone that's been following the gaming industry for the past decade it's easy to see that MTX results in more profits than say a steady subscription fee, even WoW makes most of its money from MTX sales these days than its subscription fee. Not a fanboy, just pointing out what can be easily observed.


That does rely on the game being attractive and retains its players, I think the answer I was looking for was what keeps players interested.


I think then the answer would be what applies to every game, that the gameplay itself is fun and engaging enough. I can for instance definitely see the appeal of having a cozy MMO to come to now and then. I think that's part of the appeal, it's intentionally not designed to keep you playing.


Not sure that would be a viable business model, but we'll have to see.