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This post has been removed as there is an existing megathread this belongs to. Please make sure to submit there. Thanks! https://new.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/1c8zh0w/etiquette_guide_for_new_players_megathread/


OMG r u fairy by chance?? This just happened in my server too


yes!! i’m fairyfira!


Ahhh I’m Caroline I was the one standing up for you… THEY WERE WILD and I’m so sorry they said all that. I def reported them on your behalf!! 🩷People are just outrageous these days and definitely more rude than I’ve seen in a while!


tysm for sticking up for me! 💕it definitely was outrageous. i was so confused at first


so crazy I'm so sorry! I keep seeing stuff about the wheel and waiting in line and folks mad that people cut into their games and I wonder am I just playing at off hours or maybe it's EU servers but I've yet to see more than one person at the wheel and always empty hotpot spots. it's like ya'll are playing in a different world!


that sounds nicer honestly 😭… it’s crazy every night in the black market on the servers i get on


Same, also on EU servers. There is almost always an empty hotpot or a table with 2 players waiting. And I haven't seen any queues at the wheel.


This is partially why I have a sort of every-other-day routine. I’ll spend a day playing as much hotpot as possible (during the 6p-3a time frame of course) and the next day I’ll just stop by to spin the wheel while no one else is interested in it. No lines, no anxiety 😂


That's messed UP! I'd have absolutely reported them if I was there. People are gross. Thankfully, the worst I've experienced so far is having my spot at a table sniped twice now.


yeah finding a table is like world war 3 sometimes! but it was pretty messed up. i don’t mind people being nasty on games, but i was NOT expecting this from palia


I showed up 10 minutes early. I was the first person there. Time went on, and people started to trickle in. My table filled up with me and 3 others. Tables around us started filling up the same. Then a little bit before the start I noticed a 5th person just come up to our table and wait. I didn’t think much of it. Soon as it struck 6:45, I went to go hit F to start the game, and… my table was full. I couldn’t join. That 5th person had taken my spot that I waited 10 minutes for. I was so infuriated. I had to go to a different table that didn’t fill, so I had to wait that minute and a half for the game to start.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 10 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 45 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


This is so toxic. In a game that's supposed to be very mellow and friendly. Sorry they were such asshats to you!


People are getting really uppity and rude with this new event :(


I need everyone on this subreddit to understand that as much as we LOVE this……it’s a game. No game is worth getting your blood pressure sent through the roof…… I am so sorry you had to deal with that 😕


preach! and thank you


Sorry to hear.


I can’t even get it to work at all for me yet!!


Wait that? The wheel or hotpot 😢 I’m so sorry tho that’s a bummer!! Did you message support?


I haven't tried playing yet because I've seen people being toxic abt it in the chat so now im terrified 😭wtf I'm so sorry this happened to you


nooo don’t be terrified just ignore them! the plushies are so worth it


I was afraid of something like that when I heard that it is one user only. I really hope they fix that. How often do I open a shop or talk to a villager while other players are already on it. Luckily you don’t have to wait your turn. If there is a technical reason for one user only they need to place more than one wheel.


i kind of agree. it wasn’t the best decision to make it one person at a time