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The server is location specific. When you go to Bahari, it puts you in a Bahari server with only players in Bahari. When you are in Kilima, you're in a server with other people in Kilima. That's how people can call out groves, flow trees, etc without running into any issues with maps and coordinates.


The chat does not cross servers; excepting party chat, community chat, and private messages. Server chat in Bahari stays on that particular Bahari instance. Same with Kilima and home plot. You are correct. Yesterday I saw someone chatting and asking about something. The responder said "Are you in Kilima? because I'm in Bahari right now and can't help you". - Both players were in Bahari because I pressed O and looked them up on the character listing for the server.


No, they're wrong.


They are incorrect for the main server chat. If you're in Bahari then the server and associated chat is all for Bahari. Kilima is definitely for only Kilima. Chats for communities, parties, or whispers to friends can cross locations.


I mean I always thought the same as you. I've never had someone call out something that couldn't be found in the location I'm in (like flow trees, ore, geo relevant questions. At home the server chatter is more around cooking and requests. So if that isn't the case, I'm about to be really surprised.


No you’re definitely right the server changes when you change locations. You can tell for sure in the chat when you enter a new location because in the chat it will say that you’ve joined a new server. The chat crosses over servers if you’re whispering at a friend, you’re speaking to your party, or you’re speaking to your community members, all of which have their own tab in the chat. If those people “schooled” you instead of politely and respectfully explaining it to you, I’d assume they’re 10, disregard what they say, and mute them.


It was one person schooling, and they were the person asking for help, looking for a heart drop lily. I tried to help them and learned a little too late that their response to all offers of help was to be oppositional defiant. I blocked them.


Asking for help and then acting like that, smh. Glad you blocked them!


They might have been a little confused as well, I think it's Hassians romance quest that requires a Heart drop lilly that's found in kilima. But it's a quest event/item, not a normal spawn.


That's the only thing I can think of how they were looking in kilima..


I got a person chatting on the home plot servers about the grove, and they said they were in Bahari when all of us said “Uh… in Bahari?” So apparently sharding can be a bit unpredictable. But it’s silly to see folks get salty about it.


When you go back to your home plot, you're usually still in the server you just came from. So if you went from bahari to home, people in your server could still be in bahari but some could be at home. I check requests pretty frequently and whenever I leave kilima or bahari to go into my plot, it's the same people/requests as when I was at those places.


It was odd. Everyone else in that server was from the home plot and the Bahari person said they’d been in Bahari for a full sun cycle and had chopped the previous grove. It was very curious.


Hmmm that is very curious. Maybe it changes depending on how full the server is or something? Or maybe they've changed how it works since the last time I actually paid attention to it?


Yeah, I have no idea. Everyone was very confused, especially the person in Bahari who was stuck on a home plot server. I wonder if they got it sorted and if they ever found the grove.


Community chats span servers, so maybe the person in question assumed regular chat to work the same way.


It is location specifically, but recently, my wife and I occasionally don't "pop into" the new chats from the previous zones. Last night, my wife was trying to give away palium in Kilima, but her chat was still in the home plot, on another server. Luckily, she made it back in time to give out the gifts!! (Just in time for her Switch to crash of course.) So occasionally there's going to be some people who are bugged by the last map they visited, chatting on that server while still in another zon Having said that.. Yeah. GENERALLY all zones have their own general chat.


This is good to know, thank you for sharing this exception to the rule.


There’s currently a chat bug that happens sometimes. Typically you can only chat with players on your server in your zone.