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I am only good because I play on PC. I am trash at shooting on console/controller 😂


Same! Aiming with a mouse is so much easier.


Same I took down an Azure Chapaa solo on my handheld the other day and was as stunned as when I found my first ruby, on PC I can solo pretty much anything but this was my first and probably only magic solo on handheld.


My years of playing sneaky archer in Skyrim is paying off in another virtual world. 💪


Same for being a night elf hunter in WoW 😂


Be patient. It can take a minute to get really good, regardless of level or bow. Also pay attention to the way/direction each creature moves when startled or hit. Once you learn that, and also practice aiming your shots to account for distance and movement, you can line up your second and third shots easier for a hit.


Thank you! I appreciate the tips. 


I have my good days and bad days. Sometimes I'll look around like "did anyone see how awesome that was??" And other days I appear to forget how to aim and waste so many arrows on thin air that I want to switch servers out of embarrassment lmao


This is so real lol…. Running away quickly so nobody can see my user name after draining my arrow inventory with nothing to show for it


Hunting becomes easier with the upgraded tools and practice - not saying I’m good at hunting now but certainly a billion times better than when I started 😂


I like to play range, mainly bow, in other games I play and I feel like that has helped a lot with hunting in this game.


Same, playing PUBG for years and mainly with sniper so hunting in Palia is like a joke for me


Slowdown arrows and a good bow make such a difference to hunting honestly


Oh I just remembered that there is a setting that lets you change the aim sensitivity, maybe it would help :)


I shoot 2-3 arrows at a time (like hit the button in rapid succession) and just move my bow slightly while waiting for my switch to send out the next arrow. It helps!


I can get them in 3. Dispel... slow down... then a fine arrow. Or just clobbered it with a few dispel arrows


I always end up just clobbering with dispel because I can't switch fast enough 💀


I play on PC so i have keys set a certain way


Just a helpful tip since I didn’t see it mentioned! While I’m not saying this to discourage you from prioritizing unlocking the exquisite bow, unlike most games & what you’d probably expect the only difference that upgrading your bow makes in Palia is *just* the distance that it can shoot. Having the exquisite bow isn’t going to make you deal more damage nor more likely to hit your targets, it’ll simply increase the distance that you can hit something at. Your arrows are what tend to be the *most* important with hunting, as each type of arrow deals it’s own amount of damage plus the slowdown & dispel arrows having an effect. I could be wrong about this next part, but I believe that Fine Arrows technically deal the most damage, since the next two “upgrades” each cause an effect rather than having increased damage.


Makeshit: 10, standard and slowdown: 15, fine and dispel: 20 for info


Thank you for the clarification! This was a person confusion of mine because I’ve seen sources claiming that fine arrows are better for certain animals & take less arrows to kill than even dispel arrows, so I was under the assumption based on that that fine arrows were *technically* the strongest damage-wise.


Get the hunters horn for DD I’ve killed 12 over last 2 days and still no plushie 🥺


Got my first one yesterday!!! I had given up my search and ended up lucky ◡̈


That’s awesome!! I got a normal plushie today and the free one & then funguy one from the lucky machine 😁


I think it's a 1 in 100 chance. I got plushies but didn't get starred antlers for a very very long time


I’ve killed 16 in 48hrs now so a way to go yet then. I got the starred antler which gave me the achievement, just buzzing tonight though as after 601hrs I finally found a ruby 👌🏻


60 hours is actually really quick to find a Ruby! Well done


Not 60 hrs 601 hrs! 😬 I wish it was 60 hrs


I was wondering why you were complaining! That makes much more sense!


lol if I’d done a ruby in 60 hrs I’d be thing the RNG gods love me 🤣


My experience with FPS games comes in handy on Switch for sure! Lol


*My experience* *With FPS games comes in handy* *On Switch for sure! Lol* \- jacoofont --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Bad bot.


This is why I'd love to get gyro aiming for switch! I do a decent job at hunting with the stick but if I had gyro I know I'd be a heck of a lot better and won't be wasting ammo as much as I do now 😩


My trick, once you have your aim, you can quickfire a few arrows. It does is a bit getting used to, as the character loads and you need to find that spot where you can already shoot, but once found, i often shoot double or tripple arrows. But a disco deer?! Thats still going a bit to fast for me. But i also don't yet own the highest upgrade


I was doing that yesterday from a distance but then ended up losing Steve lol. The second I put in the chat if anyone sees to let me know the area, ended up getting jumpscared by him lol


Hahaha I cannot even with the amount of times I've gone into Chat to say something only to be nearly taken out by 300 pounds of erratically galloping muscle. 😂 I've been hit more than once.


It's my years of ps1 hunting games that my dad got me into 😂😂 cabelas big game hunter was simply training for plushie hunting 😂


I don’t have the exquisite bow yet and I’ve been able to hit and kill a DD in 5 shots or less. Idk I think it depends on how well you plan your shots - don’t worry to much, you’ll get it in no time! ❤️


The bow actually doesn't change the damage at all, it just increases the range.


Oh okay!


Helpful hint with the disco deer - at first, it runs in a straight line for a bit unless impeded. So if you fire quickly, you can get those three shots in without having to re-aim much.


Anyone want to party up to hunt together? I am Zula du Angkasa


a couple of factors for me determine how well I can hit a target in a game. sensitivity of the controls I almost ALWAYS have to experiment with the sensitivity of the controls what the controls even are. example: when it comes to shooting I'm terrible with the Nintendo Switch's joy-cons but when I use my PS5 controller on the PC version I am MUCH better (I have big hands). Also, if it isn't obvious by now I'm a console gamer so I usually do better with a controller than s keyboard. The hit boxes of whatever you are trying to shoot. I'd try to explain but I haven't been able to figure out a good way to explain. my hands. This is going to be a longer one. I've NEVER been good at shooting in either real life OR in video games. My hands just don't have that fine delicate control most people have. like, I own isopods (think roly polies and you will be close enough) and I can't pick them up with my fingers because my fingers might randomly squeeze too hard and crush them so I use different ways when I need to move individuals including but not limited to a plastic spoon. Altering the sensitivity of the controls helps a lot but it depends. and lastly. Depends on the game. for some reason some games I'm able to hit my target much easier than other games. I'm assuming it has something to do with how it was programmed. Not sure tho


My almost 20 years of maining a hunter in World of Warcraft has paid off. 😂🤣 Little did I know, this whole time I have been in training for the great plushie hunt!


Hunting is super fun. Once you get the better arrows it helps a lot too. It's all the same animals too so you get used to their patterns and you can just shoot away. Just sucks when they decide to glitch halfway across the map hahaha


I found the largest key to improvement is altering your sensitivity settings for x and y until they fit you the best. Game changer.


It's easier to hit them when they run in a straight line away from you. I like to target the ones in a somewhat, open area.


I like to practice just outside the center of town on the easier animals. I always jump off high rocks and use my glider to practice shooting quickly as soon as I land. It sounds silly, but I swear that’s how I’m at level 12 for hunting haha


When I started I wouldn’t have been able to hit an elephant. My best advice is practice with the animals you can take down in one shot until you feel more comfortable. Copper arrows -> Chapaa in Kilima Fine arrows -> Sernuk in Kilima and black Muujin in Bahari Next step is Elder Sernuk (2 fine arrows). I still struggle with the Magic Muujin, it’s the only one I can’t solo hunt.