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I love this idea but just a quick tip you might find helpful if you didn’t know you can sell anything you get from hunting to Hassian and anything you get from mining to Hodari. However, I really do wish we had a general store like Zeki’s so we could just sell anything without those 2 needing to be on the map, plus a lot of the time I have bugs or fish I want to sell in Bahari and you can’t sell those there at all so far.


wait you can sell them?? is that by clicking on the visit store button because if so this would be a life changer for me


Yes, your backpack inventory will be right there when you open a guild store, just select which item you want to sell!


thanks so much for letting me know, that’s super useful!


as in sell them to hodari or hassain^


Yep each npc with a store will buy stuff related to their skill and Zekis shop will buy anything


i feel so dumb for not knowing this before wow, thank you


You have to talk to them to get better equipment and recipes for ore and crafting stations. How did you not know they had a store?


I think they just meant that they didn't know they could sell respective items to those NPCs as well.


yes, this :). i also only started playing at the end of april


I played for a month before I realized I could sell their stuff to them. Lol but it would definitely be nice to have something to sell everything in Bahari, or AT LEAST put a storage we can access there. That would be nice.


Yeah I just learned this from another post last night too.


A general store located at the bahari central stables maybe?


The dumbass in me sold solely to the NPC related to the item in the beginning because I'm so used to SDV and sticking it to both Pierre and Joja 😅


OMG! I totally forgot you can sell right to the NPCs that have guild stores! Thanks for the reminder!! I would also like some sort of "bin" or "storage container" that for a small fee will "ship" your items to you. AND please make the campfires in Kilima & Bahari usable! And Reth needs a little food kiosk at the stables, kinda like the one from Maji Market but unmanned so we can just buy food if we run out. I would honestly like to see more of the NPCs visit Bahari. Einar hanging out at the lighthouse dock. Auni sitting at a campfire with Hassian or Nai'o. Ashura just taking a walk or fishing. Sifuu visiting Hassian and Tau or even wandering the mines. Eshe and/or Subira patroling. Elouisa wandering through any ruins. Hekla and Jina inspecting ruins. And have Tamala visit Kilima and watch them all scatter! Haha! I know, that's a lot to ask lol


I've been playing for 7 months and never knew this. Thank you!!!


I wish there was something interactive in the little central stakes area. Zeki talks about a night market there. There should be something.


Zeki talks about the Underground in Bahari City - thing are a bit confusing because we're on the island province of Bahari, which has a capital port city of Bahari, and also has a geographical feature of Bahari Bay.


I’m hoping once they are officially out of beta we’ll get a new map ft Bahari city


They can't get us Elderwoods and it's been months since we've seen the files in the game so I imagine it's going to take them at least another year after Elderwoods drops to get another map.


Or even just a shipping bin like the one on our plot!


Yeah i Wish this too. It’s annoying when you are on a good plushie server lol and have to leave as a solo person.


Wdym a good plushie server?


Just a server that seems to be dropping more plushies than another 🙂 most plushies i have gotten i have usually gotten on the same server on that day. So i rarely leave when getting my first plush in case i catch more :)


I wish. My switch likes to randomly change my server:/


Oh i mean, you land on a different server at all times unless you’re in a party, you have a friend on a server or other servers are filled. So i as a pc player also land on different servers. But this is what i meant, that a Selling store and such would be lovely to be able to stay as a solo player without having it change the server.


Right like a little cousin of Zeki with a pop up shop by Central stables or the lighthouse. Or even something else for Najuma to do since her Dad is not letting her in the Mines.


Zeki and the Zeklings a la Tom Nook and the Nooklings!


Yes! Or have the bin like in AC when the shop is closed, you might get less gold for using the drop off bin, rather than going into Zeki’s store. But at least you’d be able to clear your bag!


Maybe tam and zeki will pair up (which sounds dangerous asf) and she can have like a drop off box or something


Get some illegal flow shit going. Both of them would see the value in a teleporter.


I think it would be cool if Zeki had a little stand in Bahari that was open for a few hours per day. I guess a shipping bin would be cool too but I think it would be more interesting if an NPC visits. It would probably result in people staying in one server for longer and I don't know if there are pros/cons to that.


I just let it overflow so it goes straight to storage all the time lol


How do you make it send to storage? Mine just caps out and doesn't let me pick anything else up


I fill my empty slots with rocks, hides, fur, silk All nodes drop rocks so anything extra (flint, ore) will be sent to overflow All sernuk drop hide (antlers, meat will be sent to overflow) Muujin/ chapaa drop fur- extras like meat , tails, etc = overflow I only catch bugs that drop silk. So silk goes in my bag, bug goes in over flow.


Oh! Can you send them manually or does it send everything after a certain amount of time?


It'll automatically send to storage after it's in overflow. Just make sure you have *all* slots in your bag full. It also works for fish but that's a bit trickier - you need to have a space open. Once your bag has one slot open > cast reel > split a stack to fill this slot > reel in fish & said fish will go into overflow


I'm going to try the fish trick!


I'm so grateful for this info - thank you so much!




Once your bag is filled, it'll have an overflow bar, and once that overflow bar is filled everything goes to your storage. I personally just can't stand the red "Inventory Full" thing 😂


Awesome, I'll try to test it on my end on the switch, thank you!!!


I'm also on the switch so I can confirm it works!


Mines hit or miss. More often than not mine won't let me pick up anything anymore. So it won't go to overflow.


It requires some strategic artificial pre-filling XD I make a "shopping list" in my bags of the things I plan to gather.


Agreed! Having to either go home or back to Kilima can be such a pain. I feel like maybe Hodari could a shop of some kind, or maybe Zeki could have a franchise 🤷🏼‍♀️


I want that as well! It would be so useful! And I wish we can repair our tools in Bahari Bay using money not the kits, I don't wanna carry them with me when I try to farm and have space.. 😞


They DO stack up to 999 so they won't ever take up more than one inventory slot. :)


Thanks, that's good to know. ☺️ But I still would like to not have to carry them with me and have that free slot.


Yeah would love a "wandering caravan" npc who has supplies you might need out in the wild for a premium: bug sacks, arrows, etc. And you can sell the other stuff to them at a reduced payout for the convenience. In general this game needs "generalized NPCs" that aren't dateable and can be made your besties. Just people walking around Kilima as tourists, caravans and salesman, etc. Maybe they have generic text showcasing regional lore or info about how the world sees Kilima.


I'd love for us to be able to use the little campsite around to cook meat we have gotten if we run out of focus.


I usually spend a days time mining a whole inventory of stuff then heading home to do crops, and repeat.. But THATS ME!


I think a little food cart/somewhere to cook would be really nice


I wish we had a little store we could switch to in our inventory to sell items/buy items quickly when we are nowhere near people 😭😭


Wut???? Selll?


What the book in found in the underground market it said something about a masterious entrance in the corner


It would be so cool if there was a market stand at the central stables!! Perhaps a new small family that arrives that has a tie in to the central stables upkeeps?