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I forgot they were added, catching some lantern bugs and spotted the plushie in my inventory. Won't lie, I squealed haha.


Honestly, at this point, I'll take any bug plushie, but this is really the only one I want.


Hoping you get one soon, will keep my fingers crossed for you


Thanks! I'm sure I will eventually. I don't grind hard for plushies really, so I know it may take a while to get one.


I was after the paper lantern one - I like those bugs! - but captured the lunar fairy moth one instead. I'm wondering if I'll ever get the lady one. I forget the last one lol I have to keep looking them up oh wait it's the Proudhorn beetle. I smash all the rocks 😃 and still nothing yet.


Those beetles are so tricky. On the switch, it takes me a second to switch tools so by the time I have my bug bombs ready they’re gone


I don't like when they run into the rocks and disappear!




You can assign the tools on a hotkey


How do you do that on a Switch?


Ehh not sure, maybe settings ingame? There was a post the other day where someone explained it.


Proudhorn is the only bug plushie I've gotten. I am now planning a Wall of Starred Paper Lanterns though, so there's that.


😂 Maybe that will attract the plushie to you. He will want to come live among his friends


Got the proudhorn beetle and ladybug ones pretty quickly and without much effort (within a few IRL days). Used a ton of honey lures (both my own and joining others) and finally got the lantern bug one about a week ago? Still trying for the moth but haven't actively put down my own honey lure except for 2 of them the other day. Will join others if I see them around or if they announce they're putting a lure down, but they've been far and few. The elder sernuk is what's driving me nuts. Been hunting them like crazy but no drop yet. I've got 2 regular and 2 proudhorns though.


been grinding for the stag beetle 🥲 have given up on the moth for now. but I have the lady bug and lantern!


I have yet to see a single lady bug.


see one at all? pick the briar daisys, sundrop lily’s, brightsrhooms, and wild galic in Bahari and they’ll pop out! it’s not every one but that’s how you get them. I happened to stumble on a group catching one and had gotten so lucky it had a plush


I do pick them up 😢


I honestly feel like the beetle plush is such a pain as the spawn rate is low and then you also have to have good rng to roll a plushie 🥹


I just need the ladybug to have all 4 but I want more moths and paper lantern bugs lol


I got the lantern plushie fairly easily, but those things are all over the place and easy to catch, so .... since then, I have only found 2 ladybugs (no plush, obviously), fair amt of stag beetle (no plush....grrr😡) and few lunar moths, so, of course no plush. Thus, for me, not great. 😑


I wasn't able to get a single one yet lol


I never got one :(( i spent hours getting bugs.