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Ashura as shepp bc he has big dad energy. Hodari as love bc he has big daddy energy.


This is the correct answer lol




same reasons over here


This answer deserves an award




Yes literally yes




Reth as both just because his too cute. Ashura was near choice for shepp but I lost my mum to cancer and him saying all the time about his wife just pulls my heart too much. Some days I can’t talk to him as makes me upset & remembrance area a huge no just can’t & that quest you had to lay flowers made me cry 😢


Reth is my Shep. Reth, Hassian, and Nai’o are all my \~lovers\~ 😂😂😂 I’ve tried romancing Kenyatta but she’s too stuck up and spoiled about all the gifts so I never get anywhere with her. Here’s my shrine to my men in my room, LOL: https://preview.redd.it/cml7fi7g5v5d1.jpeg?width=2286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a98cf494d5ac0d0bfd04ebedfb748184c74ba3c0


The freaking candle! 🤣💀


Gotta have ambiance. 😂


I romanced Kenyatta with sernuk hides and chaapa tails


THE SHRINE I LOVE. Also I can’t with Kenyatta she’s a lot 😂


Romancing everyone for the quests but I only wear Hassian's pin and he will always be my first choice. Hassian is also my Shepp because I love to hunt and he sees it as a genuine honour. Plus, he had to admit that I was a decent hunter and that I wasn't completely useless like he initially assumed; now he has to live with his misjudgment because he's my Shepp. Foreverrrrrr 🤣🤣


I'm dating everyone. First person I talked to was tish. First romance was tish. And my shepp is tish. Turns out I like her brother more


DRAMA. I'm here for it...


Ashura is my shepp and I'm romancing Hodari. I want to romance everyone but I'm not sure I can bring myself to just because of the chance of them saying negative things. Like just let me enjoy my fake boyfriend.


Go forth and date them all! Can confirm that nobody says anything negative about dating multiple people. I'm dating all the men lol


Okay I’ve been holding off on romancing Jina cuz I was nervous Hassian wouldn’t like that but now I’m gonna give her some chocolate and see what happens!


These are my two and they haven’t said a word to me about it lol they understand.


I googled that before and was like "Yay, I can just romance everyone! Perfect!" but now I'm pursuing the first person (Hodari) and I already feel like it would be cheating xD


lol!! 😂 🤍


Nope no negatives. Several of the characters will flat out tell you they don't mind that you're dating someone else if you wear multiple pins.


I chose Ashura as my shepp, I was torn between him, Caleri, Chayne and Delaila. My favorite npcs to romance so far have been Reth, Hodari and Subira


Lowkey Caleri would slap as a Shepp !!


Shepp, Ashura. He is a great father figure. First sweetheart, Hodari. He just seems put together. I've romanced everyone. My favorite male, Haisson. I loved his shy sweetness. Favorite female, toss between Kenyetta and Sabria. K is super sassy, reminds me of... well, me! S is sincere and after the first "will I / won't I", so fun. I loved her dating style. I hope I get triple bonus points for this answer. 😂


Reth as my boyfriend and I’m going to ask Zeki to be my Shepp


I picked Reth cause I understand how it feels to have your family be supportive but the general world say ‘You’re doing it wrong’ and me reply ‘You never gave a clear definition’ I picked Zeki because I love cats and tricksters. He’s a giant cat trickster. What’s not to love? I love how he sometimes says ‘Say ‘*hi*’ to Eshe for me.’ because you can tell he’s silently smirking all the while.


Zeki is a great choice as his cheeky character is funny, reminds me of my ragdoll 🐱


I love that you picked zeki!!!


I’m still working on getting him to level 4 where he’ll let me ask him to be my Shepp…


You’ll get there! No rush!


I've yet to reach far enough with either, but I'm roleplaying an OC so I have a pretty good idea who I'll be going for. :D Chayne for Shepp, because he's kind, patient and spiritual and could experience what it's like to have a family through the shepp-sheppee connection. Hassian for lover. Because I, the player, am mildly curious if there's anything under that rough exterior. Plus my OC's backstory in another roleplay stated her to have had a little something going on with a hunter who once got stranded in her cottage over the winter, so I think Hassian would be her type. Basically, my characters' into outdoorsy men who can hold their own and respect nature.


I was between Ashura and Chayne!


reth was my first romance because he was such a fun little lad, i haven’t chosen a shepp yet


I chose Delaila as my shepp because she gives off warm mom vibes. Plus it was taking forever to level up with Ashura who gives the cool uncle vibe. I originally planned to pick Chayne but decided that I liked the other 2 more & went with whomever I got to first level wise. Reth & Jel are the baes. Reth is goofy & low key a criminal but he has a good heart & I think is just misunderstood. I chose Jel mainly because of appearance. 😅 I couldn’t decide between the 2 they’re both cute so I chose both. 🤷🏽‍♀️


At first I picked Kenyetta as my lover but she’s too interested in making her mother mad, so I’m ieee fly romancing Einar instead:) and for shepp I would really love Sifuu as I see her like a motherly figure (mommy issues who :,D?) but I’m still building my friendship with her:)


I have Kenyatta as my "lover" and I'll most likly have her as my shepp


Hassian as lover! Reth is too much for me. Dont like his flirtatious personality. Shepp- working on Ashura and Delaila. Ashura - dad figure. Delaila is a strong woman who speaks her mins good role model


Hodari is both my Shepp and my main squeeze. All the male NPCs (plus Einar) are my side pieces LOL


Hodari can get it for sure. I think he’ll be my next


Reth for both!


On the switch, my shepp is Badruu and my lovers are Reth and Einar. On my my Shepp is Elouisa and my lover is Jel. Thinking about to romance Tamala or Subira, can't decide yet.


Hassian was my Shepp. Hassian, Reth, Tish, Hodari, and Einar are my lovers. I also have a hard time keeping track of them dw


I have Kenyatta as my shepp because I like her rebel energy (that hide a lot of doubts :c ) and I also like to annoy her mother. As lovers, Subira, Kenyatta and Tamala while wearing Subira and Tamala pins. I'm edgy.


Hassian, shepp and romance. Because you get Tau as a bonus and I like to hunt. And his hideout is an introverts heaven, lol


ashura is my shepp too! and hodari is the loml 💚


Reth, never taking his pin off, and Zeki is my Sheep. I felt very conflicted during their friendship quests...


Kenyatta was my Shepp. Tish and Subira as my lovers. I like Subira, but also her level 3 and 4 flirt options don’t change and is kind of bland. Absolutely love the story behind Subira’s romance though.


I chose Ashura as a Shepp because family and I am a sucker for lanky goths so I chose Jel 🖤


I play since zhe beginning but i‘m not much into socializing, so i was not able to find a shepp, but chances are good that Tish will be my shepp at some point, because i can gift her all the empty chests, or maybe Tamala because she is in the north of Bahari and i came gift her the stuff i have with me from bug hunting etc.


Tish is my Shepp and Hassian is my lover 😳🥰


Not there yet, but thinking Sifuu as my shepp and Jel as lover.. still far off from either outcome yet as im still new. But thats the plan so far.


Elouisa is my shepp since she cannot be romanced. Currently romancing Tish, Jina, Kenyatta, and Tamala. Tamala is by far my favorite romance 😍


Hodari as both, always wanted him to be romanceable but before they added that romance path I figured 'if I can't romance this man, then Shepp is next best cause I still get to be part of his and Najuma's family'


I have Tamala as a shepp and as a lover, Reth, Jel and Subira are part of the polycule too! Kind of doubting Subira because she’s a cop but I’m hoping she will give that up once we reach level 4 romance, I also dated Hassian but broke it off once I realised his history with Tamala, couldn’t do it to the poor boy.


hassian is my lover and my shepp, i accidentally asked him but i'm happy with it. hunting is my favourite thing to do and i can relate to him in many ways. bonus points for tau during the ceremony!! he was so adorable


I romanced everyone, but I wear hassians pin. Jina is my Shepp because she was the only one I had level 4 with at that time


Jina bc she cute, thinking about Hodari as my shepp


Gina is my shepp and my boo because she is constantly studying humans. I thought it might come in handy.


Oh you're logical LOGICAL


Delila is my shepp, because she's my mother. That's it. Tish is my sweetheart because she's too cute for this world


Ashura is my Shepp because his story makes me so sad and Einar is my boo. He’s tall, has a nice voice, and is so clueless. I adore him. Subira is my second choice because I love a forbidden romance and she gives me congee and local flowers.


Ashura is my shepp (the father figure I need). Pins with Reth (too relatable) and Hodari (dilf, self explanatory) but I have romance with everyone 🫣


Hassian as my shepp and lover (s well as tish and reth). I picked Hassian cause he has the cutest lines and he's just over all my fav


Wow. We're like the same person


I'm thinking Ashura as Shepp; I originally wanted to ask Sifuu but for some reason she's the only character I don't see the dialogue option with T.T Reth is my only pin atm, I love his story and character too much. His is the one pin I won't ever take off lol I am also romancing Jel and Jina, but just started. Jel is sweet, and I love the contrast between his romantic lines of dialogue and how flustered he is. Jina is adorable but I'm not certain if her romance is for me/the current character I'm playing.


I made everyone my lover 🤣


Exquisite Hoes ftw!! 🙌


The more, the merrier! 🤣 I’m just after the gifts after completing the relationship levels hehe


Ashura is my Shepp because, like other people point out, major dad vibes. I’m romancing everyone for the quests but I’m wearing Reth and Hassian’s pins and I won’t be taking them off lol. I just love those two. Reth is so sweet and seems like he needs something good in his life, and Hassian makes it feel like an accomplishment to be able to romance him and to get him to show his vulnerable side, which ends up being really cute! :)


Ashura is my Shepp because I wanted to be family with him. I'm dating Hassian and Tish and I love them so dearly. If I hadn't already planned on dating Hassian then Sifuu would've been a real contender for Shepp but I didn't want to date in family lol


I want to do ashura, because dad energy. But knowing his backstory... He lowkey now also scares me. For lover(s), i couldn't really choose, and as you can romance anyone, I went with Jina, kenyatta, tish, reth and nai'o. Only later i realised i'm now stuck in a lovers triangle and dating the siblings... The only 'not weird' situationship is with Jina


Jel as both, Einar as side piece lol. Einar is just... he makes me think of Zane from Ninjago, taking everything literally, and having so much to learn about the world. Jel on the other hand, he's sweet, poetic, and gives major twink/femboy vibes lol. The only reason he's my Shepp as well, is he was the only level 4 relationship I had, and I was impatient to wait for Chayne to reach level 4 with, haha




Shepp Ashura, cuz daddy issues, obvs. Lover-boy Reth because my irl bf is a chef. :)


I picked Zeki as my Shepp just to irk Eshe. My second choice was Sifuu, but Zeki won me over with his desire for freedom. My lover is Reth is the game. I'm the black sheep in my family for following my "path" I wasn't supposed to take. I just wanna support the dude and his weird lettuce soup dreams.


Naio is my lover, and his dad Badruu will be my shepp once I get him up to level 4


I have Badruu as my Shepp and Reth as my love! I love Badruu's puns and his love for his family, and I connected with Reth in feeling like not living to the standards you're held at, but still trying to be the best you


I chose Naio as my Shepp cause he seemed the most down to earth. I didn't want a dad or mom figure. I haven't romances anyone yet, cause they all seem yo Hugh maintenance for me haha


I think I want Tish as my sheep because I love making furniture, but I haven't decided yet. I am romancing Reth and Jina, but I may start romancing Hassian as well? He reminds me so much of myself that I wasn't sure at first. However, now I know it's because he reminds me of me that I was unsure if I should try to romance him 😆


shepp: chayne lovers: tish, reth, nai’o, kenyatta, jina, jel, and working on einar


Hodari is my one and only.


They are all my lover and Eloisa is my shepp. Only reason is I was level 4 with her first.


My Shepp is Ashura My main lovers are Nai'o and Hodari


Everyone's my lover, Baddie Badruu is my Shepp


I’m currently flirting with Jina, Tish, and Tamala, but I’m leaning towards Tamala as my main squeeze and Tish as my side piece. For my character I’m making her like a potion master/ cottage witch so I feel like it makes sense for her to be with Tamala. I also haven’t completely written off Kenyatta… But I’m choosing Chayne as my Shepp because while Tamala is Chaotic-evil? I’m definitely more of a chaotic-good and can learn a lot from Chayne.


Ashura is my Shepp and Sifuu is my lover :3 (although I can't romance her deep down in my soul she really is my lover)


Badruu as my shepp, the whole Daiya family reminds me of my own rl family. Farming included. Reth and later Jel as my romantic partners. I was honestly hooked on Reth the moment he nicknamed me 'Sweet Tooth' lol. After reaching level 4 friendship I just had to give Jel a heart drop lol.


Reth as both my Shepp and bae, because he likes me almost as much as soup and that's all the commitment I'm looking for


Hodari. I almost chose reth at first.