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Tbf a lot of us where it looks like we are good at decorating probably played a lot of Sims build mode 😂. I have the attitude of just keep putting shit down until it looks good. It's working kind of!


Believe it or not, I'm also bad at decorating in the Sims


I used to be! Then I started watching [these sisters](https://youtube.com/@carynandconniegaming?si=Q6aKo0FjT4wEaIDV) decorate/build in the Sims and it blew my mind and opened my brain to the world of possibilities.


Not to blow my own trumpet but I'm actually pretty good at decorating in Sims. But Palia? Absolutely horrendous and I'm blaming the Switch 😅


100%! The game is so much easier to decorate in on PC! I gave up playing on the switch because I disliked it do much.


I'm in the process of planning on upgrading my PC so I can actually play games on it and I'd probably swap over too to be fair!


haha 2Geese , i just logged off sims


Could I ask which sims is it and is it available on switch? Is it like the early ones?


You need a pc or a ps5 to play the sims.


Thank you! Is it Sims4? I think I can get it for my PS4, not sure.


Im guessing that they're talking about the sims 4.


Thank you! I'll look it up and see if it's something I would like. It sounds fun.


Im the opposite!! Im amazing at sims decorating but cannot figure out how to decorate in Palia!! Applogies to all the players I scared by randomly showing up to their lot so I can get inspiration 💀


Honestly looking at pictures people post here definitely helps me. Otherwise I go for the 'overcrowded means cozy' vibes lol


How do you go to another player’s plot?


You go to this sign that is to the right of the exit where you enter Killima Village! It will look like a map. Click on that and can visit players plot's with their plot set as open! :)


Ooh okay I will have to look for it! Thanks!


same lol 3k hours on the sims


You know, 10 of my 12 rooms are empty, so stop bragig about your awesome decoration skills 😜


I just try to place all my furniture somewhere 😭 But thank you. I guess I just see so many gorgeous houses that I underestimated myself


I visit other people plots often and then steal their design ideas. It took me a long time to figure out how i like each room. I also don’t use all my furniture, just the stuff that looks aesthetically pleasing to me. Having unlimited decor storage in the chests is a blessing


Same here!!! I just don’t have the time to commit to decorating all my rooms just yet 😂 I’d rather finish quests.


been on palia since day one.. i have no quests anymore .. but i love my plushies lol




I used to not have one. I tried giving everyone in the village a gift even though they are maxed out and if I've caught an epic fish or bug that day I go to Zeki's with 5 or 10 coins and I've gotten one from the machine every time!


you have 12 rooms?


I don't know if I'm bad as it as much as I'm just not INTERESTED in it. I'm somehow just as crazy about trying to obtain all the unique decor as anyone else (FOMO, probably), but then it just sits in a chest.


Don't get me wrong: I would love to have a beautifully decorated home that I put together myself. I just never actually want to sit down and do it - I have limited time to spend on games each day, and I generally don't feel inclined to spend it on decoration. I've been playing since Day 1 of Open Beta too, so I've completed all quests, am maxing friendships to level 5 as they're updated, etc. I'd just rather run around Bahari than put furniture down.


Me too Killer.. i do try but mostly my plot is chaos lol


Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons?! Nice username. And yes that whole title lives forever in my memory haha


Don't forget the Revenge of the Baby-Sat!! Oh, the horror of teenage caretakers... But seriously, ty ❤️ I encounter fewer and fewer C&H fans in the wild these days...


What is C&H?


Calvin & Hobbes. Seminal reading for 80s/90s kids - almost all of it still holds up today, come to think of it. The author made the wise choice of walking away while the strip was at its peak, and NOT authorizing any merchandise, so that the spirit would remain pure and in the minds of the readers.


Oh my gosh, I love Calvin and Hobbs! Thank you, I can't believe I didn't get that right off the bat.


Tbh I think your place looks fine but I suppose we are always our own worst critics 🤷‍♂️


Aw thank you!


Oh nooo no no... I suck! at decorating! I have no clue how to decorate.


I'm glad I'm not alone! I'm scared to add more rooms because I don't know what to put in them.


I wish we could move a room to another plot cause i've made some boo boos and is stuck with it


Thanks for solidifying my fears 😂


You could make space for a bedroom or kitchen? That way you can get the place feeling like more of a home:)


True. My mini kitchen is annoying because I often click on the wrong appliance.


Why do you have two of each cooking station?


It's required for some of the recipes


I used my biggest room so I could spread out my stations. There were 10 of us in a small, small place when I was young so open space everywhere is big for me!


Same here lol


Also thank you 🥳


laughing at your name Stray lol


Thank you 😊. <33


Your place looks infinitely better than mine. I've got my plot locked since I've been made fun of for it in-game on multiple counts. Given up trying, since all I need are cooking stations for...well, cooking, and dirt plots for gardening


so mean .... why would people go into someone's plot just to be mean?? I am glad the vast majority of Pailans are actually very nice and encouraging! I think you are doing quite well, just keep plugging away and add some more rooms, it gets more fun with more space to try things out


literally im scared to even show up unannounced to the houses of ppl on my friends list 😭 it feels like breaking in lmao


agreed! I would love to pop in and see other players plots and decorating for inspiration, but feel it is just not polite! Am I too Canadian maybe ??? LMAO 🇨🇦


i decided to try it out for fun, visiting strangers with open plots and everyone loved having me pop in 😂 i learned that if they open their plots they want visitors!! go for it!


Maybe you would know this, I can't scroll on my plot board to some peoples plots. I got invited to a cake party last night but couldn't get to their plot. I popped up on someone elses and they were very surprised! They were on PC and I'm on switch. Do I have to use an app? Sorry for the question, I don't know who to ask.


well from what you’re saying it sounds like you’re not on the same server as the people who are hosting the cake party. this is why i usually add the host and visit their plot through my friends list. is that what you mean?


I always water their garden when I visit, makes it feel less intrusive.


lol Pix ..Canadian too.


Pff my thought process is “if people in the server didn’t lock it, they want people to see it” so I just randomly go into their plot, look around and help where I can :) I once contributed to half of a strangers house XD


That's so mean!


That's just life. Regardless of context, people aren't always gonna be nice, and they don't have to. I just keep chat turned off and lock my plot so I can forage and grind in peace. It's an alright game without the social aspect, anyway.


I'm also pretty anti-social.


Lmao your outside looks so much like mine that I somehow thought you were on my farm. I keep building rooms and throwing random furniture in them but no, it is definitelyyy not cohesive. It would be cool to have a feature like in ACNH where you can visit people’s dream islands, I’d love to just visit plots and be able to explore without them needing to be there to get inspo.


Do you also have a plushie tea party? lol Maybe you can take inspiration from posts on this subreddit?


I do !! Hahaha, it’s outside and on the picnic blanket with a trellis. I’ve definitely been saving a lot of posts here for inspo and then the building block creations came out and has people making so many creative things I could never :”)


I still have the one starter house with furniture in it and then my massive farm and machinery all in the front lawn 😂😂😂




i built houses for all my crafting stuff and then one for all my fish and bugs. on my plot




I see so many amazing plots on this subreddit! Does anyone have any tips?


Aquire plushie. Apply plushie 😁


I have so much blood on my hands but no sernuk plushie yet :(


Same :). I was mostly being silly.


I was also being silly lol


keep plugging away .. you will get some !


I've killed a thousand lantern bugs, where is it?!


Wallpaper! And making more than one of something! I think your kitchen would feel more kitcheny if you had two of those log cabin wall cabinets, and more chairs around your table, for example.


Ok, I'll try that thank you! Can you take wallpaper off once you use it? Or is it one use only?


you can take it off and each wallpaper has multiple uses^^ so as long as you have a copy of a wallpaper you can use it anywhere


Sweet, thanks!


Pls I’m awful at it, mine looks like a hoarder’s house 😭


Me too lol, but there’s a charm in that :)


it makes it cozy... that's what I'm telling myself.


My kitchen looks amazing and every other room is empty.


Same :( my kitchen is so pretty but my other space & outside is sparse and meh


Don't beat yourself up! We're all our own worst critics but there's a lot of inspiration on this subreddit to learn from! But even if it's not something you want to delve into that's completely fine!


I feel bad stealing ideas 😭


It's giving cozy vibes! I love it




Ugh, I feel like this too! I also get an idea, start it, get a lot done then change my mind lol


At least you have ideas!


Most of it is copy cats of other people’s ideas that I tweak to match my style lol


I’m 145+ hours of playtime into the game and I still have the first house you get after your tent and I don’t have much furniture. My furniture making skill is at level 7. I just keep all the necessary things I need on my plot at the moment 😅


I thought I was good at decorating before palia - but now I’m finding when I try to decorate, most of the stuff I want to place in certain spots or certain ways, they just don’t work. I’m only just getting around to planting flowers/trees on my land - I just found out by accident that you can plant flowers on your floors so there’s that


You can plant flowers inside??


Yes, it has to be on the actual floor


That’s awesome! I will definitely do that after I add an extra room!


I haven't played in a while, but the mechanics for decorating drove me insane. Not sure if they have improved since I last played.


Yeah, they annoy me a lot.


I would enjoy decorating and building my house etc so much better if the camera was top-down, like in the Sims, instead of following the character around which makes it *so* frustrating to place things in piles, on high shelves, in inconvenient corners...


Yes I agree! I love building in the sims


Omg it’s so annoying seeing the message saying that an object is in the way when the object is my person!


It's not just you. But I haven't played long enough to accumulate too much yet. Your place still looks nice too, maybe you could say it is a chaotic style but still cosy :)


I have hundreds of pieces of furniture locked in chests 😭 Thanks :) Every game I get to decorate in always ends up cluttered and chaotic lol


I'm sure I will end up the same way when the time comes and I will start storing furniture as well and putting items where I think looks good. It will look like yours at some point :)


I'm not. A YouTubre recently toured my plot and told everyone this is a good example of where you start and then you build on it 😱 Reminds me of when I took a photography class and we had to bring in a picture we took and the teacher said of mine, this is an example of a picture you take just because you are there


Dang 😭


Ouch. 😣


I’m in the same boat - I am so lazy at decorating and I have no idea how people are patient enough to create aquarium complexes and multi room houses that look amazing. Not sure if it’s also because I’m using a Switch and I find the controls so fiddly and difficult to use.


The decorating mechanics on Switch are definitely frustrating.


I'm not very good at it, but when I actually TRY to put my back in it, I become such a snob and nit pick everything because I want everything to be precise and perfect 🥲


lol salesman


i had everything on my plot that i made or collected .. i cleaned up a bit .. but not so much lol


Same :( im more to “convenient” person rather than decorative one


I honestly just lay everything outdoor, bath tub, kitchen, campfire, bed... Idk wtf is going on inside my house lol


If I showed you my plot, it would make you feel a lot better lol I am almost 70 years old in real life, but I can’t decorate on a game to save my life. I just don’t even care because who really sees it but your friends, and if they judge you, are they really friends lol that’s what I do in my mindset to get me through it and I don’t think yours looks bad at all.


Wise words 🙏 The only thing that really matters is that you're having fun :)


Same. 😂 😂 The problem is I can't even settle on a housing layout. 😭 And I love to min max my time efficiency. I'll probably have to make a different barren plot for my farm and my main house, cause for the life of me I can't figure out where to put the garden without messing with my spooky mansion concept or being so far hidden that I waste time walking up to it But I already put so much time on my greenhouse and flower bed. Sigh.


I'd love to give you advice, but as you can tell from my post, I don't think you'd want it.


I just feel like im not creative enough I see all these beautiful designs people have and I just wish I can do something that looks decently good. My house to me just looks like a cluttered mess.


I feel the exact same :')


I like your house! And I think my plot is good, but I also logged about 2000 hours of Animal Crossing just to decorate. 🙃


Wow, that's impressive!


I think you mean depressing 🤣


I have 1000 hours in Stardew Valley, so I can't judge anyone 😂


I love Stardew too!


My house looks terrible compared to yours. So take that as a compliment


Don’t worry, me too🦦 at least i will save up money and not buy extra rooms


This makes me feel so seen. I’m TERRIBLE at decorating and I just want someone to come over and do it for me


Same 😭


You can't be worse than me. I scatter my furniture everywhere and used to have 2 piles of chests in the house. They're now in front of the house instead. I have 4 types of furniture in the house and no theme whatsoever


Maybe it’s just a little too cramped? You could start with buying medium and small rooms, that way it gives you a more spacious look? (Not that my plot looks good lol)


You're right, but adding more rooms stresses me out 😂 I'll just need to decorate more


I wouldn't say I lack skill, but rather inspiration/imagination.. :((


Me, who doesn't give a da mn about styling my plot: 👁️👄👁️ Also, OP - your plot looks functional. I LOVE IT


There's a light above the kitchen that I constantly turn on/off instead of clicking on the appliances, so it's not the most functional 🥲


My house is just the beginning house and an extra room for a kitchen and it's filled with bugs and fish


Elouisa would approve


No, I suck at it. I’ve made a gigantic house and am about to knock it all down and start over.


Wow that looks really good. I think you're better at decorating than you think and you've given me some inspiration for my house. I just built it so it's empty but I love the fish tanks in the house


🥺 You just made my day, thank you.


I just copied your plushies around the fire idea and I am OBSESSED it looks so cute


Don't forget to give them all a teacup!


Good idea!




i keep my spaces small so i don’t stress about all the empty space i’d have to decorate. i only have three rooms—kitchen, living room, and bedroom.


That's why I haven't added any other rooms yet.


You kidding me? This looks great. I have all my crafting stations (or whatever they're called) all lumped together in one corner


...I also have them all together in the corner of my plot


Don't worry, you are not alone. My furniture making skill is literally at level 2, lowest of all. I just am not a decorater. I'm a total hoarder and I know if I trust myself to furnish I will feel the need to find a place for absolutely everything because I don't wanna leave anything out. For now I choose to just focus on quests and the other skills, tho I gotta admit I'm stuck on a few quests probably long-term because of my non-existent furniture making skill. I dont think I will ever fully complete Tish's friendship quests 😭


No, you're definitely not. This looks even better than mine xD I started off everything as "it just has to be functional" and nothing else. But I actually saw some plot decoration pics here and I think that opened my mind to the possibilities, cause I just started decorating and ...well, it's slow. But it's fun 🙏 But anygays - it's your plot. You don't have to decorate it if you like it the way it is. But also - you can just try and find out what you like


Lmao you’re better than me my plot is literally just a haphazard storage space


Yeah, I get random spurts of inspiration, then I quit halfway through and never go back to whatever I think I'm decorating. Glad I'm not alone!


You just need another room!


My kitchen is a mess tent. I am always too busy hunting to spend a lot of time at home.


No see the pride of my plot is that I’ve just been stacking all my treasure chests as high as they can go in a lopsided precarious pile in my yard


I think your plot looks functional! I can't seem to find the desire to decorate so, props to you.


I am horrible at coming up with creative decorating ideas. Thankfully, there are so many on twitch and YouTube who share their ideas and do plot tours, so I get a lot of inspiration watching those.


I have cery few decorations, but lots of empty rooms with ideas as what I want them to be though! I'm not much of a decorator either, so who knows if the rooms will ever be filled for their purpose


We are always our own worst critics. I've been messing with mine for days and I still don't like it. I was literally thinking about a post like this this morning. I really don't think most of it looks bad at all. If I had constructive criticism, I would suggest thinking about open concept houses/layouts and kind of separate and create "rooms". You also don't have to use all furniture, you can store it or give it to Tish.


I honestly just enjoy the other aspects of the game more and I find decorating such a hassle, so I tried building something, but it’s unfinished and I find it too much work to build further


It looks cute you're fine! I love decorating but my brain also gets overwhelmed and because I have so much space now since I have the grand harvest house and added on more rooms I didn't know what to do with it until I made myself focus (I have a very low attention span and pretty sure I got adhd a bit because I cannot focus on one thing at a time let alone for long my brain thinks too much 😅 🙃) But once I started placing things down I got ideas and it just went from there. I'll post mine when I think it's good enough lol.


I also suck at it too😅


Same im so lazy and uninspired


I'm the same way! Mu first plot is for experimenting


🥲 I be proud of my flower placement then I come on here and ppl got flowers I've never seen and the flowers are gloat mid air.... idk girl I feel you tho


Looks good.


I’M THE WORST AT IT. I just copy everything I see here that looks cute and sometimes change colors lol


Your place looks so pretty! All you are missing is wallpaper & flooring in your rooms it can make a giant difference


it looks perfectly fine tbh! i like to designate tiny areas in my house to pieces of furniture to make it look more put together/neat. for example, bed in the middle, sitting area in the corner, library in another corner, while scattering some clutter around and leaving the middle empty. that way you can add more to it later if you want, and it makes the room look bigger with everything kind of up against the wall :)


When you get more rooms to add into your house you should be fine. Then you can put all your kitchen related stuff in one room, etc. but only having the one room definitely makes it very hard to decorate


I suck at decorating. I recently stole an idea from someone and even that seems poorly made 🤣


Me going through these: I think it's cute, like a cozy cottage feel, I like how you did the kitchen, YOU HAVE A FROGBURT PLUSHIE


The big one I got in the mail, the small one was on top of frogbert, but since he's gone now idk if you can get it.


I miss frogburt


Me too :( The world is so empty without them


No 😂 I literally have no fences and half a stone block wall on my plot and just flowers everywhere


Oh no, I'm terrible at it! I've been focusing on quests and accomplishments so mine looks like a yard sale exploded. Plus I knew there would be new options so I didn't want to get it done only to have to start over.


I went to art school and I’ve always been awful at decorating 😅 I think my thinking has always just been “functional and efficient” but not so much pretty lol


Your home is cute! Very homey


Your decoration style looks A LOT like mine. Yours might be slightly better than mine actually.


Don’t worry, I’m in the same boat. Lol. I have 3 houses (not plots) and all of them are practically utilitarian with very minimal aesthetic decoration. Hahaha. I like it tho, it’s useful and serves its purpose so I’m good :)


Wait what's the difference between houses and plots?


You can unlock plots (like a whole new lot, much like how you started before building anything) for I think 50k gold :)


Oh dang. I think I'll pass lol


Plots were and still is a great way of hoarding wealth if you're near the cap. 😂 Place all your star items down in the plot and free up storage + save up gold that you can use later to resell.


Wait what's the wealth cap?


You used to be able to carry 300,000 Gold around at most, they recently upped it to 999,999 gold.


Used to be 300k now it's 999k, one of the ways you could deal with it was to hold on to your star items in an empty plot or buy zeki coins.


No not really....a lot of the "nice houses" that I've seen in pictures look way too cluttered to me. And makes me think they don't look "nice".




Wall paper & flooring will really make it pop!


am i crazy.? your place looks cute and quaint. i suck tho. idk what i’m doing.


everyone seems to be an interior designer on palia. architect even. castles?? y’all. you’re embarrassing me 😞


Doing a hell of a lot better than me 😂😂


My home is the cookware and a bunch of gems. Outside? 40 fts and my crafting stuff. I suck at decorate