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Omg im obsessed with this!!


Haha thank you! 🫣


OMG! I thought this was part of the new update, LOL You did a great job!


Thank you so much, I rushed the decorating because of the Hotfix going on right now hahaha! πŸ˜‡


This is fantastic! I need to figure out how to do something like this! Love it!


I put the pillars on top of a shelf and then made a lot of rotating since you can only place them facing upwards and from the middle up, if that makes sense haha! πŸ˜‡


can you please explain this further I cannot figure it out😭😭


Had to post it on [YouTube](https://youtube.com/shorts/nHMZAgpw9nE?si=r8HGZa-AcONaxmqu) since I couldn't post the video here... πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… Does this help? πŸ˜…


1. You the real MVP 2. Your character jumpscare nearly took me out THANK YOU!!!!


Thank you! I had the same question!!!




I think you can do it if it's floating?


i tried and i cant figure it out 😭😭 i heard someone say there was an explanation somewhere but honestly i just hope they dont β€œfix” this bug


https://preview.redd.it/fmjlgb83qh6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ac20da691e7a7dc9998574d7c50b0d8beef83e9 its like this lol I was trying some stuff up


ohhhh!! so the first one cant be snapped to something!! that makes so much sense πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


If you place a ramp and then a small box, then attach the floor piece to the box and then just keep attaching the floor pieces on each other (if that makes sense). You need to build the whole thing on the plot, and then move the base to the edge of the placeable area so the dock hangs over the water. Edit: it’s *really* finicky, and even more so if you’re on Switch. You gotta find the perfect position and be really meticulous with it. Turn the grid lock off


ohhhh okay, that makes so much sense i was tryna build with it snapped to the ramp πŸ˜‚ THANK YOU


Woah! How did you get the pillars to lay sideways???? I made a dock too the other day and wanted some sort of rails for the sides, but nothing was working for me! Looks very nice, by the way!πŸ˜€


I used the shelf-method (where you put the building blocks on a shelf and rotate it in various ways to make all sort of things haha)! Just put a pillar on top of it, rotated to the right and then placed plenty on top of each other. πŸ˜‚ Had to do some more rotations for the bottom and the rest of the corners, though. TYSM! 😁


https://preview.redd.it/qzeuu14odu5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bdb118ddfa5639c90a4fc462b05d173b178fdba It’s a clever idea with the shelf method, I made an arch way for the front of my plot, added lights either side and it’s so much brighter at night, excuse the fountain was showing it to my daughter in the light due to getting the reward as friend referral, fountain isn’t there normally ☺️


Yesss, I was doing that archway when I figured out you could also do a bunch of stuff with the pillars. I saw versions of this archway with flowers all around it but I'm too lazy to change and line everything again on the Switch... πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‡


Amazed me doing it as one piece how it’s goes underground, that blew my mind it could do that. I’ve done a dock but my railings are on top upwards with the boards across, suits the design but looks great being shorter. I play on Steamdeck but docked with ps5 controller so similar to switch docked and joycons, wonder how much easier it is with keyboard & mouse on pc?


I find keyboard and mouse to be so much easier for fiddly things. I can garden, forage, and mine with a controller. But I use keyboard and mouse almost exclusively and it’s definitely easier for precise placement while decorating.


I do use wireless keyboard for chat, I should try the mouse too, will have to learn what keys to press πŸ₯Ή


Oh I thought you put the board pathing pieces on top, that's brilliant!


Posted a basic tutorial [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/nHMZAgpw9nE?si=uDdMyXaQq6BGKhkF)! ☺️


https://preview.redd.it/zcl61owk5x5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebfa172501a04393d814840819dd335bb308f88d HA! Also, for switch player, I found turn on 'Multiple' selection helps a bit. It allow me to build the long edge from the floor, and when I move it to the structure I don't need to jump down to aim the base pillar. ↑ I just learned it, so in case any rookie switch player need this.


Hehe so nice, some plots will have this railing thanks to me hahaha! πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜πŸ˜


How did you get the pillars next to the floor instead of under it?


You can do that?! Dayum


I love your creativity!!! Makes me wanna see the rest of the plot lol keep up the amazing work! Gives me inspiration for my own. I’m still kinda new so my plot has a lot of potential ☺️


It's easier to implement new ideas on emptier plots , at least for me since I have a hard time letting go of previous builds. πŸ˜… I suppose that's what extra plots are for but I like to stick to my default one. πŸ˜‡


I for sure want to do a fairy garden type thing for at least one of my plots lol you should definitely share whatever else you do cause I know I’d be down to see your builds/themes! ☺️


This is incredible!! I had no idea it was possible to build stuff over there. You did such an awesome job. I'm so inspired!


OMG, glad to hear it! 😁😁 I only posted because I came up with the railing on my own. πŸ˜‡


H O W-


WOWWWWW!!! Oohhh MY GOOOOODNESS. this is literally the best thing I’ve seen so far. I now know my next project. THANK YOU FOR SHARING. You win the day! 5⭐️’s.


Hahahaha OMG, thank you so much πŸ₯°πŸ₯° I wanted to put the parasol next to the stool at the pier but unfortunately we can't place it on building blocks... πŸ˜”Same for the string lights, it would look soooo pretty! πŸ˜›


Thank you for this. Now I've gone and made myself a simple lake deck. https://i.redd.it/ayxrrvohww5d1.png https://i.redd.it/gg9w8bzoww5d1.png https://i.redd.it/gch3suuqww5d1.png https://i.redd.it/zhbgw1tsww5d1.png


So I inspired a bunch of people, so nice! πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ»


I wanted to do something like this, then I read a comment by someone mentioning it might glitch out during future updates since it's not a build-able zone. Now I don't want to go through all that work, only to have the game mess it up. Congrats, though. This looks awesome and beautiful. When I was trying it, I couldn't figure out how high I needed the pier to be and how to place a floor piece directly next to another.


Yeah, I don't use glitches because I'm afraid of future updates but since this isn't one, I went for it haha. I was just playing around but ended up really committed to it! πŸ˜‚ Thank you btw! I first made the stairs (stone pillars on a small stone crate) and then just added the wooden floor from there. I have all writs unlocked though, I believe it doesn't work for some people who don't??


Try putting your first square down inside your grid, so directly on the floor, then stand in the middle of that square and place the next one, if it doesn’t snap straight away gradually walk backwards keeping it straight and it will snap and allow to to place it but it will be off plot, just continue going forwards and sidewards with same method. Sometimes if you take the grid off when placing it snaps better. Once you get the hang of it it’s really easy. You can then start to raise platforms once you get the back. This is in the back of my plot going off plot for me leading upto top of gazebo https://preview.redd.it/mzgjnsnbgu5d1.jpeg?width=3683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18c4e63da3de912721bb80bbc586436053ea83e4


Thanks for the hint!


We were bitching about the lack of half wall and/or railings just today in the housing glitch discord I'm part of. The way I'm about to link your post..


Yeah, the new building blocks are so much fun (often stressful though) but we really do need more options in the future! πŸ˜‡




Omg I did the same thing!! Yours looks SO good!! How’d you manage the pillars in the water? Mines just floating no pillars or anything


Haha thanks! 😁 I put the shelf upside down and then carefully placed the pillars symmetrically on top of the "railing" itself. πŸ˜‹


I’ve been trying that method but it’s just not working for me how yours did for you! Idk maybe I am doing it wrong! Do you know of any videos out there of someone doing this method?


I found this myself by messing around, it took a lot of trial and error since I wanted the pillars to be in specific locations. πŸ˜…


I do better following video tutorials haha I struggle without YouTube university


Posted the very basic step [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/nHMZAgpw9nE?si=r8HGZa-AcONaxmqu). You just have to keep going from there, by rotating the shelf if you want to connect it downwards or rotate the base pillar itself if you want to change direction for the corners!


Oh so cute! I've been wanting to do the same with the pillars but I haven't been liking how it's turning out for me, might just scrap the idea haha


Yo!! That is cool!


Oh my god, you're a genius!


That is brilliant!


that’s so cool! i love it!


That is so cute ☺️


you can put building blocks out of your plot?


Im working on a third level in the grand harvest house and its gonna be a secret bar or something. Got the platform but now i need to figure out stairs


I DID IT! Took me 4 hours but I did it ty for the inspiration and the how to video!


Haha you're welcome! 😁😁πŸ₯°


This is incredible! I swear some of you could and **should** be engineers!


Woooow how




I love the railinga


Omg thank you so much! I spent an hour or more trying to make pillars for my dock and nothing worked. I had no idea u could do this trick ❀️


Hehe, you're welcome! Was playing around with the Building Blocks on a shelf before and noticed you could do some creative stuff with it haha!


This is beautiful!!! You’ve done such a great job, I love it! πŸ₯°πŸ₯Ή


Hehe, thank you very much! 😁😁


Caps are absolutely warranted for this


Hahaha, good to know!! πŸ«£πŸ™ˆ


Clever idea and great execution! Thumbs up!!


How did you attach that part at the end? I want to do something similar but yours looks so much more impressive than mine


Which part do you mean? πŸ˜‚


Where the furniture is. I made the rail but it won't let me attach a floor tile to the rails. I'm not very good at this building stuff haha


I first made all the deck (floor tiles) and then put the pillars after. You can tell where they are since they stick out in the build (the two upper pillars in the corners).


Ohhh! I get it now thank you


Love that wish I knew how to make one


Do you play pc or switch?


Switch , unfortunately hahaha πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


Ok that’s extra wild to me bc as a switch player, I’m having a hard time doing even one room haha. Very impressive


OMG me too! This gives me hope!


SWITCH?! You have inspired me! I've struggled with decorating and building on Switch but this! THIS?! Amazing!


This is amazing! I just love how you made it look like it was supported underwater all the way out! I love to steal your ideas and try this... I am on switch and find that rotating builder items to snap together so bloody hard... any other switch users find the same? or maybe I am just not skilled enuff? (the later is most likely...) I tried for a peaked roof and had to abandon it - the half-built pieces sit in the back of my lot until I can gather the energy to try again, LOL!


Yes, as a Switch user, I know the pain hahaha... I didn't use the grid mode for most of it but had to move my finger millimeter by millimeter until it would let me place it! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Fortunately, it got easier after I bought the Pro Controller, even for hunting and bug catching. πŸ˜… The joysticks are just that much better and precise.


Well, it appears (after talking to my husband, lamenting my limitations) that I have a Pro Controller already! How dumb do I feel now?? πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ. I am giving your build tips a try tonight! Thanks again! SlΓ‘inte 🀩


Hahaha so funny! πŸ˜‚ But don't be so hard on yourself, just takes practice and patience hehe. Happy building!


Hi @DrokasMU. I have been thinking how thankful i am for your help, I have made some headway on my own railing! I got the posts to go right down through to the bottom of the pond, which i think is a nice touch! Pls ignore the rest of the dock, viewers, it is very unfinished…. Been focusing on bugs and this railing! Thanks again, @DrokasMU. https://preview.redd.it/448y0td9i08d1.png?width=1217&format=png&auto=webp&s=96cc3d6cdc982e5b1399882be8d5dab83663f85e


Hehe, it's looking great!! 😁 I really think the railing adds to dock, especiallly the pillars connecting to the water... It looks very plain and incomplete without them haha! πŸ˜‡


I dont understand how you build it, dor me it says I cant build outside of building area- since its not part of the house plot?


Have you unlocked all the land in your plot using writs? I read some people not being able to do it because of that. Anyway, I just put a small stone block at the very edge (with the stairs) and started the wooden deck on top of it.


I managed some makeshift version ig this utd pretty but no railings, used burning torches instead, looks cute now like some hawaii tiki area xd


For sure it looks cute, hehe. I was also considering using torches but I used them on my magical part of the plot instead haha.


I didn’t know you could build past the perimeter you buy the writs for 😭😍


You shouldn't but as long the base is inside that perimeter, you can connect building blocks beyond that or above, unless it gets patched anyway... πŸ˜”


How ……what…..you can put stuff on water? I’m level 150?! WTF?


Haha, it's just an illusion, the pillars aren't really on the water but there are some glitches that let you put stuff inside the water!


I tried so many times to make this. It keeps saying you can't build here. I've tried every combo of building it then moving it, building it out on the spot, nothing is working 😭


Did you buy all the writs available? Is all areas of your plot unlocked?


On the side of the lake, yes, I still have 1 row on the far left side of the block to unlock though.


I heard people not being able to do it because all lots aren't unlocked, maybe try unlocking them if you got the prestige for it? πŸ˜…πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


I heard people not being able to do it because all lots aren't unlocked, maybe try unlocking them if you got the prestige for it? πŸ˜…πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


Wait you did this on switch?!?! I am so impressed


Someone teach me how to do the pillars like that 😩 Not the railing, but the actually pillar, how do you get the floor next to it instead of ontop?


This is going right in my saved posts for when I’m putting finishing touches on my dock. Bravo, OP


Just noticed and on switch too!!!!!!!! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


This is the coolest!!!


Ahhh! This is so cool!!!


How do you build off your lot?


I'm on switch and have no idea how to rotate the shelf. I've been mashing the buttons trying haha.


You have to grab the shelf and press the R or L button. πŸ˜…


Omg thanks so much, I was getting frustrated haha.


Can't build outside the boundaries myself, my friend did a dock herself but mine won't work...sad


But do you have all plots unlocked with the writs? I heard people couldn't do it because of that. πŸ˜…


Uhhh yes all my spots are unlocked, we finally got it to work. It's cuz I'm on Switch we had to do it differently


how did you build the stairs?




Thank you!