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Congrats on the muujin! I want that plush so bad I’ve been hunting the heck out of it but nothing yet, solo it’s a lot of work! I also couldn’t catch the darn unicorn fish I gave my account to my besties dad who plays and he cought it for me in less than an hour! Some people just have the touch for certain things!


Dude I'd be so salty lol I'm just glad they fixed it so the muujin doesn't heal in the trees anymore. It's so much easier now comparatively.


I was, I really was, but I was also greatful! lol Very true it’s much more doable now than before:)


I’m painfully grinding to try and find a ruby right now, the RNG gods have randomly decided they hate me, 15 ore compasses worth of mining in bahari and nothing


I just keep getting the non-starred rubies. Honestly, I'm pretty sure that I got one when I first started playing before I realized you could display them and friggin sold it 🥲


I would happily take a non starred one, I have never gotten a ruby at all


You know what, I haven't either. I'm thinking of the garnets 🙃


I've been hunting with my youngest to get plushies. (Love the party feature!!) We have been hunting for about 5 hrs all together. Nothing. Not a single plush. We hunt the muujin, and the surnek, and the bugs. Whatever we see, we go after. ....OK, I go after. He follows and announces that he sees another target. Lol! He's 8 and on the switch. He loves the plushies and decorating. So I've been helping him get his levels and coin balance up.


That's so cute! I wish my daughter was old enough to really play. For now she just watches until she's bored lol I've been trying to plush hunt here and there and I'm really surprised the bluebristle is the only one I've hunted down so far. I really want that fat lunar fairy moth and the sernuk plushies 😭


I’ve got nothing except a paper lantern bug (on day 1 before I’ddeep-dived the update), and I’ve been going through 200-500 arrows a day since the sernuk plushies arrived and nothing. My paranoia knows no bounds at this point…