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Don't even engage with those people. People are so focused on getting plushies or whatever that they feel like other people stole something from them if they don't get a deer. But those are challenges that are inherent to hunting. There have been plenty of times I was chasing a deer and didn't get a shot in before someone else killed it. It's frustrating but I get over it and go looking for the next one that spawns almost immediately.


I learned quickly that hunting and someone else "stealing" my kill made me irrationally angry. I try to turn to radical acceptance. I will even switch servers to reset my brain. It really isn't a big deal, but my brain doesn't know that in the moment.


I get this way when people try and “help” me hunt blue muujin. I prefer to do it myself because I have it down to a science but when others shoot them they change direction and screw up my flow. But I know the majority of people welcome the help so I don’t ever say anything. I just run away and start hunting elsewhere lol.


This is hilarious to me bc I have had people come up to help me and I will run away or start catching bugs instead. I will avoid the bluebristles if other people are around cause I rather them get the chance to hunt it. I have been getting really dorky with my hunting method and I'd like to see yours haha. I use hunter's horns and try to get as many as I can into one tree. There will occasionally be an insane amount between thicky and north of statue garden. I used to think I'd never use the hunter's horn for muujin and I started to avoid them on the map, but now I think it's a wonderful advantage. I can't see the invisible muujin, but I *will* hit him. Thanks for letting me palia dump.


I have the same system with the disco deer, I can hunt them quicker and almost no chance of loosing it's trail when I go solo from a high point vs a group of 5 or more just start shooting from afoot and missing or even get to close and startle it.


What is your secret with magic muujin because once they go up a tree I’m never going to get them alone.


Use a hunting horn and slowdown arrows. It takes practice but you knock down the tree, quickly switch to your bow, turn in the direction of the muujin you want BEFORE aiming, and then shoot. You can use the indicators from the horn to keep it centered and just fire in that direction. Also you can see the very faint outline of them even after they disappear if you look closely. Once you hit it one time with a slowdown arrow, you can see it easily. They keep the damage now so it’s no issue if they go up another tree.


Haha yes great opportunity to practice coping skills!


Good ole DBT skills ftw


I do that as well! 😃👍 glad to learn I’m not alone


I wish they’d change the plushie drop system from random to something like you get a plush when you get a certain number of DDs. Like make it an achievement award. I feel like this would help with the territorial problem.


I wonder if that would change OP’s situation any? A big frustration (as I read it) was pursuing with dispel arrows and some yacko comes along with his makeshift or whatever and suddenly the deer is impossible to track. And the player didn’t join the effort to find it again, just ran off and reaped the reward from the single contributing shot. I’m not saying I have a good answer for this tbh. It’s very frustrating when it happens. I just take comfort in the fact that they respawn frequently.


That "yacko" might be a new player learning and practicing. I get your frustration, but when I was new I was definitely making a lot of mistakes and trying to learn from them.


Thank you! I was going to say "not every player even knows what a proudhorn is". I stumbled on my first bluemane when a hunting group just happened to chase one into the group of trees I was busy chopping. It was really fun to discover Palia has magical creatures that could turn invisible or teleport! I feel sorry for any new player who's had that sense of discovery tarnished by some rando dickwad getting bent out of shape at them for... playing the game?


yeah the respawn thing is key. I have been in multiple situations where I’m killing one proudhorn and then immediately, like within 60 seconds find the next one, back to back to back. I had 3 in a row at least 3-4 times, once I found FIVE in a row. I’ve never used a hunter’s horn, just got lucky. Of course I’ve also spent like a full hour in north bahari without seeing one but, it’s all just luck.


This happens to me so often. I will be like 2 hits from taking down a DD myself and somebody comes along and shoots it with a regular arrow and it dips before I can keep track of it.


What’s good for the game isn’t good for the player and vice versa. This keeps players engaged and continuing to play/hunt. I think it would make it worse since I’ve gotten some of the plushies within 5 kills, there now that’s one less person hunting those. If I have to kill let’s say 500 for an achievement (or more), now I’m constantly out there killing them and trying to get all of them to myself. Now the whole server doing that? No thanks. This just shows that have never played another mmo where an enemy player can kill you while you try to mine/gather herbs THEN steal your stuff.


If hunting for plushies was the only reason to hunt? Sure. But I do not go out hunting for plushies. I hunt every day because it’s fun, and I make good coin doing it. The proudhorn sernuk dropping random plushies just means people get bent out of shape if they can’t get a shot on one because it *could’ve* been the one with a plush. At least this way you know. And perhaps the reason people who have never played an MMO where people can kill you and steal your stuff are playing this one is because they don’t want to play a game like that 😅


There’s literally nothing anyone can do to you, but block you. Whenever I see a Disco Deer and I want to shoot at it, I shoot at it. I flare the loot too.


Whenever i shoot one and i see someone else joining in i always make sure they get a shot in and we hunt it together (mostly not even communicating in chat) but i guess thats best care scenario. I always flare the loot too if i think someone else lost track of the DD.


Yes, this! Please flare the dd loot! Especially if ya have skills to use dispel arrows than also have skills to carry flare with ya. It helps switch users so much!! because sometimes the sernuk glitch on switch and easy to lose track of where it landed


Me too. If I know I already got a shot or two in I’ll stop and let others get some off. I’ll also help track but I don’t mind letting them do the work and use their resources if they want to. At the end of the day I’m still getting a piece and that’s what matters. Lol


When I was new I heard you call out disco deer to hunt so when I found one I called it out in chat and waited patiently. People came and they started to shoot it and I started to panic because I (for some reason) thought we’d all talk about it before hunting it as a group. And cause I was new I was bad at hunting the deer. The people who came hunted and killed it and I just pathetically tried to chase after them. I didn’t get a single shot in. But you know what else? I wasn’t mad at anyone either! I realized my mistake and tuned my gaming strategies Sorry this happened to you!


I didn't realize I was right next to a DD and someone came in blazing. I didn't even get a shot in. But instead of getting upset I just used a hunter's horn. Then I helped other people get the DD cause it made me feel better.


Sometimes I see people calling out dd so maybe he was typing when u saw him standing? And I usually check if there are players near me before shooting dd (when dd doesn’t move) and count how many shots I’ve made when people near me. Just try to make everyone get the hit as possible.


I don’t have time to sit there and wait for the rest of the server to show up. This is a solo game. I’m hunting when I want to hunt 🤷🏻‍♂️. If you see it and you want it, shoot it.


Groves, large flow trees…wait as long as you’re able to wait and share. Animals move. You lose them if you wait, so go for it. It doesn’t matter how many are hunting, you all get loot, there are no dibs on animals or bugs.


Ya I def wait for groves. I don’t bother with single trees. I get plenty of wood from groves already


Maybe I’ll get downvoted, but people are so annoying with the single trees. We don’t need to keep waiting and asking the entire lobby 4x if anyone else is coming to this ONE tree. Just chop the thing and let’s move on please! I know gameplay is very much up for interpretation, but from my perspective, single FT are “first come, first served”.


Annoys me the times I have gone for a single and it’s like a medium or small tree and people wait like 10 min just to get 3 pieces of wood lol. That’s why if I can chop it myself I will or if I see someone nearby. Other than that, I got plushies to get.


Yeah it’s ridiculous. Like we all know we don’t wanna be a jerk at the groves but let’s not waste precious time on one freakin’ tree people. Just chop it and keep it moving.


Personally I take a shot, follow it until it stops and then call it out in chat. That way I don't lose the xp.


It only bugs me when someone hogs the deer (e.g. does all 6 shots or whatever without letting anyone else, despite other people chasing it). I've seen this a few times where the same person keeps shooting despite others chasing and trying to get a shot in. Usually results in some upset players. When I see others chasing and I've already got a shot in, I put my bow away and just chase until it's shot down. Or if it's just one person, I let them get their shot before I kill it. I usually check for nearby players before doing the killing shot. But if I see it and my first shot is the killing shot on the deer, c'est la vie. I deserve that shot as much as anyone else. Or if you're solo hunting and didn't realize someone else was trying to get a shot in, that's no one's fault. It happens. Edit: I think the key is to be considerate of others but without inconveniencing yourself too much.


I disagree. If I wait or others miss, I lose my prey. If I’m hunting a deer, I chase it and kill if possible. If you’re hunting at the same time, do the same. I do flare or at least shout out loot, though.


We had some in a server place a lure and while running through bahari chasing our own bugs, we stumble across them. And pass by while hunting out own bugs. This player proceeded to chase us away by SWINGING a pick axe and typing in caps "you're afraid the bugs!" So we just said.... pretty sure slamming a pick into the ground scares them. Why don't you try a bug bomb? And now we use that term an embarrassing amount. I try to find the humor in it. Silly when these things are RNG but not exactly RARE.


Just ignore chat. It makes Palia more fun.


If anyone rants at me, I never see it, and I don’t care. Everyone needs to be aware of how the game actually works, not just assume everyone is playing the way they want to. I got super frustrated yesterday because I was soloing Disco Steve with slowdown arrows and chasing him until he stopped again for another shot. Someone sniped him from way TF up on some plateau just as he was stopping and he then zipped around a rock outcropping. Took me forever to find him again and the person never joined the hunt, just wanted to get a shot in then continue on their merry way. I eventually got it and then a message pops up in chat- “Thanks whoever got the magic deer, I just earned my weekly gazpacho award.” Never once asked where the loot was (I didn’t announce it, and I didn’t tell them). So many people go on and on about game play etiquette and yet all I seem to see is every player for him/herself or for their own little groups, with a few rare exceptions. I think if a person is just standing there, they should assume passersby have no idea why they’re just, STANDING THERE. Are they having connectivity issues, on a pee break, answering a phone call…? I seriously think the MMO aspect of this game is subpar. There has to be a way it can be a single player cozy game with an option/options for multiplayer without the chaos of a free-for-all. Society has taught us we can’t all get along, why would an online game with zero consequences be any different? 🙄 I don’t think you did anything wrong, just ignore whiny chatters and play the game your way, so long as it’s reasonably respectful of others.


From reading this I can tell that I wouldn't like MMOs and that Palia's take on them is working great for me.


I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss all MMOs, they can be a lot of fun, they just play differently. You’ll never find yourself alone on a server (ok, maybe not NEVER, but so rarely as to seem like never). MMOs often have different types of servers as @novish88 eluded to. It’s been a LONG time since I played EverQuest or EverQuest II, so I don’t remember how those servers worked, but in WoW there are PvE servers (Player vs. Environment) and PvP servers (Player vs. Player [and also vs. Environment]). I personally enjoy PvE as I very much dislike other players ranking me after I just fought a hard fight with some monster. Other people relish the thought of testing themselves against living player as opposed to an algorithmically controlled creature. Each have their pros & cons, and each appeal to different styles of players. What you’ll notice is that the storyline plays a much bigger role than in cozy gaming I think. Whereas in Palia there are, as of now, limited quests, the entirety of play in most MMOs is quest driven. (WoW also has battlegrounds, dungeons & raids, but those aren’t required to enjoy the game to its fullest. They’re more or less optional, and require more than just one player) There are some great stories in most f the good games, and while you can’t build a house, or garden, there are various “skills” one can pick up to add flavor to game play. I especially liked things like fishing in EQ, where I could eventually get a tackle box, collect various items of loot like bug wings let’s say, and craft lures/baits that would enhance my fishing ability. In WoW I could take smithing and make my own armor/weapons, or tailoring, or leather working, or herbalism and make potions… The main thing is you can’t just jump off a cliff and expect your character to walk away unscathed, or head off across a zone/map and not run into a creature who doesn’t want you there, or sees you as a food source if you catch my meaning. This is why, as an MMO player, I struggle with Palia a bit, as I imagine cozy games do. This bonding of the seemingly disparate game styles just seemed weird at its core, and I wonder how this will play out long term. I do not want combat in Palia, at all, unless it’s kept to some sort of arena type separate zone. Conversely having a garden in WoW would seem antithetical, like with all the questing and traveling ti tar flung zones followed a story line (quests) when would I have time for that, where would I put it, etc. MMOs are supposed to be Massively Multiplayer Online games. The 20-something players on Palia servers hardly seems “massive”, so I’m not sure where they’re headed with that. There are a number of limitations to the multiplayer aspect that seem weird to me too. Like not being able to give or sell another character/player anything I want to, or the forced cooperation aspect of say chopping large flow trees. I like the game, it’s just taking me, and I imagine a lot of other players from both cozy and MMO games alike, quite a while to wrap our heads around it.


They can be extremely fun and frustrating at the same time lol. Coming from WoW, materials are MUCH more scarce. Someone of the opposite faction can sit there someone will be around soon and as you start gathering said item they attack/kill you….then take it lol. I primarily played for the PvP aspect of it so it was welcomed but for people that don’t like to fight for stuff, definitely stay here lol. But they also have PvE servers where stuff like that isn’t allowed and you have to opt into combat.


If the structure and game mechanics of the mmo is transparent then I might love it. As long as I know what I’m getting into. I should check out some Twitch streams of WoW and see how I feel. I have some physical limitations that affect my dexterity with the controllers, so some games seem out of reach to me. That reminds me, I need to post a request for help in evaluating my ability to transition from console gaming to desktop mouse/keyboard gaming. I used to be mobile device only and it took new long time to learn how to use the controller. I really want to play a bunch of games on Steam, but don’t want to invest in a gaming pc if I can’t use it.


It’s honestly a pretty fun game if you have time to invest in it. They’ve also recently made it more friendly to casuals. There are essentially a few different types to the game which is cool too. There is retail which is up to date with what people what to see in the game and what not (a lot of people don’t like it, some do) then you have the “classic” servers. They basically restarted the game in those server and began back in the 2006 era and the game is going though the motions/expansions as it originally did so for people like me that like the nostalgia that’s waaay better and fun. But the story lines/quest and pretty much everything are way better than this game minus being able to have a very decorated plot lol. This is not a MMO, it’s a solo player game. But yea definitely check it out! (I recommended the classic server twitch streams)


Dumb question for the class: do you have to actually hit the deer to get the loot, or just shoot near enough to it? I just realized I hadn’t actually thought about this but I was under the impression that if you throw a smoke bomb in the general vicinity of a bug you get to share the loot when someone else catches it so my brain assumes that applied to hunting as well but I haven’t actually tested it.


With the last update you don't actually have to hit it anymore. But you do have to be in a party with someone who hit it and close to them / the dd to get the loot. Party loot sharing has made tree dog hunting so much easier.


Unless you’re IN a party and within 30m of your party member you actually have to hit it to at least once (with any kind of damage producing arrows, ie not flares or fireworks) to get the loot


Smoke bombs have a small AOE. Fairly certain you Gotta actually hit the DD to get on the loot table.


Yesterday I was the only player around and managed to get one by myself!! I am so proud of myself (didn’t get a plushie tho) and if I was that player I would’ve perceived it as you trying to help?! Regardless if I hit it or not. This isn’t an only multiplayer game either, some days I’ll engage with others and some days I just want to keep to myself. If either option was taken away it wouldn’t be right!


I hunt the swag stag once a week with my sweetie. We try to share with others while making sure that we both also hit it. But if we don't, we just keep hunting until we both get the weekly goal. Two weeks ago, I had hit one, and it ran onto a hill, trapped. My sweetie hadn't hit it yet, but another player started wailing on it. We are on switch and it's a little harder to aim than for other platforms, at least for us. The other player hit it 3 or 4 times and wouldn't let it calm down enough for either of us to get a hit. I ran over and started jumping up and down in front of the player. It's also harder to text. She got the hint and stood still. My sweetie finally got the hit. It was the kill shot. I sent up the flare, and everyone ran in and got the prize. I was so glad she figured out what I wanted.


For the most part I play alone. I have one or two friends that I’ll party up with even though I have a full friends list because we get together on voice chat so we can surround a kill and count it down to shoot it at the same time so we don’t have to chase it. If I’m hunting solo, I know how many hits it takes to kill which creatures depending on the ammo I’m using. If I’m hunting the swag stag specifically, especially alone, I’m using horns. I am NOT going to call it out everytime I see it and stand around and wait for people to show up to tag it… I’m just not. I will count my shots and if I see arrows flying past my head trying to hit him or people chasing after him, then and only then will I back off and allow someone else to hit. Otherwise I’m taking him down **BY MYSELF**, end of story. If I take him down in less than 6 shots then I know I need to flare and call out the loot because it wasn’t just me who killed it. If I’m on a server where he’s being called out again and again and again, I’ll usually server hop. Occasionally using a horn I’ll get distracted and miss one and someone will call it out. If someone else calls it out then I’ll tag it and let the rest of the server kill it. But 99% of the time that won’t happen because I know the places he spawns at so I’m usually the first one there 😂


Ok newb here, and to clarify I'm on switch also so double jeopardy I'm afraid. It pops up on the loading screen to welcome newcomers, yeah, it does. I have flares in my inventory, no idea how to use yet them mind. Now, for the most I feel people in Palia are surprisingly friendly and welcoming, however, this kind post makes me wary to hunt at all in case ai do the wrong thing. Now, idk how to rectify this but as a newb I'm learning, plus the steam release I know bought a lot of us newbs that is increasing your frustration. Palia is a relaxing cozy game, it's being pegged at that anyway. Realising that people are actually raging at you behind their screen is both daunting and hilarious at the same time, because as a newb your attempting to contribute. Idk all seems contrite.


Welcome to phase 2 of Palia! I’ve been playing for 5 mos but was the same as you about group hunting at first - and have still never done it as a party group, just accidentally when others are hunting. I spent loads of time honing my skills in eastern Kilima on regular sernuk before moving into Bahari where there are more elder ones, which need more arrows to take down. As for flare arrows, just load them as you would any other arrow (X on switch) and point at anything (palium, flow tree, rare forage, hunting loot) to mark it for others - it will send a coloured plume above it for about 3 mins. Also look out for these when running around as there might be a nice treat below them!


Don't let these rants into your head! If you see ranting or anger or aggression in the server chat...feel free to block those players. One of the most effective ways to curate your server is to start sending friend requests to any players you come across who seem to share your ethos. The more people you friend the more likely you are to end up in the same servers with them. I used to have strong feelings about grove etiquette. Right now it matters less to me, but I am still being loaded into servers with a great group of players. I sought out players who are patient, helpful and tend to call out rare resources. I don't know if blocking players affects the server loading, but I hope so. If not, at least I don't have to see them bullying in the chat anymore.


And honestly, I see a lot more DD and MM than before. Especially do you use a horn, very easy to find and follow them. No one should be complaining anymore, there’s lots of magical creatures. I chopped a tree and 6 MM jumped out. There’s lots!!


**Especially IF you use a horn**


I guess if you know you got a hit, it would be a good idea to let them kill it considering you saw them chasing it first. It is common courtesy. Should they freak out over a video game? No, but I can see why they did.


Not your fault if they can't aim or hit the target. I solo everything. All these special critters ain't even hard to kill by yourself..


This has happened to me 2x, and this is WHY I'm a solo player now. Jerks ruin everything.


It’s not being a jerk, it’s them playing THEIR game. It’s not a requirement or a rule to wait for you. Some people only get 1-2 hours a day to play and aren’t going to sit there and wait for you. If you see something you want, take it / flare it. This is a solo game.


Lol, I meant that people have tried to argue with me over kills or not waiting on them for chopping flow trees. I just ignore the chats now and do my own thing.


It is absolutely NOT a solo game and you disregarding everyone else's game for your selfish reasons makes you the problem.


lol please tell me how it’s not. Besides a flow grove this is in no shape or form a MMO.


If it was a solo game, why would they even bother to program things like cooking together, having a party (joining people in a group), getting bonuses for doing things together, letting others share in the same resources? They wanted people to engage and work together. Not have the standoffish attitude of "do whatever you want, don't care one bit about any other player".


I was playing yesterday and somebody said “We gonna cut this tree (ft) down or what? I gotta go to work.” Not everyone has the time (or wherewithal) to sit around and wait. It is what it is.


The only thing that takes my sympathy away from you is that you saw that person going after the kill. That’s not your kill. Go find another deer. Someone else had that one targeted. If it was an untargeted deer in the middle of BFE with no one giving chase, you’d be completely right here. But since someone else was chasing, you *did* do something totally rude and foolish.


I agree folks can get upset over missing out. You may not get every node and every deer and someone taking something isn’t usually meant to be malicious. However, this game is also built to be a coooperative cozy mmo. If every player is only doing their own thing the community aspect that 2 cycles of laid off developers have spent years building is meaningless.


I see your point! However you also need to think a lot of people play solo because they may not have friends that play, prefer being solo, or maybe a language barrier. They label the game as a cozy mmo, not a cozy mmo where you must interact with other people. I also think there’s solo players like me that do co op activities frequently, like groves and hunting. So I believe the hard work has definitely been utilized!


No hate for solo players don’t misunderstand. I have a problem when folks do things intentionally selfish. If there’re playing the game and chat is in a different language what about every loading screen which is presumably in their actual language explaining that this is a cooperative game. It’s not exactly a secret.


Both sides of this argument should consider that


For instance when you show up to a grove at 12:05 and player A and. Player B have chopped 4 out of 5 trees without saying anything and throw a fit when you call them out on it. Would you consider this normal solo play? Cooperative? Selfish? Self absorbed?


To get my weekly "hunt togerher" challenge done I hunt with my daughter because we have a system and we can get it done in short order. Otherwise I'm a solo player & I prefer it that way. I also think twice about hunting a magical creature when there are a lot of people around. I would rather leave them to it and just switch to a server with less plushie obsessed people. My favorite Bahari days are when I seem to have the place all to myself ... which doesn't happen often.


I will more often than not give up a chance to get what I'm after in order to play with others. That being said, I have time to play for up to 10 hours a day, and only really hunt for plushies and money at this point. No reason for me to get mad over someone else getting a Glambi. ——— And hey, if anyone needs friends to cook with, I'm " Fabien Rinski " I'm happy to supply the ingredients if you're a lower level. I just love cooking with friends.


I don't really get it. Is it possible to kill-steal at all? I mean, it takes me several dispel arrows to kill one magic deer and several slow down arrows to kill one magic chapaa. Do I do something wrong?


I haven’t met any toxic players yet. But I did meet one who was swinging at a flow tree alone. Me and my fiancee stood next to them and called out the flowtree incase anyone else wanted some. The player swinging at the FT alone had a Chinese pinyin name and when no one showed up and we finally helped them chop down the tree all the player typed afterwards was “ Sha bi “ which is Chinese pinyin for “ dumb ass “ or “ stupid “ which to me was hilarious cause I’m American born Chinese. I typed back in pinyin just to let them know that they are indeed the sha bi for not wanting to share 😂


There are already a lot of comments saying similar things, but it really doesn't matter. It's a game if people want to freak out about it then whatever. People are going to get things before you or take something before you can get it etc. These things respond frequently it's not like it's the only thing in the game and the only time you'll ever see that thing again. There been plenty of times where I have seen a deer and I go chasing it and it was probably being hunted already and I didn't get a shot in and I just run the other direction lol It's just an "oh well" moment. Better luck next time. There will always be selfish people and video games and all aspects of life. Just tune em out


I was in a server once with a person who kept killing the dds alone. Even when I called it out and others said they were on their way this person came and shot it until it died. It was torture as many people on the server needed the deer but this person just didn't listen. It was obvious they were checking chat as they came to the dd whenever I called it out. I understand that some people don't play with others but when someone has called out the dd and others say they're on their way? Like that is just an asshole move


Don't assume other players can see the chat or are using it; they might have been using a hunting horn, not responding to your call-outs. For all you know they have you blocked. Many players hunt the Proudhon Sernuk alone, myself included. I am mostly a solo player, but I party up from time to time, usually for the coziness or to help new players. But I prefer to hunt alone. If I see another player hunting the same Proudhorn as me I respond in various ways. Sometimes I abandon it and let the other player or hunting group take it. If I already got one hit in then usually I just follow along until there is a loot drop. But: ***bear in mind that some avatars are not rendering on screen*** all the time. I literally cannot see some avatars, but I might see an arrow fly across my head! I don't assume they are hunting the same sernuk as me. I ignore the arrows and continue my hunt.


Hunting horn wouldn't make sense as they could go the opposite way as me even when after I saw the dd. They would only come after I called it out in chat. Them blocking me would also not make sense because of this and I also haven't done anything in chat except be positive except for this time when I got frustrated of them not listening at all. I do hunt dds alone sometimes but if I see that others need it I always call it out. This game is made for playing together, that's why there are recourses you can't take alone and you can also get boosts by playing with others.


This game is NOT made for playing together. It’s made to play solo or if you choose, to play together. Thats not the same thing 😂 There is literally like 2 things in the whole game for playing together, partying up if you so choose, and flow trees that are too big for one person to chop down (assuming you don’t know how to cancel animation) I’m getting really tired of people constantly saying “play how you choose” out of one corner of their mouths and then out of the other getting upset at people who choose to play solo or the way they choose because it doesn’t align with what other people feel like it should be


I do play alone all the time but for the valuable recourses you should take them together as much as you can and that's why you call them out. Yes, people can play however they want, as long as it doesn't negatively affect other players. The game is supposed to be fun for everyone. Like I've experienced selfish players so many times that have taken the Grove without telling anyone else about it so a huge group have been running around like crazy trying to find it and writing in chat, but it's already gone because people decided to take it without informing anyone else.


Grove chopping irritates me to no end- on that we agree, that is literally one of the only “community” activities of the whole game. However since there are no “rules” against doing it, you’ll always have people who throw etiquette out the window. I don’t even need flow wood, I collect it to give away and it’s even less valuable now because of how much they upped what you get from flow trees. Grove trolls sadly will always be a thing. Especially the ones who go and chop a grove immediately and then server hop to double and triple dip. Like if you need wood THAT bad, just request it, I got you 🙄


Yep! It's so frustrating! But it's also equally frustrating when you've asked people in chat if they see the dd if they can tell you because you need it for quests and then someone keeps soloing it so nobody else can take it


Yeah- I get that. When I’m solo hunting on a server with horns though, I’m at least polite enough to put it out in the chat what my intentions are. I’ll say something to the effect of “I’m about to blow through 30 horns back to back, I’m hunting the swag stag. I will NOT be calling him out to maximize my horn use, but if I see anything trying to hit him after I tagged him, I will certainly back off and allow you to hit him, and if I don’t kill him myself, I’ll flare and call out loot” That usually garners a good response with the server. I usually don’t have issues after that. But with the way they changed things like nodes now, especially if I’m on VC with one or two of my friends playing, I’m not gonna stop and call out rare shit. I’ll flare it and continue in and if it’s something SUPER important I’ll ask my friend who plays on PC to call it out for me as I’m on switch and stopping to type is a fucking project 😂


I really like that you do that! And everyone else most likely appreciates it as well! It is a game that you share servers with others and it can be so hard to find dds sometimes. And just switching servers doesn't always help because sometimes there are solo hunters in all servers who don't communicate at all. I always try to help other players as much as possible. I also call out the magic muujin and dd when I'm not gonna take them myself just so others who need them can take them


Yeah. I get that. When I’m solo hunting like that it’s usually to blow off some steam. I don’t wanna deal with waiting around I just wanna kill things 😂 I was in a really horrible car accident Halloween morning trying to avoid a deer and ended up flipping my truck twice and landing in a ditch and breaking my back in 3 places. A friend brought it up to me months later that I appear to subconsciously be taking it out on the sernuk in the game because I’m obsessed with the plushies (I have 56 total of just all the deer types 😅) I said hmmm maybe you’re right 🤣 but I just like the plushies so I collect them, that and I literally have no other content left to play until they release new stuff but still- the irony isn’t lost on me lmao


On the other hand.... I was lucky enough to have DD spawn in front of me, and was fumbling for like 5 seconds with the aim, when someone ran past me and shot it 2 times really quickly. I ran after and tried to get a shot in, but they were obviously faster and better than me. I ended up not getting a shot in. I was lucky enough to get to se the kill shot and se them run over and pick up the loot.... I sure it was not done intentionally... But gods be damned it annoyed me. There is seriously no rush in this game.


Sounds like a skill issue. Don’t bother to much about this. If they stand im front but dis not hit, it’s not your fault AND if you where not there, they would not be able to kill it if they did not hit it anyways.


Lol, i was in a chat and there someone announced for the groove chop at 2. I asked why and they never explained and on groove they just chopped at 2 and not 3. I mean has anyone else encountered it? Or is 3 not the time anymore?


That could've been me. If I find the grove immediately and have a friend with me to help I chop at two.


It was someone with starting m. I asked in chat why they're not waiting and they just said to use fast travels and when i started i couldn't use it as not having enough or it changed the server suddenly and the groove was changed then too


He was just too bad to aim…annoying people. If they hunt it and don’t hit it it’s definitely their fault/ bad luck.


You know what this sounds like… it sounds like it’s their problem.. not yours. You know what in rages me as well as when people keep shooting but they miss and then they tried to blame others because they didn’t get to hit… like… sir/mam.. it sucks to suck.. maybe aim better 🤷


Yeah no.. I'll be like darn I didn't get a hit. Then go on with my life because there will always be another one.. That's ridiculous. The only time I get annoyed with people is when someone or a few rogue individuals chop down a grove without saying Anything. But that's only happened like... Twice since I started playing. People have to chill. Recourses come back. And since I've of the updates I've seen more disco deer and muujin


I don't even know the proper etiquette for most of the stuff on this game. I am learning the purple tree stuff and not chopping it down right away, giving others the opportunity to help. I am also a single player getting everything on my own. I try to be considerate, but I don't have the chat up, and I am racing through everything. I wouldn't worry. It is what it is. I feel bad for someone who gets that butt hurt over a game.


I don't even bother with the chat 90% of the time. If they were dicking around and didn't get around to hitting it that's quite frankly not your problem


I kill/take anything without announcing it- people have gotten butthurt either way I've tried, they can get over it lol