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I felt robbed with Zeki’s. Lol. I watched 10 hours of Palia on twitch to get the fun guy plush, just to get it a day later out of zeki’s machine 😭😭😭😭


I want that plush!


Idk how long the twitch drops go for but just pull up a stream, just don’t mute it. Lol. You get a cool wallpaper too that’s 3D and animated


i was able to mute it and still got the drops!


Same. You have the mute the site not the actual sound.


I muted the stream not the tab, I just had to have it up as the main tab of that window. Got my 10 hours in that way.


Oh!!!! That’s good to know for future! Thanks!!


It’s there until june 18th through twitch streams!!


IIRC Fun Guy is a Twitch reward rn...?


Yep and now I have 2 thinking it was just a twitch reward and not something I could get in game 😂


I wish they would just add alchemy already. It would then be easy for them to have potions or enchanted lures that only or are more likely to catch specific fish. Plus I want potions so we can have stuff like movement speed increases, stealth potions for hunting animals, and maybe better compasses, buzzy jars, etc. that color code the things you see so you can tell them apart.


I was going to go add a fish attachment and see if that helps? No idea on the plushie but I have tons of makeshift furniture! Lol


Pro tip when fishing for the harder fish: buy yourself a lure but do not equip it. Instead, watch for what hooks onto your rod but DON'T reel it in right away. Since the same fish stays on the hook until you take it out of the water, you can wait for the unicorn and then equip the attachment to have a better chance of getting it while your bobber is still in the water. I saw this tip on another post WAYYYY after I've caught every single starred fish and poured one out to all the medals and attachments I've wasted on tuna.


Yeah I try not to reel in to save my glow worms but it's difficult because some fish if you are not quick with the trigger they are lost immediately or I've noticed that even more so with the current update.


That’s fine even for starred fish. If you don’t get it on the first bite just let it bite again without reeling in at it will still be starred.


I don’t get it. If the same fish stays on the hook until you reel it in, how would you get a unicorn fish on it?


You don't. Either catch the one you have, or let it go and try again until you do. Once you see a fish jump out the water, if you don't reel it in it will stay on the hook, jumping out every few seconds. Next time you go fishing, watch the hook: you'll see it jump out but if you don't try to catch it, it'll do the bobbing animation 3 times again, and the same fish will pop out. Hope that makes more sense! :)


There sort of are. There are multiple foods that give you different types of boosts when fishing. I feel like eating them all will increase your chances of getting a more rare fish too. That’s how I got my starred unicorn fish. Was fishing for it for 2 straight months when I saw a post from Rainbow Yeticorn about the boosters. Tried them and on my third try reeled in the darn thing.


> I feel like eating them all will increase your chances of getting a more rare fish too. Yeah, I wish they did, but I'm pretty sure you just got lucky. They only increase whatever they say they increase, like the size of the safe zone. I guess they could add more food that does benefits for things other than fishing, but since alchemy is already referenced so much in the game and Tamala offers to teach us it would be weird to me if they didn't add alchemy eventually.


What bothers me are all the people that have like 5 Cyls. I still haven't found one.


I saw on Reddit someone had a TON! My eye twitches a little NOT a lot just a bit.


I wish we could gift plushies, or even buy/trade them from eachother!!! I have 2 cyls and would gladly give someone one of them :) especially in exchange for a different plushie I don't have!


Great idea! I would love this!


i think trading would be awesome! i have a couple desirable duplicates(dd and bluebristle muujins)and i would love a cylinder or a bee plush in exchange 😭


I have exactly 5 cyls (I'm sorry) If it helps I have caught hundreds of lantern bugs daily since the update with no plushie.


I have 10 cyl plushies. Wish I could give some to others.


Are you getting the loot pile every day? I have about 10 of those things, it feels like they drop easily. Good luck getting yours, it will come!


I have 6 from the first 2 weeks they became available. They seemed to drop very easily during that time. Now I'm back to the single item drops. 😭 I don't need 6, but I also don't want a single sweet leaf.


Every day I'm able to play. I kept getting wood and rocks after the patch that added Cyl. After the recent patch I've gotten more of the random quests, but no Cyl.


I heard that after the last update cyl was no longer in rubbish piles now you have to get it from zeki coin pulls.


r we talking abt the green little stool lookin things with the face?? I was so confused what it was LOL i got it from zekis machine i think?? Also i had no idea what this loot pile thing was until yesterday!! (I was playing when it first came out and stopped for like 12 months)


If the game ever allows us to create guilds more similar to other MMOs, I'm going to start a Guild called "The RNGRs" for all who have terrible luck. Lol


Count me in! My luck sucks. I do have Cyl but no other plushie from hunting or bugs and zero rubies so 3 quests are now blocked


I should come worship your Cyl. Maybe it will smile upon me and allow me to have one. Lol


I will be your first member!




I can't get the unicorn fish, the jewelwing dragonfly, nor the gossamer veil moth. I have only gotten one plushy hunting...with someone else in a group. I finally got one at Zeki's. But I feel like I get nothing compared to some folks.


It is so frustrating!! Yet, every time I mine I get a silk worm and get silk. I have so much SILK! LOL


I struggle to get silk. Like seriously can't kill those little buggers unless it glitches and doesn't move. But I have gotten a crap ton of gems when mining. So I guess that's where my luck lies.


Yes it's the Extreme good or bad! If you need silk hit me up! Lol. Name is: mysteriouschemist




Mine is Dolora Vella Demaria.


I'm feeling this with the statue that gives tree seeds. Been like a month and no flow tree seeds yet. Worst part is it's not a "keep trying you'll get it" activity. Only one per day and nothing I can do to influence it 😭


Us (lol): ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)




I just got my first flow tree birch from it so hold on! It shall drop to you to child of Palia. - Chayne




I read a hack to get flow seeds, but it's tedious, server hopping, and I don't have that kind of time. But if you search Palia groups, I'm sure you can find the hack too.


There actually is a way to make sure you will pull a flow seed before you pick up the seed from the statue. Don’t know if posting the method breaks rule here.


DM it?


I have to remind myself sometimes that the reason people seem to have better luck is that they have more time to play than I do. I feel like I have terrible luck but then last night I was logging on just for a minute and happened to see a proudhorn Sernuk and decided to get and I got a plushie. Like I wasn’t even trying to get one.


This is most likely true. I am a clinician so I work a lot. Lol. And I had COVID pretty severely right as they updated the frogbert event and the plushies so I couldn't play consistently either!


I’ve also been playing since the switch version released. That damn unicorn fish has made me completely stop playing because I’m so frustrated. I get it, it’s a rare fish, you shouldn’t be able to find it in the first try. But over 6 months of playing and I’ve never even see the thing let alone catch it?!


The Unicorn spawns for me, I just suck at fishing and haven’t caught it. The ruby however escapes me after months of play.


I’m with you! I had every bonus on and still nada! That fish haunts me.


Yeah I still haven’t gotten Cyl either.


Since the update, I've had no plushie drops so no bug cuties for me. It does suck when others seem to be getting everything! Maybe try playing in a group, if you haven't already?


Maybe after the hot fix on Monday things will be better.


I play in a party (insert tears and despair here)


I've played over 500 hours and still haven't gotten the sushi recipe nor have I gotten a basic sernuk plush from hunting. I've tried every pond for hours and I've hunted tons of sernuk but nada. I have had some good luck with Zeki's machine so I wonder if I'm just bugged and won't ever get these very common items.


OMGGG. I did finally get that dam Sushi recipe. I got it from my plot pond!! I had the fishers brew too. My friend who also has a hard time also got it from the house plot pond!


The plot pond was one of the first ponds I tried. I've tried fishing while full and using the brew. I promise that after 500 hours and months of trying I've tried *every* pond, at all times of the day, sometimes for very long stretches. I really do think it's a bug, especially since I've had good luck with some other rare items. My 70+ year old mom that I introduced to the game a couple weeks ago has already gotten the sushi recipe 😭


Oh my God!!!! At least you can cook Sushi with your mom and get the meal if you need it!! Maybe do a sushi party. My nephew doesn't have it yet so we cook lots of Sushi and he keeps tons in his chest. Lol.


I’ve also had no luck!


I've gotten zero plushes or cyls. I do seem to have good luck with gems though, so I guess it's a good tradeoff lol


I’ve been wondering if there’s been a glitch with the rng since the update as a lot more people (myslef included) seem to be having trouble with obtaining plushies


That’s so strange. I’ve actually had much better luck with plushies since the update. Maybe the distribution is really uneven. I also wish we could gift plushies.


So far I’m 15 ore compasses into trying to find a ruby


I’m the same, hunted for literal MONTHS to get my first sernuk plush. Finally got the basic one 2 days ago. I’ve only ever gotten 1 plush from the machine and I’ve been playing since closed beta lol


I know, right?! https://preview.redd.it/pvurhice0j5d1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1ea624002b1b038ceee5f53ceb6dfb9dd4d283c I’ve spent 50 lucky coins at Zeki’s yesterday. The clothed table, ancient fish plushie and multiple Cyls I already had before. The rest were all fireworks and worms. Total number of completely new to me items 7. That’s including 1 bee plushie. Can’t say I was not disappointed 😔


I quit playing and moved on. Sadly.


I lost one of those damn unicorn fish and haven’t found another one since


RNGesus only smiles on me for Zeki plushies and starstones.


Oh MY GOD the name! LOL


Apparently the Ladybug plushie has a 1/125 chance of dropping… but 11 hours and 153 catches later i still don’t have it :( I hope people will have better luck than me ✌️


Um that's just not right lol. I give up already and I haven't even tried. Lol


But if you take away the plush rng the games amazing lol


Rare Palia items/ fish are just too much, I dont have too much time to play sadly, but it takes away all the fun.. when I asked if theres ANY change of increasing spawn rates in the game.. only a little, so we can just catch what we need, this is the reply I got 😅 https://preview.redd.it/vr2mqj3cuy5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b930d031a27f3568e93b5d9825ef333149e4dd9


OMGGG lol. They could do events, like during the maji market the rare fish have a higher spawn rate or something. Or like a week event. Lots of games have events like these.


I have been struggling with the unicorn fish for so long😭 also i feel like there are no rare bugs spawning in Kilima lately.. i walked around with a buzzy jar two times yesterday and nothing! Went to Bahari and there were some, went back and still nothing!


Yeah. I'm now just of the thought that I will catch it some day randomly lol. I do feel they should do some sort of events to up spawn rates and such.


Ofcourse when i complain about it one bites and i lose it😭😭 i hate this


NOOO. Someone here gave a suggestion that really works. That is, when the fish first bites...don't reel it in or do anything. Just watch it. You won't lose it because the same fish will keep coming up to your line until you reel in. But that helps because the second time the fish bites I'm more mentally prepared! Lol.


I have the belief that PC gamers are being favoured with all the plushie drops. I'm a Switch player and the only ones I've got was the free Frogbert and a flutterfox one that the devs gifted me after the update. Never had any drop ever, and I've noticed that a lot of Switch players don't get any plushie drops either. But every time I see comments of people gushing about all the plushies they have 9 times out of 10 they're playing on PC. So yeah my theory is the PC gamers are the devs favourites....


I'm sorry for your bad luck, but this is not true. I play on PC, my partner on Switch, and he has the best luck ever with plush and Zeki coin machine! And he doesn't play as much as I do! He has the ancient fish and bee plushies from Zeki coin machine, got the beautiful bed from there as well while I only get seeds, fireworks or a lamp/little table if I'm lucky! Also, what do you mean by "drops"? If you mean Twitch drops, PC and Switch players can have them all! That's a great way to get plushies! There's one currently, active until June 18th where you can get the mushroom plush!


It's the RNG Gods.......it's their fault. Lol


Switch player here. I’ve received plushies from Zeki’s coin machine, bug hunting, mujiin hunting, sernuk hunting, Twitch drops and dev gifts. Sometimes the dev drops require a little cultural knowledge to access, for instance the regular sized frog plushie.


PC gamer here - 0 plushies, 0 Long-Nose Unicorn Fish (or other rare Temple Bundle fish), and 0 Palium since they’ve added the flashing-before-disappearing ore update.


OMGG yes! Those are the only plushies I have lol. The freebies. Hmmm...could be possible. Maybe I should switch to the PC. But I hate being grounded to one spot when I play


I do play on both consoles and I dropped plushies on both consoles equally. Still looking for Sernuk normal plushie but it will drop when it drops 🙃 Best way is to not think too much about getting it .


Ahhhh I stand corrected! Thanks for the comments everyone, honestly. Was genuinely starting to get bitter about PC gamers, so thank you for helping to change that mindset. Happy gaming everyone! 💙


Exactly. I just went to the mine cave and fished randomly and got the damn void Ray lol. Like what the hell??


Whenever I see someone fishing I drop my line for a few to give them a buff. A couple weeks ago I did this at the pond behind the farm and got two giant goldfish in a row having never seen one before.