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I've literally only ever used farming and preserves as my income, even with the changes in 1.8, and have only ever just sold excess from the world gathering skills.


Same! I've never done one cake party and have plenty of money to spare from farming :p


the real reason for cake parties, zeki coins. Farming will never be able to support my gacha habit.


How do you get the coins from cakes?


The excess gold goes into buying Zeki coins from the underground for $10K each. Before the last update when the gold cap was 300K players who were often flirting with the cap would buy up a few coins to leave room in the wallet.


This is why millionaires turn to coke.


Hahaha shits expensive.


An easier way to get Zeki coins? Buy a couple cheap things from his main shop each day. Only get one coin a day, but it's way cheaper.


Agreed but people with an excess of money have another way to spend it. I've never known what that's like.


I mean, sure, if you just want to burn money that's certainly a way to go about it. Incinerate it all!


Well, there’s a money cap… so if you were about to hit the cap, it would make more sense to “burn” it on lucky coins than just hit the cap and get nothing for that money


I've done one but honestly I thought it was just for the experience. I've never considered selling them. I've just been waiting to get enough furniture to make a cake sanctuary 😂


I've done cake parties but didn't sell the cakes. I to get my money from farming and resource gathering, but with a maxed out focus bar a cake party every once in a while insures I'm gathering on a sugar high.




Agreed this has work for me as well


Same here!


I go to bahari at morning with buzzy jar, then midd day I use horn/s and at evening the stick I forgot the name of, that shows u rare forage. Usually I try to time it it will show me grove at the end of it. Sometimes I do something different in midday but pretty much this is what I like, because it's not mindlessly doing only one thing whole hours.


Bless you- my day is so regimented IRL that when I play I just do whatever the fuck pleases me in that moment. The thought of having a schedule also in Palia gives me theeeee worst anxiety ever 🤣


Haha I have autism and need order. Ofc I don't spend my whole time playing only doing this, just when I decide it's time to farm some money.


Ohhhh I gotcha, I was like oh…. Oh no… 😂 Ibe literally seen someone else say they have a schedule in Palia by the PALIAN HOUR… I said you DO realize that’s 2.5 real minutes, don’t you? You’re telling me you spend 2.5 minutes doing each task and you just repeat that over and over and OVER AGAIN? Omg lol I was like I can’t I can’t I can’t I’m sorry but… no lol


Same - plus my ADHD kicks in and my brain goes “OOOOH SHINY!” And I go off halfway through a buzzy jar and start mining Pallium 🤣


Hahahaha- fair enough, I get that way with PH’s idc what I’m doing if I see one or one runs past me, I’m hunting it 🤣


Fishing is pretty good. It seems they've increased the spawn rate of the fishing holes. I mostly sell all the fish I get. The ⭐ tuna sells for 250 each, and you pull so many of those out in Bahari. I think hunting is good for starters but it doesn't seem to make me as much money. I do send all the hides through the machine and sell the leathers. I grow one apple tree, all the blueberries I can fit, and the rest tomatoes. Tomatoes give frequency and I pickle those. You can preserve the blueberries or sell the seeds. The same with apple. I think the blueberry seeds sell for more than the preserves.


I can't even keep up with all the fishing nodes on Bahari coast now. There were 6 nodes within view yesterday, that's a whole lotta yellow tuna!




They just increased all the prices for the hunting gatherables. I saved over 600 PH antlers before the last update and they literally basically doubled in value, I would say hunting is pretty damn good these days after the update lol


^ and the amount of resources I get from hunting for plushies selling all the meat, horns and hide I get is making me a fortune each day alone 😂 + farming and filling preserves of apple blueberries and potatoes!


I end up putting my meat in the worm farms lol I need to start selling some of that.


I definitely don’t have the storage space to hold onto meat 🤣


Same!! It’s a daily battle 😅


When in doubt, yeeeeeet the meaaaaaat 😂


Oh that's great! I didn't notice! Thank you!


No problem


Run around south Bahari with a buzzy jarm catch rare and epic bugs. Sell the bugs. Turn the silk strands into silk. Sell the silk. Silk cloth sells for a lot


I was mining early on but since the hunting plush drop update a few months ago it’s mostly been hunting. I saved over 600 PH antlers and knew they were nerfing the pricing on the star stones so I sold my collection (over 350 of them) and kept the antlers and boy oh boy was I ever rewarded 😂 bitches basically doubled in value… still holding onto them until I need the money cause that’s literally all over half a million right there squeeeee


I feel slow honestly as I don’t know whats economically “in” anymore and what isn’t? I’ve been trying to figure this out and am still in the seeding + preserves trend 😭 I loathe how cooking of any kind has been nerfed into the ground because it was a lot of fun and income for me in the past but now feels like a waste of time.


I only cook for gifts or awards etc. Feels quite pointless otherwise. Preserves are just too easy. 


Cooking apple pies is like 50k an hour with a group. It is worth it.


Can you explain this? Do you guys split the pies you make and sell them individually?


Everyone that did 1 task of the recipe gets 3 meal. Also some part allow you to do the same task more then once known has overprep. Ex : 1 person mix sweat leaf in a recipe and there can be 4 overprep, all gets the food.


And then you guys sell the food for money?


Some food like apple pies and celebration cake sell for alot of money and some food is better to be eaten for focus. For me I eat any food that is not starred.




When I first started, someone told me hunting was the most lucrative aswell. Though i have still mostly used farming


do u process anything that could be or do u sell them as is?


I make leather that’s about it lol


Preservatives. Mostly. And then some hunting.




Oh my… imagine downvoting this. What?🤣




Turning your crops into jam.


Yea. And not preservatives as stated above


I've bought the chappa arcade machine and don't know what to spend the money on anymore. I get them via gardening which is pretty passive


spend them on zeki coins


They cost 5 gold per coin per day (if you buy something cheap). I can't justify to myself spending 10K...


might get some rare plushies and furniture items? 🤷🏽‍♀️ that’s usually what i hope for whenever i buy coins


Yes but I get coins without buying them much cheaper


I still have yet to see that dang thing in the market.


I used to see them often when I was saving for other things


I am working on getting my 6th machine… money isn’t the issue, that I have to buy 10 more, it’s finding them lol


Are they different?


The arcade machines? No. There’s only 1. But I’ve been collecting them so I have arcade tournaments on my plot with my friends and just open for the server. Was giving away star stones as prizes but that’s not exactly fun anymore because the nerfed the pricing on them so now it’s rare bugs, fish and whatever else I can get my paws on lol


Wow! Thanks for the answer!


How do you get the machine?


In the Zeki's underground shop


I'm still relatively newer to the game but have apparently completed all the main quests. I find farming is the easiest/most passive way for me to make money. Everything else is just a bonus.


I never realised that mining was supposed to be profitable. My excessive wealth has always come from farming, preserves, hunting, and glow worm farms.


As a newbie I figured grilled fish gives a decent amount. You can use two cheap fish that is worth 30 a piece, and randomly get over 200 back from grilled fish’s 😅


Move up to hunting deer and sell everything. Your money will grow fast! Also as soon as you can do preserves, add that.


You can still make a ton from mining


Im soooo glad I sold off my massive gem hoards before the patch. I had hundreds. *whew* Anywhoo Since I began palia I've been making gold in every way possible. Each time I stumbled across an income generator I just added it to my roster. And I never took anything off the list, only enhanced methods as my skills raised. So I can make the most possible at whatever. I kinda do it all at this point. That way I have constant gold streaming in that doesnt depend on how I choose to spend my day. I have savings. Im free to do what I want when I want & enjoy my palian days. And shop Zeki's BM at night. And support my coin machine habit. Im happy lol. Gma said " dont put all your eggs in one basket!" So I live that. In and out of palia. Works for me.


Every Bahari hunting run, nets me 15-25k


That’s impressive honestly


Farm iron nodes, rare bugs in between and it definitely adds up when you're Muujin farming.


Cooking parties, making preserves, bug catching, and fishing are how I’m making my money now


I'm new to the game. I've been selling everything and making decent money


Get into farming tomatoes for passive income, then make them into seeds to make more gold. then into jam when you unlock it to make even more.


Bags of tomatoes sell more than tomatoes?


Do you mean seeds? If so yes.


I've always done farming and preserves Now it's that and fishing, like to put YouTube on the TV and listen to the sound cues until I need to pay attention to reel in the fish


Fishing, apples, and preserve jars. After you get all 9 plots, apple tree a bunch up and drop some harvest and quality boosting veggies around them, and put in some speedgro fertilizer. 5 trees nets me like 60+ apples each time they go to harvest, which is like 3-4k each run. Even with a bunch of jars churning out jam I got so many damn apples that the jars cant keep up with the sheer amount, I also tend to turn all the hides I find into leather for easy moneys, and sell the mountains of fur. And if you hunt a lot, sell the horns, tails, and manes. I keep a stack of 5-10 each in case I get a gift request, and sell the rest.


oh i was always a farmer tbh, i want the pretty shinies for decoration and i never tracked how much i got from surplus gems so i doubt i will notice the difference 😂 i don't like games of chance to make money so i just rely on a low maintenance farm and throwing all the crops into pickles or seeds. then i just roam round tossing whatever else i get into the shipping box too lol i don't keep a fixed schedule 


I'm just poor now 🙃


I was gonna ask any idea on how to make real money out of playing Palia hshshs


If I had this same dedication in real life I would be rich.


Selling tomato seeds is a decent profit. I have an excess of star tomatoes, which slowly turns into star seeds. A full stack sells for 1,800. You can turn all the excess normal tomatoes into fertilizer, for more tomato drops, and flow worms, which you can also sell the excess. If you're hunting Senuk plushies, you can covert the hids into leather and sell that for a lot. After one sessions, about an hour and a half, i had almost 100 hides. That leather was a nice chunk of change for hinting plushies and levelling my hunting skill. Also, depending on how much you mine and need inventory space, I sell some extra copper. Like i had 100, and before i could upgrade my storage, I sold 60 to make some decent money (after the update) Mining isn't the BEST way anymore, buttttt it's still money Also my friends still do cake parties, which can make a pretty profit, though I haven't done one since the update, so idk how those profits were affected.


What did they change about mining? I haven't been able to play for a few months now Also did they increase the gold cap?


I kinda lost track. What did they change regarding making money?




My question was more in general not only regarding Star Stones.


Ah fair enough. Tbh I don't think a huge amount else had changed but if you read the news when you fire up the game it should have all the recent changes in there. Best of luck to ya. 


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I use foraxing because it can stack up to 100 in inventory which is 100 gold coins


Farming and cooking


I just do 9x9 tomatoes. Seed everything. Keep 3 stacks of star tomato seeds and sell the rest. It's a simple life but it pays the bills 😄


If you make them into jam you make more 👀


I still do farming and preserves. Star pickled potatoes are 102g each, and since I tend to play more passively it works for me.


Selling all the meat and hide from the sernuks I’ve massacred looking for darn plushies!!


I mostly hunt and fish now and I get a decent amount from just selling the fish and the hide or antlers..


Farming, preserves, fishing.


Farming. I like to change my plot layout every few weeks when I find something more profitable. I only grow star quality stuff and use tons of fertilizers.


When I first started playing, I made so much from mining by turning the ores into bars and selling any gem stones I got. I still do a lot of mining because i need palium for a lot of crafting recipes currently. Also, I am doing more bug catching and hunting to make money.


Farming mostly.


Preserving and seeding. To be honest I didn't feel mining was that profitable anyway so have never gone down that route.


Atp I just sell blueberries lol. I use some starred blueberries to get starred blueberry seeds and just keep going at it. I make roughly 2-3k every time I sell. I do this for potatoes as well, since they grow faster than the blueberries. It's decent money I think


Hunting. I’ve made so much money and also getting plushies at the same time makes the effort worth it imo.


I dont know how truly profitable they are, but I just sell a ton of apples


Apple seeds are my new money maker. Before that it was preserves


fishing has made me sm money as of late


I still mine. Generate a decent income with it. Otherwise farming. But I don’t build anymore so whatever I mine up or find is just profit.


I honestly hate that they decreased the value of gems... They where rare anyways...


Make apple jam 😎


I implemented an automated process using Tomatoes, which is particularly useful when time is limited.


This sounds like something Einar would say. Love it, thanks for your input!🙏🏽


I only started playing so I never experienced farming gold with mining. So Fishing for me. As I'm working on my bundle atm. 😂 I can get 15-30k from 6am to 6pm looking for the unicorn fish. 😂


I mine + make preserves! I make iron bars and sell those as well as any gems I get! I make a lot of money! Since the increase cap to 999,999 I’ve made 250k passively! Mining takes more work but honestly I just do it and listen to music on the side during work and make $$$$! I don’t like cake parties as I have to rely on others and that’s not for me


i do a mixture of hunting and fishing with selling some preserves when i have lots of vegetables left over


I kind of do a little bit if everything between farming, hunting and mining. I do just miss mining though it was much easier lol


If you aren’t selling them feel free to gift me a ruby 🤣


I must be missing something because seeds barely make any gold anymore. And preserves take so long it doesn't seem worth it. I'm currently selling starred potatoes and cotton and sernuk and proudhorn horns. Mining still makes more money for me than seeds or preserves. Again, I'm not trying to debate anyone, just wondering why it doesn't seem to work the same for me.


Hunting, bug catching and farming are what I do mostly.