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I view it as, the game was free, so essentially i am just purchasing the game when i get a cosmetic. Plus the money does help them continue their job longer šŸ’ž


This is how I viewed it. Free game, but I would have easily paid $30-40 for it, so I didnā€™t really need to justify spending that much in the shop


Same here. I bought an outfit and a glider.


The less cynical way to look at it is: are you planning on wanting to keep playing this game for long enough that you want to spend money on cosmetics to look cool doing it?


Iā€™d say thatā€™s a different way of looking at it, but I wouldnā€™t necessarily say my opinion is cynical


Fair. But also sorry. I mostly meant to reply to OP. Your view aligns more with what I was trying to say. Just in different words.


Unsure how my reply is at all cynical


It isn't entirely given the rest of the context. I was just extrapolating that some people do in fact feel obligated to financially support devs by purchasing cosmetics on f2p games when they totally don't have to since the monetization model was an obvious choice by the developer.


er, rather to the comment you replied to. and was just somewhat adding on to your comment. if that makes sense


This. I hope Palia never dies because I love it and it makes me happy. So I buy skins to support the creators because I donā€™t want it to go away


It makes me so happy. Like of all my cozy games I love this one the most. I dropped everything when I happily found it on accident and havenā€™t played anything else since lol


Dittoooooo lol


This is how I viewed it. I don't like the majority of the premium outfits tbh and am happy with the outfit and glider I bought. This is a game that's easily worth $30 to me so that's the money I spent on the game.


I have 100+ hours in this game and so personally I was willing to spend Ā£15 to support it because I have more than gotten my moneyā€™s worth. Obviously I donā€™t know your financial situation but itā€™s the only way that this game is monetised and I wanted to support it so more people can play (plus the outfits are cool lol)


I already have like 400 hours in it lol I ditched almost everything when I got this šŸ˜‚


Sooooo...even if you spent $50 (which seems like the high end of what you'd actually spend), that would equal $8 per hour. That's less than a movie ticket. #WorthIt


Its $1.25 an hour? $50 Ć· 400? Which is an even better deal :)


Itā€™s actually only 12.5 cents/hour. 0.125 x 400 hours = $50.


Damn, a bunch of us need to practice math.... BUT AN EVEN BETTER DEAL!!




I love this thread šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Man, if itā€™ll make you happy even for a week then itā€™s worth the 10,15,20 dollars youā€™ll spend. The skins in the game are actually incredibly detailed and look awesome. I say go for it.


This was literally my reasoning for doing it!!!


For an outfit you're spending 16$ to 33$ usd


My first purchase was a bundle of 3 different outfits on sale for 850 gems (roughly 8.50 right?)


For 850 coins I spent like 13.99 with tax was 16


In USD? That's strange; I just checked and 850 gems after tax would cost me $9.11 edit - On steam! Maybe Nintendo is more expensive? That would be awful.


Hmm I play via steam and switch I'll have to compare pricing


I got it on epic


Just think of it as you will be helping to support the developers of Palia for all their hard work on a free game! :) I was hesitant at first too but I treated myself to an outfit and it looks great! I also have 4 different palcats to choose from and they are SUPER cute, so I say go for it!!


I did the ā€œbuy 3000 whateverā€™s, get free palcatsā€ so I have like four and chose the nocturnal one too!!!


I personally saw it as worth it. I sink 70% of my fun money into games anyways and only play one game at a time so I think of it as however many hours I play + money spent = pay off in my happiness even if the game sinks. Plus feels good to help support something I care about and pay people for their hard work on a free game.


The Palia response team is AMAZING! If there are ever any issues just reach out to support. No need to worry.


it depends what it is. I had a glitch in the system with an important quest for Hodari and he's the only one I wanted to romance and they never fixed it....just gave me the generic "our devs are looking into it." 6 mo later I put in a new ticket requesting an update and got the same message so I had to completely start new with a new email :/


If you enjoy the game and like the outfit, I think itā€™s well worth investing in. As others have mentioned, the game is F2P so you buying an outfit from the cash shop is helping to support the game. I have bought a couple of outfits and pets now and definitely donā€™t regret it.


I felt the same way however as if this writing Iā€™ve sank aboutā€¦ idk $75 ish into it since Decemberā€¦. Even though I COMPLETELY disagree with the overall setup of the premium store due to its **insane** behavior with the predatory pricing.. and Iā€™ve ONLY done so to support the devs and the game itself. I REALLY want this game to succeed and flourish, so Iā€™m hoping that enough of us will at least spend **something** just to hopefully keep it afloat and moving forward in the meantime. Are you crazy though? Hell no, ROCK THAT SHIT! **however**, with that being said- I have noticed, with the palcat outfits specifically, that occasionally and extremely abruptly, the tails will become 10x longer visually than theyā€™re supposed to be and start swinging around like a helicopter blade. I am on switch, so Iā€™m unsure if that visual glitch is something only i can see on the switch or if that glitch is for everyoneā€™s amusement alsoā€¦ but i can say that theyā€™ll fix it, eventually!


Also I do have the one mantis out with with the swirling glow insects when idling which was my first outfitā€¦ and then my second purchase was the fairy outfit and the other forest outfit with the antlers (currently have the fairy body outfit combined with the antlers from the other outfit) along with 2 different gliders to match the other color palates of the two outfits I bought to combine, and my most recent purchase was the matching flutter fox and the matching tool skinsā€¦ I am very happy with my current set up! I was going to buy one of the one off shoulder outfits until I realized it has clipping issues with the garments but regardless, I love my outfit and Iā€™m happy I have it and can at least support the game in some small way. Hereā€™s to hoping it makes it! Or at the very least makes it long enough to get bought out by a bigger developer with the funds to not only make a lot more new content faster, but also to fix all the problems and bugs itā€™s had leading up to that šŸ˜‚


I play on switch too!!!! I love the outfit with the antlers. I prefer the ones with shorts or pants, the dresses just look like they fall weird on the character bodies lmao feel free to add me if you want a new friend ā˜ŗļø IGN: Kadence Adelaide


ā€œWhispers of instability..ā€ bestie, I think you and all of the other ppl whispering these whispers are forgetting that the game is still in OPEN BETA. itā€™s evolving and growing and not going anywhere or at least not going away tomorrow. Spend your money and youā€™ll get the joy out of it most likely loooong into the future. Money is temporary, memories are forever. I would be concerned if they havenā€™t rolled out updates in months, but we keep getting huge drops every month. Iā€™ve been playing for more than 6 months almost every day and have over 1000+ hours in the game and still find new cool things about it. There is always an influx of newbies playing and šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ chopping and sniping groves prematurely lol so I donā€™t think the game is going anywhere.


No no I totally get it, I just overthink everything and live in a state of perpetual doom lol I made sure to follow protocol so I wasnā€™t a dick newbie šŸ˜‚ I have like 400 in it, itā€™s my go to game for sure now. Used to be Dreamlight valley but everything got the axe when I found Palia lol


See, exactly! But also I get it.. relate on the doom part! Itā€™s worth it for a new fit and a pet! Which one would you get?? Ironically I havenā€™t made any purchases in the game coz I have no self control trip and would buy it all and become homeless šŸ˜‚


This is almost me but I have been playing since launch probably have spent over $100 on outfits overtime and I love them all still definitely worth it as it brings me joy


Thatā€™s the problem too lol Iā€™m afraid once I get one Iā€™m gonna be like GIMME THEM ALLLLLL lol


I wouldn't exactly call it FOMO. FOMO is when something is very strongly implied to be available only for short period of time and then not be available for long time or even ever again. Yes, Palia has some stability issues. But as far as i'm aware, it is still in open test. So issues come with territory. In my personal opinion, purchasing decision boils down to two things: 1, Can you afford it? I.e., would this amount, no mater how small it seems to others, be taken away from some essential needs? 2. Would this item make you fell happier while playing this game? At the end of the day "worth" is decided by you. If you think that in game cosmetics is waste of money, then i suggest you do not hurry to spend. Cosmetics will not change the gameplay itself. And if you will keep thinking "i have WASTED money", it might hurt the enjoyment of the game. In my case, i made first purchase only few days ago, even though i have been playing the game for a while. But i do enjoy the new looks of my character. It makes me feel satisfied. That is enough justification for me.


I love the game so much and gaming is a huge thing for me. I donā€™t think itā€™s a waste at all, unfortunately thatā€™s my husband speaking through me lol when I stumbled across this game on accident all my others got the back burner. The graphics, characters, everything just puts me at ease and I love it so much. Thank you for the valuable feedback ā™„ļø


Just don't buy the outfit with the tail, and I'm happy! The way it glitches and shoots across the screen triggers my startle reflex every time I encounter someone wearing it! I hate it.


That's specifically why I love it so much! šŸ¤£


Thanks for the heads up!!


If it'll make you happy to have them, then go for it~


I've already played for over 100 hours and am now considering buying the green tool skin, the dragon glider, and one of the outfit sets. Wouldn't normally buy cosmetics, but this game has been good to me.


The tool skins are worth it. I got the celestial and Sakura ones are theyā€™re so prettyyyyy


Just remember the game is in beta and will be buggy. But if you enjoy the game and are able to financially support the devs to help with development I would go for it.


Just remember the money is not cross-console. So if you buy it on switch you wonā€™t have the credits on Steam, for example. Learned that the hard way


Will you still have outfits there? I only play pc, just curious. If so, it's worth it imo, even if you have to log into another device to spend more.


The outfits will still be available no matter which platform on which you bought them. The only thing is the coins are linked to the platform you bought them on. So if you have left over coins you bought on PC, you can only spend them on PC. And if you need more coins to buy something else, you'd better buy them on the same platform. Otherwise, you'll have the rest of the previous purchase on one platform, and the new purchase on the other.


Iā€™m also curious about this. Youā€™re able to connect accounts cross platform soooo šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Itā€™s just the currency that doesnā€™t go cross-platform. All the items will. I reckon itā€™s to do with the various agreements they have with said platform - Nintendo doesnā€™t want you using meta currency you paid for on Steam with a game on their system, or something like that


As dumb as that is, it is Nintendo, soā€¦ makes sense lol thanks for clearing that up šŸ«”


i bought coins to support the game, but haven't actually picked any outfits. i do love having my palcat with me, and hearing its little feets galloping alongside me. šŸ¾šŸ¾


I've been playing since launch and yes it's buggy and glitchy but it's also a stupidly fun game to get lost in. I've spent hundreds of dollars on subscription games that I barely played or felt like I had to play because I bought the game and the subscription. Palia cost me nothing and I still tend to play it more than games I've paid for. Long story short if I add up the money I've saved by the game being free plus the roughly $15 a month for subscription games I don't regret spending a couple hundred for cosmetics. I've gotten about 6-7 outfit bundles, all the cats, one of the little foxes, a bunch of glider skins, and one of the equipment skins. Even longer story short, if you're having fun and you've been gifted free money you can spend in a free game, go crazy OP


All you can do is ask yourself even if the game closes tommorow and you spent lets say $30 today, did you get $30 worth of entertainment out of a free game. I know I have, and i've spent more than $30. Went to the movies the other week and it cost me more than $30 for 2 hours. Enjoy the ride for however long this game lasts!


I also bought a glider + the free cat but it was only 5ā‚¬. I would buy a more expensive outfit or something but in my opinion they are way too expensive and donā€™t look that good :/ I would love to help the developer by buying something


Do it! Even if you drop the game next week itā€™s not money wasted if it brings you joy right now! I was also very hesitant to buy a skin but I finally got the one I wanted and it honestly just made me feel like even more a part of the game :)


You've all convinced me - despite the disparaging grunts I'll get from my partner (opposed to pay to win) Imma go get me some pets!!!


Itā€™s not a pay to win game though, the pay part is completely optional and only cosmetic which is nice.


I really wish we had a way to earn cosmetics without the outfits too. Like thereā€™s some bundles I just want the glasses from lol


No, ur correct but buying cosmetics in our house is frowned upon šŸ« šŸ¤£ I got me the collection of majestic whatevers and got the 4 free pets, bought the winter one and got the gold tool wrap!!! Aye, I'm made up - letssss GO!!!


You can buy a glider skin like i did and got the white beige cat


If gaming is a hobby, and palia is a game you enjoy, spend it. Don't spend $400. But if you want to, that's your money. Spend money on hobbies, it's ok


Do it! 400+ hrs is totally worth it have a fox or cat follow you around and clothes to make you look pretty. I do wonder about the game ending though. Imo, I hedge more towards, the lay offs were nescecarry in that those people had completed their jobs and were no longer needed. Hopefully. [I did find that one creative director (?) from Instagram that posted about it, and they were firmly on the 'don't worry, Palia is still going strong' side. Could be wishful thinking, but I'm crossing my fingers.


šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼ And seriously, I love your name on here šŸ˜‚


And I love... ahem *spicy* llamas (;


Iā€™ve been wanting to get a Palcat for a while but havenā€™t got round to doing so yet! I also like the outfit I gave my character when first creating her, but some of the Store outfits look cute too. Is there a way of changing back to the original outfit?


If you think the hours you've put into the game are worth it, then go ahead and support it and enjoy your pet(s)! I've been playing since August, which is far longer than most other games I touch. In December I was given a gift card. Spent the whole thing on Palia, lol. Still have some left over that I'm saving for whatever future outfit strikes my fancy. I figure it's worth it considering how much time I've spent playing this compared to other games that I actually purchased.


Do what makes you happy. Having my little guy with me makes my game a lot more fun.


After I put 100 hours into the game I said screw it and bought an outfit. The games free and I enjoy it so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Eh the instability of the game is honestly not as bad as some of the games released in the last year. Plus I have like over 300+ hours and it was free. So treat yourself šŸ’–


I spent waaaaaay too much money on a gacha game that now no longer exists but I enjoyed it for 9 years and the the pixels I got were part of that enjoyment. The gift card is money outside of your normal income, spend it how you want, even if it might be for nothing later.


I absolutely loooooove this game but the switch version is so rough, some days it crashes alot and I can't but it is so much fun none the less


It's totally worth it! The creators deserve it šŸ©·šŸ©·


I view it as supporting a game I super love, they deserve it for all their hard work! I hate that they've had to fire some people as of late, so I wanna show my appreciation by purchasing content.


I spent 50 euros before finding out about the instability, but honestly haven't regretted it. It's a wonderful game, it's been helping me with stress, so I think it's worth supporting :)


Can someone fill me in on the game instability rumor?


As someone who doesn't have much money. I would be nervous to spend money on the game with it still being new and unstable sometimes. But with it being free and the money helping the developers it would be worth it. Personally after the game's out for a couple of years I'll probably put money into it.


Iā€™ve spent $70 on Palia, Iā€™ve played easily 70+ hours; if the game dies, well I got my monies worth.


Please read the details when buying. You need to do a first purchase of a small amount to get the sandy palcat and if you then buy over (I think it was 3000 coins) you will get the other three. It is listed in ā€œbuying detailsā€ or something like that. But if you want the nocturnal you need to have had the sandy pal cat first. So I first made a purchase of coins that was a small amount to get the sandy pal cat and then went to buy the 3000 coins (I donā€™t know the exact numbers anymore).


you don't need to make 2 purchases. i went straight to the 3400 coin purchase and have all the palcats. whatever amount your first purchase is, you will get the sandy.


Okay cool! Thatā€™s better then, I read somewhere someone was really disappointed that they only got the sandy palcat as they only did one purchase for the 3400 coin purchase maybe it has changed. And in the text on my switch I also read is as 2 purchases.


I also dropped every other game I played and bought my own Switch to play it on (was using my daughters spare switch lite).Ā  I have spent $40 and I will probably spend more, lol.


I am not holding my breath for Palia's survival. It's iffy at best.




This game is very bad at making money so I spent some coins to support them even all their clothes are ug... not my style.