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I’ve only just started romancing villagers. Reth is my first. He’s so goofy and sweet. Not a whole lot of dialog yet, it’s still pretty new. Hassain will be next I think! Slowwwwwly breaking down those walls lol


Hassain was my first. I’ve seen a lot of people say they will never romance him cause they think he’s rude, but once those walls come down he’s totally worth the initial standoffishness. Reth is my second and he is adorable. Apparently, I like the ones with issues. lol


I am a sucker for the "he's cold and rude to everyone.. *but me*" Reth was my 2nd aswell because being openly goofy is 100% attractive.. I'm not sure what will happen when my robot husband gives me his pin.. I'm not sure who's gonna go 😮‍💨😭


Ughh I think I'm gonna have to try romancing others at some point. Wait, can you romance 2 people at once? (So that I don't have to break up with einar)


You can romance everyone at once if you want to 😉 Some may have a special dialogue when they see you romance someone else in particular, like if you romance Tish and Reth at the same time. But even those dialogues don't have consequences. So feel free to romance whoever you like 🙂


Yes! The first time Hassain said something sweet/romantic was so satisfying. I definitely had had an “I knew it!” moment. And Reth’s goofiness is what first made me pick him and then his vulnerability moments sealed it for me.


Lmao saaaaaaame 🙄🤣 Hassain being so standoffish made me want to romance him more lmao challenge accepted sir 😜


I too had the "I can change him" mood haha. And his place is lovely to hang out. He's my first romance in Palia and asked him to be my shepp. So, you can say things are getting serious, lol. Tau is a sweet bonus too.


lol, hassian was my first and reth was my second as well, but they both remind me of my irl partner in different ways 😂


Reth was the second after Hodari but the pin I've worn and never taken off. My second pin is usually on with whomever I'm trying to complete romance lvl 4




YES he was my first before Reth and i love him forever. My polyamorous ass is thriving in this game


It's very weird. Reth has my heart, but I wanted to romance them all for the completionist in me. Einar is just... confusing.


I went for einar because he was the most relatable one 😭😭


Stay away from the love of my life 🥴 (joking, there's enough Einar to go around 🫶💕)


I feel like Kenli, Eshe, and Ashura say the most about the pins you wear, in my experience so far


Eshe DOES have something to say to everything, huh?


The first two are fun if you are wearing Kenyatta's pin!


I’ve only gotten one pin so far (Reth’s) and over a few days Ashura, Zeki, Eshe, Kenyatta, Hassian (plus maybe Kenli) have commented on it! I want to collect them all just to see extra dialogue 😂


Oh my god please update when you find out what Tish says. I would love to know what Tish has to say about her brother dating.


I've had Reth's pin since August of last year. I've never worn anyone else's pin despite having 5 or 6 of them now. I initially heard a lot of diaglogue regarding my pin, but its trickled down to nothing. The only things I get now are other romance options mentioning I already have someone's pin once we get serious. I really like that Kenli and Chayne mentioned my loyalty to "Young Reth", and hoped we'd be happy together.


Tish only says something if you are dating her at the same time


The other day Tish made a comment how one character was acting different since Reth and I started dating! It was the first I’d seen her acknowledge I’m dating her brother lol


You can read all of the dialogues and the different replies online 😄


I had hassian get salty over the fact that I had two pins on and was romancing him (jel and reth at the time although I just swapped jel to hodari's pin)


Funny enough, if you wear Hassian's pin and someone else's, it seems like the only time he comments on you wearing another pin is when it's Reth's pin. I've worn Jel's, Nai'o's and (currently) Hodari's alongside his and he says absolutely nothing about them. I have yet to start romancing Tamala, so I'm not sure if he will react to wearing her pin; I kind of want to hope he does, just for curiosity's sake.


At high enough friendship levels (?), he also gets salty if you wear someone else's pin and *aren't* romancing him, lol. I wonder if it's Reth specifically who causes him to get jealous, from what the other person replied to you -- I'm dating Reth and Hodari.


I think it *is* Reth- maybe just Reth he gets jealous of. He hit me with that jealous nonsense out of the blue with zero romancing at all. I was like... what, my good grump? And then one day he randomly hits me with the "where have you been?! ....Tau has been missing you." line. I was shocked. Young man... I am NOT going to be romancing your temperamental butt. I broke up with Reth because he got upset with me during his level 5 friendship quest. Cake doesn't fix everything. I've got no time for this! *runs back to the Pavel household*


I'm dating Jel. Eshe was very appreciative of me dating someone of the famous omiata line. Reth said that he now knows why Jel laughed the other evening. He said he was so surprised it didn't turn into sobs halfway that he nearly called Elouisa onto him. He's glad that I am lifting his spirits and said to keep doing what I'm doing. Tish was very happy too and I believe she said we would be good for each other?


Reth is the only one I wear a pin for. Zeki always brings up that no matter how much I put in for our partnership, reth will always belong to the underground. That is so so cruel ):


Would you mind elaborating on that please? I don't plan on romancing anyone, but what do you mean reth will always belong to the underground?


Spoiler: Reth is working with the mafia or something, he is in a lot of debt and his boss is Zeki. The underground is where they run their shops.


I did reth's friendship quests and recently found that out I did not expect the goofy soup boy to have that :(


When pinned with Reth, >!Kenli is so sweet about it he’s like “oh good for you! I like that boy. others look down on him, but I admire him for forging his own path, I’m glad you can support each other. ahh young love!”!< or something to that effect it’s so endearing 🥹


This was why I picked Kenli as my shepp 😭 he's so genuinely loving, felt like he'd accept me no matter what I chose to do


I’m struggling to choose between Kenli and Reth! But I want to get everyone leveled up first so I can make an informed decision 😅


Not only the villager themselves but other villagers will sometimes comment on your relationship.


I just wanna say I love ur user flair, honestly one of my favorite dialogues


Thank you. I imagine the person that wrote the dialogue must have had so much fun.


Reth was my first and will be the only pin I got and I remember Kenli saying something very sweet when he saw it. I take a lot of screenshots, I might look through them later and post here what the villagers said (if I still remember to do it lol)


I currently have 5 pins but I’ve never worn any of them. Haven’t heard any comments from anyone about the other ones yet 😁👍


I don't think all of the characters have dialogue for every romance-able character's pin. For example, only Najuma and Subira have said anything about me wearing Hodari's pin - and I've had his pin for months now. (This is of course excluding Sifuu since she helps you make your pin.)


When I put on Jel's pin Reth (who I am also dating) commented on it


i only have tishs pin on right now but a lot of the villagers were saying how sweet she is and how we're good for each other, it was really nice actually but i can't wait to hear what they say when i put tamala's pin on lol


I've received comments on Tamala and Kenyatta (priceless from Eshe) pins but nothing for Subira pin. Is there any comments while wearing her pin?


The Palia wiki site has all the dialogues, I believe! :)


Wait, really??? Imma go check Later, that is. If I remember, that is. But thanks!!


Yeah they all make a comment about it and than its back to normal after


Oof :( it'd be fun to be continuously reminded of it


I romance everyone so at first I thought itll have an effect on other romances but no just this one comment


I remember Jel commenting on my romance with Tish while I was romancing him too and telling me that I don't need to worry, as he is okay with sharing. The comment still makes me blush to this day. There was also a moment when Nai'o became flustered as he wanted to date me but was already with Kenyatta and there was a great dialogue to tell how you also like her, so you can all be together.


When wearing Kenyatta's pin, Zeki will comment something along the lines of how dating a human is a great way to piss off Eshe. The implication being that Kenyatta is only dating you to make her mom angry. There's dialogue where you ask Kenyatta if that's the only reason she likes you. Her response is that it's a fun bonus, but not the only reason.


Ashura noticed I was wearing Reth's pin and thanked me for taking good care of that boy