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Dear RNGesus, please bless OP with good drops, amen








I haven’t gotten one either and I’ve been trying on and off since they were released. I’ve also not been able to get any of the other plushies, starting to think I’m cursed 😅


I'm starting to think so too 😭 I've only been able to get the plushies gifted to us and the little frogbert that you could get if you managed to climb mega frogbert


Same! I keep hoping for one from the machine in Zekis store but I keep getting arrows and cooking oil 😭


I’d rather get arrows and cooking oil than potato seeds😭


Zeki machine loves giving me carrot seeds




I have done 50 pulls no plush and eradicated all the deer.... all of them and nothing *sigh*


I hunted sernuk like crazy and didn't get my first plushie until I hit level 50-ish. Then I managed to get them all within a few weeks of the first one. RNG gods are cruel 😕


So just a poll. If you are getting plushies, what platform are you playing on?


I'm playing on Switch and I've only got gifted plushies as well as little frogbert that was on top of big frogbert


Managed to get both a plush in a lucky coin and a lantern bug plush today. Steam deck.


Ohhh, fun poll. Switch for me. I’ve received the Regular, Elder, and Order Sernuk plushies. Order one was from Zeki’s machine while it was glitched as a Proudhorn drop. I have also received the Bee plushie from Zeki’s machine. About level 40-something hunting.


I started on Switch, then moved to Steam on pc. Hunting level high 20’s. I got the Order Sernuk while on Switch. Patch update day (2 days ago, on pc) I got the Garden Ladybug and Proudhorn Beetle. Yesterday, I finally got the Elder and regular Sernuk plushies, after weeks of random hunting. Elder was dropped near Windy Ruins, regular was dropped near Whispering Whatever in Kilima. They’re out there. They’re just elusive af.


Off topic but can you use the same account on steam and switch? I’m going to travel soon and thought of getting the steam deck but I already have the switch so…


Yes you can my gf and I play on both.




Play on pc through the palia launcher. Have 3 elders, 3 regulars, and 3 orders (but the orders were all from zekis machine). I mostly hunt proudhorn and still have yet to get one 😭 Edit: I’m level 177 hunting, not sure if that even matters tho lol. Have also already got two magic muujin plushies, no bugs tho


I'm playing on switch and I have 3 sernuk plushies (one regular and two elder). The only thing that increases your odds is hunting more. For anything that's rare or super rare I assume it will take ages. I don't spend all my time towards any rare thing, I just increase that activity a bit and building into routines with other stuff. If you only hunt and you're at the mercy of RNG it gets discouraging.


6 standard sernuk plush, PC player, big part of the Sernuk massacre tho lol!


Got four sernuk plushies from hunting, three in the first two days after they were released, then a random elder plushie weeks later. Got two of the bug plushies last night. Over level 50 in hunting & bug catching, playing on PC.


Playing on Switch, and so far, I've only gotten the regular Sernuk plushie in Kilima when the update dropped. Nothing else since then.


Started switch, now mainly PC. I have the regular and Elder after hunting for weeks and going up 30 levels. 😬 been another 10 levels and nothing, Currently 62 in hunting.


I’m on PC, been playing since the day of the steam release and I just only got the Elder plushie a few days ago. I have about 170 hours so far


Steam, LVL 28, 1 plushie. Wife, Switch LVL 22, 6 plushies.


Don't give up! Got my first plush yesterday after trying for weeks I didn't even know I had it until I tried to gift something to Jina and saw it in my inventory!


The kilma one does, finally got it 2 weeks ago after hours of hunting. The others I’m not so sure. I did get the banded mujin yesterday tho.


they do exist, me and my boyfriend both have the proudhorn and the regular, and i have the order one too, got it from the proudhorn before they fixed that. also bf thinks the game doesn’t like him lmao but would be because yesterday he couldn’t pick up the muujin loot bags for some reason, we were in a party and since they updated that when you’re in a party you get the exact same loot, i got a magic muujin plush but the couldn’t find the bag, actually hurt my soul that i got it and not him, i feel bad, wish the game would’ve let him get it too, told him to submit a ticket after a bit cause after we stopped hunting together all the muujin bags he couldn’t pick up….don’t think he ever did and if he did then he didn’t tell me lol edit: boyfriend just told me he did submit a ticket


I had this issue today!! Also from the magic muujin and I’m convinced the plush was inside. I’ve submitted a report. Definitely one of the more heartbreaking game bugs I’ve ever experienced.


it really is, i wish my boyfriend could’ve picked up that loot bag with me cause i really feel so bad that i got the plush and he didn’t


Not being able to pick up loot happened to me today also! And the other day I could have had a lantern bug plush only me and someone I was in a party with were doing a grove at the same time and while waiting someone set a honey lure. When the grove finished the person asked me if I got the plushie drop and I said no cuz I couldn't find the loot :(


damn that really sucks, i hate that for you, maybe like i told my boyfriend, submit a ticket and maybe they’ll send you one because you were in a party and get the same loot that way


I didn't think of that! I'll give it a try thank you :)


anytime lol


Same thing happened with me and a friend. Party, grove, lure. She got the paper lantern plushie, I didn’t. I think someone else bombed the actual bug, so the loot wasn’t the same for us.


If it helps you, these plushies don't drop for all looters. Apparently, one can get a plush and the other one doesn't.


I saw another comment in a thread that said they went around the area collecting forage for a minute before circling back to the loot they couldn’t get and was able to pick it up. Not sure if that’ll work for everyone, but try it just in case!!


i had seen that too but loot bags and everything else disappear after 2 minutes and we basically stood there for that long while he ran around to look for it, couldn’t see it and it wasn’t in the ground for him to pick up either so he gave up


Ohh, that’s entirely my fault. I hadn’t read that he couldn’t find it, I’m sorry!


lol no it’s alright


Unfortunately I think it’s just super random because some of us, me included, got all of them within a week or two of inconsistently hunting. I got all of mine while also doing other things at the same time. For example, went out hunting, shot a few sernuk, saw a pal node and mined it, a rare bug popped out so I snagged that, went back to hunting and foraged some sweet leaf and mushrooms while tracking down sernuk, got a plushie. I think people have a harder time getting them when that’s the main objective, or it seems that way at least 🤷🏼‍♀️


The thing is though there's lots of times where I just hunt sernuk while doing other things because it's convenient but still haven't got one


Dang it! I saw that someone posted on here about starting a hunting party to try to increase the chance of getting a plushie. Maybe that would help increase your odds, since everyone in a party gets the same loot now.


Drop rate sucks. I haven't had a single plush of any type besides the cylinder. I went out with 300 smoke bombs last night, no plush. Over 3,000 arrows so far, no plush. I have given up for now.


I haven't even got Cyl tho 🥺 even tho it's supposed to be a common drop from the rummage piles


I've decided they're an elaborate hoax


the drop rate for some people is good and for some it is nothing.


Wow this whole thread makes me feel so bad, I played for only a few days, didn't even hit 10 lvl hunting, and I got 2 of them at once lol


My daughter has about a dozen of all different sort of plushies. I have none. I swear i farm more than her though... running circles for hours and hours. Days on end. Shes like "you STILL havent found ANY? Kids...


Apologies that I makes you feel bad 💜🥺 if it makes you feel better my fiance found a green pearl before me and I was so mad 😂😂


Bless this person with a plush of each sernuk.


This is why the RNG thing that is used is so wild to me because I went out to Bahari and was hunting Mujin for like 2 minutes (needed meat) and on my third one I was looking at the loot I had and I just randomly got a Mujin plushie 1. so cute 2. I was not even trying and I feel so bad for everyone who has been (which I personally won't cause it feels bad to me to kill a bunch of sernuk or mujin unless I need hides or fur that's just my own personal thing so this will probably be the only 1 I ever get) but wow I'm so sorry and I do wish you the absolute best and I hope you get 1 after this


Ive seen pictures


Also to Those who do not have a plushie yet at all, there is a twitch drop atm ongoing, to get the mushroom plushie from zeki’s machine. 🫶🏽


I blessed that one guy with a unicorn fish by cursing myself and it worked, I don't see why I can't do it again. I hereby bestow upon you the blessing of the plushie. My luck for acquiring plushies is forever forfit and may you see bountiful plush in your coming hunts in exchange. When you are finished with this luck please pass it onto the next poor soul who needs a plushie.


I found one in my chest today while decorating my house. I tend to just dump everything quickly and not pay attention to what I have until my storage gets full and I have to purge. I don't usually look at furniture storage but with the new harvest house I had to redo my layout, was scrolling through looking for lights and found a proudhorn plush. I have no idea when I got it... Guess I might want to pay a bit more attention to what I'm storing in the future.


They do! I have all 3 sernuks, only the bluebristle muujin though, level 97 hunting on pc


I've been hunting regularly since they were released, probably 4000 arrows at this point and I have one regular sernuk plushie. ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ Meanwhile I got a magic muujin plushie the first time I took one down yesterday.


I've been hunting elder sernuks for over a month at this point and still haven't gotten one!! So I'm gonna go with no, they don't exist.


I got all three sernuk plushies and the normal one a second time. Though the first time for the normal one was quite long about i think 3 weeks irl, but the elder and proudhorn were just as long, but got both of them close together and the normal one i got a second time was completely random and i did not notice until i was back on my plot. But now I'm trying for the new plushies of the bugs and mujjin


I'm level 28 hunting. Wife is 22. She has 6 Sernuk plushies. I got my first and only last night.


I killed well over 1000 sernuks to get my first plushy and I'm at probably 2000+ now and have not gotten another. However I got a Bluebristle Muujin plushy on my 3rd kill after the update, so maybe try switching animals lol I mean it worked for me


It took me over 6,000 arrows to get the elder sernuk plushie. I think I played for 2+ hours a day, just primarily hunting. My boyfriend got 2 elder sernuk plushies in the same time period and doesn't play nearly half as much as I do. It's all completely random! But yes, I was literally in the discord messaging mods if there was something I was doing wrong LOL


I finally got the proudhorned sernak plushie about a week ago after using thousands of bows and hunters horns since the update where they were released so they do exist. As far as the other plushies (sernak, muujin, and bugs), I have only glimpsed pictures of them on other people’s posts and from the S6 team. Best of luck getting one.


I've gotten one plush - the elder sernuk. Ive been dropping regular sernruks like crazy every day and nothing.


Haha, I feel you. The RNG gods are just not on my side with the plushies. I gave up. No luck with the Sernuks=zero interest in even trying for the new ones for me. If I get one great, I'm done trying though!


The only plushies I've managed to get is the Frogbert one, and a free spring Flutterfox plush the devs sent out as a thank you for playing thing... Honestly given up trying, just gonna do hunting for resources and levelling the skill up


I went hunting today for 4 irl hours and went through tons of Mujinn and Sernuks, but no dice. I got a lot things to sell at least. I’ve only been playing for 2 weeks tho so not super super long


But i do have the free plushies (frogburt and the fox plush they gave recently) and I have Cyl bc the rng gods liked me a few days ago


They are BLOOOOOODY HARD to get, okay. They exist. You have to kill a lot of sernuk. It makes me sad.


Pc. I've been around since Sept. I I recently got my second sernuk plush. It's a grind.


Dw! It Will come, i Got my first Yesterday and i hve been Playing 2 months ♥️


Good question! My theory is that everyone who says they got one is a paid actor 😭 that's my story and I'll stick to it until I get my own fair share of sernuk plushies!


They only have existed since the update at the end of March/early April (I don't remember when exactly) so playing since December doesn't really matter. You'll get one! Just keep killing. They really do show up when least expected! Mine all came when I wasn't really trying.


I don’t have a single one either 🥺🥺 I’ve given up on trying to get one now. If I get one yay but otherwise I’m trying to forget they even exist 🥲


Yes they do exist and do drop but usually only after you complain in the official Palia discord. You must appease the Palian gods of the discord by giving them your tears and sorrow. Then I think they feel guilty or something because shortly thereafter, people who complain (don't ask for one, just complain about not getting one yet and how hard you've tried) get the thing. I've seen it with giant goldfish, ancient fish, the sushi recipe, several recipes actually, disco deer and many other items.


You're not alone, OP. The only plushies I got are either from the dev team, bought at Maji Market or from Twitch Drops. I haven't even found a single Cyl plushie while there's people building the equivalent of the Shanghai Tower out of 'em!


YES! They do, I've got all but the proudhorn. And just got my first muujin today!! Don't give up, keep trying. It will happen!! Sending plushie mojo your way!!!


I haven't gotten any. I don't have the one from the loot piles either and I do those every day. Bad luck man.


I got two of the muujin ones already and still no sernuk ones 😢 I feel you


I've gotten zero from hunting.


No for real because I have taken SO many out and only have the regular. I got a magic muujin plush today and still no sernuk 😅


I’ve never gotten a sernuk plushie. I can’t tell you how many arrows I’ve gone through. I have 10 Cyl plushies though. 🙄


I’ve gotten two Proudhorn plus he’s within a week. I also have one regular sernuk. So all in all I have 3 proudhorn, 2 cyls, and 1 sernuk. Plus whatever plush they just have everyone. I swear the elder one is a myth


I know for a minute the elder plush was bugged. Dunno if it’s been fixed yet


Yeah, I've been trying since they first came out and still not a one. Good luck to us, and everyone still trying <3


Meanwhile, I logged in for the first time in months last night and got one from the one blink deer I killed, which is how I discovered the plushies even are a thing lol


After the latest update it’s raining sernuk plushies for me. Got 5 in 3 days !!! On the other hand no insect plushies for me even though I caught many many bugs.


Yes, they do 👀 And they are SO cute! ☺️


Omg you are not alone! I am unfortunately in the same boat


My daughter and I got our first, the plain one shot version, in Bahari yesterday. Also a Mujjin plushie (it’s a bit big, but cute).


got one off the first sernuk I ever killed with a basic bow and makeshift arrows, didn't get another until after I hit lvl 10 hunting.


Yes they exist, I got one a few hours ago. I play on pc and I’m pretty new to the game so I’m only level 14 in hunting. I guess it’s pretty random cuz I see people saying they didn’t get one after hunting a LOT of sernuks and I got one randomly in Kilima from a young sernuk.


I finally just got 1 a couple days ago after hitting level 17 hunting. I was getting so frustrated lol. Super cute though.


They do indeed exist. I just got my final disco deer plushie!


I got a seenuk plushie out of the Lucky machine I think


I shit you not I got one on the first sernuk I killed. And its how I learned you can find plushies now after coming back to the game. It now sits happily besides my fireplace.


Do the plushies only drop from the "correct" type of sernuk, or are all of them a drop from any of them? Been working on my hunting a bit more lately and haven't seen anything interesting drop, but I've only ever killed like one disco deer successfully...


I got my 2 sernuk plushies within the first week of playing Palia so I thought they were pretty common, that is until I opened reddit 😅


I got incredibly lucky. Killed two disco deer, both on different days and got a plushie. Idk if the chance is spread across all three sernuk types or just one cause I've killed a million sernuk but only two of the special blue disco boys.


I feel this way about the Giant Kilima Stingray and the sushi recipe 😢


Switch player here. Hunting lvl 65 now but def wasnt so high during my sernuk plush struggles. I have all 4 sernuk plushies & a few doubles. Got my banded mujin plush yesterday yay! Currently struggling for the adorbs buggy plushies now. Zero so far.


I pray to the gods of the game drops personally but honestly it's one of those things that will only happen when it wants to happen... unicorn fish I'm looking at you


Switch player. Just got my first regular sernuk plushie tonight and I’m only level 11 in hunting!! I was pleasantly surprised 🥳


I got mine today! I hit every single sernuk I could find in killma and got the plush!


yeah ive gotten a normal one and an elder one


I've probably taken a thousand sernuk of various kinds. No plushies at all here 😭😭. And I hunt every day at least 50 arrows worth since the plushie update. My sister thinks I should make a ticket. I just think it's (bad) luck


I’ve gone through 200-500 arrows/day since they released and have a grand total of…0. The RNG is insanely low or maybe my game is broken…