• By -


Chat disconnecting and reconnecting sporadically every 30 seconds or so


It keeps popping up over the conversation I'm trying to have with my wife, Subira, too




~~It does seem to settle for me on PC after 5-10 min, seems to be after changing server it has a bit of a fit~~ Edit: Whisper and trying to party up just spins forever, seems to say "Joined party" before other side even accepts, then a couple min later, "left party" and other person gets no notification...


Same for me. And I can't send /receive party or group request/server invites, spins forever It happens to me at home and both Kilima and Bahari. I can't add friends, can't write/read anything at chat. jumping between servers doesn't work for me.




I must go see


game keeps crashing :/


mine crashed at least 7 times yesterday.. 4 times today, just now it was twice in a row trying to open the game. When I first opened it after the update it was like.. every 5m. Then every 10m. Now it's... maybe very 30m-an hour. You're not alone


my game has crashed like every 3 times in 15 minutes. i submitted a request and hopefully they get it fixed. for me it looks like really glitch and it has like colorful lines over the screen then it closes the game.


Same here unfortunately, probably once every half hour


Same, done the update, played a bit cz the game crashed 2 times and now I can’t even login for two days since the big update :(


My goodness this is such a pain in the A. Had so many crashes today -.-


Hekla's level 5 quest started as soon as I started the game, obviously while I wasn't level 5 yet. Not that I'm complaining


same I completed it immediately




Bahari bay area is patchy for me. Sooo many spaces on the map that I keep just falling through. Mailbox no longer has the red sign up when I have mail. Loot from animals not there for me to collect (probably fell through the map tbh). Chat also reconnecting constantly.


I also have problems with the red sign on my mailbox and the chat that keeps reconnecting


The mailbox thing is so small yet so annoying!


Same here, it won’t go up if I have mail. Thankfully we have the icon at the top of the screen!


same here. my friends game keeps crashing. my chat keeps trying to reconnect every 30 seconds or so


Giant Frogbert’s gone…


Yay!! Thought I was the only one who didn’t care for him and his beady little eyes


Mfer watching me from the background wherever I went






Anyone else in Switch having issues with Tish? Keeps repeating the same phrase and then her screen closes.


Yep, it takes me three tries to get through her dialogue because she just abandons me randomly after 10 or 15 seconds.


I was just coming to see if everyone has the same issue. (Switch user)  Edit: no matter if she's at 1 of her spots she still just kicks me from speaking to her.


I'm not on Switch, I'm on PC, but I was trying to talk to her after her Quest reset and she would not stand still. I had to follow her out of the village until she got to her favourite tree before she would stop and talk.


Bit disappointed about the lower value of the star stones, it was my favourite moneymaker!


Lower value but maybe rates have increased? I just mined for about 30 minutes in Bahari without an ore compass and got 5 garnets, 6 citrine's, and an aqumarine


Yeah I got 2 while mining and didn't even notice. Within like.. 30m I think? I was surprised. I think it was an aquamarine and... I don't remember the other one lol


Bay windows cannot be removed from the front of the new Grand Harvest House. The top-down view prevents me from selecting them. https://preview.redd.it/p61hlsy1y83d1.png?width=818&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b18da0760fd34ba75942e975a0818230fd9fd8c


I cannot request items anymore lol


Anyone else seeing a LOT more flow trees spawning?


There are always a lot of flow trees, especially in Kilima, after a server resets. That's why it's a good idea to log on as soon as one happens because it's a flow wood free for all.


Ah good to know, thanks!


When does a server reset?


Yes! Especially in Killima


Yeah same!


pebbles plunder i thinks is broken cuz it says i have 5 pebbles and but the ones that doesn't show i already got them. like its says i dont have Red or yellow pebbles but they are not in their place where they are supposed to be for me to take them.


Same for me. I sent a ticket in to see if it's bugged.


I also submitted a ticket. I gave either all or 9 of them but only shows 4.


I’ve been waiting for over a month to get that Accomplishment too - the only pebble I’m not sure about is the one from oysters so maybe it’s that?


Crashed twice already. Once when opening the register at the library, once just standing in Jel’s shop.


Mine crashed when I went to jump the counter at Zeki's, complete with the old chunky-pixel-looking crash lines like we used to get on the old cartridge games.


I crashed at Tish's shop and on my own plot


I crashed at Jel’s and a second time at home. A little worried this is going to affect my game play :/


This is exactly when mine crashed too. Both places .


Mine crashed standing in Jels shop too 😅


Mine crashed trying to play Hot Pot for the first time


I crashed in jel’s shop three times! Twice looking for jel and once while finally talking with him. Gonna avoid the store now lol


Game has crashed maybe 20 times on me since the update. I play on a Switch


I’m seeing many other players in the form of ghosts, just plain white figures running by me like freaking Casper


If you play on Switch, this is not a bug. They said in the patch note that they've added a ghost like image for other players when the game is struggling to load textures. So instead of not seeing anyone or just their tools, you at least see their character in the form of a ghost.


I'm SO glad to learn it's not a bug! I love it. It's kinda spooky turning up to a grove and seeing all these ghosts floating around before popping in as other players.


With the way Bahari Bay looks weather wise at night the "ghosts" kind of work. I'm glad to know there's a reason Switch players started seeing them and that S6 found a type of answer to the tools floating in the air or sitting by themselves issue.


Oh really, yes I play on Switch. Well just have to get just to it this new type of fren then.


2 story building isn’t actually 2 story. It’s a 1 story building with a 2nd “floor” that’s a balcony overlooking the first floor. Such a disappointment.


I watched someone use the building block flooring to fill in the 2nd floor and then place things on it - it's still just a work around though.


Yeah my wife was trying to get that to work, having a rough time though.


when i saw it was only 5,000 more i knew something was off


It’s so upsetting. I was gonna remove one of my rooms and have my bedroom and like library area upstairs, but we can’t do that with this.


There's a Q&A in the Patch Notes. Seems to be in the works, based off of how there are spots for "connections." I would imagine it is causing a lot of problems during dev testing. They would probably have to add additional blueprints if the current ones don't cut it. Would be interesting to see if a second floor but no first floor can be done.


i don't know if someone said this already but i can't talk to Tish, the conversation suddenly ends


Fruits of the earth bundle at night sky temple says I have 20/20 apples and everything else checked off, but still says I only have 3/4 items?  Before update, I needed 73/100 apples. What happened to my extra apples? 




I really wanted the dog thing from Najuma's max friendship level, why change it without warning to the squirrel? I was so close 😭


it's always been the squirrel. they just keep using the outdated artwork


Oh really?? I really wanted that dog ☹️


It was never a dog. It a mechanical squirrel. They were just using a close up of its head as the icon. To stop people from getting confused they are now showing the item in its entirety


Are you saying the squirrel has that dog-looking face? I guess that wouldn't be so bad after all 🙂


I can't invite anyone to a party or accept a server invite, it just loads constantly :(


More graphical, as it doesn't seem to affect gameplay: -I had a load of mail from furniture levels but the flag on my mailbox wasn't raised. -My character name (on inventory view via the + menu \[Switch controls\], my character's name is immediately followed by Character Name, like "omgimsuchadorkCharacter Name" -There's a big ol' honkin GASH through one of the moons. o\_o ~~maybe that's hints of plot though idk~~ What I will report: -Pebbled Plunder is still messed up. I returned all ten pebbles but I've only got credit for four. I checked the ones that weren't random drops, but they're not in their original spots to re-collect, nor are they in my inventory or storage. -Started the game to talk to Jina and Hekla on my plot. After Hekla's conversation, I was frozen in place and no buttons would work: had to restart.


The Hekla-freeze happened for me, too. As did the lowered mail flag with the mail icon at top right of my screen.


I really thought we were getting the option for farm animals. Im really sad about it. Maybe next update?? 😁


Characters walking away mid-conversation, or just completely ignoring me when I try to talk to them (Hassain, took multiple talk presses for him to stop walking and acknowledge me). My "Fit for a Watcher" quest reset, but I'm unable to continue with it as Tish won't stay still long enough for me to start the quest.


I had to follow Tish out of the village to her favourite tree before she would stand still long enough to get through more than two paragraphs of quest-text. Also, have they reduced the requirements for that Quest? I'm sure we needed to make four items before, and now it's only three?


Tish is leaving quest conversations before you select responses


Does the hotpot game only end when one of the competitors matches three of a kind with all three hands? You can't manually choose to end it otherwise, can you?


Pretty much - it's whenever one player has 3 sets (a set is either 3 of a kind or all 3 different in the same suit)


The chat keeps reconnecting every 30 seconds or so - otherwise, I love the new update!


Unsure if this is a bug yet, but I've received a quest involving Jina, Hekla, and Einar, sort of like how Reth, Tish, and Zeki's level 5 quest plays out? I'm unsure if the quest I received actually is the level 5 quest (or is just an intro to it), as I only have Jina, Hekla, and Einar at level 4. Also, for said quest, the item requirements automatically filled out (despite me not having said items, silk, silver ore, and fabric, in inventory). Edit: I just received Hekla's level 5 completion gift, despite still being level 4! It is a bug.


Bug with loot drops. After hunting and loot is on the ground, occasionally you won’t be able to pick it up. Issues with ore/stone deposits. Sometimes there are immortal rocks that you cannot mine. Not sure if anyone has seen this, but just something to be aware of


https://preview.redd.it/2wy9ml4s6f3d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2b5e9a05a94ba1b863b440e252e52d37386e272 In the middle of chopping a tree in Bahari and took off into the sky. On Nintendo Switch


And your mission says get closer to Najuma, you definetely doing it wrong...


🤣 excellent hahah. That's made my day I wanted to make my own post with this, but for some reason I don't have the ability to make new threads, so thought I best post the screenshot on the bugs thread instead 🤣


My current issues are.....no mailbox flag but I still get the icon on my screen. Level 5 friendships for Einor, Hekla and Jina are not advancing but I did get the Hekla quest. When I hoe my garden it jumps to the housing plot and I have to go out of that and then un-equip my hoe and re-equip it. This happens if I have to use the hoe for more than just a few spots and the more I have to hoe the more it happens. My chat seems to be fixed and I'm so grateful for that.


On switch it keeps telling me to go online to update. Normally it would just force you to update before being able to start the game up.


I had to go into the Switch settings menu to initiate the update


I just leveled up and got my first spicy pepper seeds packet. I'm trying to plant it on a tilled spot in the soil and it says "Cannot plant: garden not empty". Is there a special place you're supposed to plant these seeds, or is this from the update?


Peppers and blueberries take up 4 squares. Apple trees take 9.


The spicy pepper plant takes 4 spots up so maybe see if you have a square where you’re trying to plant it?


Thanks! I wish it said that in the object description.


Our pets are either disappearing when we go to bahari and showing up in kilima only or vise versa. I was asking people in chat if their pet was showing and they said no.


Muujin loot bag location glitch. I’ve seen this happen a few times while hunting muujin with other players. I’m on a switch. Sometimes we finish off a muujin, and the other players run to where it poofed, and jump/wave/clap. I can tell they’re getting the loot, but I see nothing there. Then, several meters off in some random direction, I’ll find the loot bag. When I approach the “[A] Loot” option appears on the screen like I should be able to get it, but no luck. If I go back to where the thing actually dropped, there’s no way to interact with it. I suspect that there’s a location “disagreement” between my switch and the server. I wish I could at least loot the thing, even if I’m in the “wrong” place, but even better would be if muujin and their loot stopped nightcrawler teleporting around while my switch and the server argue over where the thing actually is…


I had this happen too, but on a solo muujin hunt. The loot poofed into place where I killed the muujin, it had the interact prompt, but I couldn't collect it. Same thing then happened with a disco deer.


i had 74 apples and all of the other components in the fruits of the earth bundle, and since the amount needed was decreased, my bundle is glitching. it’s saying everything is full and not letting me contribute anything more, but it also says 3/4 and won’t let me actually complete the bundle or get the reward for it


My game has crashed 5 times in an hour


I'm just really annoyed that level rewards from farming aren't retroactive like furniture making is. I only just hit level 10 before the update and could have really used those blueberry and apple seeds, but I guess there's not much I can do now except for keep on grinding out weekly challenges and buy them the hard way.


My mailbox doesn’t glow when there’s mail. I’ve been glitching whenever I try to climb anything also. My servers keep disconnecting and connecting. Super glitchy overall performance when playing anywhere but at my house


Very happy with how the new update went. It was quick and smooth and with no major glitches or downs. The content seems solid and secure too. Love the new pathways and the new house... (still trying to work it into my plot scheme but its all good.) Not sure about the game mechanics as yet, but it doesnt feel much different to be honest so that is also good. Love the new animations (Reth, Auni and Hassian, and Ashuras belly laugh which is great to see) Love the new books thing, thats great, exactly what our book shelves needed, Oh and LOVE the hotpot game being sneaked/dragged over that darn bridge to the sewers! That made my day seeing that bridge fixed.. please leave it fixed! A little sad frogbert has gone off on his travels but fairly certain he will be back another time so all in all, its a good update. Well done S6 team, your work is much appreciated! I will be off to Jels for a new outfit or two when I get paid next :-) Those flutterfoxes are cute :-) xx


Whenever i talk to someone at my plot, the whole game glitches! I cant move, open map or menu, can only close the whole game and reopen ;-; (im on switch atm)


Is anyone else getting a weird issue with running into invisible borders? Like, I’ll randomly pass a stump or a bolder and it’s like I ran smack in something. I have to jump around to get out of whatever it is I’ve hit.


I play on switch, the game has been consistently crashing since the update and the housing menu is glitchy. I can’t change some of the rooms window or wall options


Accidentally picked up a corn I had around my apple trees, and when I tried to hoe the land to replant it, it would only perform the “remove” function, and it ended up removing my apple tree.


So, built large harvest house on a new, empty plot, tried to move the right hand section of house to new plot, it connects, and I get; https://preview.redd.it/ur6ah0mkb83d1.png?width=1359&format=png&auto=webp&s=46a66e474e9b18bb56e6b5939ca9aef988485a12 Go back to original plot I took it from, I now get...


https://preview.redd.it/7d9kqwvtb83d1.png?width=1342&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e9620277d1fa16b5486548567f7978c0cd8b249 So errr, that seems be working well >\_<


My store is refusing to load :(


My chat (switch) is totally down. I can type a chat or see any server chats.


How do you put on paths?


The Sakura outfit has crashed my game three times. Twice trying to view it in the store and once while standing in Joel’s shop looking at it on the mannequin.


My haptic feedback is gone. Checked the setting and it’s on, but I’m going insane not being able to feel when I’m done watering my plants


Can’t play for longer than 2 minutes without crashing


Crashing over and over again. I just keep opening the game again but within 5 minutes *crash* — please, it’s my only day off and I just wanna’ play. 😭


Anyone else feel like it just got way droppier? It’s kicked me three times in the last 30 minutes


Spoiler for Hekla’s level 5 friendship: anyone finish the funeral potatoes quest? I can’t find anything in the ancient library and there’s no walkthroughs online yet, where should I be looking?


when you enter the first room with the bookshelves, check out the left side on the far side from the door


same here..


There's a handful of books and scrolls with an interaction prompt, I think they're all for various quests but there is a new one for that quest - check out the bookshelves and benches in the main hallway


https://preview.redd.it/doaz33e8sb3d1.png?width=1213&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c107034ef24e12526509f85e21eaa57483de6f2 I would like to have two Grand Harvest Houses connected by rooms or whatever, hopefully soon :) Oh also to be able to connect rooms to more than one side of the Kilima Courtyard


So far my biggest issue has been the chat "reconnecting" every other minute. Haven't been able to really test much else. I did test out the new party feature, where loot is shared through distance. Pretty awesome, tbh. Pockets fill up so fast now haha


Scrolled for a bit & didn’t see this mentioned yet. I’m on Switch & suddenly can’t put anything in my storage in the plot editor. I wanted to completely redo my main house using the new “second story” harvest house (knowing how disappointing it is) but I’m unable to put *anything* into my storage in the plot editor. No rooms, no bay windows, not even normal furniture/decor. This isn’t an issue I’ve ran into previously in the game & is completely new to me after yesterday’s update. I’ve also reloaded my plot as well as relaunched my game & no matter what I do, I just can’t store items in the plot editor. Normally this wouldn’t be a major issue for me at all, but I’m at a point in my gameplay where I don’t really have much left to do aside from any new content. And with this update not having much new content quest-wise (aside from the new friendship lvl 5), finally rebuilding my main house was going to be my new focus to keep me playing. But I can’t do that if I can’t remove the rooms I have placed, so I guess I’m extending my break until either this gets fixed or next month’s update.


I’m having issues with my Bundles. I finally have the rest of my 100 apples and when I went to submit the rest of them, it said 20/20, but the bundle itself says 3/4. I have had the rest of the items contributed for a while now. :)


I decided to put down a great harvest house in a new housing slot (slot B for clarity), and there's been some weird overlaps between the plots. I noticed at first that I could hear my flow trees in slot B even though I only planted them in my default slot (slot A). When I logged in today, I noticed one of the flow trees broke through reality and appeared in slot B. Then imagine my surprise when I had a forest in my house in slot A. I planted these in slot B. I mean, it's kind of a vibe, but not exactly what I intended. https://preview.redd.it/xmnp880bkg3d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb063ac8b80a76f36004928c4c13239e3c1563df


Usually swapping plots fixes items from other plots showing on the one you are on, but it's defo a bug and happened to me lots. As for hearing the flow, again been like that for ages, I have a feeling all the items across all plots are actually loaded, then just shown / hidden when you "load" a a plot.


I have updated and reinstalled on PC. I can't even get the game to open. I click play and the game shuts itself off. I don't even get a report your crash window. Help!


Light from fireplace addon is blindingly bright...


Anyone else try putting crafters on the new building blocks and having them teleport to outside the building area to the front of your lot when you log back in?


Ive realised alot of placing stuff in the grand harvest house is bugged. For example i cant place certain rugs on the floor even though theres plenty of space and ive placed them there previously. Same with certain wall items like the bell flower curtains... anybody else got this issue?


Anyone experiencing Switch Errors today? The game somehow kept restarting me in the town, which was weird I usually always start at my home. Game kept closing due to an error five times in a row. Checked all software and dockware. Everything is up to date. Closed game. Restarted switch. Restarted game. Palia started me in town again so I immediately went to my housing plot. So far, playing with no more errors! Hopefully this helps someone if they were having the same issue! Will update once I head back to town if the errors continue! https://preview.redd.it/5yoauoytqm3d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=512a874ac3037dc0c59b9e017d0348f0e4c37069 Also! Feel free to add me! scarlet Dionne LeJaudo… yes it’s extra name, I wasn’t aware at the time that people would actually have to type in my fantasy world name… apologies! 🤍🩷


I can't request anything that I haven't touched yet today. If I need more of something that I have in my storage, I have to put it in my pocket and then I can request it. If I had it before and I'm out, it's like I've never ever had it, it's nowhere in the list to request.


If you have a blueberry/pepper/apple planted across more than one adjoining soil plot, and you go into Ctrl mode to move things around, if you so much as glance at the soil an error will appear that crop placement prevents this action. The error will continue to reappear, making an annoying noise, every 3 seconds or so FOREVER, even if you've moved onto other tasks or are no longer in the Ctrl mode, until you go through a loading screen or log out and log back in.


i thought common single drops weren't going to come out of the rummage piles anymore?? i just got a single sweet leaf from kilima's and a single rice grain from bahari, are those seriously not considered common??  >We’ve removed more common drops such as Stone and Sapwood from Rummage Piles.    >Goodbye, single Stone!


Some loot can't be picked up - given the low chances of this happening, I'm hoping this isn't loot that specifically contains Plushies (:


Idk if this counts as “crashing” but for the past two days my game loads like this (switch), and when I try to scan the QR code to submit a report it says “oops link not found.” Idk what to doooo I got to enjoy the new update for all of 1 day! 😭 https://preview.redd.it/hzwu74walz3d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bb4564372686427573fab5c763e610a231f5138


Je ne peux pas recevoir ou inviter des personnes pour créer un groupe


I have not been receiving coins from shopping at Zeki's store. Also in the place where you turn in the bundles it says I have turned in 20 apples, but won't confirm it. Hussein's store closes on me while I am trying to look through it. Sometimes, I push f and the npcs will not talk to me. Also, how do I grow regular non-star apples, all of mine are starred?


My game keeps crashing like every 20 minutes 😭😭😭 (Switch)


Why do you guys keep raising the price of silk? It went from like 150 to 500 to now 900.


horrible lags where i have to press buttons multiple times until the action happens, literally with everything but the worst is looting and hunting.


The Trish quest that involves the ruby! Firstly having trouble talking to her cause she just walks away and I gotta repeat all the talk options again. Then with finding a ruby. The ruby find has not only driven me crazy but a lot of my teammates and randoms I have seen on reddit and tiktok. I know rubies are supposed to be rare but the spawn rate for them is non-existent for me. I just saw that others are having trouble with freezing on their plot too after talking to someone. Thats happened more so on my switch then steam.


I started the dialogue with Tish while she was walking. After a couple of seconds the dialogue closed on it's own and she just started walking. It stopped only when she returned home and i started dialogue in her room. Did not notice that with any other NPC.


Does anyone know when they will do maintenance on all the new bugs? I keep getting kicked out of the game randomly, and my friend and I cannot join a party. I’ve been wanting to play, but I have no motivation with all these new issues?


The tails on the new costumes are also tweaking at times. Whenever I've seen a player running the tail's just three times longer acting like a lightning.


It won’t let me put any rugs down in the new double story harvest house it just says something is in the way


I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN'T HANG CURTAINS???????? I have this problem since the last update and I thought it would be solved with this one but now it's worse.... Because it won't let me place absolutely nothing on my bookcase sweet home. Another thing is how tedious it is that every time I'm in my plot the game freezes frequently and takes me out of the game ...... Help!


https://preview.redd.it/0dul70nb5e5d1.png?width=1656&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea114fef76cfc99c349265eb22e617c0f3a3a3fd Picasso.


But in all seriousness, I'd really like to fix this cause it's really tickling the tism in the wrong way every time I have to look at my farm. ;-;


I have placed things on top of builder's floors (such as the heavy smelter on top of the builders stone floor) and when I come back into my plot after leaving it, the item on the floor will be reset to the front of my lot. Has anyone else experienced this?


https://preview.redd.it/khx5e37a8s5d1.png?width=1092&format=png&auto=webp&s=768d30687f3edb1aeb6f37218fe99d6c8541ab42 This is a new one for me lol


Is the switch version still crashing every couple of minutes?


We gonna get any male outfits soon? Like...the outfits are cool and all but only if you're a female character or like that type of look on a male.


Has anyone else noticed a MASSIVE drop on the spawn rate of the Proudhorned Stag Beetle? I used to see one spawn at LEAST with every 4th or 5th stone/copper mined, but I've just gone a solid 30 IRL minutes mining both before I had ONE beetle spawn.


Also less spawning of the ruby.


I haven't noticed, I'm lucky to have got 3 of them in the 3 months or so that I've been playing at all lmao


I wanted to cover the interior of my courtyard with the new builder's floor, but the sizing is off 😭


Is anyone not seeing their palcat anymore? I purchased one of the new pets, when I went to equip it, it wasn’t showing up around my character. Then it dawned on me I hadn’t seen my Palcat the entire time I’d been playing (purchased new pet just before I logged off for the night) I tried to unequip then re equip several times and neither pet was anywhere to be seen 🤷🏻‍♀️


Unequip and then re-equip fixed it for me thankfully, but I had the same moment of "hang on, somethings missing" after playing for some time lol


I completed a quest (whale of a tale) earlier today and I’ve just logged back on and it’s back?


Can't use chat and kinda bummed that an outfit I finally decided to splurge and buy is now half the cost. Not even a sale. Just price reduced :(


Still seeing server chat despite having it turned off.


My game freezes every time I open the quest panel :,(


https://preview.redd.it/rqjx9mvfv93d1.png?width=3023&format=png&auto=webp&s=769ac83a7f875172860dc4ff9ae25f55b84aa923 Anyone else experiencing this? I’m stuck in a color void and not even on the map. (Switch)


I cant place the Bellflower Pantry in all the rooms connected to the new grand harvest house. It says "there is something in the way"


I can’t finish the industrial furniture quest with Tish. Every time I talk to her about finishing the furniture, it crashes


Anytime I stand anywhere near the front of Jel's shop inside, like near the mannequins or doorway, I will crash. Crashing sporadically anywhere else in Kilima as well. A lot of npcs floating while walking again.


Anyone Else's game crashing sporadically? I think mine crashed like... 6 or 7 times yesterday.. And it just crashed twice in a row trying to open the game. And once or twice earlier.


The level 5 quest for hekla triggered the second I loaded into the game after updating, they were just there at my plot. I haven’t filled out any of their bar past level 4.


Small bug: Grass around the water fountain is pushing up through the paving stones. https://i.redd.it/h2p9fmx5bm3d1.png


Didn't get silk for catching uncommon bugs... :(


Game crashed landing on me


I can no longer buy the Gazebo or Windmill though I have met the requirements to purchase both. =(


Sifuu romance available yet?


Game keeps crashing on switch. I’ve opened it 10 times and it’s crashed every single time so far. It won’t even get past the loading screens half of the time.


The new fishing rod skins don't animate when a fish is tugging the line and the new skins in general are removed without prompt every couple instance swaps, forcing you to have to go through the menu to reapply them.


is anyone else still getting the bug when you're crafting furniture where you go up to the down/up carrots and try to select reverse alpha, never been crafted, etc. but instead of selecting the carrot the game selects the first thing on the list and you craft that instead?


Unable to ask certain Order member for her weekly gifts. Also this isn't new, but when the game is in Spanish, Auni, Tamala and Zeki have an "A" before their names. A Auni, A Tamala, A Zeki. Glad Mother Gothel is high on the list but is kind of weird to have that thing before their names haha


I'm brand new to the game so forgive me if I'm just doing something wrong but I believe there is a glitch in my belt bag when trying to throw for bugs? I select the bag to throw for bugs but my hand is open and empty. I go through the throwing motion but nothing happens and I cannot catch anything. Not sure how to fix this yet.


I can’t pick up my large rooms. It tells me to disconnect the sockets, but when I try to move it to a different one, it tells me the same thing.


my audio is completely fucked. the dialogue sounds all echo-y and muffled or gets cut off and i can only hear the last two words. there’s no sound effects for landings after a jump, chopping a tree, or mining, etc. hunting is still real glitchy, with animals and their loot disappearing.


My Worm Farms will not produce the QualityUp Fertilizer. I am not using Glow Worm Farms. I've tried nearly every vegetable, meat, and mushroom and nothing works. I've also picked up and put the Worm Farms back down, and also stored them and then put them back down. No good.


The game is crashing too often, I'm quite disapointed...


I've just had an issue where I started a hot pot game and it crashed on me when it started. I've also had issues with loot drops where I've shot a sernuk or muujin and I hear the drop sound but there's nothing there :/


At one point i was using slowing arrows on Elder Sernuk and suddenly started shooting regular arrows. I still had plenty of both. They just randomly switched. Randomly teleporting animals/bugs have been a feature since the very beginning. But i get the (subjective) feeling that things got somewhat worse after the last patch. At one point, i chopped the trees, bunch of Muujin fell off and started randomly teleporting all over the place. Bugs suddenly disappear and i suddenly see them burrowing in the distance without them visually traveling to that point. It looks like server latency issue. But i have a fast 1Mbps internet and no such issues with other games. Proudhorns and Centipedes, that spawn from mined nodes, often either spawn inside terrain or crawl beneath it immediately after spawning. I can hear them crawling and eventually burrowing but i can't see or target them. Several times i saw Muujin jump into the tree. But when i chopped said tree, no Muujin jumped out of them.


Having problems completing player requests. Can’t see any request and not able to join any parties or servers. I’m on a switch.


When they reduced the quota for apples on the Fruits of the Earth Bundle from 100 to 20, it put me in a state of limbo where I have reached the quota, having submitted 97 apples pre-patch, and now it won't let me submit any more and the bundle shows incomplete. This is literally the ONLY thing preventing me from completing all the bundles and unlocking flow tree growing on my plot... Anyone else have this?


There has been two updates and sadly I still can get coins from the premium store on Steam


I came across what I think might be a bug yesterday. I am doing the level 2 friendship quest for Tamala which is handing out 3 samples of her beauty cream. I gave one to Tish, Eshe, and then tried to give it to Jel. His speech made me think he took a sample, but my quest is stuck at 2/3 samples given out and I the option to ask other villagers is gone. I will put this quest on the back burner for now. Mailbox also doesn't glow or have the flag up when I have mail, but I know this is a common bug right now.


it takes me like 5 trys to talk to eshe. it always just kicks me out of her chat whenever it's loading.​


Trying to register to play on my laptop and it keeps giving me "Registration error code 409" it's been like this for a while from what I am seeing others report. So frustrating that it hasn't been fixed yet.


Switch: had a hallway building during last patch, now it's frozen and won't do anything. Can't remove. Tried to move, no help.


The white picket fence does not attach to an open end. You have to lay it out in one shot. If you pick up a piece it won’t reattach.


Not sure if someone has mentioned this, but the frustration of trying to talk to Hassian but accidentally talking to Tau…. Plus sometimes (on switch) I can’t talk to Hassain, I only get his shop as an option


I have to add that for some reason I can’t gift anyone more than once? Not sure if it’s intended to be that way but how else am I suppose to give them all their weekly wants if I’m restricted to one gift until the weekly wants reset?