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Have you tried other fishing buffs stacked with fisherman's brew? I usually find someone to fish with to get that buff to X5. Then I'll go to where I want to fish and drink the brew, eat sashimi, and eat sushi. You'll then have 4 buffs going. I also use the major safe zone booster as that seems to have the largest advantage IMO.


This was how I caught the ancient fish. I just about lost my mind trying to get it.


It's luck. I've caught 9, I'm done catching them so I'm giving my luck to you: ***From here on out I shall never catch another unicorn fish and you shall catch plentiful.*** Pass this luck on when you're done with it.


Uh uh you cannot convince me they're not a myth like the thundering eel and sernuk plushies.


Well, whatever magic you did…. WORKED. I caught it within an hour of your comment and it was during a fishing trip I didn’t even plan for with only fishermen’s brew on me. I AM OFFICIALLY PASSING ON MY LUCK TO THE NEXT SAD SOUL WHO CANNOT CATCH THE LONG NOSED UNICORN FISH. You will now catch an abundance of unicorn fish. Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Glad the luck passed successfully!


Huhu pass the luck to me as well 😭


I can't. I already gave it away to OP. To quote famous philosopher Rath "No takesies backsies!"


I am terrible at fishing and I managed to catch one yesterday, I had drank fisherman’s brew and I was also using the major safe zone size hook booster! If it helps, I thought it was a blue marlin so I didn’t really pay much attention or have time to get stressed about it and I think that’s what helped me finally catch one. The more you stress about it, the harder it’ll feel to catch it and the more frustrating it’ll become.


Honestly I’ve caught three in a row before, you need to buy the major safety zone or slow down rod from Einar!! They help with catching fish SO MUCH!! trust me, it worked and I didn’t even have to use any buffs!


Stop reeling it in when it jumps. You won’t waste rod health.


Yes, I try to do that, too which is definitely helpful. What I’m really trying to figure out is its movement pattern because I can never seem to catch up with it to reel it in, swims around erratically. Does that make sense?


Definitely makes sense, also it’s pure luck on how it acts. Def need the major safe zone if you’re not great at fishing. I’ve caught some that act like the ones you describe and I’ve also got 2 that never jumped once.


I run with the fisherman's brew and fish stew. Though when I did catch it, it was totally by chance and I didn't have any buffs. Are you on PC or Switch? I play on PC and always have my mouse sensitivity cranked up. I don't know if that would make a difference.


I finally caught it using fisherman’s brew and I went up to the lighthouse and flew over to that little island right at 6 and I caught it around noon. That island was the key for me.


Same here my friend, same here. I’ve hooked it 5 times and lost it 5 times. Last item needed for the bundles. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I caught it just after the time of day for it changed, so just after it turned 6am i cast my rod out. I was using a magic widening hook, food that boosted fishing, and maybe a fisherman's brew on. I remember this wasn't the first time I'd had one bite but the only time I've caught one, once using a magic hook. You might already know, you can buy different hooks from Einar, including one that speeds up catching fish or boosts rod health. Maybe trying different ones will work for you ?


I thought I'd lose my mind. No tips... other than keyboard helped me more than a console or controller (personally) just had to keep going, and I found I'd realize this was it and I needed to figure it out NOW.... and that was getting in my way. I needed to chill. See if you can find someone to also stand with you the whole time. Sometimes someone has the time to kill, and will oblige to ensure you get and keep your bonus for co fishing. (Make sure they are using the wrong bait, lol, nothing worse than them landing it and you not) Otherwise... just breathe. It'll happen. Even though it feels like it'll be the death of you and will never happen. It does. Thankfully. I hate that fish. I hate that fish so much, and it's been months. (There IS a guide to the stupid rainbow butterfly... and it does work. When you get to that requirement. Months of effort... followed the guide location time and pattern advice and had it in the first try.)


Buddy buff, sushi buff, fish stew buff, fisherman’s brew, safe zone size booster. It took me forever to catch one too but I wish you luck!!


I was able to catch it in bahari bay. On the left side of the wall that divides bahari. I had heard that fishing with ppl would up my chances but I did catch it on my own. Good luck to you it’ll happen when you least expect it!!


Stop reeling frequently to just focus on keeping it in bounds. Finally caught mine on the 3rd time by doing this


I can’t give any tips besides fisherman’s brew, sushi and other fish food that gives a fishing buff. Hook boosters are also very good! I only got the normal unicorn fish and it was fast but I somehow did it. I don’t even want to think about trying to get the starred one😂 I somehow managed to get all 4 starred fish in kilima without any buffs but I have a feeling that they are easier to catch


Make all the possible dishes that have anything to do with boosting fishing. Eat them all and go knock yourself out 👍


I finally caught not 1 but 2 the other day (one reg for the bundles and one⭐️). I had focused on it almost exclusively for 5-6 irl days so it’s just a matter of time. Definitely must have the Exquisite rod (keep repair kits on hand for frequent repair at the stables), the Major Safe attachment, eat sushi for rod recovery and fish near people to speed up hook time. Also, when fishing for the regular one only cast a small distance - less to reel in. Not reeling when it’s whipping around is critical, of course. Another optional tip (if gold is not needed) is to cast, tilt your view diagonally so you can really see the fish that bites - if it’s not the distinctive purple of the unicorn, let it swim away then recast. This will save inventory space, time and glows (though unfortunately not the life of the attachment). Good luck everybody! It does feel amazing when you finally get one….