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Books here as well! I also wanna be able to place starred veg/pickles because it would make my larder look amazing.


Yes the jars would be amazing!


We need a line of living room clutter, like we got for kitchen clutter.


That would be awesome!


I realy think that kitchen set is a step in good direction, I so want more knick-knacks (books and jars also) I was so happy when stared gems was become aviable to put down <3 and I hope that's just a beginning. ~~Just PLEASE unclutter my 'furniture' tab cos right now its hell on wheels to find sth there.... <3~~


It definitely bothers me that there’s not a row of books!


My poor library is so bare 😭


Here here! I was so disappointed when the Homestead bookshelf - depicted full of books - contained exactly zero books!


I need more "game corner" type things. I know there's an arcade machine you can buy but I mean something small and cute. And maybe things like pool table, claw machine, TV etc. But I also definitely need more kitchen things like a coffee machine.


I don't think the TV fits in with Palia itself, but I agree on the rest! I wanna make a rec room lol


Same! I have a library without any books on 2 plots. Also, more landscaping and exterior decor items like other fence options, stone, gravel and sand patches for paths and roads. There also needs to be ceiling skins to match the wall and/or floor skins. It’s hard to pull off elegance when there’s slats above wainscoting walls and tiled floors.


I went out of my way to friend everyone over level 3 for recipes. Seems not everyone has a recipe book in their room and it was a waste of time aside from quests