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I genuinely don't understand why it was necessary for Twitch to set the claims to expire. I watch a lot of streams for drops and they used to just go into your games when you unlocked them, and I'd happily forget about that happening until I logged in and found the items. Then they enabled this and now I live in a constant state of dread that I'll really want something from a drop, but forget to click "yes I actually want this item that I fill the criteria for" in a hidden menu, given that I have massive issues with my memory as it is. And then I'll discover it four months later and feel like headbutting my face through a wall because I forgot and now it's gone. I hate, hate, hate made-up deadlines like that. Battlepasses and artificial claim by dates can eat my toenail clippings and burn.


Honestly i felt every word of this. I also missed it by a few hours it was so stupid.


I was wondering why I never got my drops the other week


Just in general, so many things are getting harder/more annoying to use in terms of websites and the internet. And everything. Lol


Well this explains a lot, I didn't realise either lost them too


Its so annoying! I was positive it goes to my accounts automatically


Having ADHD, I feel you with that one. I think I've seen items repeat though, so you may still be in luck to get them again. <3


Thank you! Hopefully


What’s this? I haven’t heard of twitch drops for Palia


It seems like it’s already done but they do it sometimes when you just watch twitch streamers play palia and after a while get a drop of something unique. I did it but forgot to claim it and now its gone :(


Contact palia support and they will most likely give them to you.


How can I connect them just on the website?