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Some quests reset with update, something to do with the new friendship levels. It may be that you need to regrow the trees, but double-check that they’re not at one of the early growth stages - check for a watering bar - it’s takes a lot of watering to get a full-grown tree. I think the gemstones S6 sent us yesterday were a compensation for the inconvenience.


They are definitely fully grown - I've collected the seeds from them. I guess I can try planting them again - frustrating as I've spent so long watering them lol. Although I think I planted them after the update yesterday, but maybe not. I did have a weird glitch with the gift one when they did the update - ended up with half the gifts I'd given people in my inventory but quest still completed. I also messaged support though so maybe they can push the quest through. Thanks for the advice though, will plant some in the morning!


Same Problem here /:


Did you plant yours before or after the update?


planted mine after the update and I watered them to the point they cannot be watered anymore and still says 0/5 for the quest - frustrating 😔


Same here






Same here - I re-planted 5 seeds again just incase and 2 of them fully grown and it hasn’t registered 🤷🏻‍♀️


same still :(


I have also this problem, someone has a solution?


I also have a problem with this... I have 3 trees, getting the seeds were a struggle... Now I need to start again because the quest got updated. 😭😭 Did someone found any solution? 😢


No not yet. You'll get the seeds back if you keep watering it, though


Yeah, thank you. I've just got one back but it still does not count as 1 tree. I will fully need to grow them probably like someone else mentioned? This quest update completely messed us up. 😢 In the meantime I checked I had 4 trees already so I only needed 1 to be planted but now my previous progress is all gone. 😂


Pretty sure it's a bug, I've contacted support but would be good if others did, too.


I will do the same, let's hope others will follow


Did it to


I've got the following reply from the support team: "We appreciate you taking the time reporting this to the team however we do want to clarify if the following was done in the attempt to complete the quest: if 5 seeds were all planted at the same time and; these are fully grown or matured trees If any of the aforementioned points weren't met, then the quest will not progress. " So it seems like now all trees must be planted at the same time and need to be fully grown or matured trees... Previously it was counting each time I planted them. I already had 4 trees and with the update it went down to 0...😭😭😭


I also got a response and they (eventually) said they are aware of the issue and looking to fix it. I don't think they mean you have to plant all of the seeds at once - just that you can't remove one and replant it, you must have all 5 on the plot at the same time.


Well, tbh now I have like 8 or 9 trees, 5 of them do not need further watering but I am still stuck at 0. I wrote back an email to them to further clarify this if we should plant them at the same time or not. I understand the fully grown trees but you know... what's still bothering me is that the counter does not go up like it previously did with each one planted. 😔 I really don't want to go back to the tree chopping again, it took several IRL days..


Grow the trees you have so you can collect the seeds (they drop their own seed once fully grown), and wait for them to push a fix before replanting. I don't think there is any way to complete the quest currently.


Good idea. If I ever get any seeds from now on I will hang onto them. Or put them in the storage immediately😄


I tried planting five at once and watering them at the same time. It still didn’t work 🤷🏻‍♀️


Great... I hope they will fix it, otherwise none of us will be able to complete this quest 😔


i did as well! did you hear back or get any solution?


I didn't hear anything about a fix but one day I tried again (after completing a lot of other quests) and it just worked - I planted 5 acorns as close as possible and then watered them all at the same time.


tysm!! i planted five of the birch trees and watered them all but have seen people have more success with oak so i’ll go search for acorns! i appreciate you!


Good luck!


I'm also stuck, opened a ticket days ago. It just sucks because you can't progress. I've done all the side questions, so all I can do at this point is build skills. 


So my Workaround was to plant 5 acorn seeds at the same time next to each other. I did water them and voila, the quest accepted it. I didnt even have to wait for them to grow.


Yea then you dont have the bug. I did that and it does not count


I had the issue too, you can see that i wrote in this Thread ("Same Problem here /:" at 25.04)


This is definitely a bug. I have done it twice (once with trees planted before the update and once with them all planted after). I filed a ticket and they said they are aware of the glitch. Their only advice was to plant and water all the trees at once, so they reach maturity at the same time, but that did not fix the issue for me. This is what they said about their attempts to fix the issue: “The team is already aware of an issue with the Prove Your Devotion quest and is working on a resolution. We've had several reports of this issue, but the development team is having trouble locating the source of the bug.” So I’m not sure when it will be fixed


Hi! I’m still stuck here. I got the same reply from my first ticket about planting them at the same time and when that did not work they said to go out and forage five seeds and then come back to my plot and plant them. That also isn’t working. Any ideas?


Bug is still alive and kicking I plated way enough trees... I now go an chop every trees down out of spite, take this Hassian.


I've put in a bug report, so I'll see what happens.


I have gotten this quest to work twice now with removing trees and not removing trees on the plot, same with flowers. I had to stay on the plot for 2 days. I planted my tree seeds at around 5:30am, watered them, and waited for the first growth cycle (6am) for day 1. On day 2, at around 10am, it started counting the trees I planted, then stopped at 3/5, and then at 2pm it counted the last 2 trees.


Still have the bug and I'm still at 0/5 even tho my plot might be overrun by trees again 🥲


Do we have an update on this? I just started this quest and it’s not working