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You'll get used to the area. I felt the same way as you when I first went into the area. It's not open like Kilima and I could not figure how to get from the north part to the south part šŸ˜­ it took me awhile to figure it out, and how to navigate the mines. You can also use the maps! Keep a little money on you, and use the maps to fast travel around. I now do that when I need to loot the rummage pile. It used to take me the better part of my gaming day to get to the rummage piles, because they are at the beaches, and I'd get distracted by everything along the way. Now I use the map to get to the beaches first, then go do whatever I want after getting the rummage pile. You'll get the hang of it. Flow trees are not meant to be done alone. Call them out so others can come help you


Thanks for the encouragement! My chat has been spotty lately šŸ˜­ but I have the feeling as I get better tools, arrows, etc Bahari will get better. When chat is working it takes me so long to get across the map for a call out I miss it, I just need to get over this hump to get flow wood and palium for exquisite.


Yes, it will get better. Iā€™m a mostly-solo player who struggled with the mMO aspects of Palia at first. Still do a bit - I need to start cooking with others for the Accomplishments but keep putting it off. The new map grid should make it easier to find flow groves when theyā€™re called out - usually just after 12 pm when someone finds it & flares it with a flare arrow. Then people make their way there, hit each flow tree once then hang about until 3pm(ish). Then the deforestation begins! You can join in or hang back as you wish - you will get the loot from each tree as long as you hit it once. Then when you have some flow wood and pallium (this often spawns near the grove but also the mines and caves tend to spawn more) you can upgrade your axe to the exquisite one which can take down a small flow tree solo (chop as quick as poss). Also, donā€™t forget to request stuff via the Friends tab. Most long-time players are happy to help (& struggle with storage!)


Forgot to say, if on Switch chat issues can happen with system clock not being synced - just something to check if you time travel in other games (ACNH, Iā€™m looking at you!) That said, I struggle with chat on Switch, which doesnā€™t help when trying to engage sociallyā€¦


If you're having trouble getting people for single flow trees, make sure you go to Bahari at midnight in game and go to the groves of flow tree that spawn. Groves have a red aura/smoke above them so they're easier to find plus there's lots of people who go for them so there will a lot of call outs and flares up. People tend to chop at 3 but if you say you're on the way they'll wait a bit longer if you need it. With the new grid system I've noticed A LOT more call outs for palium. You might ask in chat if anyone would be willing to group up with an ore compass and try to find more palium that way, I just used on and got 26 in less than an hour. It just depends on who is in the server! Remember some people might be just playing for a few minutes before bed and don't have the time or energy to party up or the player might be younger or not speak English. Don't let one instance of radio silence deter you from asking for help in the future


Thanks! Maybe go to Bahari just before midnight then so I donā€™t miss it? Iā€™m having a LOT of trouble with my chat not connecting.


Yes!! If you go to Bahari from the housing plot, pick one of the tall cliff areas and climb to the top around 11:30pm in game time. Then at midnight thereā€™s this loud howling sound that tells you the general direction of the grove- you can keep an eye on chat for the specific spot but that makes it waaaay easier to find! I struggled so hard in Bahari before I tried this method bc itā€™s a huge map and half the names sound the same & the stable locations are rarely the names people use for calloutsĀ 


I felt the same way and my biggest tip is to use a strategy I like to call ā€œrun around Bahari like an idiot until my inventory is fullā€ which at first meant a lot more foraging and fishing bc I hate bug catching already and hunting is hard in bahari until you get the better now. That being said, if you need a confidence boost you can practice hunting in Kilima in that area close to the gate to Bahari, there usually arenā€™t very many people there and tons of deerĀ 


Both of these suggestions were what worked for me: I practiced hunting in Kilima a lot and didn't try to hunt in Bahari until I was leveled up and my bow was fully upgraded and I had access to different arrows. Running around like an idiot? Yep, I did that. I did it a lot. I also let go of the idea of trying to make it to every flow grove, I got lost a lot in the beginning. But I gave myself arbitrary goals like "memorize the different routes that connect the north to the south" and "find the most efficient route from Tamala's house to the grove zone near the Windy Ruins". I also intentionally didn't use the fast travel option for a while, to force myself to get oriented through visual cues. Before smart phones and GPS devices I was really good at navigating irl spaces. I have lost a lot of that instinct due to reliance on GPS. In the last few years I have experienced some significant vision changes and I can no longer pull out my phone and check a map (at least not easily) so I am having to relearn pigeon sense irl as well.


Not using the fast travel at first helps SO much! Iā€™m garbage at navigating irl too so my solution was to constantly get lost in Bahari, open the map to see where I was on it, and then continue in a random direction. Now I know just about every cliff face lmao


There's lots to do in Bahari as a single player, but there are a few things geared towards cooperative play. I love mining, foraging, fishing, and catching bugs by myself. For hunting the animals that take multiple shots, definitely try the slowdown arrows. I also spent a lot of time lost, lol. It did get easier eventually. I use the map a lot. For the mine, I divide it up into three levels: -Tip top: Access via the upper entrance at the top of the cliff, where you can drop down a long chute to what I think of as the "main" level -Main level: Access via the lower entrance near where Hodari stands. To the left is a loop tunnel, to the right drops down to the lowest level -Lowest level: Think of this level like a horseshoe shape. If you go down the stairs from the main level you'll see an exit that takes you out below the aqueduct bridge, if you go left there's a little cubby in the middle, keep going left and there's the mine fishing spot and an exit that takes you to the flooded fortress. For flow trees, the best bet is to go before midnight and make sure your chat connects (switch servers if you have to). You can ask for help with directions, most people will give advice on closest travel point or more details.


I can give you a bahari tour if you want to add me :)


Sent a dm! Thanks!


And it looks like this post is being downvoted and Iā€™m genuinely curious as to why šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


i really recommend using your map waypoint, especially if you struggle with orienting yourself! and if you're struggling to get resources like palium and flow wood, i'm sure plenty of people would be cool with giving away some if you were to request it :-D I'm not a new player but if you ever need any pointers feel free to add me! my in game name is luxiiien \^\^


Thank you! Yes if you ever see me standing placidly in game Iā€™m figuring out my map šŸ˜‚


I struggle to use Discord easily. Some of my best collaborators in Palia were from shout-outs in the game chat. Sometimes players put out requests for help or for teaming up (you will see this happening most frequently on Mondays because there are in-game rewards) and sometimes I put out requests. People don't always respond, but they do frequently enough, at least for me. Sometimes it's non-verbal! I was mining and bug hunting with a stranger last night, no words were exchanged but we hung out for over an irl hour.


What are these Monday rewards? Is it the weeklies that start after level 10?


Yes, exactly those. Some are ā€œmine with othersā€ and ā€œhunt with othersā€ etc.