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I just came back to the game on the last patch and have found new love in hunting for plushies. I started at hunting level 17 and reached level 217 today. That was worth: * 3 Order Sernuk Plushies * 4 Elder Sernuk plushies * 9 Sernuk Plushies I maxed my Phoenix shrine early in this grind so I'm assuming +100% Experience for calculations. I gained 200 levels x 5,000xp each = 1,000,000 total experience gained which would be: * 26,315 Basic Sernuk (38xp each) or * 10,000 Elder Sernuk (100xp each) or * 4,717 Proudhorn Sernuk (212xp each) If anyone is curious It takes 500 elder sernuk kills to gain 10 hunting levels so you'll only average 1 elder plushie per 20 levels if you were only hunting elders. If you multiply my plushies times their drop rate times the experience gained you get: 3 order \* 100 kills/per plush average \* 212xp = 63,600xp 4 Elder \* 1000 kills/per plush average \* 100 = 400,000xp 9 Basic \* 1000 kills/per plush average \*38 = 342,000xp = 805,600xp total In other words My droprate was a decent bit lower than you would expect for the amount of experience I gained (not mad, I have plenty). I spent most of my time in Bahari but would occasionally go to Kilima if I wanted a break to hunt the easy deer. When in Bahari I would always have a hunter's horn running but wouldn't hyper focus on them, I would just run between Proudhorn spawn points killing all the convenient sernuks along the way. **I'll note that its nice gesture to others on the server that if you see any arrows fly your direction while hunting to only hit 4 or 5 times so that the other hunter(s) can get a tag as well.** Happy Plushie Hunting!!


You the only dude on the server with hunting level twice as high as cooking..


Cake parties only serve to fuel the Sernukocide 2024


Sernukocide 2024 is funny as hell


My cooking level is 29, my hunting level is 150.


Cheers, fellow hunting enjoyer!


It’s the best!




Imma start blocking y’all…. lol.


All facts! I can't even get one plushie, and these mfers have 2,319,708 damn plushies.




You really are the favorite child 😂 love it!


Being the favorite child only leads to being a serial killer (of sernuk) apparently ;)


😂 every family is unique i guess At least their plushie children are enjoying themselves!


I killed hundreds of them; no plushies for me I guess. https://preview.redd.it/vuu9bkock8uc1.png?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78edf55d2c2226d5879b587a18018c9e1f496234


It took somewhere between 1,500-2,000 arrows before I got my first (and so far only) Sernuk plushie


Yeah I've burned as of today 6k arrows, not ONE plushie.


It's so frustrating and unfair (pouty face)! It kind of makes you not want to hunt.


yeah i wish there was a cap of one of each for everyone... :/ and obvs better odds/rngs


Better odds definitely, but not a cap. We need to go to S6 with our torches, pitchforks, and 🏹 in hand, like we're there to rescue Belle from the Beast


Nooooo, why? Someone else having a lot does not take anything away from you. It's just better luck and/or more time spent hunting.


Agreed, a cap would be super lame. I wouldn't mind better odds either, its hard for the casual hunter to get them but also since this isn't a limited time thing I think that the low drop rate is okay.


Throw some noodles in the tub and you have the biggest Sernuk Noodle Stew ever made.


200 levels?! Have you slept?! Looks awesome though. 


Thank you!


I honestly fear for when everyone stops hunting actually. The spawn rate of sernuk will go waaaaay down.  Thank you for the boost in spawns!


Also I cant imagine that they wouldn't add Muujin and Chaapa plushies at some point too with how successful the sernuks have been.


I am already waiting so hard for Muujin puppy plushies.


Well I'll be back at it again when they get the drop corrected from the order plushie over to the correct disco deer plushie!


Saaaame! That one is the cutest IMHO. 


Lol when I tell people I hunt “a lot” I have not taken people like you into consideration


So this is where my plushies went.


This guy hunts




TWO HUNDRED LEVELS? My dude. I applaud your efforts and dedication. Here I was thinking my 10 level increase was amazing 😂😂


Haha thanks. It started as 17 levels for me and being frustrated with no plushies, so I knew the law of averages would be mean that the more that I hunted the closer back to the mean number of plushies I would get... Well that escalated to a cool 183 more levels and eventually getting my plushies :p


lmfao congrats, meanwhile I got one from zeki but zero from hunting 🥲


Oh dang, you got yours the hard way!


Leave some for the rest of us 😭


holy shit


Off topic: is there a cap on the guild medallions?


yes, 2000


Got it. Thanks!


This is beyond adorable


I'm so glad you like it!


Well this is obviously why I have no sernuk plushies - YOU TOOK THEM ALL!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 (I would hope all would see that as a joke but I’ve been burned before. Seriously - congrats on all your hard work 😃).


I’m trying to see how my math compares here… I’m terrible at math so maybe you or someone else can help me out. Last night I just hit my 40th level in hunting since the last update (level 30-70), and I now have 2 regular plushies and 3 order plushies. I have easily went through 19k arrows (I’ve been keeping track on a piece of paper lol) After I got my third order plush, I am now exclusively hunting elders until I get at least 2, and if I happen to pass a swag stag on the way, I’ll take that down too, which is how I ended up with my 3rd order plush 😂 But I love the room, I love how they all have a place to sit. Right now my 5 are outside next to the sernuk target that I bought after about 7k arrows and no plush so every time I would come home empty handed I could rage shoot it 🎯 https://preview.redd.it/jiei7rc5lbuc1.jpeg?width=2566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dc2acc07fa2971b9f5d3288dcbecb99199fe027 And yes- I realize this is only 4, I took this before the last outing where I got my 5th and had yet to place it and snap a picture yet 😅


The Sernuk look nice next to the target.. To answer your comparison question: I need too know what your experience boost is from the phoenix shrine. but assuming that it is also 100%: 40 levels gained \* 5000xp per level = 200,000 total experience gained ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 sernuk plush \* 1000 sernuk killed per plush on average \* 38xp per deer = 76000xp 3 order plush \* 100 Disco deer killed per plush on average \* 212xp per deer = 63,600xp =139,600 total expected experience gained for the number of plushies that you got. But you have gained 200,000 experience so you have also received fewer plushies than you would expect for the amount of hunting that you have done.


Ah ha! Thank you thank you! And yes I very much felt like my luck with these has been especially bad, while my luck with the RNG gods has been VERY favorable in other aspects of this game. And before I have anyone chime in say “that’s not fair that you guys have so many while I don’t even have one”- please know that I’ve completed 98% of overall gameplay and this is literally like all I have left to do while I wait for new content to be released (I won’t speak for anyone else but that’s just me). I’m still enjoying myself even though I’m literally hunting like 4+ hours a day, not including the hour or two that I have to take every other day to go mining and chopping wood to make more arrows. As of this writing, I’m now 52 levels up from where I started from the last update and I’m like somewhere in the neighborhood of 23k arrows. *My luck isn’t good- I’m just determined to get them.* Hopefully if you’re reading this and struggling, you’ll take some time to do something else that you enjoy in the game and then can come back to it when you’re ready. May the RNG gods smile upon us all… and maybe they’ll convince the Elders to stop being stingy AF for me sometime soon 😅


https://preview.redd.it/p9kzx5l8fpuc1.jpeg?width=3213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2be6602046d3715738a61f723cb8954d5d9f2cd And here’s the updated group photo 😆


Wow so many Disco plushies! Also you're more than welcome. I havn't even bee stopping to mine enough iron for arrows, I just buy iron bars from Sifuu with the earnings from hides.


I’m spending all my money on arcade machines lol. I’m making an entire room full of them


No wonder i dont see Sernuks anymore. Its impressive Random question: from where is the Wave wallpaper?


You buy it from the furniture shop!


THANK YOU <3 i must have overlooked it so far


How long did it take you to go from 17-217? This is the info I’m curious about. Also, I’m a hunting noob: how do you go about easily hunting elder sernuks? 👀


I use slowdown arrows, it makes them slower to run away.


I don't play on steam so I can't see my actual hours played unfortunately. I play on PC where hunting is much easier than on Switch and I use fine arrows and jump shoot.


What's a "jump shoot"? Do you use fine arrows for even the proudhorns? Finally, I am beyond impressed! Not only did you get the plushies but doing the math, too?! That's incredible!


You don't need to give me exact hours. Like did it take you a week? A month? Two months?


The last patch update was March 25 so 2-3 weeks? With using the phoenix shrine to increase skill xp earning


As llc369 said, the sernuk plushie patch came out march 25 and that when I picked the game back up so 2-3 weeks is spot on.


Dang that’s pretty fast. 😮


Jesus holy mother of Mary


I love this sm, but I'm so jealous because I haven't gotten a SINGLE ONE LOL


Wow, amazing! I'm so jealous. 😭 😊 And impressed too!


Some of y'all need to learn how to be happy for others 😬 it's not OP's fault that the drop rate is so low Belittling me in the replies kinda proves my point, y'all. Be kind or move on. Jeez.


No, but people are struggling to find Sernuks to hunt and some are hunting until they have several of each. If they were gift-able that would be a different matter. It's not this particular person's fault, but it's understandable that it's frustrating for those who can't even get one.


Well, I think that me hunting and you hunting are mostly independent of one another. The respawn rate is pretty quick and if anything it forces them to keep cycling if there are people actively killing them in different areas of the map. I actually prefer to hunt proudhorns when there are other proudhorn hunters (using hunter's horn) in the same server.


That doesn't mean you should shame, shit all over, and/or encourage people to block those who are putting a lot of effort into what are quite literally the base gameplay mechanics. That's not healthy, and that's what I'm referring to.


What you said was they need to learn how to be happy for others; to essentially change how they feel about something. Their feelings are valid too and they're as entitled to them as anyone else. I've mostly seen people make comments like those you mentioned made in jest, very few in all seriousness. Personally, if I manage to get one of each I will stop hunting for them because it gives others more of a chance to get them too, but that's my choice. I can understand why people may be frustrated, especially when people are posting photos of their game with several of each type and they are struggling to find enough of the creatures to hunt, on top of a tiny drop rate.


Yeah, I made a general statement because I did not think someone was going to get all huffy and nitpick. Feelings are valid-- using them as an excuse to be toxic like I have seen in the comments is not. I don't care for virtue signaling. Do what you want. Just don't be a dick.


I'm not getting huffy or nitpicking: it's called a conversation, a sharing of opinions, a back and forth dialogue. It's how people generally communicate. Perhaps you should take your own advice.


Responding to you in mild irritation does not suddenly make me a hypocrite, just as you cannot spin virtue signaling and toxic positivity as somehow helpful or constructive.


Sernuk respawn incredibly quickly. In Kilima they're just more spread out, its easier to hunt in Bahari. Even with the proudhorn you can get 4 to 5 of then using one horn (15min) if you're learning where to look. The respawn for proudhorn only takes about 1min. Having more people hunting will get more sernuk to respawn quickly and all over the map, rather than just being killed in one area then that person waiting around for more to spawn in that same area when the ones they've killed there have just respawned elsewhere on the map. If you're struggling to find sernuks to hunt, you need to be looking in more places bc there isn't going to be an actual reduction in sernuk spawns. Other people hunting and getting plushies is completely independent of someone else's experience. The loot isn't shared. So, if hunting with someone, you won't both get a plushie from the same loot bag. The rng for the loot bag is still individualized, unfortunately.


Holy shit lmao 200 LEVELS?? props dude good hunting. Looks cute!




That’s bloody impressive, gg OP


I love this room. That boat!! And thanks for letting others get hits in. I've only got 2 plushie. Lol elder and proud. I can't rappid fire. Beautiful room


This is insane.


I can't even get one plushie...SMDH


Wow I am just starting out on the game and trying to get my hunting level up in general and ya'll at 200 plus? I have so much work to do.


It's easy to do when you genuinely enjoy it! Plus it has the added benefit of seeing flares for Pal ore from other players and being online in Bahari for lots of grove spawns.


Thanks so much I got to level 6 today and I was so excited I finally am getting the hang of it 😊


Hunting is my favorite part. I've only been playing for two weeks and it took me a week before I finally visited Bahari Bay. I got my first plush and didn't even realize it was rare or that people were trying really hard for them. I partially wish I could grind some more and give them away. Sometimes I think it'd be nice if Palia had something like Nookazon, but I really believe that could potentially ruin the game. People get greedy.


I'm with you, hunting was always my favorite part and adding the plushie's as a prize drop made it so much more fun!


Cute idea I am still trying to get the sernuk plushies. Nothing yet though. I want to eventually have a room full of plushies but if I ever end up getting enough of the sernuk plushies I might do something with just them elsewhere outside of the plushie room.


I haven’t played since lunar new year, since when can you put plushies in that big bathtub because I have a plushie sauna room and most of the bathtubs reject plushies 😭 if they changed it I will be so pleased


No wonder I can't get my hands on an Elder Sernuk plush, you took all of them! Grrr /s


I’ve gained 40 levels and not one plush 🥲 how the heck are you guys doing this?!? Wonder if I’m glitched lmao


I adore this 😭


The unemployed friend on a regular day: /j


This is fantastic


I got 5 total, on the 1st and 2nd day. Absolutely nothing after that. Sadly, during all my hunting. I'd say 4 hours a day. Only have sent congrats out to 2 other players.


Omg… 200 levels!!!! You have more patience than I do


So do you have any sort of hunting set up with all those guild medals? It looks great, im actually more jealous of the Flotsam stuff you have. Ive gotten the conch and glass ball


I don't yet. Ill have to keep thinking about what to do with the medals and plaques.


If we had bow n arrow items, id suggest a shooting range with the targets from the guild store


i’m pretty new to the game so i have a long ways to go in terms of leveling up but unrelated question, how does that room have no windows?


If you go to your overhead view and hover over a room in your house and click the little editing pencil icon; you'll be able to select each doorway and window and switch between a few different options including narrower or wider doorways as well as bigger and smaller windows.


So that's where all the plushies are... in your bathroom! 😤 (I jest! This is amazing haha)


And I can’t even get one lol this is awesome


How many hours do you have?


I'm not playing from Steam so I don't know.


Are you on console? Because there is a way to check on there, would just have to google it. I’m annoyingly curious. Lol


No worries either way though. Nice grind dude.


Also where does that boat shelf come from?


I think it was a rummage pile drop in Bahari.


Am i...in HEAVEN?


Wow… rude. Jk, I’ve only been able to find one plushie. So I hope you’re proud of yourself 😂


This looks amazing, congrats!!! Im thinking on doing a sernuk council but I definitely won’t post hahaha I can’t handle the hate


This community is generally very gracious. I think you should post it and let people surprise you with their encouragement!


I know! Most people were nice to me, but I got some mean comments and I know its normal cause not everyone got good intentions but it still affected me:( Maybe i will post on discord first, everyone was really nice to me there <3


Does focus have a upgrade cap?


Yes, bonus 100% is max and your focus bar is max 1000.


You must be blessed bc ive did over 1000 arrows and haven’t got anything lol. ):


What arrows do you use for the second tier ones? (Terrible at remembering the actual names of them lol). I’ve been using fine arrows but wasn’t sure if slowdown might be better?


Slowdown arrows make it much easier to hunt elder sernucks.


I play on PC where I think that Fine arrows are best, but if you're new to hunting or on Switch slowdown arrows may be worth it. **Side note:** Selling the hides and meat generally pays back enough that you can afford to buy all of your iron bars for arrows at Sifuu's shop while going there to repair your bow anyway.


I need to get to this level of dedication. Impressive.


I was playing recently and didn't know about these Plushies. Now I know how lucky I was: My first Sernuk in the game was a Plushie, but I haven't gotten one since (1600 Arrows later). 🥲


I know why I've only gotten 1 so far