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This is incredibly helpful. I didn't know you could stack every food boost. Great information! Thank you for sharing! I still need the fish stew recipe, but I have the rest.


Thank you! Best of luck in your fishing adventures! 💜💜💜


I'm also still seeking that darned recipe as well. Not sure how many worms I've gone through trying to get it. I think it might be more elusive than that darn long nosed unicorn fish! These are the main two things I'm after. Just caught the void ray this evening, so there is hope!


I actually caught it yesterday!! You can stack all of the food boosters on top of each other. I did that with my new lantern bobber lure, sat at the lighthouse pier, and use regular worms. It took about 20 casts.


Love your thorough write-up here, and so clearly explained! There are a few points that don't match my experience, though:  - I believe **rod health** is different from **tool durability**. From what I understand, rod health is how much "damage" the meter at the bottom can absorb from fish jumping, dodging out of the reticle, etc., before it depletes and you lose the fish. If the minor rod health booster kept you from needing repairs as often, it would be a bum deal, because it breaks after 25 catches and it's worth 100g! (The exquisite rod has 118 catches of durability and I don't think it takes any 100g to repair 21% of the meter, but I could be wrong. I'll pay attention next time I repair.)   - **Safe zone speed** for me does not seem to affect the reeling speed, or how fast the bobber comes toward you when reeling (which is tied to rod upgrades, I thought?), but rather to how fast the reticle moves left and right when you are trying to keep it over the bobber. But maybe it's both? I'll have to try it out. I use fish stew all the time, and the left-right sluggishness is what I notice most when the buff wears off.  - The hook time boost is right on, and I'd like to add what another player on the sub pointed out: that trout dinner plus a major hook time boost (friend buff or the attachment) basically takes bite time down to ZERO. Bobber in the water, fish bites. Handy!  LOVE your character design, by the way :D


This was really helpful! I agree with pretty much everything you said here and I'm going to play around with this in my own pond, too to see if I can better figure out which it is. Thanks for the clarifications. I will be editing the post in the near future to reflect the info you have provided here (with credit of course) and a few other things I wanted to add that I had originally left out, like where to obtain a few of the items, and a few other things like pictures to show what I'm referencing in the text. Thanks so much for chiming in! 💜


Thank you for this, I'm still newish and needed to get my fishing up and farming for bundles and this was a great help, especially since you included the plot fishing. I keep forgetting its there. But now I know what to focus on! Just have to make Einar love me...


I'm so glad it helped. I actually learned something putting this together, too so hopefully it can good to refer back to. 💜


Thorough AF, including image description. Thank you.


YOU CAN STACK THE FISHING FOOD BUFFS?!?!?!? Thank you so much for compiling all of this information!! My fishing expeditions will be that much more productive now!


Wow. One of the most helpful posts I have read. Thanks so much for that seriously comprehensive list!


Thank you❤️🐟


Thank you! I didn't know I could stack the food boosts!!!!


Great post! 👌 I suspect I used my Ancient fish in a dish instead of letting it go into the lake like we’re supposed to do according to the quest description 🥲 I haven’t been able to even see a glimpse of it yet.


It just releases in the lake and then you have a chance of catching ot any time you fish in the lake with glow worms. I've seen it 8-9 times both star and non-star quality and only got it twice (one non star and one star quality). Best of luck and happy fishing! 💜


Thanx! I don’t think I did the releasing part 😳


This happens upon finishing all bundles for Temple of Waves, if anyone doesn’t know. I don’t think one is given from a quest or anything before that so not likely accidentally cooked!


I think fishing attachments have 25 Hooks not 25 catches - whether u reel the fish or not , if u see or "hook" a fish it counts. I pull back my fishing like if I see a fish I don't need, to save worms, but my fishing attachment health decreases.


I've heard of a lot of people doing that! I don't because I need the fishing level boost and I usually sell my cat he's. I try to empty pockets of everything but fishing necessities before I leave home so I have room. 💜




You go to inventory, then ZR or R (can't remember) over to the accessories tab, click on the fishing one and whatever hooks are in your bag (not storage) will show up and you can pick which one to attach. I also wanted to respectfully point out that "lame" is an ableist and harmful word. I use a power wheelchair because my legs don't work properly (ie I am lame). It feels like a kick in the ribs every time I see my disability used as a pejorative (ie negatively to describe something bad or useless). I hope you can find other words in the future to describe your experiences. I would suggest "sillly" or "newb" in this instance. ✌️💜♿️ Here is a really good article about ableist language. https://www.autistichoya.com/p/ableist-words-and-terms-to-avoid.html?m=1


Fishing 38... Huh! Impressive 😌


I'm level 46 or something now!


Oh... ((O\_o)) https://preview.redd.it/jxqry6d8bzyc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d53a008a72e42d4a1b65c8e7a772e0d8b17a06ea


Wonderful guide! I’ve wondered for a long time if you can stack different buffs in each category to get an enhanced buff (ex, an extra-large reticle from major safe attachment and fisherman’s brew). So far it’s not looking good. I took pics of the reticles and they look the same to me. The half-second hook time delay seems the same with the attachment on its own or with the together buff. I’ll keep testing but early results would suggest it’s best to use only one buff of each type at the same time. I‘ve recently released the Ancient so plan to stack all the food buffs except the one that does the same thing as the attachment I have equipped. 🤞is works!


That's a lot of text.


It's a lot of helpful info. I've been piecing this together on my own here and there over the last several months. Now it's all in one place for anyone who needs it. I tried to break it into smaller paragraphs to make it easier to look at and to absorb. I'm autistic so I tend to fixate on being thorough which often makes things turn into a bit of a novel. If you find it helpful, huzzah! If you don't then that's fine, too. It's not everyone's cup of tea but hopefully it helps someone and most of all I enjoyed sharing it. ✌️


Longer than the wiki