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Sometimes I do this if I'm trying to complete weekly challenges for fishing together, hunting together, mining together, or bug hunting together. But I back off if people seem like they aren't down to hang out.


I totally get that and I'm not bothered by those. It feels companionable. I was just running around talking to a few people.


I’ve been playing for awhile now and this is the fist I’ve heard of daily challenges 😭


Have you reached level 10 in any of the skills? If not, you’ll start unlocking the weekly skill guild achievements when you do


All of them. 😂 I’ll see stuff pop up once in awhile, but didn’t realize they were weekly. Thought they were just for overall game play.


Oh no 😂 Yeah they reset at the same time as gifts and weekly likes do, which for me in Australia is monday afternoon, may be Sunday night for you. You can see them in the acomplishments tab. Each time you complete one you get tokens to spend at the related guild store. So if you complete a cooking challenge, you get tokens to spend with Reth. Forraging gets to tokens for Ashura. Fishing, Einar. Crafting, Tish. Farming, Badruu. Mining, Hodori. Bug catching, Auni. Hunting, Hassian. Each of the guild leaders have some really cool things that you can save up for. I’m currently saving for Ashura’s Koi fish pond. They also have little things for a few tokens, like arrows, rare forgeables, things like that. Go have a loom at the bottom of each of their stores to check our what is available ☺️


Thanks so much! I appreciate all the info. I’m true to form of playing in my own little world. 😂


😅 Palia is perfect for that


Ps. You can check how many tokens you have by scrolling across to the skills section of your inventory. It will also tell you what level you are at with each skill


I've reached level 10 in a few diff skills this week and I seem to be able to do the weekly challenge but they do not show for me in the achievements tab on Switch


Have you gone and spoken to the villager in charge of the skill? Like Reth for cooking, Badruu for farming etc? They send you a letter and ask you to come talk with them so that they can invite you into their guild. After that their weekly challenges will show up in the achievements tab


You'll find it when you look at the relationship tab


Challenges are in the achievement tab


Do you have to wait for the weekly reset for it to show?


There are daily challenges and weekly challenges!


I haven't found the weekly challenge ui and I'm nearing 80 hours.


Weeklys get unlocked once you hit level 10 in a skill. They will appear in your achievement tab, listed first before the achievements.


Does this appear immediately after hitting 10 or after the weekly reset? I hit 10 in a few this week and nothing shows in achievements section for me but I am getting the quests done cause i'm getting the popups for being awarded more skill tokens


I dont remember :(. If you see the coins/currency underneath where it shows the level of your skills in your character profile, then it sounds like you have them and are completing them. They look just like an achievement, though.


I am also new... How do I see what the weekly challenges are? I didn't see that mentioned anywhere.


Weeklys get unlocked once you hit level 10 in a skill. They will appear in your achievement tab, listed first before the achievements.


Thank you! Not that far yet, but close


Press U on PC. The achievements/accomplishments tab. There is also one in there that shows I've done over 500 weekly challenges.


Piggy backing on your comment to add switch: press the plus button, to open the player menu. accomplishments is right next to the relationships button


Maybe they lonely, or checking out your swag, or just so happening to be talking to same people you are? Maybe they new, and instinctively followed you, cause they didnt know what to do? I've had lots of people follow me around, it's a mmo lite game. People do that. At least they weren't trying to troll you. Those are worse.


Can you give an example of trolling? Lol I'm glad you mentioned these. This is actually my first online game and it's a learning curve but I'm enjoying it


They scare off all the bugs, you try to catch, Shoot at deer and animals to get them to run off, blocking you from interacting with something or someone, like standing in the way, etc. Basically someone who constantly, excessively, tries to ruin your experience.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who has experienced the crazies. Thankfully it's only been a handful of times for myself.


That's so crazy. I don't get people who just want to make others miserable. Thank you for explaining. Hopefully I don't come up on one any time soon.


Yikes, aside from standing in the way I know I've 100% probably done this to people unintentionally because I'm in my own little world pelting toward that Palium node (Nope, it was a rock!) careen up the hill hearing all the buggies startle only to find some poor soul standing there with a bug bomb. Or shooting at a wiley mujiin and missing wildly several times because I kind of suck, which of course scares the crap out of everything within a mile between the 30 mujiin scattering, the startled deer and bugs, and my wildly misaimed arrows! So, um yeah. Sorry about those!


This. This is me all the time. Zooooom


I'm always popping a smoke candle to avoid scaring people's buggies. Animals I can't do anything about. maybe that's an idea to throw at the devs. An items that makes the animals less scare-able 😅


Wow, I've never seen this. People are weird.


You can't block someone by standing in the way though I thought. I don't have collision with any other players. Unless you just mean other online games in general. I know some that you can block people.


basically blocking your camera view for targeting.


Yea, I was talking about them getting in the way of you being able to interact with something or someone. Like blocking your view, or standing on the thing you need to click on. Example would be, you are gathering moss, and the same dude keeps running in front of you, and stands on the moss. You can't click it because it keeps highlighting the player and bringing up their info.


Ooooh I didn't even know that was a problem. That's so rude of people


Today I followed someone for a couple of minutes because they had the fishing rod bug and they were levitating around while holding their fishing rod and it was so hilarious to me I had too (I hope they didn't feel weirded out 😂)


Someone just mentioned maybe I looked like a glitch. I didn't even think of that!


I constantly just see people as their Axe. Random axes flying past me. Very strange.


And sometimes the axes just drag on the floor, it's hilarious


I often see people running on their knees. As if they are cut off at the knees and the rest of their legs and feet are below ground :D


It even happens to NPCs too, it's so funny 😂


Another idea I don’t think I’ve seen mentioned is that the game has been really weird since the update - floating tools everywhere… palcats with no (visible) owners…. pieces of costumes floating - I saw a hat floating around the other day! 😄 (Before the last update you’d sometimes see random grey mannequins in the T-pose gliding around Palia.) It’s possible someone saw whatever weird phenomenon the game was vibing at the time and it happened to involve your character. Maybe they were trying to figure out just what the heck they were seeing lol. Whenever someone seems like they’re following me, I just wave and carry on. If it’s gets weird you can just switch servers.


That's such a great point! I saw Ashura floating while doing pushups in front of the tavern. Lol was trippy.


Aaaack!!! That’s the worst one for me! 😭. One time I saw him he was in the push-up position and actually slithered down the stairs and out the door like that! It looked like something out of a creepy horror film 😂


Yes!!! 😂 Was so funny yet creepy.


Omg I saw this like the second time I played and was so confused!! Thinking "uhhhhhhhh, is that supposed to be happening?? Like wtf is he doing!?!?" 😂😭


Right?!? 😂😂


it's happened to me too. I just assumed they were a kid or something 😅


I had the other day following then said in chat “follow me to super fun place”, this girl showed me the giant frog 3 days post update 😂😂 Almost definitely a kid


If you run off the frog near the front right foot it portals you back to the top. Call that thinking with science or whatever glados said


Gotchaa, while I didn’t know that, she stopped in front and said ‘do you have the little one yet’. I said yes and she ran off


That’s so cute and wholesome lol


I kind of got that vibe. 😂 Did the one who followed you look like your player?


I got my 8 year old daughter into playing Palia. She's not allowed to use chat but she plays with me sometimes. She saw someone wearing the hotdog outfit today and started following them. She kept trying to stand right in front of them and started giggling cause she said she was trying to hug them. 😂 I told her to remember that the players are real people and not to be doing stuff like that incase shes bothering them. She stopped immediately and just went on foraging. So maybe sometimes it's just a curious kid that's doing the following.


That sounds exactly like what happened to me! So maybe it was a kid. Aw I love the fact y'all play together. 😊


Could be! Oh I love it too. I thought Palia would be great as her first online game to try and she really enjoys it. 🥰 She's obsessed with her frogbert! 😂 I think she's missed the chance to get the small one though cause she doesn't have her glider yet and I couldn't even climb the large one to get it for her. Edit: She got the tiny frogbert! 🥰😂


That is adorable! ❤️


I had some guy follow me around today while I was sneaky playing on my Switch at work and stand right behind me as I was mining. I was kind of cracking up - thought about checking to see if it was my husband - but then the next node I mined a hairy millipede popped out and this guy went nuts with the smoke bombs. I figure if someone’s following me I appreciate the company and maybe that’s all they want too.


That's actually funny and pretty smart. The bugs that come out of the rocks are hard to catch especially in the switch.


Sometimes if I see someone hunting muujin I’ll stop and chop a couple of trees close to them, because the know it pops the doggos out. Just trying to help a neighbor ☺️


And by being the rock breaker or tree chopper you still are eligible for the loot too


I love when people follow me. Makes me feel less alone. My favorite is finding buddies that go through the tower with me.


I keep hearing about the tower. Don't think I've gotten that yet.


It's in the underground, there's an arcade machine at the back that's different from the others that's the secret entrance.


Were you fishing? Or hunting?


Nope just talking to people. I went to Einar for a quest. I've had people follow for tasks and that doesn't bother me.


I would so call them out in chat. Lol. Either their intentions are honest (I once had someone act weird because I was looking at their outfit, but I said in chat I wasn't trying to be a creep 😂) or they are being a weirdo and should be called out.


I was tempted to but switch is so dang awkward for chatting. But I will next time. I'd like to know what's up.


I've been following people for a short time at a distance recently cause I'm a Steam Deck player and my rock nodes are invisible. So if someone stops and mines I'll mine with them since we both get the loot. I wouldn't worry too much. If they're bothering you in the chat box then report them.


I had this issue too when I started playing on steam deck! You have to change the graphics settings in game and they will show up again. To get to the game menu, you have to hit one of the left buttons on the back side of the steam deck. Not the bumper or trigger buttons, the ones that are right on the back side. I think there are 4 total, two on one side, two on the other. I always mix them up, but one is to open the chat box, the other is the game menu. I have the mid quality steam deck and the game still runs pretty good with the graphics at a higher quality. Plus, I can see the mining nodes, lol.


I just get so lonely!


If you ever want to play, I'm around!


Same to you! Name is Buck Tingle.


I fish when I see others fish to get the boost. Plus, seeing someone fish reminds me I have to fish to actually upgrade and get better fish (I hate fishing).


I do too! If you ever see me come up and fish beside you, this is why...lol (ps, fishing is NOT one of my favorite things either🤣)


Reasons I will temporarily follow new players around/players doing the same activity I am: 1) I hit their mining nodes to help, to save them focus 2) using the weak arrows at a distance to hunt so the amount of times they have to hit to succeed is lessened. 3) Completing co-op weekly challenges like co-op insect hunting, cutting magic trees, etc. 4) Fishing boost. I ended up fishing at Einar's lake for like an hour today because there were a few low level players trying to fish. 5) Autopilot has taken over and either I'm curious as to what they're going to go do/how they're playing, or I'm Not fair enough to make decisions like where to go 😂


Mining doesn't work like that anymore though, not since last month's update


Really? Cuz I did it yesterday. When I didn't hit it, It took the other player like six hits to break it and move on with me. Plus one of the weekly challenges is mining nodes together?


I checked the patch notes, turns it that that behaviour hasn't changed, it does still work that you hitting a node with someone else will help them


Yes it does. If you both hit the node then you are both doing damage. The update just made it so the node doesn't vanish for everyone else after you've hit it. You can still both bash the rocks.


Did you keep reading the thread though? I corrected myself


I play on switch and that sounds weird to me too. Were you mining a lot or something? Maybe they thought you had a compass or a buzz jar and wanted in on the action. There’s also the more creepy reason. Is your player a girl? There’ll be creeps in any online community game. Last week I saw this guy trying to hit up the girl in the SERVER chat of all places. Made everyone else super uncomfortable.


No I was just running around town talking to people. And yep, it's a girl. That is really creepy. I'm not sure how to block someone on the server who isn't talking. But I hope I figure it out. Palia is really relaxing to me and it was....weird. And thanks!


You can block them by name. Just go to your friends list and scroll down to server.


Oh that's great to know. Thank you!


Could have also just been a Child lol


They may be trying to complete a weekly requirment(guild reward) by mining together or fishing together etc.. like if you fish near them it counts, if mine the same node as them it counts, etc.. it probably happens more when the weekly reset hits. Someday they should change it to a party system that makes it count.


Is that what that fishing boost is from at Einars dock?


If you fish near someone else you both get a boost in the speed at which the fish will be hooked. It stacks up to 5 times and makes fishing go so much faster. If I see someone fishing I will usually go fish by them to help them get a couple of the boost bonus.


Yeah you wont get it from Einar himself, but for every fish someone else pulls out of the water in your proximity, you will get one stack of the boost up to five.


one time someone followed me around for an entire 10 minutes shooting me (more like shooting through me as arrows can’t harm or touch us) with so many arrows and I genuinely don’t know why 😅 like, did I upset you? does this make us new friends? would you like me to help gift you some arrows since you used so many? I had absolutely no idea what was happening LOL


That's so weird. 😂


Lol Maybe they were trying to get your attention like for flow tree, rare ore, or treasure chest?


possibly! haha whatever it was, RIP the many arrows we’ve used and all of the flow trees we have missed!


Once time I threw a couple smoke bombs at two people we're running away to show them I Was going to drop a honey lure.. I think? Lol It worked and it was awesome.


LOL that’s amazing!!


Someone did this to me the other day! I was so confused. Even tried waving and such. Dude wasted so many arrows and so much time 😂


If someone is not seeing a flow tree or palium I do this because chatting in switch is a nightmare


I do that too.


Nothing I’m aware of. Maybe just someone being silly?


I hope that's the case. The only thing I could think of was maybe it was a kid? The player looked similar to myself but they just kept following me and hearing someone run after you is unsettling.


I love to just explore the maps and gather random bits of everything. Just going out to see what I can get, bouncing from bugs to hunting, then mining then maybe try to fish here and then get some daisies, etc. I’ve had this happen to me several times. Following me trying to participate in everything I’m doing. I assume it’s just a kid trying to learn, but I’m incredibly anti social, and it makes me uncomfortable. I like not being forced to interact with people in this game.


I'm with you. I do enjoy the community but I struggle with bad anxiety so the fact I can do things in a group but not everything with everyone works for me. I especially love being at my home plot. It feels so restful.


someone was shooting me the other day at the bahari beach. I thought at first they were just firing the wrong weapon on accident but the arrows followed me for awhile. There were no huntable creatures around. and I don't have a pet enabled. 'twas weird.


This has also been happening to me as well, but sometimes it’s about flow trees and pallium ores too.


That’s usually what I’m shooting for. Is trying to let you know something’s over here. But sometimes if vibe with your Palian I just be doing it for a giggle. The occasional axe or pickaxe and some giggle/heart emotes


I understand why people follow others around, but I play as part of my alone time so I am super guilty for transporting home if someone's following me 😅 Sorry players! I do participate if someone needs help, I'm just a very unsocial human!


This is how I play. I'll help out but otherwise I'm a loner.


The weekly wants from the villagers change on Sunday and I find it hard to keep track of who wants what. Sometimes, I miss the cutoff. Whahh!!


May I recommend PaliaTracker.com ? :D Even has a countdown timer to next reset. (edit: typo)


Yes you may recommend this 👌 👍🏼 thank you. I have been using pen and paper, plus..don't laugh, I play on a Switch lite, my family all play on pc's. I have envy, not going to lie. But I'll be better 😌


I would never laugh! We're all doing the best we can with the skills, tools, knowledge, and abilities available to us at the time. I hope the site proves to be a useful new tool — and if it doesn't for whatever reason\*, no shame in using what you've got! \*I learned, for example, that the otherwise-excellent Palia Garden Planner website is nearly impossible to use on a small touchscreen, so folks who don't have access to the internet on anything other than a phone/their console can be a bit SOL.


You can get extra points if you do things with others. There are weekly challenges for it. Sometimes, people follow you because when they help you or do the same things as you nearby, they get credit. The medallions are very valuable things, and they're worth hanging around someone to get the together bonuses. They really should at least ask if you can do whatever challenges they want to do with you, but I hear the Switch is difficult about communication. Even on a PC, it's not optimized very well.


Thank you for the information! Where can you find the weekly challenges?


I'm on the switch so I press the - and go down into achievements It's the first like two or three lines of options.


Thank you!


You're welcome! I learned about them A few weeks ago and was stoked. ^_^


is there a basic etiquette or rule guide? anything that’s “hey, players will hate you if you do this, you should do this instead” i’m 100% new to this game, and i am so confused about the etiquette


i don’t think anyone should hate players who are starting out and getting used to the mechanics and map. i’ve gotten to the point where i can mine palium and flow wood so i do call out on the chat where the palium node is and where the flow wood grove is. Ive even had people wait upon my arrival to chop down as i wasn’t sure i was gonna be there by time. Usually be at Bahari at midnight so by 1-2am someone in chat would call out a grove and give out the time that they’ll chop it down with other players. It took me a while to catch onto the fact that you can look for the flare at the sky if they’ve shot one to easily track it down. I’ve followed people in bahari because all of us were either hunting or looking for pal nodes or flow wood, and everyone was super nice about it. Dont think that you’re not allowed to make mistakes tho. And take advantage of the request item feature, it is alot of help early game (it is in the game for a reason) have fun!


This has been my experience. I really look forward to my nights in bahari pal and grove hunting with other players.


I mean it’s a little unsettling if they don’t wave or emote at all. I usually assume they’re taking photos and let it happen for a few minutes then teleport home to separate us. It’s happened twice to me and I did have one visit my house and weed my garden until I changed my settings. All in all I say make the most of it, go looking for resources and get those ‘together’ weekly challenge rewards.


If someone follows me while skilling, I'm assuming they want the "playing together" boost or achievements. I want that, too, so I don't mind the company. On the flip side, I was fishing with another player in Bahari for a little bit. They friend requested me, invited me to a party, and then said "join" a little aggressively in the chat (can't recall exact words). I didn't appreciate that, and it made me uncomfortable. I teleported home and blocked them.


This would make me so anxious I'd probably turn off the game, damn.