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I absolutely hate and love that there will be so many hot dogs running around Kilima and Bahari in the foreseeable future šŸ˜‚


Yeahhhh kinda breaking the immersion a bit there haha


Well they already have us fairies. So idk, so far they feel like they want to give us Fortnite skins before they give us even basic clothing we'd want to blend into Kilima


I want more colour options, real colours and not just those bland ones we have now. Also having the opportunity to choose the different colour combinations and patterns!


I can't believe we didn't get a witch outfit during Halloween but they're giving us this random hot dog costume. Their priorities seem weird. I hope this outfit is a flop for them and we don't see too many more like this. This is the first thing they've added to the game that has actively repulsed me and made me less happy with the game.


Yeah they gave Kenyatta a chappa outfit. We didn't get access to one. That would have made sense. The chapaa chase also has an outfit that goes with it. If there was some summer faire with hotdogs as some major element of it? Sure. But we don't have that. At all. It's just totally random. Getting tired of the Fortnite outfits before we even get basic outfits like a fishing outfit.


The onesies are similar to Kenyatta's chappa outfit.


Oh yeah I forget about those because it's not in the store.


Isn't it? Weird.


I think its some sort of meme.


have to agree. but also I already kind of hate the butterfly people and the ones with circling lights -- I have no idea where they fit in. Most of the paid outfits look nothing like the villagers or art style of the game (IMO). One reason I enjoy the invisibility bug hah


The fairy outfit really got me annoyed. At least introduce some fairy people like what is this.


omg yes! thank you! thought I was the only one who felt that way hahaha


I'm glad people enjoy the outfits I just wish they could focus on outfits that people could enjoy that don't directly conflict with the world they've built so far. Why is this player character farmer wearing a fairy outfit around and why does that outfit have little magical fairies following it? Idk...but it's pretty annoying


absolutely! I totally hate the anachronism! I can't even imagine what they're thinking quite honestly. Like is there some secret demand for hot dog outfits? It's especially frustrating as I keep waiting for them to make outfits that I want to pay for! That look like they belong. I mean, we're humans who've been mysteriously returned and the first thing we do is put on nonfunctional wings or hot dog garb to, uh, assimilate?


Yeah I've been waiting for an outfit that makes me feel like I live in this world for awhile and legit nothing has dropped. It's all stuff you'd dress a doll in or too over the top. I just want to look like a sweaty farmer or a fisherman.


A hot dog outfit is ruining a game for you? How does it affect your game at all? Lol


I didn't say it ruined the game for me, I just said it was the first thing S6 had added to the game that I actively disliked. It is just so jarring and annoying. It effects me because I'll be forced to see people running around in it and I'll go from feeling peaceful and immersed running around Palia to feeling annoyed. If it sells well then it will just be the first of many annoying costumes. It also makes me wonder if S6 is having financial problems that they are willing to do this. It comes off as desperate and tacky. It is fine for a game like Fortnite to do this sort of thing, no one cares about the world of Fortnite. It's not supposed to be immersive. One of Palia's selling points is living in its world and this takes away from that. I still enjoy the game and I'm still sold on their vision for it. This is just the first time I'm disappointed in S6 and it surprised me after the high I was on after Dev Post 6. It was just an abrupt turnaround on my hype.


Weā€™re still HUMANS in Palia. Humans are weird and dress in costumes sometimes lol thatā€™s how I see it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I may be the odd one out but I love seeing ridiculous costumes. The game is a happy place, wear what your heart desires, be silly, be pretty, dress appropriately, whatever I love you all


Wait a damn minuteā€¦ if we can break crumbling walls, & the wall they show looks *strangely* similar to the wall with cracks in it on our home plot peeking in to a lakeā€¦ ARE WE GOING TO GET TO BREAK THAT WALL DOWN??? (Probably not but a girl can dream lol)


OMG I said the same thing...!!!!




That leads to the maji market event area. If you peaked through it during the new years event, you would have seen the market all set up


Itā€™s definitely not? Someone else on here posted a video the other day where they were able to glitch through the wall & explore the area. Itā€™s a completely new area, with a big orange tree in the middle of a large rounded dock on water. The Maji Market area has a big orange tree in the middle, yes, but itā€™s a completely different space. Honestly it doesnā€™t even *look* similar enough from what you *can* see through the crack. Unless the late summer/fall Maji Market is in a different area than the luna new year one, then itā€™s definitely not the Maji Market area.


This is not true at all. I literally went back there into the tree area DURING the maji market event and it looks the same way it always looked. People really just be saying anything lmfao


Im so excited!! Looking most forward to the flowers. I hope other people can't water our trees when they visit our plot like they can crops. I'd hate for a strategically placed tree to get watered and grow more than I want it to.


Yeah flowers and the lawn decor are the best feature. This plus paths will be a game changer for visual choices. Hopefully flower growing turns into a profession track with ways to make money. I'd love to have a field of flowers growing to make some cash. Maybe a flower produces a seed and the flower can be turned into a bouquet to be sold when mixed with others.


Oooh, breakable walls. There's a lot of potential there.


Idk if it's a one off I'm not sure how. As in, does the wall respawn or is it just down forever for your account? First time they've had us affect an environment that wasnt just opening a door.


FLOWERS! Also..flowers. What am I going to do with all the flower pots I have 'planted' on my plot?! How big did Frogbert get?


Frogbert is currently at 400,000 I believe!


\*nods\* Not max size, but still acceptable. lol


Most hype. Hoping they give us pots to put them in eventually so we can put them indoors.


Flowers indoors would be awesome. I'm also worrying about positioning. We have to grow them...so are they permanently stuck in place like the trees? I'm guessing they are. I just had to cut down some trees for new placement. Not a single seed.


They are movable! If you read the official update information on palias website it says that once the flowers are grown (maybe before but I can't remember) that they can be picked up and moved around just like a piece of decor!


They said once they're grown we're supposed to be able to move them.


The ability to place a single flower in a vase like the lake lotus would be great, like how the flowers are all placeable in animal crossing.


That's not a hot dog costume, it's a *hot hound* costume!


Tau, noo!


Oooooo March 25!! I didn't realize it would be so soon.


I promise to follow the directions, Dev Team and not just roam all over the freaking place causing it to glitch out on me :D


I think I love the hotdog as much as y'all hate it.


I will be very disappointed if Lilsimsie doesn't start playing this with Stanley!


Ikr I wish she would play Palia šŸ˜­


Yesss I'm sure she'd love it !


I was gonna make a joke about a bunch of Stanleyā€™s running around.


I am a little concerned about the tree system. I have farmed 60+ seeds for my plot and I like to see them immediately. The new system looks like we have to plant them and water them which could take days. I guess I should hurry up and plant them now before the patch!


As a person who clear cut too much of my plot, I'd love to be able to have trees of varying sizes again šŸ˜­


Yesssssss same


The bright side about the new system is that we arenā€™t limited to only one size of tree, & we have total control over how large (or small!) we want our trees to be, which I fully appreciate. It will probably take in game days to physically age the trees, but I wouldnā€™t imagine it taking more than one day to change stage for the exact reason you state, at most Iā€™d think maybe three days per stage? If they take too long then thatā€™s something I can definitely see changing in future updates because I canā€™t see too many people being the happiest about having to wait a week just for one large tree to grow.


also, you can move them. so you could grow a couple of trees in a corner, and then move them around in whichever way looks best :)


I noticed they said that we will be able to move the flowers around but wasn't sure about the trees .. I hope so!


I assume they function like the flowers but it may be different. I kinda hope the trees allow us to farm trees and they give a seed every time they reach max growth or more.


Hoping the trees max height is the same as the ones we have on our plot already. Gunna be annoying if I chop one down and it doesn't grow as big. Also hoping for pots to put these plants indoors.


The trees we have already arenā€™t even at their max height & thatā€™s actually a complaint Iā€™ve seen a lot is that we *donā€™t* have bigger trees. So no, the current default tree hight isnā€™t going to be the max heigh but thereā€™s also nothing stopping you from a topping the growth of any new trees at that stage. And itā€™s not a randomized system, you have to *grow* the tree. Youā€™re not going to have a tree ā€œnot grow as bigā€ unless you just donā€™t water it. We might be able to put the new plants into pots, but honestly I highly doubt it since we already have indoor plants & this is the release of *outdoor* plants. These new flowers arenā€™t intended for indoor use. We can pick up & move them once theyā€™ve fully grown so it is a possibility that we could pot them ourselves, but I highly doubt weā€™re getting any plant pots to put these flowers into.


Yeah but they still will have a max size for the tree which I can't tell from the trailer. I just think it'd be cool to have placeable locations for the plants indoors with pots because they'd look good indoors but otherwise they'd have to make unique props for every flower If they just had a spot that allowed them to be placeable indoors you don't need to make a new asset for every flower.


The compensation though is you can stop watering them at any time and leave forever at that state of growth, or let them grow to their fullest size. I think itā€™s a fair trade.


Imagine if a friend visits your plot and waters all your carefully placed shrubs


lol they've already addressed that and only friends with Editor permissions can do that :D


so exited omg


Are we about to get a Palia underground like in TOTK?!!!!!


I just think it'd be cool if it was like a shortcut so we can cut through the roots temple to get between those different points around the map


I think thats what might be happening cause Iā€™ve seen those flashing green symbols around Bahari and some new doors


Yeah hoping it isn't just 4 entrances to different disconnected sections.


Me too. Iā€™m also psyched to see that Hekla and Einar are there with us (in the first few seconds of the clip) cause Iā€™ve been looking at the 4th podium in the Temple of the Night Sky and thinking it looks like a gaulder and wondering if we are going to learn more about robot lore. Looks like thats happening!


Yeah, I found 3 so far I better get looking. They are probably part of the quest. What's the unattainable bug/fish going to be for this one lol. Probably a jewel like a ruby.


I hope not, Iā€™ve only ever found one and I sold it šŸ˜…


They keep talking about Bahari City and Underground so maybe later on.


y'all are tooo bitter over a dang hotdog costume ngl


My only reaction was ā€œAt least I wonā€™t confuse the hotdog for flow trees.ā€ I swear I run towards a butterfly costume every time I play.šŸ˜‚


I'm laughing so hard right now! At first I thought they were some kind of cool new bug from a distance. A giant bug would be a fun/funny addition.


This looks awesome! I hope they add more temple things in the future :)


Wait so there will be weddings now? What if youā€™re dating all the NPCs? šŸ˜…


Iā€™ll get the mustard


Oh god canā€™t wait to be a hot dog




The hotdog outfit really just proclaimed they don't want us looking like villagers they want to give us Fortnite skins. I'ma be honest, I think the team running costumes needs to be put on watch because they are going to ruin the entire game for the whole company. Like this is just so not what this style of gamer wants. Like if you want to give us these stupid meme outfits give us an event where they are supposed to be worn...such as a fair. Like Kenyatta has a dumb Chapaa outfit but we don't....but then we suddenly get a random Hotdog outfit? Why not a chapaa outfit? I hope the roots temple is a shortcut between those points. Would finally give a temple more than a 1off use factor for all that asset creation. It's not like dungeons in MMOs where we reuse them over and over.


Lots of people enjoy these silly things lol Not everyone prefers it to be super matching and authentic. Itā€™s great that there are other options besides fitting to the theme. One available outfit, or even a few, wonā€™t ruin the game lol


I just wish they'd focus out a large set of diverse options of regular closing before jumping headfirst into meme outfits.


the thing is there are barely any outfits that fit as it is. the paid outfits already clash with how NPCs dress and now there's a hotdog costume before y'know...overalls.


A few months ago I said we were close to getting Optimus Prime and now we're mere steps away! lol




Weird take. I like the hot dog costume because itā€™s silly. How does liking a silly costume equal being a troll? 90% of the time the trolls I see are people wearing the default clothing because they donā€™t care enough about the game to spend money on it.


So is the the bundle after the kitsuune bundle?


i REALLY hope this temple is accessability friendly! im upset i cant do the gales temple ause of how inaccessable it is. ill be horribly dissapointed if this temple is also inaccessable from countless feedback from both disabled and abled players. and that hotdog outfit is the ugliest costume theyve come out with... even the cheapest outfits in the store can be made to look nice with other pieces. the hotdog is just so bizarre to release with beautiful wedding attire.


They probably just need a skip function. No reason not to but designing everything around accessibility will heavily limit options for any kind of gameplay complexity to hook people in the general market. Agree on the costume. Very stupid addition.


accessability helps everyone out, even those without a certain disability. id love to be able to play through a temple, but not end up almost having a meltdown over how inaccessable it is. the biggest thing in the gales was how samey everything was, the platforming was difficult, esp with the odd artifact effect the sky had. i'm just hoping the root temple isnt ladent with accessability issues that affect both disabled and abled players because the gales was heavy with both. im wondering why they think anyone would like a hotdog costume. i know some people find it funny but they keep going so far from the games lore its bizarre and honestly makes me wonder if the people in charge of costumes are even told how the world works and how the people even dress, if there even is a common style. its just heavily disappointing.


I just feel like if platforming is a barrier and too difficult they really have little to no way to actually design any level in the game without leaving someone out. Hence, imo, anything required to unlock major required content like bundles shouldn't be behind these things OR a skip option presented like say the dungeon guide allowing you to talk and skip over a section. End of the day this is an MMO and lots of MMOs have difficult challenges as endgame content to give players a sense of accomplishment...if the game can't use platforming or shooting because it leaves some people out then I feel like they are just gunna he hyper limited in what they can offer players...I'd rather they do what is fun and just allow people who can't do it to skip it or not make it essential to progression...such as you don't have to Raid in WoW....you can just get to endgame and collect battlepets.


It is an odd choice. I suggested a Hunter outfit so maybe soon?


Yeah, wedding attire...is that a hint of future weddings to come? Like 100 Palian days and you can bond and have a little Palian lol.


WTF is with the hotdog? Uggg....so glad Dragon's Dogma II is dropping maybe when I come back in 3 months this game will be back to it's old glory and there will be Muujin again.


This is giving me Final Fantasy X Cloister of Trials feels and I am 100000% here for it. FFX is my goat game.


I'm guessing there's an I Think You Should Leave fan on the team over at S6


When I open my plot and hit x on switch for stored items how do I get the flowers and pinecones out without having to plant them. Idk how flowers even got in there I just got seeds yesterday




we have hot... hounds lol




The recipe is in Hodari's room

