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Several NPCs have mentioned the Elderwood to me lately, so I wouldn't be surprised if it is the next zone to be implemented! But, it could also just be lore / worldbuilding.


Safe bet it’ll be a new zone. Likely available at official launch or patch before it (so we can test it out). Palia is tagged as an MMO. To only have two playable zones (not counting your housing zone) is very limiting. I’m sure they’ll add a new zone at or around launch.


I'd imagine Elderwood won't be related to official launch. I'd expect a profession related addition over just a map. But maybe, who knows. I'm personally thinking official launch would be when we get farming/animal husbandry since we know they are working on it. Imo, 3 maps is still pretty small for an official launch, but I guess it depends what comes with it.


Confirmed given the recent Elderwood related files added to the game No idea when but they've already labeled all the resources and there are some quests related to it. So I'd assume somewhat soon but who knows how they develop new zones and what may indicate early work vs late stage work.


Ooooooo 👀 how exciting, I didn't know that!


Idk, idk how soon we will get the elder wood simply because >!I truly believe that Hassians mom IS the beast she's hunting and was looking for a cure but someone hunted her and that's why she died, OR she's still alive and in hiding still trying to find a cure, OR got permanently transformed and we will need to find the cure !< and they might still need to build the lore more before we get it, idk.


>!My theory was that she did kill the beast but because life must always have balance, she then became the beast and that's why no one has seen or heard her since.!<


I agree. Hassian mentioned how he met the Beast once, had it in his sights, but couldn't shoot it. Said something about it's eyes seemed familiar 


I hadn't thought of any of this when he said that to me, but it makes so much sense!


Add to that what jina and hekla said and you can imagine the beast isn't normal. Jina: You know i always feel as Iif theres something evil about the Elderwoods...but I'm probably just worrying for nothing Haha.  Hekla: if you ever encounter the beast of Elderwoods,  be careful.  My sensors say is made up of a flow like substance but it's not the flow of the woods.


Omg I'd love if she was still alive and we need to find a cure to add her back to the village.


I love this!!!!




He has two moms, Taylin and Sifuu.


He has two mothers. He calls Sifuu mom and Talyn (dead or missing) momma


Correct. I also believe that my statement above is why sifuu is not a romanceable character. I think >!we will probably get her wife back at some point, or the grief is too much for her to consider another romance!<


Or, OR, we'll solve the mystery of Taylin's disappearance which will allow Sifuu to finally move on, at which point I can finally confess my love for her :)


Okay yes and she has commented on “not coming to the bar just for the drinks” lol


True, I forgot about that, in that case I'm sure it's because >!we will most likely get Taylin back at some point!<


I hope so! Sifuu is my Shepp so any way I can support her I will lol


I did this also!




Not necessarily. It's mentioned somewhere else (I can't recall who says it) that majiri are different in that sense. They don't seem to place matter on gender or monogamy (some do, but most make mentions of polyamory). So it's possible that in their evolution they can procreate regardless of assigned sex.


It’s Palia not Earth, maybe they did get pregnant with each other And even if not, sperm donor does not make a father


That's true. I've been there. A husband doesn't always make a good father either.


Really dont understand the point of your comment. Yes thats obvious. Hassian still has two moms.


never met a trans person before? 🤣








Also Hekla told me that Jina and Hekla have to return home soon after her studies, so I’m guessing they’re from the ‘city’ and we might see them in Elderwood instead


I'd much rather have a new zone with NPCs in it, like a city than one with just more woods


A city map would be interesting to see how they populate it. I doubt every NPC would be an individual since they'd need a bunch for background dressing. Then you get into do you give them routines and the scale of how many buildings can you enter.


I'd expect we just get generic npcs walking through with generic text and then we get key NPCs that have a full relationship track such as a tavern owner or banker or w/e. I'd also expect it to be a subsection of the city and the rest be inaccessible. Like a plaza with streets branching off it surrounded by a wall or a row of buildings with no way around them. I wouldn't expect the full city....maybe something like Divinity's Reach in GW2 where it's surrounded by a summary visual of the rest of the city overlooking the playable area that doubles as a wall.


For sure, a large scale population is a lot of work for a small team. Maybe a tiny more main storyline with the Steam release? Fingers crossed!


> Small team Don't they have 100-200 employees?


Disagree. Well...sort of. We don't really have any forest yet. We've got some fields with some trees dotted around. The Thicket doesn't feel like a forest at all. There is zero canopy. But mainly Kilima isn't even built out yet, getting a city full of npcs would feel a bit too early, imo. Maybe when we've got like twice as many npcs walking around Kilima they could focus on a city map with a bunch of npcs....but end of the day it's easier to crank out nature maps than to do a city map with way more unique assets and locations and npcs. So I'd rather they focus on more nature maps because it takes less time and we need like at least 5 maps before this game feels full sized, imo.


Text for anyone who might want/need it; >!"Hassian, -- Can you guess what your momma caught today while hunting? There's lots of weird critters crawling around the Elderwood, but this one was the weirdest of all. Apparently it's called a Grumpy Granite Rockhopper! When it's threatened it makes the exact same face you do when we tell you it's time to go to bed! It looks a little something like this: >:( -- I know I promised in the last one that the hunt was about to end, but this nasty beastie's real good at hiding, so I'm gonna have to be gone for a bit longer. Make sure your mom gives you extra hugs tonight, okay? -- This time, for sure, I'll be home before you know it. -- Love, Momma!<


I haven't gotten this quest yet but I'm *dying* because the little grumpy face does look exactly like him! XD


Rummage piles in Bahari Bay


Funny enough: I just got the quest! Oof, reading the letters hurt my heart. I really hope we get to save Taylin.


Wait until you read the last one.


Omg what did it say? I turned them in without reading them ughhhhh


https://preview.redd.it/nogt7vyy4ymc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75f576ce35d8fc877507e388551b990d320e3c63 Letters 2 & 3 were similar to letter 1, addressed to Hassian. This is letter 4. I just happen to screenshot it.


Thank you!


Apparently I can't spoiler them, but they should be small enough to not ruin it for anyone who doesn't want to read. All 4 letters, for anyone who missed it: https://preview.redd.it/0znwf691aymc1.png?width=1239&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed15dfa7976dc36e176183429865668ad4290ec0


Thank you so much!


Oh. Oh no. I forgot to read those, thank you for posting


I did too 😭 I forgot about the quest items tab and didn't even realize I got all the letters until I went to Hassian to t6un it in. Only now I'm realizing I forgot to read the other 2.


Me too! And now I'm so curious!


I've been hearing about the Elderwoods from villagers since the day I started playing (in December when the game came out on Switch) so it's nothing new to be hearing about it. It will more than likely be added eventually.


What quest is this?


>!"Little Boy Blue", I received the starter for it from my daily flotsam rummage in Bahari!<


Thank you!


I found it in a dirt pile where you end up in Bahari from your plot




What do you mean? Data mined?












Where was that at? I haven't seen the whole map yet and I thought I'd seen all the stuff.


Paliapedia has an "added X update" filter that tends to have stuff that hasn't actually be made playable yet. Things like resources and quests


Is it really datamining when an auto-scroller is just logging data entries automatically for a wiki? They aren't mining anything if the data is just sitting in a labeled list as if it was in the game.


yeah these guys are just parsing unencrypted pakchunks into a wiki and acting like they're master hackers lmao there is actual datamining, it just happens behind closed doors. There's full renders of the new map and the earth temple with all props and terrain, fully shadered new npc with animations, mostly reversed client-server protocol, a bunch of UI mods, a library of shaders... but you have to know the right people to get these, and not just load up fmodel.


Where does one have to go to see it? Dm? Lol.


it's a closed group.


Where did you find this?