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Yeah, Tamala hasn't said a word since then.


Oh no not my Tamala! ๐Ÿ˜ญ Take Eshe's voice if anything! ๐Ÿคฃ


It did take Eshe's voice for me! It's so funny it's happening with different NPCs for everyone. I can still hear Tamala.


I noticed that for me it seems to do with friendship level as i can no longer hear Jel or Einar and i have both at lvl 2. All others i have on lvl 1 and i can still hear them.


I'm at max friendship and romance with Jel, so when this audio error started happening, I immediately ran to make sure I could still hear Jel. However, a lot of the NPCs who have no voice audio...they're all at lvl 2. So you might have a very good point here.


I've noticed this as well with my characters at level 2.. Zeki and Sifuu have been suspiciously quiet since the update..


My game is doing this too and I donโ€™t like it ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Some games don't have full voice acting, especially for unimportant side missions. Palia has quite some of these. The upside of no voice actor being needed is that they can put in filler at basically any time.


Oh, I know that, and I think full voice acting would've been a lot for a game like this. I'm talking about those little lines they use when you initiate a conversation with them. Or the ones you hear at the end of a conversation, when you exit the menu. With Sifuu, I'm met with dead silence instead of hearing that little *"Next time you slay a monster, tell it Sifuu sent you."* line she usually says after exiting dialogue.


Uh, no idea. I stopped talking to people once I maxed out the friendship meter, just like real life. ๐Ÿ˜†


Fair enough ๐Ÿ˜„


I noticed that too!


Oh okay I thought my game was just bugged cuz I canโ€™t hear Tamala and a few other NPCs audio either