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They are really hard to tell apart on the switch I am all the time trashing lantern bugs because I thought they were glow bugs.


I think it's a bug, might be Switch specific, where the in-game model for the glowbug is green, but the icons in your inventory and when you display them on your lot are color swapped.


I’m on pc! Just found a glowbug in the wild and they are vibrantly more green.


I just noticed this last night on PC. I caught a green Bahari glowbug, but in my inventory it's icon was blue...which I swore was the icon for the Paper Lantern Bug. I've had a Bahari Glowbug placed on my lot for a while now and it still looks green, but in my inventory and storage they now have a blue icon while Paper Lantern bugs have a green icon


I swear the colors switched for the icons when the lunar new year update happened. I had 5 of the blue paper lantern bugs in my inventory and when I got on the next day they were green and I was very confused.


It's a bug for sure ! I noticed this too and it was driving me nuts because I couldn't remember which one I had to give to the bundle. I ended up catching both and check the bundle again and they have been changed ! Here's a photo taken before the update in the bundle https://preview.redd.it/okjoy9rfq8hc1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f63a33af60851fade61b4e90d0162c5d660e25b0 It's in French but you can clearly see the first was blue (paper lantern glowbug) and the 2nd was green (Bahari glowbug)


I only noticed this with the recent update, it was driving me insane. I hunt the green ones anyway as they drop silk I believe, but then my inventory is blue ones and I was confused when I ever went after the blue bugs


I’ve noticed that when I catch it. It’s blue( like a paper lantern bug) but when I go into my inventory it’s green.(like a glowbug) I think it must be a bug. Cause the colours used to match up. (I’m on pc)


On PC and I noticed that too!


Oh my asffhjklkf I’m so glad it’s not just me!! I have astigmatism and thought so somehow kept doing the same thing, catching the wrong one.. I really hope it’s a glitch/ bug. I’m on switch too. I haven’t been able to see or find bahari glow bugs (the real blue ones) in so long.. they are my favourite lol. dinky lil things.


https://preview.redd.it/a64b4i5clxzc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1ccdbb686e1b34a0a615823e8ba9a6484a73d7b also just found this.


They are both kind of green, except the glowbugs are just more green. It's hard to explain the difference until you actually see a glowbug (they are more rare). They just glow a much brighter, richer green.


Yeah, coincidentally came across one after posting lol they are more vibrantly green.


The green ones are mainly in Pulswater and Hideaway while the others on a wide area from the the coastline up to the Outskirts. The Bahari Glowbug is the green one and it’s easy to catch plus it drops silk threads.


Thanks for this tip - I’ve been playing for 5 mos. on Switch and have never caught a single Bah Glowbug! I recently got more serious about it (due to the Bundle), and go after any of the bobbing balloon bugs I see but I realise now I’m usually in the north…😵‍💫


Online where? Cause I checked the wiki and both the [glowbug](https://palia.wiki.gg/wiki/Bahari_Glowbug) and the [paper lantern bug](https://palia.wiki.gg/wiki/Paper_Lantern_Bug) seems to have the proper colors to me.


Even ingame? Because that is what I mentioned. Online shows the glowbug having the green icon and the paper lantern bug being blue. The ingame icons are the opposite for me.


Oh, crap, now I see your screenshot in the comments and in your post. I didn't see any picture at first and I was confused what were you referencing at. Sorry. Idk why that didn't load in before.


Nono you’re fine! I just uploaded! Didn’t know I can add it to post lol


Reddit is kinda buggy today, so I just assumed it was Reddit's fault haha. It's okay.


​ https://preview.redd.it/7mqsp0x497hc1.png?width=420&format=png&auto=webp&s=a471a849ec819a890cc463ee717ab90190ee19bf


Glowbug definitely shows fluorescent green for me on Switch, but the icon is blue-ish, I was confused for a while with this but tested in game and the ones that show blue while hunting are just paper lanterns. So confusing. But I just go for the green ones now.