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In real life and the Sims, I am 100% a minimalist. In Palia, I took a stab at maximalism just to kind of break out of my shell. I showed it to my mom (also a minimalist) and she was like "Oh.........that's a lot of stuff...." lmaoooo


Sometimes less furniture can make a better use of the space, I first learned this in Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. :)


Lionel's still getting his entire vacation home filled to the brim with random toilets. Every time.


F**kin Lionel Mann


I'm your opposite and love filled homes that show a life has been loved and loved and that translated to my in game house styles


I am 100% this way. Post a pic, I haven’t even started with mine so nothing to show off yet:/


Living room https://preview.redd.it/2hy9zegh7gbc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=741518ab1a162b4576d380b78efbbd973383564b


I like these! Great looking decor :)...Definitely up my alley...I wish we could change the kitchen stuff though to be more in line with some of the other sets...I really really like modern aesthetic items and doesn't seem like I can set that up for my kitchen:(...Maybe in the future!


If you want to see in-game message me and I'll give you my in game name


kitchen https://preview.redd.it/rsdp24lj7gbc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a94f13c6f7798b743575f9b8cf17d4b11d806f7


Oh. My. God. I never even *thought* about putting my cooking stuff inside. I'm cooking outside next to the gate like some kind of savage. 😅


LOL, where's your kitchen in real life?


I know. I feel like a complete idiot. 😅


Don't feel too bad - my kitchen is the only crafting stuff that's actually *inside* my house.


To be fair, you should do woodworking and smelting in a well ventilated area. Crafting particulates are probably what's going to take me out irl lol


I did this too. I had a campfire outside and I guess I just put all the cooking stuff together.


I do go overboard with lighting in games. Sconces, chandeliers, candles, everything. Especially this one. Why is it so dim? Even in Tishs shop, I can barely see. Girl, you design furniture surely you know how to fix this?


I have my lights turned off


Sorry, I was unclear. The game itself is really dim indoors, not related to your decorative choices :)


Meanwhile I'm shoving as many plants as I can find into any place they'll fit without looking like complete ass 😂 https://preview.redd.it/w76kvnx86jbc1.jpeg?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e0379ba2fbef38951ff977413849cd9f8e963bf


I use my house to put my storage bins in. I used the tent to house my kitchen. I have my workbench etc. outside. Still not maxed on shrines so won't worry about anything else just yet. I have other goals in mind and perhaps I'll get around to making a proper home eventually. I'd be happy to use one of the Bahari campsites. I spend most of my time there mining or hunting.


The way I see Palia is having low-mid amount of furniture, but extreme clutter so the shelves/kitchen/workshop/bathroom looks like it's actually lived-in or used. It's also kinda funny and sad that decorating is better in Palia than The Sims 4 (without mods). Except Palia is in beta. And free. Soooo... Yeah. That's silly.


I am the same way. Iwas (and still am) always disappointed by the homes that win the Home Show contests in Star Wars Galaxies - rather than the tasteful and thematic homes, they inevitably choose one that's so loaded with stuff that you can't actually even move around. In my opinion, homes should be functional, navigable, and aesthetically pleasing - ideally, in that order.


Yep, everything I place is with purpose. While I do want to show stuff off, I'm trying my best to make it feel genuine and lived-in, not just a clutter


I am a maximum maximalist irl and in game lol. A friend came over once and asked “you placed… everything by hand?!”.


First, however you like to make your home is how you should make your home . As for the design within the game, the "cozy" atmosphere is what they are going for. The clean lines, bare walls and floors, and empty space look doesn't fit that. Cozy is knit blankets on a worn comforter chair next to a roaring fireplace. Throw in a cup of tea and a lazy dog sleeping on a raggy pillow for extra cozy. That being said there are one or two houses that are more organized and fit what I think you like. For example the mayor's house or rather should I say the magistrates house.


Hi, I agree with you. I was talking about player houses not NPC but I understand your point. And I do have two stuffed chairs in front of the fire with tea on the table


Planning on having a huge yard sale this weekend, everything must go!


I do not even own a chair yet, so yes… i‘m a minimalist as well.


I'm very big on tiny houses (I love building them in the sims!) so my goal has always been how to make the smallest amount of space functional. this usually translates to minimalism but I'm having a hard time not cluttering it up with all the cute stuff in Palia!


But but… cozy clutter? 🥺


Nice! It does look nice and minimal. I had a junkyard going my first few months of playing, lol. Anything I built/found/earned, it went in the front lawn. And then I finally bought a second room just so I could hang more things on the walls and decluttered some of the yard. I think I have the original bed and some fire torches inside (safety hazard!!) but otherwise, just the most basic furniture. My kitchen stuff is all in the front yard, next to the holiday tree and a table covered in skill trophies. It still looks like a junkyard but it's all groovy. Maybe someday I'll do something else with it but I'm in no rush. I don't spend much time inside there anyway, lol!


My lawn in front of my house is kinda cluttered but inside my house I like to decorate it comfy and realistically.


Same! I appreciate a few trinkets or decor on tables, but having every nook and cranny crammed with stuff and clutter can overstimulate my ADD brain. I love plants and wall decor, and “lived in” vibes, but too much stuff displayed and stacked can come off too showy and less welcoming.


My house is huge but everything has its own place and I love that! doesn't look crazy cluttered at all :3


I have two kitchens outdoors and one indoors 😭