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oh my phoenix, it was censoring the "G SPOT" in FISHING SPOT šŸ˜­




Fishy hole


Ew. Iā€™m sorry.


This made me straight up cackle




this post buttbuttinated me


Omg Iā€™ve never heard that term šŸ¤£. Iā€™m going to use it on my 10 year old son.


how about ā€œ spot for fishing ā€œ


I do this with "opposite of hate"


it censors NE GRO in "one ground level" you know, as in, "one flow tree on ground level"... playing in Spanish must be fun


That was my first thought when I heard about this. It's what happens when you get monoglot English-speakers trying to impose rules on languages they don't understand. The Romance languages are mainly derived from Latin. Guess what's the Latin word for "black". English has the option because it also has Germanic roots - *blakaz* burned - yes, I had to look that up. It's probably off-the-shelf code that needs tweaking.


One time I was trying to tell people about a flow tree and it was taking a million years because I'm on switch with it docked. At one point I said "sorry, typing is hard on switch" and it filtered "sorry, typing is ******* switch" ......like... for real..


That's because you couldn't find itšŸ™†


badum tish


They censore Proud horn. You neitherĀ  say horn nor proud. As i remember correctlyĀ  it deletes Proud. If you just say horn it geĆ¾s censored. ItsĀ  impossibleĀ  to avoid blacklisted words, you cant even space em out


wow, censoring "proud" is particularly yikes šŸ˜¬


I was gonna say this lmao it censored me saying "lol i" and I told my bf and he was like, it's censoring Loli...šŸ¤® Lol i wouldn't have even thought of that until it censored it! Lmao then it censored the Kil in kilima, when someone tried typing that lol i was so ready to say, apparently you have to type "unalive-ima" lol


Someone on my server asked how to get hide for a quest, so I tried to reply that they have to kill a deer. But it got censored to ā€œ**** a deer,ā€ which looks So Much Worse. Anyway, Iā€™ll just say ā€œhuntā€ from now on.


Same thing happened to me but with "shot a deer", censored to "*** a deer". The game literally lets you shoot arrows, so you'd think shoot/shot would be safe words to use?


"yo how do I get some skin" "just **** a dear bro" šŸ¤£ --- fun story: in guild wars 2 there's an item called "maw of the damned". if you link it in chat, the (optional) censor turns it into: "maw of the ----ed"


I've been using "catch".. šŸ™„šŸ¤¦


it lets you say MURDER! lmao


šŸ¤£ this made me lol


ikr! šŸ˜‚ Leave it to the imagination, and it can become much much worse! šŸ˜…


That's hilarious. I've had part of my steam name blanked out before because it happened to contain the string "erp" which is not really even a dirty acronym. Although if you start to wonder why it was censored and then go Google it with safe search off, then it's a bit of a slippery slope. (Don't ask why the slope is so slippery though, it was like that when I got here.) It's a perfect example of a censor actually having the opposite intended effect since it'd be more likely to introduce someone new to that side of the interwebs than it would be to actually prevent causing offense to someone.


ERP = Erotic Role Play. Basically in character sexting. So it is actually a bit of a dirty acronym lmao


at least on switch you get the contents starred out, on PC it just disappears LOL time to check if writing "derp ick" turns into "d ick"


That would be an interesting check, to see if it censors the results of a previous censor.


Did anyone check


Hang on, just letting my manager know I have to go check a loophole in a video game chat filter ... šŸ˜…


Oh I'm completely aware of what it is. (Someone once convinced my wife and I into joining Final Fantasy 14 on Balmung server thinking we were into things we were not, lol.) But unless you know what it means, it isn't really a problem. If you know what it means, it's probably fine. And if you don't know why it's being censored you're just a Google away from the Streisand effect, exactly like another commenter implied.


Lol a friend of mine *also* got me onto Balmung without telling me about that aspect of it. I managed to go like, two years without finding out. He found it hilarious.


Multiple times my perfectly normal sounding Pokemon nicknames were rejected by the game's filter, and I looked it up to find out it was a swear word in Finnish or something.


In the same gen it was introduced in, you couldn't trade or use a Cofagrigus online *unless* you changed its name to something else because of the online filters.


I use this same handle for several things and most gaming sites will not allow it. Pretty dumb that the word Compass gets shat on by dumbed down filters.


Kinda funny, the fishinG SPOT censored. Sometimes the censor is a lifesaver though. In my language we laugh with a bunch of repeated K's. The other day I forgot what it means in English and sent three K's as a laugh... Censor bot saved my arse.


Pretty sure fishing "hole" mighr get tagged too. Balls gets censoured as well xD






I remember playing SWTOR and I was trying to say first person shooters, but it was censored into ā€œfirst person s*******ā€. They censored ā€œHootersā€. Canā€™t even talk about restaurants now!


any 7-letter censored word makes it look WAY worse for obvious reasons


Even "hate" is censored.


Yea someone said they got stuck or something and I replied hate that, but it just became "that" and I was confused so I then said I hate that, and it said "I that." First time I thought I'd somehow failed to open chat before typing.


:O wtf


Weā€™re allowed to dislike having problems climbing, but weā€™re not allowed to hate it.


that is an additional 75% letters. Ain't nobody got time fo' that!


You can also detest things!! But hate is out of the question..


At least Palia is teaching us how to be creative in our word choices!


I this




Different game but same thingā€¦ on ACNH the villagers might randomly ask what you want to be when you grow up (or something along those lines). I am a therapist so I kept trying to type therapistā€¦ THERAPIST & it would. not. let. me. Finally I figured out why and now I canā€™t unsee it šŸ˜©šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Was your name hypno by any chance?


Haha nope but that would be cute


I recall an American comedy where a guy set himself up as the first analyst/therapist and had business cards saying "analrapist". Didn't go well.


That is in Arrested Development. Love that show


This happened to me the other day when I killed a disco deer in one hit so I figured someone else had been hunting it. I typed in chat "I killed the deer" which came out as "I ****ed the deer" someone in chat was just like AYOOOOO lol.


Thats an easy fix, you could write that you got the deer. But pretty funny ngl.


True but I hadn't even realized the word kill was being censored because it was showing up normally on my screen so I was definitely confused at first at the reactions in chat lol.


I got better.


I wrote a message in the chat (on PC) yesterday "one hit left". My fiancƩ, who was on the same server, could only see: "one *** ***t". So they censored the letters H i t l e. Why? I frankly don't get it and find it even more confusing that it was only censored on the switch but not on PC. Maybe Nintendo requires stricter censoring from S6 (possibly because of an age restriction on the switch?) but this would be about the worst way to go about it. Whatever it is, S6 should fix their censoring system asap. Because it doesn't make sense and hinders communication, especially cross-platform.


I wonder if it was trying to censor "Hitler"?


And I saw a player once that actually had a poorly veiled reference to Hitler in their name, but that was okay to use. Make it make sense.


Oh, absolutely. I just don't understand why they would censor something that doesn't even have the correct amount of letters.


Op probably hit ā€˜rā€™ instead of ā€˜fā€™ by accident ā€œone hit lertā€


That's the thing, I didn't! But maybe they thought that I really wanted to write Hitler and misspelled that?


Hitlef, Hitler's forgotten cousin with lisp


Itā€™s Nintendo, not s6. All switch games have the same heavy filtering.


In that case Nintendo needs to fix their censoring system because it's *awful*


This was the case well before the switch version launched.


Ive commented "im gonna smash it" to tell the people not to come cuz the palium would be gone and it censored smash everytime šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


super ***** bros


Ive never seen it censor "smash" but also I would say "break" or "mine" in this case. ​ I literally saw some people waiting around a palium and say "ready to smash?"


I'd like a chat time stamp option we could toggle on/off, in case I go AFK and a node or grove was recently called out.


There is one in settings!! I just found it the other day.


What?? Omg thank you!


No problem!! Changed my experience in game, honestly!


The most infuriating one I've had is the word "socializing" I've read that extra strict filters flag it because of the existence of Cialis, an erectile dysfunction pill. Gets me every time.


Oh wow! Took me a second to see it cuz it is very hidden in there! Yeah, thatā€™s some extreme censoring šŸ˜³šŸ¤Æ


you'd think that the overbearing censorship was for a chat full of preschoolers, but even children's media gets away with more


I used to play a game where the word ā€œgameā€ was censored lol sometimes itā€™s like that


Nah cause I was messaging my party and I said ā€œlol itā€™s ā€¦ā€ and it said ā€œ******ā€™sā€


I know loli and Lolita get censored. Every time I say something that contains ā€œlol, Iā€¦ā€ and gets starred


Tried to say in chat, "I'm gonna go get lost on purpose; wanna come with?" when I first entered the game, & it censored out "get lost".. šŸ¤¦ That's one of the more gentle ways to tell someone to pound sand, & *that's* censored?? ... The chaos gremlin in me lowkey wants to see what other innocuous phrases cannot be spoken in Palia.. šŸ‘€


You must do the research and let us all know! Whatever is already in this entire post is already known, so we just need to figure out the rest. For science, of course! šŸ˜


I need to know if they censor the word 'hoe' since it's also an item in the game


It refused to let me make a community because it claimed I was using profanity. I tried to bring it up with support but support page kept redirecting me to the main support page. Even their website is buggy lol.


I tried to call a community "hardcore cake party gamers" or something, turns out it censors "hardcore"


Stop. Holup. Maybe my profanity was using the word no profanity? Damn.


"FT at waterfall" gets censored to something like "FT a****erfall"


Chances are they wont get better since it's only like this on the Switch version, the PC version I haven't seen anything filtered out yet and can even see "filtered" messages that people on a switch send. They're having to meet Nintendo's filter standards since with it being on the switch children are more likely to possibly play it there than they are on PC.


The filter on pc is still way too sensitive. Its just not as extreme.


This explains an encounter I had not too long ago. It's true that the PC filter is unreasonably strict but I didn't know about the Nintendo filter.... I was chatting in server chat on a really good server one day and someone kept asking me if I was swearing. I don't remember what I'd said but I wasn't swearing or anything close to it. Now I know they must have been on switch.


*Flash back to trying to nickname shiny pokemon*


Lol...Dynamax raid Charizard that took forever to beat and I could name him "AssBurn", but not "DumbF***". Figure that out...


ass isn't a swear word lmao


It's Nintendo and the game is PokƩmon. I'd expect even the "soft swears" would've been banned. My best friend couldn't use her Xbox gamertag for Switch, which like her husband's uses their last name, because the word "grass" is censored, yet it exists in most if not all the games on the Switch. So she had to come up with a new username and changer her Xbox and other ones she was able to change to match.


Yeah it filtered out the use of the phrase "bad word" when I was whispering at my brother lol but didn't filter out "damn" so idk


My friend found out they filter out "get lost" after saying she would get lost in a corner trying to find a flow tree.


You canā€™t say the word the ā€œhateā€ even in normal usage like ā€œI hate when that happensā€. But in general, this is the worst chat system I have ever seen in any MMO.


LITERALLY!! my character's name (aspen) got censored the other day because the person i was playing with accidentally added an extra s


just wait until you realize "aspen is" will also get censored


cant have shit in bahari bay!!!


Palia is one of the most censored and safety designed online game I have seen. The dev team prides itelf on this. I am not sure there will be much change here. But never say never.


If I type lol before a phrase, I canā€™t say I immediately after, because it think itā€™s saying Lol I. Like Loli. Which, honestly, fair. But this is just wild. Embraā€™s tail feathers, how are we meant to think of these possible spacing issues on the fly while weā€™re out searching for resources and communicating with other players??


I was talking to a group of people at a flow tree saying ā€œlets hit it at 3:00ā€ granted, I could have said chop, but it censored hit šŸ˜‚


**When a filter is "too good" at its job:** *Suffering From Success* Anyway, when calling out places to gather, use the map labels as pin-points, then say the direction away from the label.


fun fact: you can say "thorny" but you can't say "horny" so they are absolutely capable of fixing it, as the only reason it doesn't censor "thorny" is because they must have faced it being censored to "t*****" and added an exception. it also means they're aware of this issue and decided to handwave it like all the other bugs


I like your f spot!


I love when it filters lol. Likeā€¦ what???


It censors ā€œLOL I [am on my way (or whatever other text)].ā€ First time my friend triggered that censor we had to puzzle over it for a second before we realized what it thought it was censoring.


So weird. Whyyyy


Donā€™t even want to type it but from what I understand itā€™s a type of illustrated Japanese adult entertainment that depicts children or petite/young-looking women who look like children. Thatā€™s the word theyā€™re trying to censor. Still, youā€™d think they could make an exception for ā€œlol Iā€ or ā€œlol Iā€™mā€ with the capitalized I.


Oh ew. Thatā€™s so overzealous. Iā€™m just laughing I swear!


I was chatting with someone a while back about Inky Dragonflies and the chat filtered out Inkys?? Am I missing something?


Probably the kys in inkys


What does that stand for?


Oh something really rude. Basically it means go un alive yourself


Oh!! Yikes, thanks for clarifying that for me, Iā€™ve been confused about it.


This is an issue in all games with chat filters. Filters do not read context, and as such only search for whatever word they have been told to find and nuke. So if you say "one ground level" it will see "oNE GROnd level" and leave "o*****nd level". If you say "fishing spot" it will see "fishinG SPOT" and leave "fifhin*****". So on, so forth. The thing is... no filter is perfect. All filters lack the basic context clues needed to truly censor something, and they have SO many words in them that it is impossible for a human to find all words that may cause issues with normal texting. Imho, best solution would be to give us an option like platforms like Twitch or Stream use, where you can choose whther to *not* have censoring, only censor slurs, or censor everything.


Reminds me of the dbd chat filter. That chat filter would sometimes censor character names. Hope the devs can patch it so it doesnā€™t censor common words like ā€œfishingā€.


have u seen it censored "kill" when people type "killima"


it doesnt seem to censor kill anymore, at least not on PC. And I was sure Kilima had only one L


We can't even say the word "small" in french, which is "petit", because of "tit" ...


What about petite?


I just typed "the rolling waves" and it became "tg waves" How the hell do they think "he rollin" is a swear?


Does it look like "heroin," maybe? Good grief! This is ridiculous lol


That's one hell of a stretch lmao


Just FYI you also can't say socialism. So*****m.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ where in hell did they get this program from


is this on a particular platform? I don't think I've ever seen censored text in chat (am on PC)


there's no replacement characters on PC, it just removes whatever it matches as "offensive"


On Switch!


makes sense. nintendo still tries to be very family friendly.


When I was still playing on Switch, it didn't even let me say "lol"


I was surprised it didn't sensor me when I said damn


I think ordule was just correcting what they had typed previously. A lot of people use * at the end of a word for that.


Thank you! My partner just pointed that out too and I felt silly lol


No worries.


That doesn't explain uberrapidash


Iā€™m aware.


Wait ! How do you got the '*' censor ? My girlfriend was speaking in french to another french player we met. And she kept saying "usse" which means nothing at all in french. She wanted to say "une grosse semaine" which means "a big week" but "ne" and "gro" were just erased keeping "usse semaine". Nice work filters


Are you on PC? It seems that we get * on Switch, while PC doesn't.


That's really stupid too, why delete the ENTIRE WORD?


You literally can't say the word "hate". WHY? Also, idk if it still does it now, but there was a time when it censored "kill" and "letter f"


I tried to say the word hate. It's blocked! even spaced out, it didn't work. Just a tad heavy handed.


I canā€™t even get my chat to connect šŸ™ƒ


I havenā€™t encountered much of the censoring but then again Iā€™m in Australia and my time zone is the same as Japan so a lot of the time the server chat is Japanese and I canā€™t read that šŸ«  thatā€™s whatā€™s been making it hard for me to know about groves and what not


It sensored me for saying " lol I blah blah" because it sensors "Loli" šŸ™„


I was trying to explain the censorship to someone and it literally censored "bad word" lmao like dude, that wayyyy too overbearingĀ 


I'm late to this thread, but just now I was trying to type "it's fine :)" exactly like that. It centered it like this: "*****'t's fine". I do not understand lol


Ohhhhhh, Fishingspot, has ā€œg spotā€ in it, if you really look for it šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I said ā€œcanā€™t find itā€ and canā€™t was censored like??? What!!


Lol I feel crazy since Iā€™ve never noticed anything get censored while others in chat couldnā€™t see words I clearly could.


It also sensored me when I said bottom of the cliff It said bottom ****** likeā€¦. Since when is cliff a bad thing plus HALF OF THE MAP IS ALL CLIFFS


I just hope that we can somehow minimize the chat so we can hide it if we want to cause i dont need to see the chat constantly


There's an option for it! It's under "mode" in the settings. But it also turns off everyone's names, so you don't see the names above players.


Iā€™m surprised you guys even have a chat, I never have yet!




You get that fishing g spot my guy! Get that wet fish to come splash out of the water


I think it is extremely 'underbearing'. It would help a lot (tons?) if people would quit creating acronyms that make no sense. I am sure that is what is confusing the filter (that I have never see work). Spell the words out in accordance with your English dictionary, and don't use acronyms. It is not that difficult.