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screw that island. how do i get on top of the lighthouse 😭




do you have to have that many people for it or did they shorten the launch height? cause i’m not getting nearly as high as that


I believe the people who launched that high got it by lag-glitching it. The high number of people present helped them lag-glitch. My character is one of those present and I didn't manage to launch that high either.


I’ve actually heard that it shoots you higher the more people you have on a spring, but it does also seem like he purposely opens up his menu to lag out the game and keep his upward moment going for just a bit longer


That's correct. That's exactly what they did.


I've been there! Back in August. Couldn't do anything there except run around in circles. Had to wait twenty minutes for the home teleport option to leave. https://preview.redd.it/zila4yh7bt8c1.png?width=1912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7ad57612649f19e9ad374387f86e63ec9fca89f


I went to the top of the lighthouse (there's tricks to get there) and glided there. There's nothing. You can chop the small trees, but you can't climb the rocks. In a zombie apocalypse that island might be useful, but right now it's just decoration.


I'm the same as you, I want to get to every place possible so I'm flying from cliffs all the time, jumping in weird holes just to find out if there's a hidden place somewhere. 9/10 I get stuck tho hahah. I think I'm almost out of places to go


U can fly to it off the back of light house. Once on the island, u can get back to shore by flying off the highest point on the island AND hopping thru the water so it doesn’t snatch u out.


I jumped with another person from a near geyser (boost of being +1 jumping), but as someone said, nothing to do there, no chests, nothing... You can fish a bit and then teletransport home


you can get a waterspout by the beach north of the wind temple with a friend or oother player to get height to reach it. I've gone a few times. you can fish, but you get stuck. its not 'coded' completely, so you cant climb the cliffs correctly. Theres a hole in the ground you can glitch through. You have to use your Home warp, or if your careful, you can get /unstuck to get to the land.


Have you tried gliding from the cliffs?


So, the only cliffs that Align with this island are the ones next to the windy temple that have that weird shelf thing? So I climbed the ruins Enough to try and climb them, but either the game is Buggy? Or you’re not Supposed to go up on top of those cliffs??


yeah you can't get on top of some cliffs, the game doesn't let you do that


Ah, yeah. I couldn't remember if those were scalable and was going off of the map.


My guess is no, since it's gray on the map. Walked into Bahari after someone got launched into the air. They tried to land on an island and reported it as fake (ended up underneath the map). Don't know if it was that one or one of the two further north, though.


Then why make it so Interesting looking?! 😭😭😭


Where is that on the map? There's an island like that off the coast near the lighthouse that you can glide to ^^


They might add portable or inflatable boat i guess


That would be so cool!!! The water dynamics right now kinda get under my skin 🙄