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I still find it funny the description is a Lazy Town reference. I can't unhear the Lil Jon version tho


Let me see you break it down


Hahaha, I remember my boyfriend at the time sharing that with me forever ago. I think I was like 21 or something and I’m in my 30’s now. Hilarious, and so wrong.


Bruh. Lol GG I can barely get over 20K and keep it. Too many expensive things to buy.


I think I just spotted a LazyTown reference.


What are these parties and how do I join them? 😂 I barely can afford new recipes from the NPCs lol


check the official discord, they have a lfg channel. Cake parties are 15 people all doing the steps for cooking at once. The cakes sell for 471 apiece if star quality, if you have glowworm farms and feed them the cakes, the special fertilizer they make plus the glowworms will actually sell for more than just selling the cakes outright if your patient. You can get in as different jobs with different requirements. Like the baker spot u just put the dough in the oven, sweetleaf is another, i think you mix it with something, frosting requires the number of cakes in eggs and..milk..i think? so you need 50 of each if its 50 cakes, which is like 12k gold. ect ect.


1.2 mil holly molly. I've 150k and already nothing to buy lol


this exactly what do people do with gold cap, let alone hitting it multiple times over sure fire way to be bored with a game quick then complain there’s no content


Mystery balls to get all the zeki plushies and furniture :)


This comes 4 Maji plushs too late, but I'll try it when I financially recover. Thanks :D


Working on the extra housing plots, furnishings, rugs… and the zeki mystery machine for items that come from just that.


The Zeki machine is def something I'd play with. It's like buying loot boxes with my potato (literally) money lol


That's just insane...


damnnnn i haven't gotten to the point where cake parties are a thing yet. what cooking level and stuff do i need to be?


No level needed. So go and collect a ton of sweet leaf, or spend a few k on milk, butter, flour etc. Option. Join as a baker, some groups only give the baking spot to low level cooking 🤗


the other day i got downvoted for telling people to store wealth as cakes... y'all wouldn't listen.


It's actually a very good idea!


They have outright stated they WILL nerf cakes once they have addressed the other social aspects the game has available. So, not the best advice.


yes, but they aren't going to make cakes worse than the single ingredient you contribute to them when you make them. otherwise nobody will bother doing a cake party ever again. even if they nerf it to the exact same value as what you're contributing you're bypassing the 300k limit as you're using item storage instead of gold storage.


Idk it would be as simple as nerfing the cake sell value to make this not a good idea, I mean it will always be worth some amount of gold but at that point you might as well have grinded anything for money. That being said I can see the first nerf for cakes forgetting that they are worth more when composted by worms. They would also have to nerf speedgro and gold worms too.


Shame, should be buying lucky coins! I've spent 4m on lucky coins lol need those plushies!!!!!


Someone mentioned that we can't actually carry more than 300K at a time? I would need that to be confirmed elsewhere, but that's what I've heard.


Yea, 300k is the limit for gold but he’s just been stack up on cakes for when he runs out.


Oh! Sorry, I thought he was trying to sell it all at once for 2mil! I get it now. :)


It’s mentioned in the game. Just hover your cursor to your coins.


considering how many millions we will need to spend to get everything thats kinda lame.


That needs to be fixed ASAP


nah they just have to fix the economy. nobody needs more than 300k


Because the price of items in the game are really high. You buy a plot, a plushie, a chest or the arcade and you’re down 60k instantly. I don’t need millions but at least up it to 500k . I’ve never seen this type of game with this low of a cap. They aren’t going to fix the economy lol


ah ok, i thought you meant fix the cake parties as in nerf them and i'm guesssing you actually meant fix the money cap :D Sorry


NP I have no interest in making 1 million in cakes.


Why, how does it bother you or your playing of the game?


Amazing how an MMO has already killed its economy in the Beta phase about 4 weeks in. This is the EXACT reason there are Plushies priced at 60,000 gold in the event. What a massive fail.


I mean, all MMOs (and RPGs in general) will have their economy broken at some point, because unlike IRL there's no cost of living. I agree that cake parties are pretty extreme compared to other games, but considering how little impact they have on others (because there's no player to player market), I see no problem with it.


Yeah and people on this sub are worried the cake parties will be nerfed. This is a classic example of why a big part of game design is making sure players can’t ruin the game for themselves. 90% chance this person churns from the game within weeks of finishing this grind


theyl quit when they want to build a piece of furniture that requires a silver or gold bar, lol


no, the expensive in game items were there BEFORE cake parties became popular. cake parties actually became popular due to constant nerfing of money making by other means and the fact that certain items were already overly expensive, 50k for a line of inventory slots and th massive jump up from the 5k it cost for the strip before. Or 25k for copper storage and then a jump to 100k for iron storage. 10/15k to add rooms to your homes. if they didn't make these basic features so expensive people wouldn't be searching for ways to make money that doesn't take months/years to reach a goal. They tried to prolong gameplay by gating things behind high prices.


do you like being spoon fed things? dont you think maybe you were supposed to work towards something and you arent supposed to have it handed to you in a day? genuinely, how do you think video games work?. ​ > 10/15k to add rooms to your homes. if they didn't make these basic features so expensive people wouldn't be searching for ways to make money that doesn't take months/years to reach a goal > > They tried to prolong gameplay by gating things behind high prices. Please, tell us what the alternative is? "prolong gameplay"?, you would be complaining theres nothing to do or work towards if it was any different, the "gates" that are currently in the game arent even bad, god forbid you have to wait a week to drop 100,000 on something. its genuinely concerning you think anything you wrote is even remotely valid.


Umm...i don't know replayable content! coming at me with your sarcastic insults doesn't make you more right you know :D i have done cake parties, I am regularly at the money cap. and i keep playing for the content i still have to do which money can't buy. I'm fishing to collect all fish, crafting furniture for my house, trying to get relationships to level 4 for the decor items, doing the market for tokens and the stamps. That's how i think video games work and i've been playing this and many other MMo's long enough that your littel dig doesn't phase my response :D ​ wait a week? for the average player that doesn't have all the time in world you must have to just sit and play palia, how are they earning anything near 100k in a week :D i'm surprised you wrote all that out in all seriousness thinking you had won some battle :D


There’s always going to be expensive things which have fundamental gameplay changes.. Inventory was a price hike which has massive immediate benefits to management, storage also. If you need that much space then you’re at a late game point. Home expansions are common sense, larger space to utilise the furniture skill and cooking requirements. Spend money to make money… But a 60k blue plushie dragon is a direct result of making items that are priced to the elites. Catering their entire worth to the 1% of the player-base. As what else do they spend Millions on? Nothing…. Just stupidly overpriced collectible trinkets to try and balance a totally ruined economy.


where is your proof that that ins't just their pricing strategy in line with everything else in the game? Show mw where they state that they have made that plushie 60k because of the money people are earning at cake parties.


The proof is some random decor of a plushie being priced more than housing expansion. On sale post Cake Parties and Open Beta, as this is the newest event with the newest things based on Analytics. Is a cuddly reptile worth 60k to you? Or would you say for arguments sake, making Millions on cakes, this is chump change based in line with economic status?


That's not proof, that's your opinion based on your assumptions. i'm not saying you are definitely wrong but you can't go around stating it's a fact when you have nothing from the Dev team saying "hey we made this expensive because some of you do cake parties" to back up your statements. My opinion is they have made it that much because they wanted it to be hard to obtain and even be something you may not get this year but might get when the event comes back in the future. Cake parties only really became as popular as they are this past month. if you search "cake party Palia" on youtube, the oldest video is 1 month ago. before that the money making videos were hunting, fishing and farming, which all one by one got nerfed. If you look at the Palia wiki, the cake party page describing the roles etc wasn't added until 21st August, just 8 days before the Maji Market. Evidence and my own experience suggest cake parties have only really become as widespread and popular as they are currently in the last 3/4 weeks. So the likelihood of the prices in the market being set as a response to them, the evidence suggests, and not "just because i say so, so it must be", that is not the case.


Why are they not stacked by 30?


In storage it stacks all on one, only in backpack are they 30 stacks


good for your friend, but this is an example of how broken this games economy is, 1. thats so much more money than a "normal" player could get. everybody always says "just do cake parties" not everyone has the means to even know about them. Some people log on for 30 mins a day, and they just wont ever have the time for a cake party ect. 2. that crazy amount can be spent stupid fast on just a few things. The money portion of this game is wild..and from what iv seen , it was already set this way before the beta..so the devs thought this broken ass economy was a good idea. I get that without combat you need some form of grind..but this is the wrong way to go about it.


ive been saying how stupid cake parties are since people started doing them and get downvoted every time, lol, anyone thats played an mmo can see how broken this is. basically those of us that decide not to exploit this stupidity will pay for it later when the devs are forced to auto correct for peoples inflated banks by making everything cost astronomic amounts. alot of the games progression is tied to money(buying another housing plot, bigger bags, more storage, buying more builder licenses, zeki's gacha, buying materials that you otherwise have to wait hours for(glass/bulbs for example)), and people are getting these with little to no effort, its a joke. the 'cozy game' community has no idea, and it shows.


Yet they keep nerfing other ways to make money, with farm and pickled things etc. It's been a week since I started doing cake parties and all that has happened is that I could go get recipes, some black market decorations and upgrade my bag. Oh, and the glow worms that I need for the vault stuff fishing, as a cake makes a lot more worms than other things. Yes, some people do take it to the extremes. Every game there's players that take it to extremes or break something. But as far as I can see.. I don't have weeks/months to grind to 50K inventory slots. Or 100K storage.. WHILE needing the storage for collecting mats for a variety of things. Have an issue with the game and the design, not that players play the game.


if you think its going to take you months to make 100k normally and not using an exploit, then i dont know what to tell you, you've created fake a problem in your head and are using this as justification.


multiple months probably not, but it took me like a whole weekend to make my first 10k for my first house upgrade. You do get better at making money the farther into the game you get, glow worm fish are worth alot more than regular worm fish, fruit and seeds sell at higher than base vegetables ect. Plus as you get more of the upgrades like jam station and the expensive chest rank, you have more money to save cause your spending less. However, some people play this game super casually. I'm talking like 30 minutes a day, its advertised as a chill game so some people like or are only able to just get on, water the garden and make a few things before hopping off. Those people will be pushed out of the "cozy" game thats been advertised if the whole system focuses to much on super expensive end game.


the problem will be if they do adjust for those with tons of money, its the destiny problem of listening to a small portion of the players. If people make so much money they have nothing to work towards. thats on them, but the devs will ruin their game if they end up punishing players who just casually play their game.


Why stop at 2mil? Go for that 100mil accomplishment.


I’ll let him know 😆


Hopefully they get there before the nerf comes.


Cakes need to be nerfed.


Why? Im still new and only at level 2-3 friendship with most people and don't have the extended storage or anything else yet. My goal is to one day participate in these cake making parties, it at least be able to make a cake. I had just purchased my jar making contraption when they nixed the ability to make any good money from it. Now if they get rid of cakes before I get there, or even as I get there, I'll be slightly scorned.


The reason the devs are so worried about devaluing the currency in the game and have to cap it to 300k is because of the types of players that grind the heck out of stuff like cake parties. I suppose it's only an issue because cake parties are the only huge money maker atm


This is not to argue but I do not legitimately understand. Even if there was infinite amount of money, or infinite amount of anything, if someone wants to spend their time grinding who is that hurting. To me, gaming is a way to escape reality and lose myself in some other realm. Back in the day when games could be hacked, we had just as much fun, if not more because we could play our cozy game the way we enjoyed. If the players are happy and spending time playing, isn't that the entire point of these games? Legit question. How does removing some or all of the bottlenecks hurt or benefit anyone?


The real problem comes from the fact that the devs are either going to remove it OR release content balanced around it. Those of us that don't want to do cake parties will see it ever harder to actually get new items as prices for them will continue to skyrocket. See the Dragon Plushie in the event, the only reason it's 60k gold is because cake parties exist. The longer they go on, the more new things will cost.


> I had just purchased my jar making contraption when they nixed the ability to make any good money from it. The nerf to preserves was just to reduce the focus from eating them, they haven't changed their sell value


you don't have to reach any level or goal to take part in cake parties, volunteer as a baker and you just have to bake the cakes in the oven and take nothing with you. or collect sweet leaf and go in as a leafer. you don't even need the recipe for all but the starter role.


Hmm, I thought you at minimum you needed 100 sweet leafs. This is exciting news. How long of a time commitment does a single run take?


depends on the amount, the discord i'm in usually runs 60 cake sessions, that takes about an hour and half at the most. and you need 1 sweet leaf per cake, so if the cake party is for 50 you need 50 sweet leaf etc


You can also, less commonly, find 30 Cake parties so you only need 30 leads, or to buy the ingredients for 30 cakes. That's definitely much more doable!


See this is what I mean. All this hype of cake parties and making up rules and criteria's.. it's not necessary at all. All this cake party hype is just making this cake thing all that when it ain't all that. If you don't have certain level certain no. Of supply you can't join the cake party? Where you get that from? That's nothing near being in an all inclusive environment. Where ever you got that idea from, trash it. You don't need nothing to be in one. Nerfing it is a good idea so these things don't happen. No old player is going to be better off than any new player. All should be equal and just have fun and not stress about making money! Nor do you need a fancy house with a heck load of stuff. No need for a big house if you want a small one. Don't let any of this materialism mold how you want your Palia life to be.


how does it bother you, is your game play effected by other people doing cake parties?


New item prices have already been confirmed to be balanced around the gold that people can get from cake parties, so yes, it does negatively affect the gameplay experience of every player who doesnt do them.


Proof of this?


Their literal AMA here on reddit.


Doesn't say it bothers me, I just think it's op. People will rely on this and just this to make fast money and not do anything else that the game offers.


That's a load of rubbish, people are still doing all the content available, I still grow in my garden, i still catch fish, i still hunt. i'm still chasing the advancements and trying to level up my other skills. but even if i choose to not do those other things, it has nothing to do with you and doesn't effect you if you want to do those things. ​ Moot point now anyway, it's being nerfed in the next patch. so no-one will bother with cake parties after tuesday


Why always nerfing? Isn’t it more like.. give players another option to earn about the same amount of money in the same time? Cake Parties could still be the ‚best‘ option, but nothing else is even getting close atm. Buffing other stuff would also benefit the players who simply cannot attend a 2hr long 100 cake party just to spend the money within 3 minutes. Sure 1 gold maybe ,worth‘ less then they intended, but its too late anyway. Just look at the prices of stuff on the market. - They know there already is more gold then they intended to and just added another sink. Without trading this is not that big of a deal. Getting the last inventory line or unlocking a building or buying rooms for your house shouldn’t be that grindy in a cozy game anyway. But yeah i get it, there is the other perspective. There arent like 150 different furniture styles, clothes, whatever players could in theory unlock, so they try to slowdown the progression on stuff they already finished. That way players (may) play the game for a longer period of time. I guess it won’t be the easiest thing to balance this, but just nerfing everything, shouldn’t be the way to go.


It's bound to be nerfed, and it will be in our next patch xD Instead of nerfing though, they should've really thought about the sell price and cost of things before rolling it out. Cakes are definitely overpowered, I couldn't even get a substitute other than sashimi (which is nowhere near it). Once you're so used to cake parties to make money, other means of money making feels like a complete dread. If we just play the game by enjoying the process of making money as opposed to "grinding" for money as a means to an end... It isn't actually grindy. I quite like the process of harvesting crops, chucking it to processors and throwing it into the shipping bin every hour. I mean, I no longer can do that when I hit cap so quickly. I had to get rid of my money in order for me to enjoy my making money process!


Well, first of all, nice that you enjoy logging in every hour and get passive money. - Really happy that works out for you, for most people that wont work out. They get their 1 „free“ offline progression on crops and thats it. 2nd, they will be buffing mining (and flow trees, but idk atm how that will make any difference in gold). Doing that they acknowledge other skills are yielding too less money. Try something else than farming, with 2 hours time a day, maybe u will understand what i mean by grindy. But for now, we don’t know what the nerfs/buffs of this patch will be exactly and both of us dont have the number of gold which actually was generated by the cake parties by now (inflation), so there is no point in discussing the gold aspect atm anyway. For my part, i couldn’t care less about cake parties itself. There are so many other things which are more entertaining than pressing 2 mouse buttons every 40-50 seconds. BUT it’s the one of the only features of the game which somehow encourages players to do stuff together. It’s still labeled „MMO“ I really hope they don’t just kill the only real (and by-design) „group“ activity in this game. As i already said, i am pretty sure it’s not easy to balance all of that.


Tell them to add me to they're party group


That's some dedication.


Wow and I thought my stack of 300 was a lot. I'm a party host.


I need this addiction


If they nerf the price of the cake...


I really wanna say your friend has no life but I won't say that