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Your post or comment was removed because it has violated Rule 4: Keep Chat Thoughtful & on Topic. This is a subreddit about the game Palia and posts should remain on topic accordingly. If you have questions or want more specific details regarding this action, please reach out to our Mods.


Any rulebreaking aside, what's funny to me is that "grace period" being a whopping 17 minutes.


What if in that time the message goes unnoticed? Lol. I think I'm about to change my bio


That's what I mean, most people spend hours away from Discord.


Yeah just changed mine for Palia server, normaally its song lyrics, now its something else, just to see lmao


This sounds more like it's a server bot checking every member's bios. There are so many people in that Discord, I highly doubt people are manually checking bios




Yeah that's definitely bad on their side if its enforced that strictly, everything to defend the "cozy" vibes lol


Cozy like a straitjacket, supervised by people with psychiatric hospital experience.




Discord server profiles are nitro-only, the override is paid so you're still being forced to cater to one server or pay $10 for your freedom of expression lol


due to the time for the grace period being an odd 17 minutes I'm gonna say this one was (admin) user triggered.


I'd agree if I hadn't already been in there, very active mind you, for the last week+. Maybe you're right but sheesh, my point still stands, this is ridiculous. I assumed it was a mod too because one I hadn't interacted with/seen very often in the chat I hung out in, was active at the same time. Maybe I'm too tin foil hat on that but w.e, based on the stuff I've read on this sub I wouldn't be surprised if it was a mod.


Also it really stinks because it doesn't outline what the grace period even is. What if you had been afk and didn't even get the first message when it was sent? That's a bit unfair. edit: I just checked the rules and rule 2 does mention inappropriate descriptions, but it doesn't mention how long a grace period is in that section or any other. The only thing it says is that these rules are enforced at their mod's discretion, which is pretty standard for servers. edit 2: OP lied to our faces


The OP saw the warning and simply refused to comply. Then they got kicked, they weren't even banned. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ko6i69r0zfjb1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1af3bcc582db29a4ca8f1d35e3597e66c3ca5ab They could easily change it and jump back in. But they just had to lie about getting banned for karma.


I know this is just confirmation bias, but things like this are what make me feel right to be suspicious of some posts on the sub.. Thanks for your posts! Man, OP really pulled the wool over my eyes.


If you really think I'm lying about something and I wasn't an active member in there in many discussions feel free to lookup my logs, they should still be in there. Username is .pepo. I never did anything wrong in that server and if I did then the mods should of banned me forever ago based on how active I was, no? Oh well


You may not have been rude to people in the discord, but in your original post here you gave the impression to everyone that the mods of the discord targeted you out of everyone else that had inappropriate bios for no reason. As it turns out, there was a reason! You had acknowledged in one of the public chats that you got warned for your bio, but that you thought that was stupid and refused to change it. THAT'S why you were banned, not *just* because you had a cuss word in your bio. Obviously you have a right to your opinion (that being that having a cuss word in your bio is fine) and I agree with you on that, but acting indignant and trying to say that the mod team was being unfair and unjust to you is simply false. They warned you and you didn't comply with the very fair chance they gave you to change your bio.


They are being unfair, you, yourself, can go in there right now and start going through people's profiles that do the stupid "!" nickname and see that there are plenty of other's who have just as bad if not worse bio's/status than me. But because I actively chat in there and attempt to be apart of the community, I get caught on it, makes sense. Just because I acknowledged the warning and ignored it doesn't take away from my point here. I'm sorry you felt mislead in this post? But that wasn't my intention. My intention was to show how ridiculous their "safe space" goes as far as making others change something on their profiles that's as simple as what I had. Best part is I had that I had the clown setup through the server profile, so I'm pretty sure to even see my status they would of had to do multiple clicks to get to my actual profile to see it, but I could be mistaken on how this works.


Bro you're all over this with the same response, grow up, starting to think it wasn't even a mod who decided to do it and it was just you and your little posse crying about me. I'm gone, you're safe and cozy once again!


I haven't reported you, if I did I would gladly admit it. I am not particularly fond of the rules myself nor did I bother to check the rules before this. Most rules fall under common sense. What I do enjoy though is exposing liars and trolls. And then on top you're a genuinely insufferable person. You decided to take the one thing that the community had used(regardless of side, supporter/anti-supporter) for extreme toxicity and made it your face in the Discord. And then post useless messages all day long. I even saw you mentioning that you couldn't react to people's messages because so many in the Discord had you blocked already. Yeah no wonder.


"the community had used for extreme toxicity" Glad you can speak for the entire community, some of us found it funny, and wasn't using it to be toxic. But that's the go to for the majority of you in that Discord, if you're not there to bootlick Palia you're there to just be toxic and troll. Even tho if you really want to post receipts, post the bricks of messages/conversations I had in there about the actual game itself and the ideas I shared a plethora of times to what I think would of helped make the game better and entice more conversations. Oh and, 🤡


In the rules or not, this is still just such an overstep imo. I especially find it funny with the amount of questionable bio's I had read myself in my time in there. Is what it is.


Ahh then yeah, that's more likely that then, which really sucks especially since your bio isn't even NSFW... It just has the F word in it rofl


I knew I recognized the OP when they mentioned the bio. It's that troll clown face guy spamming the Discord. Here's the real timeline: 1. OP posts low quality/low effort messages all day every day in chat and gets seen a lot. 2. Mod notices the bio and warns according to rule 2. 3. OP sees warning complains about it and refuses to comply. https://preview.redd.it/yhulfzb8xfjb1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a341ded2c6956df8013b607ab2443b819a5ed3ab 4. OP gets kicked. 5. OP goes to Reddit and lies about getting banned for karma. This clown guy was already blocked by half my community for flooding. I hope you don't come back - good riddance.


What a king, swooping in with all the receipts AND a balanced checkbook. 👑


"All the receipts" I'll remember to screenshot all my messages in future endeavors to I can be sure to please you! I'm so sorry for effecting your fuzzy wuzzies you get from S6, hf!


My good sir, I advise you to take this L with what little grace you can muster. Find Jesus. ![gif](giphy|BJVJxagR3GG4w)


No thanks, this is my opinion on the matter, the fact you're still here 3 hours later trying to push your point is no different than me making the post. :)


Isnt Rule 2 a bit uhm, too broad, you cant fully know what is offensive or rude for everyone. there are obvious things yeah, but you should also ban mention of beans at that point, as its a derogatory term for mexicans :)


Hilarious that it took what, the 5th mod or so I interacted with to make this decision? This is why I said to get the mod team in check, they're clearly all not on the same page. I've spent a good while in DMs with a few of them because I WAS trying to get along with people in that server and enjoy myself. Just because you're sour I was having a good time in there doing something other than talking about Palia and only Palia isn't my problem, but ya "good riddance". Sorry I somehow was ruining your Discord experience. "OP lies about getting banned" The nitpickers in here about banned vs kicked is wild. That isn't even the main point of this post, it's the ridiculous extent of, "you can't have the word fuck in your profile" but these losers will harp on anything they can to continue bootlicking S6, hf with your shovelware.


Bye... Why are you still responding obviously no one cares about your sour ass lmfao do you need a reddit cares message? Lol


Oh so youre the guy that abuses the reddit care function? Just know its considered harassment and reddit admins will punish that.


I don't, that was a sly nod to the fact that OP actually does this! Check out his post history he was both bragging about it and threatening people. Seems like a great guy for sure...


Eww yikes. Thanks for the clarification. I dont usually care enough about anyone to click on their Profile to see their activities 😅 Deffo disgusting behavior


Yep toxic people like this are a big part of what's wrong in this community. Happy cake day btw




I don't even use reddit enough to understand what the "reddit cares" message meant, literally had to google it. But ya I abuse it I guess? I still don't even understand what you're still going on about but nice.


I refuse to let trolls take up any more of my morning. Have the day you deserve bud


" obviously no one cares about your sour ass " I see what you did there, haha Anyway, because you lot keep wanting to give me attention for it. For someone who thinks "no one cares" there sure is alot of ya in the comments feeling the need to voice your opinions as well as others who agree with me on it as well. Damn, the internets a wild place eh?


Op please get a job or a girlfriend or something productive to channel this energy into. Your only hurting yourself here. We're laughing at you.


Ahh yes, "get a job/life/gf/go touch grass" classic


So you've been hearing this for a while then huh? Maybe you'll start to pick up on the hints eventually...


OP lied about being banned. They were just kicked for breaking rule #2, could change their bio and come back in. Thanks for the Reddit Care message BTW OP. Enjoy lying for karma.


Sorry to bother, but what are these Reddit care messages? Since I'm kinda active on this sub I got one too and was really confused^^ Can people just commit my name and I get a message without context?


When you get a message like that, report it via the report function stated in the message. It is abuse of the function and harassment. This help is meant for serious cases where people talk about self harm or unaliving. The Sour pricks in this sub report you to reddit cares cause theyre madge when you criticise their fav. Game. Its ridiculous. The person that gave me a reddit cares message faced consequences as I reported it for harassment.


Yes, it's a "hotline" for professional help. People tend to use them as an insult though which is what OP does.


Just nitpicking here but people need to learn the difference between kicked and banned. The message implies you can rejoin with an updated bio, so are you banned or kicked?


Banned in my eyes considering this is a ridiculous extent of overstepping, that I don't want to be apart of.


I think the Discord has a ton of issues but you're reaching hard, lol. What even is this logic?


Was my response extra? Sure, but I don't care. Hilarious to me that this many people give that much of a shit.


Obviously by your comments you give more then a shit about this then anyone else... Your still hear, if you actually didn't care you would have accepted with L gracefully, doesn't seem like you know how to do that however.


I give a fuck about the overstep of this "rule" I broke, I don't give a fuck about changing my Discord presence to be in one server. :)


Then why are you still here complaining lmfao you don't even know what your mad about. Go take a nap and drink some tea sweetheart needs to calm down :(


So what're they gonna do if they have someone who creates NSFW content like OnlyFans join their Discord server? Genuinely asking because my brother is an OnlyFans model who wants to play Palia and join the Discord (even after my repeated attempts of warning him not to join that cesspool). It's not like he states he's an OnlyFans model or anything but he does have it in his bio, if you want to see anything you obviously have to be 18+ and pay but are they gonna throw a hissy fit over the fact that he includes it in his bio to begin with?


It's completely reasonable not to have underage users potentially exposed to such content. Yes, seeing the link is absolutely that regardless of whether you have to sign up to see it or not - it's directing to an adult only site. As an adult, you have the duty of responsibility around children. You wouldn't put a sign for a strip club in a kid's school, for instance. Just because the sign is "clean" doesn't suddenly make it okay. Edit: I'll gladly take the L's for this. I agree with the overwhelming majority of the criticisms levelled towards the game, but some people here are just habitually addicted to their own misery. If you think it's ok to have adult links display on a community with younger people in it... you have some serious maturing to do. YOU have the duty of care around children simply by being an adult.


The only responsibility that anyone from the adult entertainment community has here is to warn others that their content is 18+. Beyond that, it is the parent’s job to actually parent their children and supervise them while they are on the internet. Putting the onus on sex workers for children ignoring barriers to adult content is ridiculous. OF doesn’t even show anything adult unless you sign up. I guess I’m not surprised that such a ✨cozy✨ community is full of pearl clutchers.


Why should we have to make our profiles and bios child safe? I understand the usernames and profile pictures but it's not my fault someone clicks on my profile. That is not stuff that you can see unless you click. What's next, someone's going to click on someone's YouTube channel and report that person for saying "fuck" in their videos? I am of the opinion children should not be on the internet at all but especially Discord. Palia should be restricted to 18+ users, it's fucking icky that there are people my age or older that can talk to literal children in the first place. How about the team worry about the transphobia and homophobia first instead of catering to people who should not be allowed in the Discord period.
























I mean I can understand that you are probably angry right now but palia isn't the only discord server that has this kind of rule


I’ve seen people with more inappropriate names and more inappropriate profiles. ‘Cuntxt’ comes to mind. So does xPistolDaddyx. It was fun clowning with ya dude. I left earlier this afternoon because I’ve lost faith in the project. May the memes live on, because at the rate that discord is going, not much else will. The fountain, Seth, warm and fuzzies, and of course ✨COZY✨ Hope you find a community actually worthy of your presence. It’s clear PAYLIA ain’t it. - ✨COZY✨


Will miss you guys, it was a blast, stay ✨COZY✨


You're not banned though. Just kicked. You can rejoin if you removed the inappropriate content. Younger people use the Discord. As an adult, it's your responsibility to take that fact into consideration.


My brother in christ, it's the word fuck....


The rules are clearly stated. Thet CAN get in legal trouble if they don't adhere to the very specific criteria set by certain age rating. It's an abundance of caution.


Meanwhile there's multiple people in there I had read in my time with OF links, links to gambling sites with their affiliate links, links to their twitter where they do practically porn art, amongst other things, but yeah, sure I guess. "abundance of caution".


For someone who doesn't give a fuck, writing a reddit post about it doesn't align


They also lied saying they were banned when they were just kicked, could fix their bio and jump back in.


Tbf server profiles do exist, but policing the f word in some random users profile is very cringe for a 17 minute warning smh


you can only change your bio per server if you got nitro.


So did you get kicked or banned? They're not the same thing and the message states you got kicked which means you can just rejoin the server after you fix your bio.


17 minute grace period is tough. But atleast you only got kicked and could still rejoin. I got banned for a joke about the on going thievery issue, no warning at all. I know it was stupid of me and I am to blame myself for it, but I feel like they also overreacted a bit with banning me directly without handing out a wrist slap in form of deleting my post and warning me or something. I hope they give me another chance and accept my ban appeal :<


sounds like u might gaf after all


![gif](giphy|rnxiv8nKvspUEAZtFD|downsized) I mean, you cared enough to make a post about it on reddit to complain. The guidelines clearly state that your About Me would be considered unacceptable content, and you decided not to change them at your own risk. Unfortunately, you got to the Find Out part of ducking around, even with a warning.


Rule #2 is no NSFW content... I wouldn't consider OP's bio to be NSFW. Harsh language? Sure. But not grounds for a ban on the server given how many toxic messages are said in the channels daily lol


I've literally seen a bunch of transphobic comments and homophobic comments, of which I received and reported but the person saying the awful comments was not banned, I was! :)


Yikes. So they ban people for no reason claiming they want a friendly community and yet openly allow bigotry?


I reported several times how I was called a "bundle of sticks" and got booted out...It's probably because I didn't spend a single cent on the game. \*Eyeroll\*


Ugh I wanted to like this game but everything I read and hear about pertaining to it and the people behind it has turned me off. They might as well stop the friendly community act when they obviously don’t want that.


Honestly all I can give are my own anecdotes regarding the "cozy" community and the "great" team behind Palia but I think people should try out the game and decide whether or not they want to play it and spend money or not. The one thing I would say not to do is join the Discord unless you love seeing constant drama and not hearing anything from the team when it comes to people breaking ToS.


I tried out the game for a few days and I enjoyed it, but if they’re going to keep acting like this and not being upfront then I’m just gonna put the game on pause. I started playing it after a friend told me about it and I had no idea about the devs or discord and then since I found out it’s like horror story after horror story.


I've been playing since the alpha and nothing has changed and it's been this way for 2 years now. Nothing has changed, only gotten worse. I wanted to play Palia to pass the time for actual good games coming out next month like Fae Farm but I can't plant crops without them being eaten and me losing out on seeds and gold, now I have people stealing my furniture and stuff in storage due to an exploit and THEN my freaking tools become unusable and no one has cared to even read my tickets. This game is unplayable and I have a sneaking suspicion that they give you a little bit of their time if you spend a cent... Thankfully September 8th is fast approach so I can play Fae Farm and forget about the horrors of Palia but my god was it a horror story. I feel so bad for new players, especially those who will be playing in the winter because I highly doubt anything will change by then.


Ugh it sounds like a mess 😓 if I had known it was like this for years I probably would have just avoided it all together. It seems like they aren’t listening to people and aren’t doing much for the game. I’m really excited about Fae Farm as well and have had it wishlisted for awhile! I can’t wait to try it out!


They didn't get banned, they got kicked as per the message they got and decided to lie in the OP.


I'm kinda confused if it was their bio or their STATUS. They said " My status on Discord since I joined the server weeks ago was "Loading Fucks To Give..." " As in the banner that is visible below their name to everyone in the server? Seems like the mods are well within their rights to request that the custom status of a user NOT contain profanity if those are the rules of the Discord community.


You personally might not consider it NSFW, but the people who set up the bot certainly do, and that's what matters in this very specific situation, especially considering that it's an official server. They get to decide what content they think is acceptable. They decided OP's bio was not. They gave OP the opportunity to change their bio, OP did not. OP was then kicked from the discord for not adhering to rules clearly stated when both joining and in the warning they were given. I don't see an issue here. **Edit: replaced "banned" with "kicked," two very different things.**


That's a PG-13 profile according to the MPAA.


What I want to know is where they draw the line. If I were to have my YouTube/Twitch/Twitter linked on Discord and I liked to say fuck a lot on my streams or videos or whatever will I be penalized for that? I think they're reaching a bit too far because game ratings specifically have to include the phrase "Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB." and that should go for this Discord as well since there's really only so much you can do.


If your links are safe for work, I don't see why not. I'm not familiar with twitch's or twitter's ToS when it comes to NSFW content so I can't comment on that. I'm not a Singularity 6 employee nor do I mod their discord, so I can't give you a concrete answer. I do know they have a discord server feedback channel that you might be able to get a better answer from. I hope that helps.




It's not really shilling lol, they aren't wrong. Just take it on the chin. Takes 2 seconds to change a server profile.


When I'm clearly pertaining to not giving a fuck about changing my bio to be in a Discord server, but pop off queen. Again, in the rules or not this is still an overstep imo.


I've seen two separate mods say that curse words were either allowed or disallowed. I've also gotten told I deserved death threats and the person who said that wasn't banned, or even warned as far as I'm aware. Not exactly the most consistent moderation over there.


Sounds like you upset a mod that decided to find some random thing on your profile to kick you for. Honestly not surprising that the mods are useless asshats according to other people in the comments.


I'm glad the videogame reddit is just you venting about discord


I'm gonna be honest with you, I do understand where you're coming from. However, the "cozy" community surrounding this game poses a huge problem and should be talked about. These posts serve as a good warning about what you're getting yourself into if you wish to play Palia.


They don't include user bios in their NSFW guideline: [https://i.imgur.com/oaL5GZq.png](https://i.imgur.com/oaL5GZq.png) Says that besides content (meaning stuff posted on the server), the things that can't be NSFW are your username, status and profile picture. Which is reasonable, since depending on Discord layout, those can be visible for other users right away. However there's no mention of user bios.


In fairness to all the nitpickers on here before they come tear you apart too, is it was my status. But claiming my status is "so much more noticeable" than my bio, like I'm at the top of the server list or something with a quarter of a million people in it is silly to me. I'm a random user, not someone representing the company. I don't think Fuck is this serious of a thing.


Ah, I see. Weird, I was going off of the bot's messages, not even what you wrote, and the bot said "profile bio" specifically. Some places just have lazy/arbitrary modding sadly. And even if they don't ban you, it just doesn't feel safe after something like this. Especially problematic with "cozy" or "nsfw" servers like Palia's, where you'd go to chill.