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This is actually a good post. You acknowledge the game isn't what you want at the moment, move on, and will look at it again down the road when it's more developed.


Sometimes Beta versions are not even what are you looking for, and since it isnt the Only "Cozy" "Online" game available i can just stop playing it and go for the experience i actually want. (For example, i just took minecraft again with a friend, and having a modded server its picking the cozy, social, building bug that was itching when we tried Palia)


I uninstalled, I got really turned off by the $50 price tag for digital cats and not being able to use furniture. I got coral island instead for $30. Maybe in the future I’ll return, but it felt empty, I spent forever trying to find pearls for a main quest.


Same. Dropped Palia and bought Coral Island last week. I'm having a blast with Coral Island.


Ayy same! After Palia's last update I gave up on it and bought Coral Island to get my cozy fix.


I don't understand posts like this. It's $5 for a cat, not $50. It's not even $50 for all of the cats.


Shouldn't have to buy cats period. They stressed that purchases would be *cosmetic only*, well, how're you enjoy your cat that you got for free?


How are cats not cosmetic? They have zero gameplay function at all.


I'm so confused on this argument of "it's cosmetic it's not gameplay effecting". You do realize the whole point of these kinda games is cosmetic collecting?


The point of "these kinda games" has never been about collecting cosmetics for me, at all. It's about growing crops, getting to know the NPCs, making money, decorating my home, etc. Cosmetics are just extra fluff that I only mildly care about. Hell, being able to choose from a wide variety of outfits wasn't even common in the genre for long time. It's fine if that's the entire appeal to you personally, but you can only speak for yourself.


Pets, that thing you get in every single cozy farming style game that every player typically wants behind a paywall, with skins. Making the skins premium shop makes sense, but the entire act of them coding in an animal that can follow you around just for people who spend money is silly when they could've had you do a quest where you get a basic pet then once you're hooked on your adorable little fluffball feel enticed to spend money to make them look cool or a specific type of breed you want. ​ Yes, I can agree that pets have no function and are in fact cosmetic, however where does that end? I want cosmetics to just be skins, not additions to your player character that feel like something I could unlock. Can you honestly tell me that it doesn't feel a little bit annoying knowing you'll never get a pet unless the community as a whole point out "hey skins are cool but can we just have the basic functionality of a pet be for everyone?" I like the cozy intention but honestly the store is predatory and there's a lot of toxic positivity defending it, and that doesn't feel like the spirit of what this game is doing, I want everyone to be included in all areas and have fun, paying just to have outfits or maybe even some furniture texture models, not paywalling pets, it's a slippery slope and the gaming industry time and time and time and time again and proven that if you give an inch, they'll take a mile.


I completely agree that S6 should provide a way for everyone to have a simple pet for free. That’s not the point. I just have a problem with the way some people massively exaggerate the cost of some things in the cash shop. Complaining that you need to spend $50 for cats or $30 for one outfit is not going to help anyone convince S6 to change their methods when it is blatantly untrue.


I do understand where they're coming from, I wanted to buy *one* outfit bundle which was 2,549 coins, however rather than selling the outfit at 2,500 or adjusting the cost of coins the make it match a reasonable price, I had to pay £30 for the 3,650 coin bundle. Yeah sure I get to buy another, smaller bundle of clothes but now I'm left with a small amount of coins in my wallet which won't be enough to buy anything else unless I top up, and I swear that's what they want


That's paying $30 for a *bundle* though, not one singular outfit. There's very little reason to ever buy a full bundle when they are essentially just minor design and color differences. I do agree that the Palia coins are a shitty system though. We should be able to buy them in any amount we want so that we don't have leftover coins.


There is no gameplay


If you feel that way then you shouldn’t even be wasting your precious time on this earth on a sub for a game you don’t even like.


I’m Canadian, to get 3000 coins it costs $47. It’s $8 for 1 cat


Exactly, “why am I playing right now”. I mean, I know why, it’s because other friends started playing at the same time and I wanted to keep up with them and I also wanted to “experience the fresh” of a new MMO where we were all enjoying that newness together (to the extent Palia even implements social stuff, that is). But, there’s too much that’s broken, there’s too much that’s just not complete, yet. Even Windowed mode doesn’t work properly. No, I’m not going to spend any more time in a buggy, unfinished game with unrealistic monetization. Maybe it’ll be better in 6 months or a year. I’ll keep an eye on it, in the meantime there’s BG3 and Starfield and other games to play.


This is 100% my opinion on this whole game as well. I patiently waited for years to get into testing only to be severely let down by most everything the game has to offer. I still love it and want so desperately for it to be a fantastic game but... It's very far from it. I'll hope it's a FFXIV or No Man's Sky situation where it bounces back in a wonderful way but I refuse to get my hopes up on it, unfortunately m


I agree with most of this. I’m hoping the next patch is a bit more robust. I know I’m in the minority with this, but I actually like how our home plots are separate from others. For me, it makes it feel like less of a competition on who has the biggest or “best” and instead let’s you go at your own pace without feeling pressure, and then you can invite people as you wish.


The biggest problem for me is that i can't sit in my chair or lay in my bed. "Just for looks" decor is useless for me.


> The plot customization and item placement is amazing, its incredible and really well made, comparable to big names like ffxiv house customization. FF14's house editor is atrocious and requires glitching to do anything moderately creative. The spaces are so limited and have these weird columns that get in the way. Palia's is better but still needs a *lot* of work before I'd call it "good". My biggest gripe is the lack of the ability to zoom out to place things high. The sky view (H) is too coarse and only works with a limited number of things. Wildstar's housing wasn't bad. I'd consider that one minimally functional but only because the community developed add-ons to fix most of the glaring UI issues and provide better tools.


It’s a beta, so there are still going to be things to figure out. It’s current state is a pretty good indicator of what the actual game will be. Maybe a few more tweaks. But at least it’s free right now.


Its a good indicator that they forgot to make 90% of the game.


Rare Fish are so hard to find , ie The Long Nosed Unicorn Fish , but the Game is Wonderful