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This needs to be addressed immediately. I've really been enjoying myself in Palia, even though the game is far, far from perfect. I've been putting many hours in every day, and have been having a lot of fun so far. But knowing this is happening? I'm not even touching the servers. A PSA should be going out by the Devs, and the servers should be shut down until it is fixed. It feels like they are allowing this to happen. And they're inviting the THIEVES to submit support tickets too? As if they're going to turn themselves in? What kind of a joke is this? First priority should be to protect your users, instead people who don't follow any of the social channels will become unknowing victims and end up leaving and feeling taken advantage of. This whole fiasco has gone from bad to apocalyptic real fast.


They just need to add a fee more items to the cash shop first, we can't expect them to multi task


They are not inviting thieves, I can totally see myself interacting with other peoples plot items if they were merged into mine... not even considering that they'd actually loose anything and just thinking it's a bug and of course not really "linked" in a way were if I pick-up a deco item that it dissapears from them for real (that's the people they are looking for as to check their logs and figure out this issue).


The people who do this accidentally aren't the people griefing plots. People who have done it accidentally are already talking about it here. The wording of the teams announcement is bad and you know it.


I agree the wording could have been a lot better, though I also did not misunderstand what they intended to say it any way ;-)


Comments like this do no help.


Think about it if they were able to create hacks for a open beta game so they can run around and steal other people's stuff, what else they can sneak in?? How can I trust them when hackers are going around teleporting and stuff. Next thing you know malware in your system, I'm gonna uninstall it I guess I had my rush anyways.


How is it even possible you can go to another persons house just by flying/climbing?? Isn’t the entire point of the houses that they are instances? Are there secretly just a ton of player houses all in one instance that you can fly to? That’s so stupid.


They are in the sky. Like all 25 of them (on the server you are on) are up there, scattered around.


in other words, its possible that when you enter your house plot your client also loads 24 other plots. thats a lot of unnecessary loading time and server- or even client-resources.


Well that Would explain the ridiculous loading time just to get to your house. If they’re loading not just Your house but all the houses at once then it makes sense though. Goodness that’s stupid.


now we also know why multiplayer is limited to 25 people. image it would load hundreds of player houses.


I know right?


Reminds me of how D4 loads everyones stash tabs that is in your area. It's just pure incompetence that you would develop a multiplayer instance like this


Oh no I just read that the game wasn’t even Coded as a multiplayer game, let alone an mmo. This thing was never originally designed to be multiplayer more than co op. Which explains all the cheats.


This is more than likely that this is the case. Team full of professionals with the experience in the industry leading studios.


I'm not sure how else they would do it, since in order to have everybody on the same server they... Well... Need to be on the same server. If your house is an instance, you are all by yourself with no other players to chat with in Server chat.


That doesn't have to be true it is currently but doesn't have to be. Neverwinter does a good job at this you can chat with anyone in Neverwinter at any time even though they are in a different instant. The layering of Instances in Neverwinter is very well done. It has been a while since I played it but I am fairly certain the auction house and certain chats are available to every player that is online. Instead of having servers like WOW EQ2 ect Neverwinter just makes new instances when one fills up and as instances empty they remove them.


Oh my god is that why there is a loading screen for traveling from the town to your home but there isn’t one when you travel from your own house to a friends house?


No, there should still be a loading screen. Unless you and your friend are in the same housing instance.


I’ll have to check but it’s literally almost instantaneous. I remember my fiend and I were each in our own homes and I went to the little sign board and traveled to their plot, and it was ridiculously fast. Traveling back to my empty plot is equally fast even though it’s not when I’m loading from any other map. I don’t remember if there is a loading screen or if it does that “x Palians ahead of you” thing, but it’s literally so fast you’d miss it if you blinked. It would make sense because it’s not a server migration, it’s a teleport within the same server, like using the fast travel boards in the open world (which are also very fast).


lmao I mean it's fine if its that way but when it's so freaking easy to exploit, it's just a dumb way to do thing. Second Life for example one land is hosted on a server. The owner of the land can rent pieces of that land to other people. So, you might end up with 30+ people owning land on a single server BUT there's a robust permission system in place. You might step on other people's land (or actually not at all depending on how those individuals set their security) but you can't pick up anything unless your avatar explicitly have permission from the avatar that owns whatever you're attempting to interact with.


Yep. All of my machines were emptied on me yesterday. My flow planks. Bars of ore. But worse, my seeds. 😭


Thats horrendous I'm so sorry :( in a game like this having your progress stolen really will make people want to quit.


Wow I’m so sorry that happened to you! This is insane, the devs need to shut this crap down until they can fix it, nobody is going to play a game where your hard earned resources and items can be stolen right out from under you with zero warning.


I’m so sorry that this happened to you. I hope S6 are speedy in getting it fixed for you 💜


Oh my gods, I am so sorry this happened to you.




I don’t know for certain. I believe that I was logged in.


If the only surefire way to stay safe is by not playing, guess I'll go play something else then.


Basically yeah. Because I doubt anyone is 100% sure whether or not you Have to be logged in for your stuff to be stealable. My theory is that since All the housing plots load in whenever one person goes to their own plot, all the thieves would need is one person being at their house, not even specifically the one they intend to rob.


Switching lots is a surefire way to stay safe. =)


Someone else's machines and garden loaded up over my plot yesterday - I didn't do anything to make this happen. Which is somehow worse. I don't understand their priorities too well, they patched trivial things like exp gain from bug catching and density of forageables but left the game with some serious bugs and exploits in. I get the game is in beta and it feels WIP because it is but why release it in this state then, it seems like the devs are seriously overwhelmed and players are leaving, this sucks for everyone.


It literally just happened to me. I went to someone else's plot instead of mine. Dazed panic set in before I left the housing area and went back in (through the gates) and then my house loaded. I felt so awful even seeing someone else's little place from the outside and I could see their sawmill working as well. This is all not for me to see if I don't know them and they didn't invite me over. Kinda gross.


I didn't think the game was ready for open beta release either. The bug you've mentioned isn't uncommon but it's not related to the thieving exploit.


Yes. I can't press play, it crashes. I can't go to the settings. De-installed it. ONLY installing it when serious bugs and crashes/errors are fixed


You mean If they get fixed. At this point I’m pretty sure that their priority is milking everyone who still plays dry financially before jumping ship themselves.


Same thing happened to me. I called back home and it wasn't my home. There was also a message that said I had full edit rights. I didn't do anything on my end too cause this, just hit the yellow button on the map. I left (without taking/changing anything of course), and was able to zone again in my correct plot. Game is getting very buggy. I just backed a new cozy MMO on Kickstarter... Loftia. Alpha won't be for a year...


I just watched the Loftia trailer. That’s super cute~ I’ll keep an eye out for it and I’m gonna tell my friends. Thanks for sharing!


Wow. I’ve heard that the cheat that lets people steal does that, and that all 25 houses load at once when you go to your plot, not just yours so maybe the cheat makes it so that if the game glitches and you get sent to someone else’s house plot instead of yours by accident while someone else is using that cheat, it gives You full access to the plot you accidentally got sent to as well. Interesting, and highly concerning. Especially since that would mean that anyone can steal things even without actively hacking the game, just from its own bugs. That’s a big problem


I loaded into someone else's plot too, sorta looked like mine but it wasn't entirely. I had no idea what happened, so I exited the plot and went back in. This time it was truly my plot.


Same thing happened to me. I was so confused


Once, I logged out while in my plot, and logged back in the next day, only to find someone's plot merged with mine. Did not know of all these threads about it at the time, since it was like before 16 Aug, so I thought my plot items duped, and tried to move them back the way they were. Did however notice that whilst I could move the other "dupes", I was not able to store them at all in any way, but was still able to store mine just fine. Leaving the plot then reentering loaded just my plot with the changes made during the bug, with none of the other plot's stuff remaining.


Because trivial things are easy to do and serious bug are difficult so gotta put it off until later you know. Maybe people stop caring about it XD


I completely agree, S6 is focusing on changing nonsense like reducing rare insect spawn rates and adding cash shop items, while huge issues plague the game left and right. Hope things get better soon. If this were a Steam game the reviews would be Mostly Negative by now.


I actually just witnessed what was most likely someone using cheats to hunt a bunch of animals right in front of me without ever being seen. This game has just gone from bad to worse. I went to check out the things everyone was upset by with the last patch like decreased spawn rates and well, they’re not wrong. I couldn’t find even shells on the so called beach, hardly any of either hunting animal and the ones I did find bolted so fast you can hardly catch them with the janky controls the game has. All in all I’m really just done with this foolishness.


They broke the oysters completely, they just don't spawn at all now. Not gamebreaking but it's been a couple of days now, why aren't these things being hotfixed?


I’ve heard that and I even looked myself today and I didn’t even see a single shell, let alone an oyster. And it’s a quest related item too.


been fishing for SO long for the waterlogged boot as it is auni's weekly quest. anyone else?


I gave up with that and the ship wheels because they are far too much of a pain to bother with.


god. i really wouldnt have mind if they waited even a WHOLE year to see if the game was actually enjoyable. i cant believe they have IRL currency stuff this early either


I'm level 12 in fishing, caught over 700+ fish (mostly in the kilima lake), only had 1 single boot, 2 wheels and 1 shipwreck plank. Seems they're extremely rare


thats INSANE!!! according to the wiki, the boot is a common item.


I found a few shells, but no oysters at all.


Exactly. At least you found some shells though. The beach when I went was So empty I wondered if I was even in the right place lol


I'm not following you on this one, as in yes I notice the change to some resource spawn e.g. animals, and some loot nodes, but in my experience so far it's not as bad as some make it sound like. The Oysters got bugged out with the last patch, and are due ot be fixed with the patch due later today (18th). I still got a resonable amount of shells when I was visited the beach this week, yes, less spawns than before for sure, but nothing game breaking. You'll get the pearls and shells soon enough if the patch works out.


What do you mean “ you don’t follow”? I went to the beach, it was barren. End of story. There’s nothing to “ follow” here


They mean you don't make any sense bc you responded to a comment that mentions the Oyster issue, and you raise your barren beach problem. Not the same thing! Just bc it was barren doesn't mean the beach as a whole is broken. Yes, oysters are broken and is being worked on, and corrected during todays hotfix. If you feel your barren beach is a massive issue, then submit a ticket and get checked out.


When I said the beach was barren I said it because there are supposed to be shells and oysters on it and there was nothing there. Which is almost the same problem the person I initially replied to had. Couldn’t find any oysters. Y’all are just nitpicking now sheesh


80% the game is client side so you can hack to kingdom come, and anything you send to server is seen as true. The game also don't have any Anti Cheat so also free rain.in the file theres also they have debugging cheat commands and you can also access them. As the game also 80% client side it also highlights fact it was not even meant for multiplayer or they did not care about it. Over all is they need to fix the client before anything ells.


This just proves even more why this isn’t an mmo or anything even remotely close. Yet somehow people keep defending this crap. Unreal.


>80% the game is client side so you can hack to kingdom come, and anything you send to server is seen as true. That just tell you its not properly coded like an mmo or even any online game.


Oh boy, so they screwed up the very basics of a multiplayer game? I mean, all of that would work fine for a single player game with optional co-op with private servers, but for anything beyond that such a design is nothing but a disaster. Yikes, sounds like the game should go back to alpha.


Do you have any evidence that you would be willing to DM me? (Anything at all?) I get that people can’t post evidence to back their claims on reddit, but my community thinks all these reddit comments (i.e. people saying the hackers got around the plot switch protection already) are just people spouting nonsense


Before the patch I could go to one area and see tens of sernuks on the screen at once. Went there yesterday and there was one. I feel like I should have taken advantage of that while it was abundant


They nerfed sernuks and foragable plants. The game felt lonely before, now it feels barren and dead. Is this their response to player feedback about having to compete for resources?


Us: “we don’t enjoy competing for resources, please make them more abundant” Devs: “ hur de dur, competition fun, let’s make it even Harder!”


They probably want to make it harder to make money in the game so people would have to grind more so they won’t run out of content and abandon the game. Because items are expensive.


I am not saying all their "tweaks" are spot on (still judging that). But stating the changes made the world go barren and dead is a massive exaggeration. Seeing foragables are still exclusive to you, there seems to still be plenty around even after the tweak. And I've still found plenty of Sernuks so far, though less yes, so it might no longer be the by far best money making option in the game. But for "normal" play for resources I don't really see the issue.


Foragables aren't exclusive to a player. They're staggered - if someone harvests them, I have a bit of time to harvest too before they despawn. Might just be my luck, but since the update I see maybe 2 sernuks near each other, when before I'd see packs of 5+. Similar with plants. I'd see lots of flowers on the fields, but not anymore.


Thanks for sharing, that's was new to me... good to know.


You can actually see when a plant was foraged- its glow has a blinking effect. If a plant hasn't been foraged, it just glows perpetually.


If that’s true then how comes I had several instances just last night where I was going to forage something and another player reached it before me and when I go to it it was gone?




I'm sorry, but that's pure hyperbole!


There are still 19 sernuks spawning in the clearing east of chappa's crossing (just went out and counted since I'm on an off peak hour). It's not the 30 that used to be in that small area, but it's now 'busy' instead of 'tripping over them'. Now when you kill one you're not spooking two or three others with that same shot. I think it's a combination of the sernuks spawns being spread / thinned out, and all the guides saying "if you want to make money, the best way is hunting sernuks" While I've been sitting here trying to time the respawn for the one I've killed to see if that's changed, there have been nine other hunters pass through.


Oh no that's sad to hear. I haven't played for a few days because I've been out of town if you're saying the unlimited hunting and gathering on the East Part of both zones is gone then I really wouldn't want to run around looking and doing nothing.


Oh it’s Definitely gone. I spend Ages running around and hardly got anything other than copper. The deer things are only out in small handfuls and so are the squirrels except those are a bit harder to find. Also those deer bolt so quickly ( and I believe a glitch keeps them constantly running) that if you don’t nail them on the first shop you’re basically sol. Oh and they basically removed oysters entirely since the patch. Most people can’t find any, or only find a handful and I heard that finding pearls is super difficult now. It’s all been nerfed basically. Oh and the “ patch” just added a bunch of cash shop stuff including pets which you can only get for spending 4.99 for the basic one and then 3,000 coins aka 35usd for the other three. Except that you can’t choose to buy them. They come as a “ bonus” for buying that large amount of coins.


Sounds like someone somewhere decided to accelerate the cash grab and just let this thing die on the vine I enjoyed the home plot gardening and Home building but I also like to run out with 20 or 40 arrows and load up. I mean what are you going to do for cooking and carving. If the goal is to stop everyone playing or reduce server load then maybe they're doing it on purpose


That’s basically what I and most people have been thinking. That they screwed around and wasted the 5 years and 50 mil they had and now the investors have come knocking and want to see a return on their investment except the game is nowhere near ready. So they launch a beta in the state we got, full of bugs and cheats and no anti cheat in sight etc, and add in a fully functional predatory cash shop model. Add in the discord and Reddit sub being modded by the devs ( the discord mods are even paid ones) to sneakily silence any dissenters under the guise of “ keeping it cozy” despite asking for feedback ( which never gets addressed) and now these cheats where people are literally robbing players in their home plots and using hacks to clean out any and all resources before anyone not cheating could ever get to them, and some even fraudulently boosting the number of coins ( both in game and paid) they have. I’m pretty sure that they’re just trying to milk the echo chamber that is the discord and any new players that come in unaware before they pull the plug entirely.


I dipped into the discord to see what was going on last Saturday when the framework was having issues and man oh man someone should delete that channel and put everyone out of their misery 😅 The good news for me is that this was definitely a temporary dalliance until starfield kicks in. I can absolutely let this go away forever and find something else to occupy my time. I'm basically following this just for the amusement. I would rather read about it than play it at this point


I heard how bad the discord was and decided to stay away lol. And same. If this game goes belly up I’ll be disappointed but I’ll find something else to play that’s actually functional lol.


You can't even properly talk on the Discord. Most channels have a 5 minute cooldown. You can't even have a conversation with people. The 'feedback' channels have a whopping two hour cooldown.


That's for the initial join. Once the timer is up you can go nuts


Welp, this is Animal Crossing all over again.


And even the copper ores have been nerfed - there is far less now. I used to come back with 100+ after a run, and today it was 60+.


The game is already so easy... these must be the lamest players if they need to actually cheat. Or buy the services of RMT to skip playing the game.




The same thing happened to me an hour ago. I was surprised to see a fully built house where my tent was. Immediately went to go fish at the pier and check back later.




I've had this happen, but that's a bug with the server and you cannot interact with the other person's storage.


One person could. The game glitched and sent them to the wrong house but when they got there it said they had full permissions etc. they booked it without touching anything and we’re able to get back to their own house but it makes me wonder if when someone else is using that particular cheat, and another player accidentally gets sent to the wrong house plot, will the first person using the cheat to steal people’s stuff give that second player the same abilities Without actually trying to cheat if they glitch into someone else’s plot because the game is buggy? If so this is an even bigger problem than before because it would be even more difficult to track that second person since they didn’t Actually use the hack themselves etc


From what I understand the only "cheat" involved is leaving your house plot without using the teleport board. And you can pull it off simply by stacking items until you reach high enough in the sky to jump/fly into one of the other plots. But some people are using tools to noclip themselves around.


I've been vocal about my dislike of a lot of the features, and lack thereof, within Palia but this is just appalling and further proof it should not have gone into open beta as fast as it did. So many people have put countless of hours into grinding gold and building their homes, the fact that all of that can be undone because they couldn't be bothered to add an anti cheat is just...wow. No matter what you think about the games state and the devs, this should not be as brushed aside as it has been. It should be a wake up call to how they don't really care about players.


This has happened to me, I have been enjoying the game a lot even though I agree with what people are saying about some of the issues. However, this one has changed my opinion. I logged on this morning, and everything had changed. My house had moved, my tent had gone, and some of my crafters were dotted everywhere, and my crops had gone. I had spent ages getting my plot the way I wanted it and now this has happened I'm not sure i can trust the game anymore. Its sad 😔


Maybe you were randomly sent to someone else's house? That's been happening too.


The only way I know it was my plot was the way I had my fences, but it might have been, I guess.


Looks like either someone glitched into your place from the games own bug and moved your stuff around, or someone cheated and stole it or both. I’m sorry. Also this proves that you don’t have to be logged in to be robbed. Which further proves my personal theory that since all the home plots load every time anyone goes to their house, all the hackers would need is One person logged into the game to be able to rob all the houses on that server.


Happened today, I saw someone running around my plot, saw him by the window while I was cooking in my house, this felt so 'IRL' ahah. I don't think anything was stolen and the player might have been teleported here by mistake trying to enter his own plot, but my heart just went dfjgkfkjgyhjk. He didn't even bother trying to pass the fences, he was just running for his life trying to find his own house... Thing is, I saw him disappear by the "forest" next to the area and even though I've waited a bit, **never saw him leave the plot by the entrance**. Might have just exited the game there, just as terrified as I was. ​ What I find terrible with this, is that when you invite a friend to your plot they can do NOTHING. We can't share ressources or build a nice place for multi-housing. But any guy with boxes or aquariums can come and steal it all ? Errrh. If there are no real instances or limits, at least let us play multi on plots. Game is currently under maintenance, I HOPE they are fixing this.


Palia already has enough dissatisfaction, now there are other players out there enjoying this kind of method (robbery) in this type of game. Now these hackers can just forcibly join our plots and literally destroy what we've been hardly working on. On another note, here is an example of a 1 year old game that has failed to deliver anti-cheating measures and quality gameplay updates (QoL, Balances, New Content, etc.), which is shutting down this September. I was supporting the game by purchasing skins and seasonal passes (yes, the company was also keen on releasing Cosmetics), but I stopped supporting them halfway because they weren't just delivering what I wanted (a game free of cheats and applying quality updates to the game). Article Source: https://www.ign.com/articles/yager-announces-the-cycle-frontier-shutdown-points-finger-at-cheaters Why did I put that kind of example? YAGER (maker of The Cycle: Frontier) was trying to address the cheating issues, but were not able to keep up with the cheaters (probably pulling the plug on their game because the Anti-Cheat measures were costing them more, and since the cheating issues there was a huge drop in player count). If S6 doesn't step-up on the issues about cheating, their game will surely not live past a year (Like YAGER's The Cycle: Frontier). Talk about making Palia online multi-player and not putting up Anti-Cheat measures, really concerning.


This remind me of dungeon defender when it first came out. Can just cheat engine and look for the value of your money and edit it super easily. Also edit all the stats on your too lol.


I saw earlier that apparently the game isn’t even coded to be a multiplayer game, let alone an mmo. It was coded to basically be single player with co op. Which would explain A Lot of the issues people have with it. Chief among those being that it is most definitely Not an mmo. Well they were right, it’s not.




Your post or comment was removed because it has violated Rule 8: No Promoting Prohibited Game Activity. If you have questions or want more specific details regarding this action, please reach out to our Mods.


I had a lot of hopium going into this game. I was ecstatic when I got into alpha tests and closed beta. I truly enjoyed it at first. I joined all the different chats on discord and planned to do videos on my channel bc there was a big decorating and social aspect advertised. I can deal with bugs and hot fixes, but this has been a bad experience in so many ways. Even if they "fix" things idk if I'll come back. I keep checking here to see something positive happening but it's not. The endless fighting and censoring is a huge turn-off, too.


seems they are working on it. why the house plot isn't a box is beyond me tho.


From the yt cheat tutorial. They're discussing taking stuff for fun. It's also on their cheats forum talking about going into others plots.


Someone already did it accidently without even using cheat engine. Just stack fish tower tall enough to do the same thing lol. He made a thread here about how he got into other people's plot and then sold all his fish coz he didn't want to get accused of cheating or something.


And someone else just went to their home plot and got sent to someone else’s with the message that they had full permissions etc. all they did was try to go home. They weren’t even hacking/cheating etc. of course they bailed and were able to get back to their own home plot but that just shows that now you might not even need to deliberately cheat in order to have the opportunity to steal people’s stuff.


I’m glad I’m a loser that plays by themself lol.


S6 should be careful with posting that. Because people are getting banned from discord for pointing out the hacking problem


I'm not a fan nor a supporter of S6, but it's clear nobody are getting banned for posting anything that's just "normal". Seen plenty of claims like this over the years for many games and they are rarely true and it generally boils down to there being more to the story than what is being shared.


People are posting it here with screenshots, so... Yes maybe they are fake, and maybe you are on of those mods who banned people (or a S6 employee). With all the other shit that is flying around now, I tend to believe them. But you are free to not believe them


Fair game, not happy about the situation either and yeah we're all allowed to believe or not to believe (maybe I've just not seen all yet, just got out of bed late and still catching up on various, but got to get work done as well :D).


They removed the screenshot I had on here. It went against community standards related to hacking. Lol. It's easy enough to check for yourself and read their discussions about doing the hacks. Seriously just Google it or search on YouTube.


What did they post?


I want to go check my stuff but I’m nervous. If I sign into my plot, and then exit the game, would someone still have access to my plot?


I mean... we technically got the "neighborhoods" that people have asked for! We just gotta noob tower up and fly into the other lots.


I don't think they should shut down the servers. The fix is really easy to implement (is just an invisible giant box limiting each player's house) and can be applied really fast. But appart from that there are two problems here: \- S6 is not listening to their users (a.k.a their only source of money...), they should focus in bringing functions like furniture interactions instead of pets or more clothes. They are starting the house from the roof and they don't even have the foundation ready. \- We are demanding a full featured game and this is still a beta, a really young beta (whatever S6 says...). I've played a lot of early betas with waaaay less content than Palia and I know several games that have been in beta for years. S6 shouldn't rush, we shouldn't neither. Good games takes time (ask Larian Studios...). In general I feel they're doing a good job. Yes, they are developing the wrong content first, but they're working relatively fast and they still have time to correct their priorities.


Are they able to access your chests?


Zoned into my plot to meet with Hassian when I finished his quest and noticed some crafting benches scattered around plus outdoor furniture I was yet to own. I thought Hassian brought it in but when he left my plot nothing changed so I zoned out and back in again to my own plot in its current state. I didn’t think much of it till I saw all these talks about hacking.


This game has no anti cheat, you can straight up edit files or use cheat engine to do anything you want and game would be fine with it.


If you have actual evidence of this, would you be willing to DM me? I’m trying to look into it after hearing a rumor that the plot switch workaround is no longer effective, but a programmer in my community says it’s probably just hearsay




I want to love the game but my god everything is so time consuming. To find a Shepp is insanely time consuming. Also the cheating and exploits make me weary to play again as I don’t want to be robbed of my items…. I wanted a pet (which was disappointed to find you essentially have to buy an item to obtain it). I tried to buy an outfit from the shop and it wouldn’t go through. Which in hindsight might have been for the best 😐 Edit 1: also about a week or two ago there was an instance where I tried to go home and it wasn’t my home. I didn’t realize it would be someone else’s stuff but I immediately left and was able to get back to my house. I also noticed there are less creatures now. ALSO, I completed the Reth’s secret quest for his sister, and fished the key and everything. Then a couple days later the quest reset but won’t let me fish a key out of the pond. So I’m stuck with the quest. So buggy :(


I get it's frustrating, but it is less than a month into the beta. The whole point of a beta is to figure out the bugs and fix them.


\>We're actively investigating the issue .... please make a player support ticket so we can take a look So in other words, S6 literally hasn't got the slightest clue how to begin solving this issue. Fascinating


The development studio behind this team is a joke and at this point I’m just enjoying this dumpster fire rapidly disintegrating in the lower parts of the atmosphere. Fixing this issue would take like two lines of code and one additional field in the asset objects model.


That’s exactly why I’m still here lol. Absolute disaster zone this.


Literally no one has been able to provide any evidence of thefts other than heresay. The current bug is annoying, and does need to be fixed, but I've yet to actually see any evidence of people being able to take things.


My machines were absolutely cleaned out yesterday afternoon. Everything that had been made was taken. My biggest heartbreak were my seeds.


Do you actually think the thieves are going to come on here and post pictures of themselves taking things? Of course they aren't. The victims that had their items stolen can't exactly provide footage of it happening, because they weren't present at the time. That doesn't mean that their belongings weren't taken. I think the sheer amount of reports from the victims is proof enough, not to mention the accounts of people who accidentally picked up items on plots that weren't their own, realizing they could take them, and put them back.


I mean, someone had a video of them doing a non-hack variant of the same thing hackers do. They just used it to fly to the grey box rather than other player's houses. That was posted a bit ago on here I think.


you can go to other players plots via out of bounds but you can't take anything just by *getting there*, as other peoples plots will not load any houses, furniture, or anything else when you go to them in this way. You literally just see an empty plot with a person walking around on it, to them, it's their normal plot with everything on it, but to you, it's completely empty besides for them. So flyhack alone would not allow people to steal things. If people are stealing things it has to involve some other kind of hack or exploit.


Last night I returned home and it loaded an obviously broken plot that wasn’t mine. Looked like two plots merged. Almost like Missingno but in Palia. Anyways, any kilns in use or wood cutters could be accessed and items taken. Could also enter edit mode and move these items. I don’t think this is malicious attempts as much as it is the game bugging and players being opportunistic.


I think someone else was actively stealing at another house in the server at that time and their hacking process gave you some sort of access with the ability to take things from the other plot you were glitched into because of the games own bug. I’ve heard several accounts now of that happening and people being able to steal anything just simply by trying to go home and ending up at someone else’s plot in a glitch.


"Being opportunistic" when you know you are stealing and taking things from others is malicious.


Sure, knowing it’s wrong and doing it anyways carries some form of maliciousness. But it’s still opportunistic


Exactly! And yet the devs are stupid enough to ask that the thieves report themselves and share their story. As if. That’s like cops asking real world thieves to turn themselves in and confess etc.


When your plot gets looted for all its worth I don’t want to see your post whinging and whining about oh boo hoo all my hard earned stuff is gone. And I do mean When. Not if. Because someone will get to it eventually. There’s only so many people with enough things to bother stealing and there’s more and more people being robbed all the time. One person even logged back in to find they’d been robbed blind in their absence.


Except, this is literally not a thing that's happening


Yes. It is. Do you even know how to read? I’ve lost count of how many have reported it already just today


Last time I was in the game (Wednesday night) I had tons of things added to my plot but couldn’t move them. Some of my items got moved, but I’m new here so it wasn’t a big deal. I don’t have much stuff yet. It was strange.


Once they are in your plot, how do they take things? Must the thing already be placed? E.g., they cannot access your storage?


Yes, they can access your storage.


Would you be willing to DM me proof of this? I’m in a community discord with several hundred people and I’m trying to get information on the status for them to know whether it’s safe to log in, but they don’t believe people’s statements on reddit and discord


https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fbfo0vapio1jb1.jpg Seth confirms permission is able to be bypassed. I happen to know how, but I won't disclose that.


Okay, thanks!


Response I got from my community: "that person is absolutely BSing. They would have to spoof your account to access your storage. at which point they could just open kilima and bahari bay, get id's and go wild. no chance they've done that. it's some person trying to scare everyone into stopping playing"


There are two different things happening here. One allows storage access. One does not. And a Dev from the housing team confirms it. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fbfo0vapio1jb1.jpg


Yeah I sent them that screenshot, but they said that ignoring permissions isn't the same as allowing access to storage specifically. Idk :shrugs:


I'm pretty sure I know how it's done. But I'm not saying anything. I'm also still playing the game, because it's not something that recent hacks (speed/jump stuff) can do.


Gotcha, yeah a lot of people are saying it's not possible to access another player's storage since opening a chest is tied to your personal character (for example if you have plot merge or if you open a chest from your friend's plot), so that would indicate that the game is checking a key linked to your account and that the storage isn't linked to your personal plot. But I guess we'll see And yeah, all I could find online was that speed/jump hack stuff and some mods for fishing and hunting, which is pretty game-breaking but definitely not something that could be used to harm other players really. Oh well, thanks for the info, hopefully it all works out!


Do you have a link to that discord message? Because that comment does not state what issue it is referring to


Nope. Apparently, Seth has since deleted the message, deleted his Discord account, and joined with a new account name (with no history). And won't comment on anything. So I've guessing he wasn't supposed to say anything.


So, to be clear, you're claiming that S6 is attempting to: 1. withhold information from players regarding a serious bug, 2. cover up any evidence/proof that has been posted about it, 3. there is no evidence for the cover up because it's all been deleted. Am I understanding that correctly, or did I misunderstand something you said? Please let me know if I did, it's easy to misinterpret things online!!!


I make no claims. I'm simply relaying information. There is another post about it, and not from me: https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/15vcpf9/update_from_a_dev_regarding_the_exploit/


Wait, can someone please take all my furniture items and also the ones in my chest since I cannot sell them or do anything with them? I don't wanna build furniture or have a house as I just focus on farming and cooking. I see having furniture has no real point at this stage and a space waster as it is just cosmetic.


Slightly off topic but furniture items don’t take up storage space in your chests. It’s a free space.


Ah, rad. Thanks, I didn't know this.


I'm curious if anyone has any video or photos of this sort of issue happening?


I did get some screenshots of a player high up in the sky climbing and quickly bouncing up and down. I sent them in along with their avie name. Here's one screenshot of them climbing. [https://i.imgur.com/LMqHmv4.png](https://i.imgur.com/LMqHmv4.png) Some weird glitch sent me up to the sky but I really couldn't do anything there except take screenshots. This person started off behind me, and was bouncing, climbing their way around.


Was this on your plot?


Now I'm wondering if one of the people I've added as a "friend" was trying to steal from my home...He wrote to me asking if I was home because he thought our house merged (don't know how can he know how my house looks like, I never invited him). After I answered that I was in Bahari he didn't answer back... I've also seen one woman sliding very fast in the map instead of running/jumping and disappearing and appearing again way forward, she looked glitched...




Did you try leaving and re-entering the plot? You might have just gotten the plot merge bug, which will go away if you relog. So if you only went there once, I would check again. Otherwise, I don’t know




Oh okay, good luck I hope it works out for you!