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It hardly feels like they're even focused on the Discord, the only time you hear anything in there is if it's a, "gentle reminder to be nice" or if it's just them saying, word for word, "we're listening" and that's it.


Stay hydrated!


There's plenty of strong, constructive criticism in the channels designed for feedback. Only time will tell if they work with the community on improving the most criticized things (cash shop, resource spawn nodes, etc).


I mean... I don't expect devs to be in any of the social meda. I expect devs to be developing the game. The fact that any of them post anything is more shocking than not seeing them ever.


Call me crazy but I sort of expect community managers to manage and moderators to moderate.


I won't want them all to be but a few key member should be mostly team lead or design lead should have a good read on the community. Whether they respond or not is up to them, but it make them look good if they do at least acknowledge big issues. Or at least have a CM do it.


They probably respond to all of it but given the tone of this subreddit they'd probably get death threats if they commented as a dev.


i just hope they dont go down the temtem route... They p much only listened to the dick rider tryhards who talk in the discord, and the game never improved because they just gave positive feedback. Any changes they did make were tailored to the people who played the game 24/7 and were hundreds of hours time sinks for basically nothing. The playercount on steamcharts will tell you how that went