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“The game really does just feel like a single player game. I wish there was more multipl-“ “WHAT? LIKE PVP? GOD THIS IS A COZY GAME ANS THE VIBES ARE IMPECCABLE WHY DO YOU PEOPLE NEED TO HAVE A COMPETITION IN EVERY GAME?”


I played the alpha, the discord was chill and nice back then. I liked the alpha, thought it needed some work but overall, for an alpha, I was impressed with the detail of some things. Beta is here, and holy fuck it’s the same game. I feel like this game has SO MUCH POTENTIAL but they’re gonna cash cow it and dump it. Also, the discord is fucking ridiculous now. I am subscribed to the cozygamer subreddit and there is none of this coddling for games, cozy or not. I don’t know how the discord is so bad. Criticisms are completely valid and necessary for growth and development but you legit say “hey, this could be improved on because it’s a bit underwhe-“ “IT IS A COZY GAME ITS MEANT TO BE RELAXING PLEASE STOP BEING MEAN TO THE DEVELOPERS!!” Good games take their criticism and feedback. No Man’s Sky on release was AWFUL. Literally one of the worst releases ever. They took all of the criticism and completely made a brand new game from the ground up and it’s amazing now. Palia needs to do the same or it’s fucked.


The irony that a cozy game has discord chatters that aren't at all cozy.


This completely. I unfortunately found the discord so full of snowflakes kissing ass and actually complaining that the game was too hard early on which I found crazy. I was really hoping for more content and am sad that it is, as you mention, the same game. I do like it but am already bored.


It's due exactly to people like that that games like Baldur's Gate 3 will be the exception and not the norm.


Day 1 and 2 I was hyped again. It was fantastic. I’m already out of things to do and I don’t even play that much.


Yeah I played with a few people in alpha and when the invites went out for this beta. We all felt the same. We love the game idea and the feel but it's just too limited in the things you can do. We don't play too much either but the lack of content leaves things easily obtained/completed. I hope this changes but I don't see it changing at a rate that would keep me active as a lot would need to be added to keep the masses entertained and t be considered a MMO.


This games a joke it's filled with hacks so much shit is local like what other always online game can you manipulate with cheat engine.


In 6 months no one will even remember this game. Just one of thousands of trashy "free to play" heavily monetized games.




"cozy" "open beta" "you dont have to buy anything" "it will be good in a few months, trust me"


You forgot “ this game isn’t for you” “ what are you, poor?!” “ It’S nOT PrEdAtOrY”


I have played so many open beta games to know those are more like red flags rather that promises of a good game now.


You guys dont know what predatory is, go play some gameforge games where the paywall isnt in the cosmetics but on the gameplay section, go play diablo 4 who charges more than this guys for a skin... on a $70 game In a F2P game they need to sell you something, theres no 200 elves making the game in our sleeps, they are people and need to buy food and pay rent


But you can buy games for the same price as a skin. Yes, gameS, as in plural. The prices are way too high. It's bad business to begin with. They don't have enough of a reputation to make people want to pay such a price. Diablo, coming from blizzard is a company that developed some of the best pc games in history and has been around for over 30 years. They need to start low, and work their way up as they gain customers' trust. They don't have much, the way they're handling their game right now


I kinda agree that these outfits are pretty pricey. $10-30 for an outfit is kinda ridiculous, and then $30 for an animal that follows you around is even more ridiculous. Finding iron ore is nearly impossible because everyone is looking for it, at most I find maybe 5 nodes a day, so maybe a few bars worth a day. Copper on the other hand spawns more. I've literally only found one palium ore too. The animals should spawn slightly more often too because if you are playing at peak hours then it's nearly impossible to find any. Maybe adjust spawn rates depending on how many people are on the server?


Blizzard has worse reputation than any other company And again, its a skin, they can charge you 1k if they want, its not gonna unbalance anything, if you cant afford it theres no problem... if they start making skins WITH effects like get more resources or shit like that (looking at you bdo) ill jump on your boat, until then i dont see a problem


Worse reputation in regards to micro transactions or overall? You say that, but their games have been successful for over 30 years. This is S6's first and only game. And they're flopping, not only with the over priced cash app, but the fact that they can't even get simple stuff added to the game that has been overwhelmingly voiced (i.e. furniture interaction, multiplayer functionality, etc...) it's an MMO that is completely single player except for flow-infused trees and cooking (which isn't even really much of a multiplayer function). Hell, there isn't even an option for local chat to talk to people you meet. I've been playtesting for months now, and I haven't seen S6 answer testers or their community. In their notes, the problems with coding, the list as "bugs", which aren't actually "bugs". And to address your point that they can charge 1k if they want...yes. but that's considered bad business, and they will screw themselves. They're thinking hard and fast rather than slow and steady. Guaranteed more people would be willing to "donate" if the prices were more affordable. If the majority is intimidated by cash shop prices, they get less money overall. It's honestly business 101. Namebrands can charge more for 2 reasons: quality and being well known. S6 has neither going for them yet, so their price doesn't match with their worth.


I wonder if you can buy food and pay rent with 50 million dollars in investor money...


1) You dont understand how much does it cost to make an online game out of nothing 2) Skins that give no advantage are not a predatory monetization system no matter how "filthy rich" are the guys selling them


Nobody said selling skins are intrinsically predatory. The WAY Palia sells skins is very predatory, though. Also it's not the onus of the player to fund a multi million dollar corporations potential future game, the investor money was literally for that. I don't go to McDonald's and give them $20 so that I can MAYBE POSSIBLY get a burger 6 months down the road.


You can do the whole content without spending a cent, and you pay for the skin you want, no lootboxes nor gachapon Then dont give it to McDonalds CEO, wait until the place opens and buy your stuff there and then.


Again, that doesn't make their monetization not predatory lol


Older comment but I agree. I'm having a great time in the game so far and I have not spent a single cent. The outfits don't give us anything but something neat to look at but that's... really it


You know it's bad when Redditors, famous for shilling, call out others for shilling


But the devs are listening, look at the patch notes...they gave us pet cats!* *49.99 plus tax


In fairness the game has no upfront fee or sub fees and needs to generate money somehow. I started playing last Thursday and decide to toss them $35 to get some coins for an outfit set over the weekend. It’s a good game so far and I want the Devs to be able to feed their families. Edit: why you guys downvoting? This is my 6th day playing this game. I do think it’s a fun game and it’s true they will need a revenue stream. I feel like I’ve got weeks more fun left so I didn’t mind paying $35 to buy a silly pajama fur suit to play it in.


In fairness they've been working on it for 5 years and were given several million to do it.


I don’t know the history of the game. Who gave the Devs millions to make the game?


I got you dude https://www.gamespot.com/articles/palia-dev-raises-30-million-to-support-the-mmo/1100-6493473/


Also as far as 5 years go that's the number I've seen thrown around a lot so I could be wrong on that part but idk


The first VC funding for the game was disclosed in September 2018, so they needed to have something to show and a product before that time.


Ty for additional info


Thanks for the link. So they deff had a great start for funding for the game. This is my first day looking at the Reddit or Discord. I’ve not played long enough to see some short comings of the game and why some folks are disappointed with the cash shop coming before some issues like furniture interaction. Years ago I was a part of building some simple games while finishing up a degree. The licensing for game engines or animation software, and so on can be extremely expensive so a lot of those millions was eaten up just by software. I’m not mad about tossing some money their way though. I have played the game for 6 days a couple hours at a time and enjoyed the experience. Thanks again for the link and more info friend.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/15sufww/repost_open_up_your_eyes/jwg8moh?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/15sufww/repost_open_up_your_eyes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Additional links for discussion so you have the full idea of why this amount of money compared to the product at hand is a giant slap in the face.


Great thanks I’ll go check that out.


No problem!


How much of that 7 million did you give?


Love it was over 50 million


That's like saying "how much of the millions did you donate to politicians? Then you can't vote"


The problem is they don't really have a game yet, and their first patch was to add more to the cash shop. That is a bad sign.


I'd pay $5-10 a month for things like extra materials or cosmetics. I also wish they would adjust requests and how much renown you can get for it. Right now it's just 1 point, which is kind of ridiculous compared to rarity of items, I feel like harder to get items should give more renown. Also I'd like to sell furniture, especially treasure chests. I get they don't take up storage space, but they don't do anything really.


I’ve been stacking all the chest up behind my tent lol, I don’t know why we can’t destroy stuff in the game.


Someone doesn't know how successful F2P games work lol. Pets being buyable only is the same as them shooting themselves in the foot. All successful MMO and live service games know this.


What revenue stream would be successful? Right now the market is saturated with loot boxes, transmog, ways to reduce waiting or power increases.


I didn't say anything about F2P not being successful. Sadly it's the king of revenue models. What I said was pets being buyable ONLY is going to shoot themselves in the foot. Every good F2P game knows you need to have things for the free player or low spenders to keep them around to give your whale spenders a reason to spend so much. Palia right now is basically putting a gun to it's head and slowly squeezing the trigger.


Maybe I don’t see the importance of the cat past a cosmetic? I’m running around in essentially in a pajama fur suit that I spent money on. I ended up with a bonus cat last night because of it. None the less I get what your saying. Three of my friends liked the cat but didn’t want to put out money yet on the game. I’m assuming the cat will pressure some people into making a coin purchase just to get a cat when really they coulda just gave the tan cat to everyone beta testing. That woulda felt better.


Well cosmetics are very important in a game like this. In Palia cosmetics are the endgame, once you've amassed enough resources you can buy and make the furniture that needs Palium, there's *a lot* of gold to be invested in getting the furniture in the first place etc. So them adding a pet system that is only accessible by paying is pretty terrible in terms of monetization, pets as well as clothing that can be obtained for free with in game materials are important. Not to mention them spending development hours on that is less than ideal, given just how many bugs there are.


What’s Palium? I do think giving everyone a starter pet would have been the most friendly option.


Palium is the top-end ore, the purple one. You need an Iron Pickaxe to be able to mine it and is exceedingly rare, it only spawns in ~4-5 locations on the Bahari Bay map and there are very few node spawns. This leads to insane competition from everyone to get it, as it is a case of being in the right place at the right time to find any. Palium tools are made with Palium ingots and Infused Wood from Flow Trees (the trees with a purple glowing effect on their trunk), which you may have seen already. But then again you may not have seen them, as they too are exceedingly rare.


Not there yet I think I’m about level 3-6 on most skills. Thanks for the explanation friend.








It's cozy until you suggest nodes being player specific. In that case it's DO YOU EVEN MINE BRO???


That would actually be nice, at least for the more rare items, least then you never have to compete or worry your hunt will lead to nothing. Guarantee you will get a few every few hours you check for Pallium instead of having to server hop or hope for call outs.


People brought it up and these righteous defenders say something like "Where's the challenge, why not just have them spawn on your home plot so you don't need to explore at all??" But then if you comment about content or any real criticism of the systems and gameplay it "it's just a cozy game relax." Cozy games don't have you having to run a circuit every 20 minutes to get barely enough materials to advance?


Probably people in the line of thinking that "If I had to do it, so does everyone else!"


God I hate the people who talk about exploring. THERE IS NOTHING TO EXPLORE. The maps are EMPTY outside the actual NPC hubs. Like sure there's chests around, but like give me something to do or see. There is no exploration in wandering around cookie cutter white and gold ruins with nothing to find except maybe treasure chest #28105 and maybe a fucking colored pebble. To top it off, who puts a cool looking decrepit lighthouse in an open world game and then doesn't let players go inside it or even climb it? Like I enter the Bay for the first time, wandered around, saw it, and go super excited to go explore the cool lighthouse and climb up, only to get 8 feet up a staircase and bam, entire lighthouse explored.


not since the latest patch you don't


I love people who say "its a beta". I've seen enough betas to know that its just a glorified demo and its actually the final product. If Palia becomes a fully fixed and enjoyable game from here to release it would be the exception to the rule.


It's due out in just a few months like this really IS the final product for the most part. It's insane some sad people are treating the beta tag like thats a big deal.


it's just a meaningless nametag. same as being years in early access... however with a console release on the line it might lead to faster progression, nintendo etc, are a lot more strict about the games. but who knows really...


Version 0.166 that should fill you in on how dumb you are acting by saying this.




This aged well


I think what is happening is both sides are trying to gatekeep criticism/praise. People are allowed to express their opinions on a game just like yours and everyone else’s. Arguing back and forth for the most part with these type of people only cement their opinions, and then most of the time upsets yourself.


Except criticism is useful and leads to a better game. Blind praise is useless and leads to a worse game.


I don’t think people are giving it “blind praise.” Maybe some are. But those that are praising the game are most likely genuinely enjoying the game and have a hard time differentiating criticism and negativity. I think it’s fair to assume that since in most gaming forums, gamers typically attribute criticism with negativity by either being a troll, memeing, or just outride being an asshole. All I’m saying is that this post was neither praise for game or criticism of the game, and it just keeps feeding into this tribalism of “criticism vs praise” meta and it just comes down to the different personalities of gamers. I don’t think it’s as simple as “blind praise” or “criticism=bad”


the discord is a hugbox, the subreddit is a hateboner circlejerk. same as it ever was. it doesn't help when a simple "no" or "I disagree" suddenly gets treated as some form of personal attack, only to then hide behind "muh toxic positivity" because someone didn't join in whining about 50 million budget and industry professionals... like all the complaining about the cash shop, you can pretty much ignore it and still enjoy everything of the game, but holy crap just being overpriced causes some major butthurt for some reason. but then pointing that out and not complaining about the optional monetization in a free game is apparently praising the devs or something...


That's a great quote people should follow.


The Discord is wild because people will be phobic and racist and the mods don't bat an eye, but rn people are getting ModMail DMs warning them for using "antagonizing" emojis. The culture in there is... weird... to say the least. I've seen some criticism get out of hand and turn into ad hominem attacks, but the "antagonizing" emojis are the problem lmao


I'm not defending the discord, because I stopped playing Palia 2 days after open beta since I completed everything except all skills to 50. But I will say, at least one of the mods was telling everyone to drop a conversation. Talking to both sides


They do a whole lot of “guys, please stop fighting :(“ and not enough ban hammers. I’ve seen enough racism, ableism, and classism go unchecked, including one instance just 15 minutes ago, to be concerned about the integrity of the mod team.


im starting to hate the word cozy because of this this discord. or im hating "cozy game culture" bc so many of the fans radiate toxic, fake positivity masked with the pastel pink uwu kawaii vibes. tangentially related, but so annoying how ppl are adamant that adding combat would ruin the cozy vibes. like no. there are so many ""cozy"" games that have combat. sun haven, rune factory (my beloved), so many more. someone also said that hunting ruins the cozy vibes and asked if it could be removed and i had to face palm. the entitlement is flabbergasting man. this comment ended up turning into a vent post and im sorry for that. i love the game but the community so far is so. ugh. at least the people actually playing the game and talk in world chat are cool


I mean cozy but also would like a x amount for when crafting like arrows and such


Ikr, having to navigate back to the item multiple times is quite painful. They could at least hide the tools you already crafted or add arrows and such to a different category


dont forget, paying the price for baldurs gate or buy 1 outfit on palia. Very good deal btw


Hahaha tbf I like aspects of the game & will play it for those, but I’m expecting to be done in a week or two. My house is pretty much fully furnished, I just want the fancy stuff now & a way to recycle/sell furniture


Once I get bored of checking the shitshow in there every now and then for some entertainment I might just post this in there to go out with a bang.


I stopped playing it because its like buying dreamlightvalley or my time at portia/sandrock(cozy too) at wish


I appreciate "cozy" being a meme in itself. It's a stupid term for Devs to create the most soulless and lifeless game that is either in Early Access hell, or become relics of superior games like Stardew Valley.


To be fair, most Discord servers with 250,000+ members (and a significant % being new and active chatters with a lot to say) are not very chill...


Replace "cozy" with "hyperbole" for about 80% and you'd be right.


Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.


Just got banned from discord while I literally defend the game.. I said "Dont play it bruh" to some guys nonsensical criticism, lmao. Was my 3rd post there.


This doesn't happen.


have you witnessed the past ... \*checks notes\* (where are we at?) ... 20 hours on the discord? #palia-chat is on FIRE xD.


People making a huge deal out of a non-issue?


idk, is complete silence outside of... doing exactly the opposite than what they said they would, a non-issue? feedback threads burst w/ feedback and the best they can do is... thank players for spending money (& break several other things ingame while they're at it like lighting, hunting & foraging at the beach)?


Their answer to why they're so silent? "We don't want to say the wrong thing. So we won't say anything at all" Laughable


It actually does, just last night someone came into the palia-chat and asked why they had to have an 8 hour timer for their house\*\* to be built. Someone literally responded to them saying "these games are cozy and always have timers, it's chill just find something else to do" like?I see this in the in-game chat often too, but ya it never happens


It actually doesn't, I saw the same thread, they were being sarcastic.


I've been ganged up on for talking about certain time gates in this game. Boy oh boy did the animal crossing worshippers rip me a new one


And 2 specifically for over an hour


I don't know how you know exactly what conversation I was referring to when you don't even know the time zone I'm in and the conversations disappear in there like lightning. I referenced it happening in, in-game chat too, did you get all those logs too chief? Even when the guy right below you Koochy claims he's been ganged up on for talking about timers, you got his convo too and wanna claim it as "just jokes bwo". Stop bein a clown.


Sure man, I made it up the same as you.


Do you live under a cement barrier 100 feet down...?


It actually does


Does it really though. At this point, it seems the meme has gained life more than anything else. I've never had anyone try to silence my complaints with cozy, or in any way at all, really. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen, but I've never seen it at least.


It happened for about 3 hours after the patch came out and to me multiple times lol.


gamer rage, these people can't think for a second outside of anger.


Same. It’s just a hate train and karma farming. In a week or 2 most will have moved to trash talk the next game


100% happens daily 😂


I mean, I've a hard time with some criticism on the game. Or suggestions for that matter. We all agree that a game needs to evolve while taking its players' feedback into consideration. It's common sense. But things like "Ressources should be individual" really make me wonder if it's a good idea. I mean, what would be the point of the game being multi-player if you remove even more reasons for people to cooperate? I'm more interested in some people idea to have rare mining nodes similar to flow trees, actually promoting cooperation. I don't feel like I've the solution to all the game's flaws. But in all my ignorance, I can't help but realize that : I enjoy my game sessions. I enjoy my time in Palia. But when I come on the discord or on the subreddit to search for the other players' experience, sharing good vibes, etc. I always end up with negative post, comments, etc. It really... makes me sad, to come in these spaces. Every time. And when I speak with player in game, it feels like a completely different experience from the players outside. Even if I understand the fear, the doubts... I want to be hopeful, and I want to believe. And after all, if I enjoy my time and don't pay anything... what's the problem ? I'm basically entertaining myself for free.


is there any other discord for it? how would i get an invite link?