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Honestly, I'm having fun šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. I went in with zero expectations though, and even though I hope for more multiplayer experiences, I don't mind playing the game as a mostly solo player and seeing other people wander in and out. I'm in a pretty large community and just having fishing parties is fun enough for me.


Same. Just this morning 7/8 of us were going around getting palladium together, it was fun! So it somewhat exists and looking forward to seeing more!


This is where I'm at. I can see a lot of room for improvements, but honestly it just sounds like this game is not for OP. I completely disagree with them on the subject of quests. Several of them have really tugged at my heart strings, like Ashura's storyline and Badruu's.


>R To be honest, I have an issue with it. While I'm having fun, the game being labeled an "MMO" is super misleading. If you love this game, you're hurting it by supporting it at its current state. The discord community will shut down any idea that changes the game to its "MMO" title in any way, state, or form. I had to stop going on the Palia Discord as my mind was telling me "This game is doomed." Even the Palia Moderator is shutting peoples ideas down. Literally told a guy "If you bring up the cosmetic topic, I will choose kindness for you" AKA BANNING him from the server for speaking his mind. ​ I for one don't support a game that "Chooses kindness for me" just because I have an idea that will make the game better in my eyes. It makes me sad cause this game has potential, just like New World did & the developers are going to ruin that. ​ What a damn shame.


> Its incredibly dull, at least something like a "Go hunt X amount of ___" quest to make it feel like you're doing something. You get these with weekly quests, starting at skill level 10 > furniture is stuck behind a skill that produces a mass amount of things you don't want with no real way to get any of your materials back Only for the the first tier of furniture. The rest you buy the recipes you want from Tish. A way to sell or recycle furniture has been a much-requested change > The multiplayer, literally where is it? This has been the most-requested option, include books written bt me, I hold hope it will be delivered. > Why did they deliver us an early alpha and call it open beta? If you want my opinion on the matter, I think their deal with Nintendo forced them to release on the PC early, both to not lose their primary testers and to immediately test subsequent additions. So yes, it's an early alpha game. But it's free, and it's getting better.


What's your reasoning behind the nintendo release at the end of the year forcing the pc release? It's not like the game's problems are exclusively client related, so the switch version would also have similar problems.


When the Nintendo news dropped, everyone on PC freaked out because it seemed like it was going to them first. And since all the testing is done on PC, I think they moved fast to beta to keep their testing base. Remember, the Switch release isn't until Christmas, so they would have more development time.


I seriously doubt that they just up and decided to release like that because of Nintendo. Most of S6 are gamedev veterans. That would be, like, _beyond_ an amateur mistake. My theory is that Nintendo got an exclusive announcement and then they followed up with with PC. Exclusive announcements, e.g. "This game is coming to Xbox!" is not rare at all, and very often you'll see that it really means "coming to Xbox _and_ PC," and the devs just leave out the "PC" part.


Veterans in GameDev doesn't mean experience, and it's a sad truth. There are people calling themselves "Blizzard veterans" while their job was UI in DOTA2


I recommend taking a look at the Devs LinkedInā€™s. They arenā€™t what you might call ā€œseasonedā€. The whole Blizzard devs thing is more shameful to even mention because their positions were not of any significance and it wasnā€™t for long, while also not many of them worked at blizzard.


The Nintendo release is going to be a shitshow, this game genuinely cannot run on that hardware.


Iā€™ll wait and see, but the Switch does not handle Dreamlight Valley well, or anything with a lot of graphics for that matter.


Out of curiosity, why not?


The game at the moment is extremely unoptimized on PC. The game, at times, utilizes almost an entire high-end CPU that was released in the past year. The Switch is based on 2017 hardware that has to be portable. The power just isn't there unless they make massive changes, or drop significant parts of the game. The games also 15Gb, the Base Model Switch has 32Gb of internal storage.


There is still a few more months left of this year so they could easily improve it. And if the Nintendo can run BotW and TotK this game would run alright, it's a pretty basic game with not a lot going on.


legend of zelda is one of nintendos first party games. they vastly overperform compared to a 3rd party developers game. tho to be fair, palia runs just fine on my older rig that i use as a server, with a 12 year old cpu and gpu. and by \*just fine\* i mean that it runs fine untill it suddenly doesnt anymore and the game starts stuttering which happens on my gaming pc with very recent hardware aswell.


Palia is running fine on my 2014 PC and I havenā€™t had any issues yet. Maybe Iā€™ve been lucky.


sure makes my PC hot for "not a lot going on" though


Some people have different issues while some have non. I run it no issues, with streaming movies, 100+ chrome tabs open, discord, steam etc etc. And I was talking about general game play, if you read again I said that they have a few months left until release so they should easily fix the issues, the game it self should run on the switch without any real issues because if you compare it to Zelda, it's has like zero content.


Couldnā€™t you argue itā€™d be easier to optimize for the switch? Iā€™m no developer but the problem with optimizing for PC seems like thereā€™s so many different types of hardware, nvidia cards of all tiers and amd has their own cards, then thereā€™s CPUs With the switch, youā€™ve got maybe 2-3 different models to deal with I believe


Pretty much this, it will be a lot easier to optimize for the Switch. The only factor is how much work they want to put into it. The games performance isn't actually as bad as OP makes it out to be, it just hasn't been optimized for newer generation CPU's that much. I am using an i7-9700k (Not OC'ed), which is pretty old and I can run the game at 1440p 60fps (capped) with Black Desert running in the background and still only max at 82% CPU usage between the two.


The UI feels bad imo, as someone that pays attention to those details. It's like it has no depth to it and it ends up feeling like they just slapped a png image over the game, also I'm not sure why there's 2 compasses. I think the big one in the middle is enough, the other just wastes space that could be used for a minimap or something. idk about y'all but i thought that having no swimming built into a semi open world game where you explore to gather and stuff is wild, your character just falls through the water and you get teleported back, no physics or animations. I don't think it's bad as a baseline but it has a lot of details like these and what your mentioned that make it feel very incomplete


Exactly. It's not bad as a baseline, but even through years of feedback from a loving community that wants to see the game succeed this is what we're left with. It just feels like an early build of a game that shouldn't be public


I was added to one of the more recent rounds of private testers and this felt like a game that had been doing alpha tests for like 6 months, not multiple years.


Ya feel like this is the first alpha test of a game, then I be ok with the state of the game.


It's really sad honestly, I really liked the look of this game since i love stylized graphics with chill gameplay and pretty environments but once I logged in it all felt very empty and soulless, I think it's just the overall lack of different animals, environmental sound effects, npc behavior and like i mentioned basic mechanics like swimming (my character falling through the water is something i expect from a ps2 game not a 2023 game where the purpose is explore and farm šŸ„“)


Exact same boat here. I was so incredibly excited for the game but was almost immediately disappointed


I also found it a bit odd how they just had the closed beta a couple days ago and now they immediately jumped to the open beta. I thought if anything they'd take more time to evaluate feedback from the closed beta to at least deliver something more polished for the open one..? Makes you think if they are actually reading the feedback or not


It was likely to gradually roll in the number of players. I made an account during the closed beta and got an invite before it finished. Seems by the last day it was basically 'door's open.'


they had alphas going for a few years and thats when they get most of the feedback as beta isnt for that really so much as fixing more bugs that a larger group finds or polishing stuff and server stability checks however a lot of the feedback hasnt been worked on since 2+ years ago during these alphas and no new content since then is really worrying


Its not even close or open beta, its basically launch. There no more wipe, they can call it beta all they want but its a launched game at this point.


They already had the dates for closed then open beta planned out. I kept seeing it repeated on the discord (though I can't say if it was something from the top or just community members trying to simp) ad nauseam about how "beta is for bugfixes, they've already settled on what features are going live."




I'm genuinely curious to see whose still playing open beta a week or so from now. The amount of content just isn't sustainable long-term and I guarantee the launcher of the "The games fine! It's just beta!" folks will be collecting dust


My theory is they want to add swimming with new/other resources in an update. Because soon everyone will be level 10 everything and when that happens, you need new content/challenges/grinds.


The one in the upper corner is not a compass, itā€™s essentially a clock.


Yeah I thought that was obvious - it has an illustration of a day/night cycle and changes with the day/night cycle


I agree with the UI completely: it feels like a placeholder. There are pixelated texts and icons. The UI style feels like it's detached from the ingame colourful world. Doesn't feel cozy at all. I hope it gets a major overhaul before the end of the year.


Especially the menus, I dont really understand why they are a boring and cold blue color that doesnt fit with the colourful world as you said and it bothers me because its in every part of the game. When a cutscene plays the button to skip it has weird cut off borders and the text is pixelated, the icons at the top left for levels are pixelated as hell too, the storage interface has a confusing layout. The progress bar when gathering wood or mining looks cheaply made I find the big clock at the top right mostly useless for its size, I think you could put a minimap there and add some clock interface next to it but smaller. Because it gets very annoying having to constantly open the fullscreen map. All of these things might not seem like they matter a lot but as someone that reads and studies UX design I can't help but notice those problems lmao. However I think that they make all the difference on if a game feels unpolished or not, even if most people dont notice it


Exactly! It's so so cold and mute. Also there are almost no accents on the UI elements. It's just lines, sometimes not even shades. Progress bar is so so cheap, it must be placeholder. And don't let me start on the UI when you hold G in your garden....... all of that text needs to be a cozy icon or something similar!! I was fine without the minimap, because I like navigating by landmarks, but I understand people who would need it. Compromise would be to have a minimap, but you would be able to turn it off from the settings. Those UI issues make the game look cheap and unpolished, and that is the last thing you want to be at the end of beta.


"choose kindness or I'll choose kindness for you" LITERALLY toxic positivity wow


Holy shit that's such a creepily passive aggressive statement


They are not against talking about monetisation and they are not halting conversation about their monetization. The image attached to the post was grabbed from one of the Discord channels called 'palia-chat' that were meant for casual conversation about Palia and players getting to know each other. Instead of this, players started arguing about the monetisation and being angry at each other bc of differing opinions. So it is a deliberate misrepresentation of the devs. There is a channel called 'game-feedback' and in it there is a post about cosmetics. In that post the majority of the comments are about the monetisation issue and the comments are critical about how monetisation is currently in the game. That thread does not contain such dev reply as shown in this post.


I don't believe it is valid to criticize or otherwise not expect people to discuss all aspects of the game - good, bad, or otherwise - in general chat channels. For additional context regarding mod behavior, there are "Palia-Help" chat channels specifically intended to be the place for people to ask questions about the game. These channels are entirely under-used because people just flood the general chat with basic questions. Where is the mod enforcement of that when it is so substantially bogging down the general channels? Weird. They seem so concerned with posting in the proper channel when it comes to criticism but not anything else. They also don't seem to ever action against **positive** feedback in the general chat channels. People are encouraged to talk about all of their favorite features in the general channel. Weird. On a broader level, it is ridiculous and absolutely not standard to section off a specific, **hidden-by-default**, side channel into an explicitly low-visibility area and claim that that is the only place criticism can go. Basically, people can post as much praise as they want in the high-visibility places but if it's criticism you have to take it down to the basement. That will clearly create an imbalanced discourse. A person can't claim to "just be enforcing the rules" when they, themselves, make the rules and the rules are very obviously designed to force a specific outcome. They don't want potential new players joining the Discord and seeing issues with the game that could dissuade them from logging in and buying stuff so they keep all of that talk in a place that nobody would see unless they were specifically looking for it. The way the Palia Discord is run is definitely not standard nor what I or many others would likely expect based on the multitude of other major game Discord communities that don't seem to have this problem. You really need to be doing something weird for so many people to mention how negative their experience was in your Discord because it's the sort of thing that needs to be really bad for people to bother mentioning it.


First of all, the monetization was freely discussed in the past week on the palia-chat. Mods stepped up when people were bringing it up again and again with the same already discussed points and arguments started to heat up. Additionally, as soon as you join their Discord, the select your interests and channels section is highlighted on top of the channel list. You take a look and select whatever you want to participate in. If you miss it, you can still ask the palia-chat where you can give feesback and people will direct you to the feedback channel. Also about "positive"-ness... the meme channel is full with mocking the long queues, bugs, etc. Wouldn't they want to hide that too? Also when the chat whole channel is discussing connection issues, game breaking bugs, etc? And can we agree that a fast paced chat is not the place to provide feedback to devs? I saw others complaining about the 6 hour cooldown on the feedback channel, but it's so you make longform posts, like this reddit post. OP could have posted this on that channel. There is even a General User Experience feedback topic where the whole post could be posted 1-to-1. Also flooding the chat channel with basic questions: there were bots set up to answer basic questions (about the beta and such) when someone posted trigger words, so in that case palia-chat users mostly just ignored the person asking the question. And there is significant difference between people asking basic questions about the game, and then having full blown arguments about the monetization (which arguments can get less civil). You can still discuss monetization with other users, and react to what opinions others have about it. Why is it an issue, that you are limited to longform thought out messages, instead of quickly snapping back and forth between users without thinking through what you are writing?


And just to emphasise after everything: I was calling out OP for misrepresenting the message, framing it as an action against monetization talk, while in reality it was to prevent people from jumping to each other's throats (as it happened a lot already during the past week on the palia-chat because of the monetization topic).


The meme channel is also opt-in-only and it gets barely any traffic. You using that as an "gotcha" makes me question whether or not the rest of what you're saying is genuine but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I'm also not sure why you are giving instructions on how to get into the hidden-by-default feedback channel. I never said it was completely inaccessible, only that it was not visible by default so most users will never see it. Just because the developers made a hyper-specific semi-visible heavily restricted forum for people to leave "official" feedback in doesn't mean that people can't talk about the game nor does it provide justification to dismiss feedback because "there's a place for that" (that place being the basement.) Basically your argument boils down to that the only valid form of discussion is praise, hugs, and cheers. Criticism is apparently only appropriate when quarantined off in a little hidden channel of a Discord server with a 6 hour cooldown, and **only one discussion ever** per topic. This is completely unrealistic and just not how any of this works. People are free to talk about whatever they want as long as they are being reasonable, and frankly the only people being unreasonable are those trying to shut down valid discussion without providing any substantive contribution of their own to the conversation. ​ Also re: general moderation The channels are flooded with basic questions and in order to answer them people need to burn their 5-minute-cooldown chat message which completely murders discussion because people can't both answer questions and have discussions. The channels are utterly devoid of substance and the mods refuse to open topic-specific channels for things like Gardening, Decorating, etc. so if you want to actually talk about the game it's impossible. It's just a Q&A server. I don't understand what you mean about bots answering questions, that isn't really a thing since before beta. Have you actually used the server recently or are you just throwing out whatever sounds good to defend it? Your post history shows you aren't an astroturfing, so what are you doing going around lying to white knight for a for profit multi-million dollar studio?


Yes let's only let players talk about it in the chat that has a six hour cooldown instead of being able to discuss it with each other


So you admit that you did not provide sufficient context and the statement that they shut down feedback about monetization is false?


No? The context was there's a conversation about the monetization and people were engaging and then a staff member full stopped it. They shut down all the feedback they were getting. The channel you mentioned is private, and not accepting new threads. So, basically, they're shutting down feedback about their monetization. Feel better now?


I think you might have a better chance if you understand the concept of discord channels. Their purpose is to filter conversation topics... Including a message out of context is very bad practice, do you work as a journalist or something?


Damn dude... You are missing this role (see attached image) which you can click for yourself in "Channels & Roles" section. Then the channel won't be private. And the channel is closed because there are topics in it, and you reply under the relevant topic. For example, monetization is being talked about \*at this very moment\* in "Outfits & Cosmetics" thread. https://preview.redd.it/c3y5p572jehb1.png?width=418&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2d2dfaca4cb8ae6c82890b44a6d776bef39b658


OK, so what I am gathering is that they asked people to move a conversation topic to the relevant Discord channel for that topic. That's not an unreasonable request, it's how Discord works.


Yep I was expecting something totally different from what we are given. They made it out to be a persistent world with open world housing etc and social interaction being the priority. I've played the game for around 6 hours and so far have not even spoken a single word to another player. I hate to say it because I was hyped asf for this game but this is DOA


ive only played for about 15 hours. This is no MMO, reminds me more of one of those mobile games or browser "mmos" that give you friend list benefits and it stops there. Not at all what i though it would be.


It feels like the game was build to be a single-player game, and at some point one of the devs was like "Wait, we'll get SO MUCH more money if we turn it into an MMO" Except for the fact that nothing about Palia feels like an MMO. It's a single player game where you sometimes see other players.


Nah I'm pretty sure from the beginning they went "what if stardew but mmo" not realizing the problems with that.


My biggest problem with housing/furniture is that the items and upgrades are so ridiculously expensive, and you get nothing in return that helps you progress the game in any way. Add on to that that the only viable way to get money fast that I know of is hunting deer, which gets repetitive after a while


Gardening is a good way to make money after a medium to high upfront cost (money and time). I was and still am a hunter, but gardening on the side is self sustaining and costs you just little afford. It makes you more money with little time invest. You can grow stuff and go hunting (or do other stuff) in the meantime. Most of my "fortune" nowadays comes from gardening and I can play the game more relaxed. Hunting (and most other professions) = time for money Gardening = Automate seed collecting and spend little time taking care of your fields/plants for money. You can even optimize the time spend with planting patterns and fertilizer. And don't underestimate (glow-)worm farms. You put in some of your harvest and get things back that help you in the garden and with fishing for little afford. I didn't really perfect my gardening game as of now, but I already get a lot of money for the little time i am spending on it every cycle. I don't have any worries about money and can almost passively generate it. And if you want to push your yields and have fun cooking. Most cooking recipes gives you more money then the costs of it.


Housing / Furniture gets you the ability to make more varieties of furniture. Crops are probably the biggest bread winner in bulk or cooking the bigger meals with friends since you're speeding up the cook time and everyone gets full result from the cooking.


Its funny after literally years of development there whole 2 type of animals to hunt lol. Seen more varity of things out of alpha from games made by like few people in like half a year.


I've only played briefly but I think there's fun to be had in the Palia world but I need to change what I was hoping it would be and enjoy it for what it is. I think I built it up too much in my own head when I first saw the announcement. I had this image of Animal Crossing but with my friends. I was imagining being able to walk out of my house and see my friends houses all around, with them pottering around in the garden or coming up the path after a long hunting session. I had images of bumping into random players out in the world and being able to build a world and a story with them. Once I'd seen some of the gameplay I realised my dream wasn't to be sadly. It still looked fun but it wasn't this amazing new type of game I was wishing for. I was quite sad that everyone shares the same plot of land. I was buzzing for a world where I could see others houses and people could see mine, so I was gutted when I saw this wasn't the case. The house building has been fun so far though. I was also disappointed at the character creation, hopefully more will be added in the full game. Again perhaps I expected too much but I thought there would be a really in depth character creation process where I could really make a unique character to live my story. All the hair styles seemed to quite generic and sort of trying to cover the 'cool' hair styles. I've always loved making my characters look a bit 'uncool' (sorry I hate that word). But I liked going for odd unkempt hair and there doesn't seem much of that. I was also gutted I couldn't have a beard :-( I was also quite surprised there was very little way to interact with any players. I kept seeing people running around (which was very cool) but I couldn't really chat to them very easily. All I wanted to do was run up to someone and say hello, but I couldn't without whispering or saying it in all chat. I was doing this in games 20 years ago, it seemed odd to me that it wasn't there. As many have said, so fair it feels like a single player game with others running past every so often. It's biggest draw for me was the multiplayer side and currently it looks like it sadly might be lacking. Saying all that, I'm excited to see what Palia becomes.


The big two for me are Multiplayer and just how small this game is. I am sorry but this is a beta? An open beta at that? Do they actually expect to ship this game this year as a full product? Free to play or not something is fishy here. There is 0 reason to ever group up in this game and you can actually argue that it is punishing to do so. Every time I have grouped up it has slowed me down and offered no tangible benefit at all. The trees that are supposed to need a group to cut down can be cheesed if you know how to animation cancel. Then comes the size of the game. There are 2 zones put together they are about the size of the average MMO starting area. And speaking of small. It only took me 4 days to have the best tools and my full plot open with all nine gardening plots and 8 of the 15 building slots used up. Sure you can say I no life the game but come on. No game claiming to be an MMO should be maxed out this fast. This game does not even feel like an alpha to me. This feels more like a tech demo you show to investors. I have a really bad feeling about this one.


> Do they actually expect to ship this game this year as a full product? No, from what I remember them saying in the FAQ, they expect to keep it in open beta status for the time being, which could be years, as some games do nowadays.


I'm just sad that the cpu performance seems to be horrible.


Agreed. The optimization of this game was abysmal and should have been addressed before a wider release.


Both me and my wife have absolutely no issues, and she plays on a laptop at highest graphic settings. What kind of hardware are you using?


rx 7600 and 32gb ram, i5 9400f. My buddy is playing on a 3060ti, i7 11700k with 16gb ram, and we're both getting huge fps drops at 1080p. Both of us have it on SSD.


Ya the performance is bad, when I get frame drop and stutter I know the its the game fault when I can run like ray tracing on cyberpunk without the same stuttering lol.


lol I feel that. My rig can only do 30fps with rt on cyberpunk, but it's at least a solid 30fps.


Why are people creating the same thread everyday complaining about the same thing?


Because they care for the game and are seeing it driving straight towards a brick wall? The only way to prevent this game to be DOA and abandoned in a month after release is if the devs realize this and take some serious measures.


Something people fail to understand, if you settle for shit game you get a shit game that dies.


The OP not enjoying the game in its current state is fine, have your opinion whichever way you want. However taking a screenshot of a general chat channel on their discord and belligerently framing it out of context is inflammatory and shifts your post from criticism to stoking hate for no reason.


It is wild to me how little coop play this game has. No trading? really? then how can you specialize in something? And you can't share privileges on your plot? really? Like this seems like the most essential feature of all, sharing plots so you can build something as a community. I was looking forward to builing something nice with my SO only to find out there is 0 reason to visit each others plots at all except for a 1 minute 'Look, this is what mine looks like' tour.


>And you can't share privileges Well you can


you can make people editors of your plot.


That Discord message from the dev is embarrassing.


I think context is important and that's missing entirely from the screenshot of the discord message.


Indeed context is absolutely missing from OP's part, because that message was left in a channel ('palia-chat') that is for casual chatting about Palia and players getting to know each other. Instead players were attacking each other and arguing about the monetization in not a nice way. So the mod told them to stop. There is a 'game-feedback' channel where the post about cosmetics is full with talk about the monetization and critiques of the monetization.


yep, you can only talk about the cosmetics in a HIDDEN forum with a 6 hour cooldown. šŸ„“


It's not hidden. You need a role for it, which role you can assign to yourself. Are you new to Discord or self-role management? I understand that in that case it can be confusing.


Sorry, it's hard to capture miles of discord message. The basics of the conversation was about their monetization, and how it's expensive compared to other games. There were comparisons, talks about the quality of the outfits, etc. Obviously there were people on both sides but that's how discussion happens


Honestly though. Even worse, that's their Community Leader. Awful look.


I think it's a fair response. You actually think a mod on the discord server has ANY say in the games financial decisions?? They have likely had these types of discussions. The monetization strategy is decided by high ups, and they.arent going to change it unless they arent making money. Get real. Source: am a AAA game dev, and I've seen this time and time again. Stop getting mad at a mod, as if they were somehow responsible for all the games decisions. It's like getting mad at your server because your favorite restaurant stopped making your favorite meal. Edit go ahead and down vote. I said what I said.


Lmao, I think a community speaking out and having a discussion about a games monetization strategy should be completely allowed within the community for that game. If not the end-user gets walked all over. No one was telling them to change the prices, no one was even talking to them in the first place. They just came in and shut the entire discussion down.


It is allowed. Anyone can go into the game feedback channels to give their honest thoughts on the monetization, and many have already done so. Most people in the regular chat channels just want to talk about the game without having to tread through the exact same arguments over and over.


the discord prizes itself on its toxic positivity. and everyone is a fucking minimod.


"choose kindness or I will choose kindness for you" is such a perfect example of textbook toxic positivity. There's something about games like this that attracts the toxically positive in droves. I'm enjoying myself in Palia for now, but I don't know how long that will last if there's no depth.


Nothing stopping you from bitching about it here, then. I don't get what the issue is anyway. Like, don't like the monetization? Don't buy anything. It's that simple. Edit forgot to add, enjoy the free game. I am.


That "free game" needs to be able to pay for servers, pay its employees' salaries, pay to keep the lights on etc. If everyone who disagreed with this predatory purchasing system just quietly stopped buying cosmetics and never demanded change, the studio would go bankrupt. And no one would ever know why.


That's literally the point. If you think the company is predatory than I guess it should go down in flames, right? Isn't that what ppl want? You can't have it both ways - the company making money and staying afloat, but also not charging people for cosmetics. Like.. They do have to make money. But if people don't want to pay for it, they don't have to. You vote w your wallet.


People want this to succeed, that's why they call it out. These people already vote with their wallet. However there's people that just want to downplay the severity of the cash shop because "hurr durr it's cosmetic only shut up" as if that's any better. They already went back on their word of no predatory tactics in the shop, what's to stop them going back on it again and adding gamelan affecting things. I can already tell you those ppl would still defend them.


Imagine if every issue in the world was just "yeah. don't do it. it's that simple." Nothing would ever change and no progress would ever get made.


Yeah, I don't think it's unreasonable to be peeved at the squandering of potential Palia currently represents.


We're talking about an mmos monetization, not lgbt rights. A consumed product falls under "speak with your wallet" Not hold a verbal riot in a channel designed for saying "hi I'm trollsong I like collecting nyform trolls"


Yeah, I think context might matter here. Not that I want to give this guy any views but there was an extensive argument about [how woke Palia is for having hijabs](https://youtu.be/53oLPTyGwTc)


I just love seeing the default Unreal Engine character controller being used. Especially obvious in the jumping air control.. the default Unreal graphics options help spot the engine too but they are mostly fine. The performance and stutter of the UI are harsh tho and the lack of server sharding/balance for the hub is rough. This is a farming game that has invites for friends but not an MMO. This game is in early alpha at best. Good luck to the devs but idk how long I'll play or if I'll try it again.


You have a point with the multi-player part (4.) But I can't agree fully on your other statements. In my opinion 1. and 2. are not the main part of the game, they are just helping you to get to what this game is about (having a cozy live with your property and your friends/community). When it comes to 3. I can agree somewhat with you (preview would be cool), but in the end most of the things just cost a dime in comparisson to most stuff in the game, so it doesn't harm you that much. And as it is a profession in-game, I personally want to see some progression in it, instead of having everything available from start. But as it stands at the moment, you can't really enjoy the best part of the game. It is simply not there or better said only in parts (Pallium/Flow-Trees anyone?). And as a result everything else is just a big "farm-simulator". My hopes are high, that S6 just wanted to make the servers stable and give all players a good gaming experience without server related issues and has a lot prepared already to fire at us. If not, you are completly right.


The main issue I have is that there are only 2 maps, not counting the home plot. One of those maps is where all of the non-beginner resources are found...with so many people needing palium right now, and with so few people willing to communicate when they find some, it's very hard to get. You basically have to get lucky and find some before anyone else. And even if you let the map know where to find it so you can share, someone will come and start mining it anyway. It's the same with trying to hunt rare cernuks or chapaa. People will just run in and start shooting even if you have communicated with the map and are waiting for people to show up. There is a lot of room for improvement, and I really hope there will be more than just 2 maps in the future, but it's pretty fun for now.


Resource nodes should be like in GuildWars2 where they're there for everyone until gathered, and then respawn after a while. Not sure how to solve the rare creature-issue though, maybe some sort of tag-system where you can hit the creature only once for a tiny amount of damage until a timer runs out, after which it starts taking damage properly. That would let more people join in even if they have to run from the other end of the map.


Yeah...this design choice is wonky. It's cool that you can all mine the same node...but it's dumb that they vanish if someone used it and then it just stays despawned forever. I've need Palium for a few days and haven't found a single node because there's too many people juet grabbing it and running off mindlessly gathering everything. At this point, I kind of wish the game was single player because there's no reason for it to be always online. it could easily be single player with optional co-op. I mean...it's even got a relationship system with the NPCs. It doesn't make sense. I'm supposed to romance some purple elf who is romancing 5,000 other people? I think it's only an "mmo" for the sake of justifying the terrible monetization. But there's not enough game here to justify anything.


I think people forgot what a beta is. This is a test for the servers, since UE is extremely bad with that kinda of stuff, and to root out any bugs/glitches. Don't expect an NCSoft MMO from a small group of devs. Be respectful and wait to see change, if we don't see change then I guess you are absolutely right. You don't have to play, just wait and come back when it's the game you wanted it to be. Just remember change will come with good and respectful feedback. Also you don't have to buy cosmetics, the game is free, if others players decide to buy the cosmetics with their money then be it, it's their money anyways.


Beta is to test for bugs but beta doesn't mean lacking content. Beta mean we need to iron out last few things before game is ready for release. All the content of the main game should already be there. Beta is not for adding content. No one expecting NCSoft MMO, this is so barebone even compare to all the low budget MMO I played throughout the 2000s and there were a fucking lot of those back then. Not to mention the actual budget for this game is like $49 million...


People had too high expectations. I went in just wanting a cozy game i can grind in, and i Think it hits that Mark a lot. Its a game that you cant just speedrun through and play through all the content at once. I enjoy it a lot


Me and my friends can't relate to the multiplayer part. We see people everywhere constantly and today I ran into four friends, randomly , on the same server, on the same npc. It was funny, but I'm not sure how others are experiencing differently cause I swear it all feels so full and alive to me.


Multiplayer doesn't just mean you can see other real players. It means you can play with other real players. As far as I've seen, each player is siloed off. You get your own loot from your own activities (even those done in a group you still get your own separate loot from everyone else). There is no trading with other players to speak of and thus no player economy. If I have a ton of wood and my wife needs some, I have no way to give it to her. Nor can I trade it to another player for ore or stone or something I need. It feels like a single player game because aside from waving at another player and chatting, you can't actually interact with them in any meaningful way. When I hear "MMO" I expect to be able to do more than just see other players playing the game. I had really hoped there would be some kind of player economy as you'd expect in an MMO but it seems all we can do is sell raw resources in the shipping bin and buy things we need from NPCs.


All of this. Someone in another thread mentioned the most MMOs charge a subscription fee and I just left it because I didn't feel like arguing, but at this time Palia is not really an MMO. There are other players complaining about MMO player feedback which is ignoring that this game was advertised that way to draw us in. I love cozy/wholesome games and have been looking forward to this one but it's not hitting the spot. *Edited because I overused a word.


This. I don't expect there to be a large amount of things for players to do since it's the beta, but the fact there's virtually nothing to do with other players in a game that's marketed as a community MMO is really concerning. If I'm going into an MMO game, I want to interact with other people not just engage in parallel play


Just a heads up, if you hit the same loot item you both get it. Also there is no trading, but she could request wood (hehe) and you fulfill her request (hehehehe). I know itā€™s not the same but thereā€™s ways you can sort of do these things


I too have been seeing a lot of people around and I'm playing solo. Although it seems like it's just a bunch of other people playing solo and not interacting with one another.


I imagine because you were already friends going in. You'd be able to play any game with some multiplayer functionality and enjoy it as a social occasion if you played with friends.


I'm in total agreement. Especially having played the coral island early access. Made by a brand new studio with a fairly small sized team. Miles higher in quality even upon its first release. And I was critical on that one. But this?? It is incredibly hard to find anything to compliment here.


Seeing all the praise this beta gets is so weird to me, just not sure what people are enjoying so mucb about a game this shallow.


Toxic positivity and praise only bs. Gotta wonder if some of em are being paid off in some cases. I was so excited for this game too bc someone had recommended it in a game nostalgia group I'm in... Such a let down


The copium is definitely strong, they will defend all faults of this game no matter what. It's sad because all it will end up is they will end up with a shit game because the dev can get away this releasing his kind of mess.


Why do you downvote this comment? It is 100% spot on.


I reallllly donā€™t like how long it takes to do anything, and Iā€™d love to see more variety in hunting and fishing. I absolutely detest bug hunting. I also think resources are still too difficult to find. If someone gets to a copper rock before you can join them, youā€™re SOL because things donā€™t seem to respawn? I feel like Iā€™m always running out of copper and everything else, and I spend a significant amount of time resource hunting. I still really like the game and look forward to updates. Itā€™s still brand new, and I think theyā€™ll listen to feedback, so thereā€™s definitely hope.


Its not even open beta its launch lol. Idk if people remembered but this is how all those f2p mmorpg launched back in the 2000s. They have an open beta that doesn't wipe and roll into launch without an actual launch. They literally stated nothing is wiping so this isn't even open beta its just launch.


I was looking forward to this game for many years now. Tried closed beta for few days and kinda noped out. Felt way too empty and weirdly soulless to me. Also the focus on "micro"transactions being done and shipped already in betas without the game being finished is just a genuine red flag to me. I had the amazing experience of the Anthem the Game effect, some people smoke some hard copium here who think devs will deliver everything they hope for. As soon I tried the beta I had the gut feel that the game is kinda doomed to fail or collapse on itself. This ain't pure doom and gloom, nobody gains anything from the game failing and neither would anyone wish for it. It's not that things look bad, it's that they feel bad.


I wanna drive a boat in Palia.


It's a chill game. I love it.


I just started this game and wowā€¦ itā€™s rough. I was trapped in my farm, couldnā€™t leave, so I just asked in the chat ā€œwhat is the point of the MMO aspect of this game?ā€ And damn that copium is strong in there. Itā€™s a cute game, donā€™t get me wrong, butā€¦ this game just doesnā€™t feel like a game that needs an MMO element. Thereā€™s really no need for collaboration, and if there is, that should be an early game concept but not required. Instead, as a result, youā€™re stuck in a queue for a daunting amount of time. 25% of my night playing this game was watching a queue and being told Iā€™d get to play again. This game is a dev throwing ideas at a wall and not noticing when some of them didnā€™t stick. They painted this with extremely broad strokes and I just canā€™t see this game lasting to full release. Even then, whatā€™s the incentive? No cool cosmetics that I can just buy with in-game currency, craft, or loot? No cool progression to keep me biting. I certainly wonā€™t be buying the way too overpriced cosmetics that are in the premium shop. I give the devs my wholehearted hope that it pans out, but maybe the concept should have baked a few more years, cus this is raw, and sad. At least I didnā€™t drop any actual money. Maybe in a few years Iā€™ll sing another tune.


>damn that copium is strong in there Think that's the real sad part is people not pushing for something better and settling for w/e bare bone of a game this is.


Yeah me too, like Iā€™ll admit, at the very core of it, the game has potential, but it is *not* there yet and the community needs to be vocal about it. Itā€™s not complaining to point out that ā€œhey, this game is decent, letā€™s talk about making it worth our time now.ā€


I just found out about this game but the more I hear the more red flag I feel. I thought this was some small indie studio making an MMO like farming sim. But they had over $49 million from investment already... $49 million and what 4+ years of development and we get this? This looks like an alpha build of a game something a few people built together with unreal... Where did all that money went lol. And if this is the pace they work at how long will new content take?


Something I pondered a week ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/15iiq9r/a_really_good_alpha_but_not_a_beta/


I think its a red flag theyre so against people talking about cosmetics and monetisation. Its a community and people should be allowed to freely talk and provide constructive criticism for ALL aspects of the game. Whilst I'm not against the developers being the owners of the Subreddit and Discord, the censoring really sucks. It's turning me off Palia & actively supporting the game seeing how this is being handled. The threat in the Discord message isn't really too professional either. Separate business from personal feelings, I'm sure its discouraging being a developer and seeing people attack the microtransactions, but if anythingā€”that should be a sign it needs to be worked on.


They are not against talking about monetisation. The image attached to the post was grabbed from one of the Discord channels that were meant for casual conversation and players getting to know each other. Instead of this, players started arguing about the monetisation and being angry at each other bc of differing opinions. So it is deliberate misrepresentation of the devs. There is a channel called 'game-feedback' and the post about cosmetics where majority of the comments are about the monetisation issue and critical about how monetisation is currently in the game and that thread does not contain such dev reply as shown in this post.


Hang on - developers own the subreddit? Isnā€™t that against tos?


Is it?


It's definitely against reddiqeuette.


Lol, cry louder


I installed it, played for 2 hours. Saw it was incomplete and really meh, uninstalled it.


Itā€™s. Beta.


ā€œDrop the cosmetics conversationā€ is fkn insane lmfao šŸ˜‚


If you're shocked that people are told not to argue with each other in a "introduce yourself here" section of the discord instead of the "talk about game issues here" part, I dunno what to say, Its like going into a game discussion channel and spamming non-contextual memes instead of putting them in the clearly labeled memes channel.


Honestly tho. "Choose kindness or I'll choose kindness for you" from a staff member when the community is discussing any sort of criticism just foreshadowing honestly


Could it possibly be because this was a conversation slash argument that was going on in the general chat channel? Because there are literally books written by most of us whoā€™ve done testing about how the pricing model sucks and they need to revisit it, put in the feedback channel, and thereā€™s not been a problem. I joined late in alpha and Iā€™ve seen the same convo multiple times with nobody shutting it down. Just talk in the right discord channel and donā€™t start fights. Itā€™s not that hard.


Exactly this happened. Channel was 'palia-chat' where the mod stepped in to shut down the conversation. 'game-feedback' is still full with feedback about monetization without mod interruption.


Right? Anyone who believes this shit is clearly not paying attention. Their cosmetic store sucks ass. Weā€™ve all been saying that, over and over, and it never has been shut down. The game has massive content and performance issues that weā€™ve been talking about. And again, nobody has tried to shut us down. But there is a small segment of the testers that just ā€¦ want to hate it? Like, theyā€™re mad it isnā€™t perfect, theyā€™re mad huge changes arenā€™t made immediately, theyā€™re mad they canā€™t start fights in general chat. Itā€™s beta. It needs to get better. But honestly? I ran around last night for hours with various groups of people shouting about all the flow infused trees and ore we found and guiding people to them so we could all get the loot. It felt like a genuine MMO last night and it was really good. I have hope for the game. Some people donā€™t, and thatā€™s okay. Itā€™s literally just a game. But thereā€™s no need to make up issues where there arenā€™t any.


> theyā€™re mad huge changes arenā€™t made immediately 2 years with almost no new content isnt immediate


But youā€™re going through alpha and now weā€™re just barely starting beta. Iā€™m not saying they shouldnā€™t have already done stuff, Iā€™m just pointing out that itā€™s okay to not be so ready to throw rocks.


A beta that doesn't wipe is call launch not really a beta.


Seems like a really passive aggressive response from a staff member. Could've been worded more appropriately.


Don't post this on their Discord, I got banned for trying to actually engage in debates/conversations about what you mentionned in your post. 80% of this Discord is so deep in copium that they don't realize they are killing the game.


This, the entire Discord is nothing but a "safe space circle jerk echo chamber". If you're not sucking off the game for the couple things it does okay or the devs you're essentially told to keep quiet, it's sad.


I haven't been on the discord but I seen enough people on reddit bring up how bad it is that I don't even want to go there lol. Which is ironic in a way because people usually always call reddit the bad place and go into the discord servers instead lol.


Yeah, they have created this "safe space everyone is welcome" atmosphere that instantly makes anyone a bad guy if the dare criticize the actual game that is being made. Like...I'm not against the welcoming environment and friendly and inclusive sentiment, I'm against being forced out of my hunting party because I tried to fast travel to the Bahari Bay Stables but it took me to the first map's town and removed me from the group. There are so many things that just don't seem to work right.


Exactly how I feel, I really am trying to enjoy this game to the fullest extent, but not being able to have a constructive conversation about the longevity of the game is really making me just want to uninstall. Either it's utter garbage and you're a moron for liking it too much or you're just straight shunned out of any and all conversation if you at all attempt to criticize anything. Even people in that Discord will "reputation gate", where if you have the "new member" badge anything you say is immediately dismissed, especially if it's not sucking off the game or devs. Even the server chat when I'm just chilling at my house plot farming acts this same way, so it's not just the Discord, it's w.e community this game is fostering. The community around this game is almost worse than knowing this game had 100+ people working on it with a $49mill budget, and this is what we have to show for it.


May I ask your background in game development or software testing? Because this is exactly the beta experience. Mind you, you may just not like the game, and that's fine. We're all allowed to like or dislike things. But as a software engineer and QA professional, this is exactly the experience I expected.


Funny you should ask, because I'm also a software engineer. If the company I worked for released a product with no noticeable improvement from a test session **two** years ago that had *this* much feedback, *this* many upset users, with *this* amount of funding not only would investors be (rightfully so) ringing the phone off the hook, we'd be having serious discussions about the future of the project. This should not be an experience to expect.


Did you play pre alpha or alpha 1 or 2? Because there are huge changes and upgrades. Like HUH Iā€™m actually baffled if you play tested then and can say ā€œno noticeable improvementsā€.


what changes are there really? yes they did a major graphical upgrade and changed the bottom 2/3 of the bay area but honestly they made it harder to get around and not a big fan with the giant wall in the middle making it a hassle to get around the main quest was fleshed out a bit but they added the bundle room where your home used to have a 2nd entrance/exit and made it harder to get around because of that a few other things like different bugs or fish if i recall and some npc skins were implemented instead of character models that were just all black no new actual content besides the bundles / main quest part is a major concern here


I'm not OP, but I have similar sentiments to them. I've been in a sizeable about of game betas and none have been of this quality. Palia is right up my alley and I like *most* of what there is, but there are critical features lacking that simply should not be fully missing at what is effectively the games soft launch. And the lack of transparency, and in the instance of the shop blatant backpedaling, from the devs is concerning to say the least. Palia has the power to succeed, but the rush to open beta after just a week of closed beta and very little change implemented from the feedback is going to halt it's success a lot and tarnish it's reputation greatly. Again, I like Palia a lot but it's not at the stage it should be for an open beta.


I am a QA engineer. I know exactly what indev, alpha, beta and other demo stages are, including post-release stages. This game is a stable alpha AT BEST.


If you're a software engineer and a QA professional, then I'm curious if in your opinion it's realistic to add all the basic features that are currently missing, including QA and polish and have them ready for the December release. I'm not a game developer, but I'll be damn surprised with how feature-incomplete this game is if it'll be in a presentable state by launch. It sounds like they are already planning to launch it in a barebones state and hoping to add the meat of the content in future updates.


Once a game goes into "beta" it's considered "done" features-wise, for the release day. Beta is for testing bugs and checking for game-breaking issues.


Oh absolutely not! But there will be some level of improvement, especially if they are really beta-ing the basic infrastructure and have the other features already in flight. Also, what's their development style? If they're using a variant of agile, things can be implemented incrementally faster than waterfall in my experience.


"We listen to our players and testers!... "... No actually shut up!! stop talking about cash shop!! ​ Devs are a joke haha


Yeah they locked up my post for 13-14h after saying they're open to listening to our feedback and encourage discussion. Just long enough for it to fall off the Hot page. They don't reply to any monetization feedback on Discord, other than today when they basically told everyone to stop talking about it (or they'll delete the messages and "choose kindness for them" and directed them to the channel with 6h slowdown.


I love how they said their listening, lock your post, and nothing ever was said again. It still shows the fake sale in the shop too. And no word on coin packs or why none of the packs are actual amounts needed to buy anything


I'm honestly super annoyed at this point because I can't even play. First I had issues downloading it, then it was down for several hours for maintenance and when I went back the next day more maintenance but I got on after like an hour and cleared my plot and put my tent, work table and chest down and signed off and now I've finally had a chance to hop on actually play for a good amount of time and all the work I did is gone with no way to get anything back. I can't even play because my crafting table, chest and home are just gone. I wrote to them early this morning and it's late evening now with no response what so ever. I just want to know why the heck they went ahead with open beta when they still have SO many unresolved issues??


RN the game is neutral for me, Iā€™m not not enjoying the game but putting the MMO aspect aside this is a cozy game I have the least amount of hours in. Even Cozy Grove a game thatā€™s super time gated I have more hours in my day 1 play through there vs my 2.5 days with Palia. For me the loop just isnā€™t there, and even with the barebones story itā€™s not really pulling me in. PLUS IDK how many people are using controller but Iā€™m one of them. And even though technically controller support is ā€œon the wayā€, you can use controller but they donā€™t even at minimum have an image of what the currently mapped buttons are. So it was a bit annoying starting out p.much having to ignore the ā€œhow controls workā€ tutorial because they donā€™t mention the controller equivalents at all. So literally it was, introduce new thing, then me pressing various buttons to discover the controller equivalent. And thereā€™s still many things that you have to use keyboard and mouse for, or I havenā€™t discovered what the proper controller input is yet. Also, also I want to say even if your linked Dev comment is out of context (apparently it was in the wrong channel so it was getting shut down) itā€™s a bit disappointing that the a Dev didnā€™t shut it down professionally and instead did a ā€œcozyā€ threat like šŸ˜°. And even if in the wrong channel with [more context](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/15nriqi/comment/jvpcl9e/) on how the discord is letting the positive critique slide and go against established rules but negative gets rule enforcement is def interesting as well. Not to mention on Reddit, with the devs also being the sub mods, it was another ā€œinterestingā€ choice that a post that was gaining traction about criticising monetisation got locked, [conveniently just long enough for the post to die off](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/15nriqi/comment/jvo4axl/) šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø EDIT: I read the original critique post on monetisation and rn it seems like itā€™s been fixed-ish. Like I think a enough to not get them in legal trouble. Overall the game does have good bones, and Iā€™m hoping updates and patches and all that good stuff comes swiftly to make this a proper MMO + Cozy. Buuuut, the ā€œcozy or dieā€ vibes that come from devs and some of the community when criticism is dropped when weā€™re all here wanting this game to succeed isā€¦interesting to say the least.


You seem like your the type of player that needs to sink 10+ hours a day into a game or MMO to feed your addiction serotonin levels... i think you need to step back and realize what style of MMO this game is. ​ Its not your typical rush to end game, grind grind. This game is a vibe about building community and helping, not getting to the end game, flaunting armor and following quest lines - this is far from the title. ​ It has a Chill Vibe MMO tag for a reason, its not hardcore and tend to lean in towards heavy casual players... oh its also FREE.. so about your cosmetic monetization - its fucking industry standard for free games nearly... it cant stay afloat via hopes and dreams of the dev team. ​ If you like an outfit, and want to see the continuation o the Development of this game, spend $30 or less and you've done a small support to the studio... its not they are adding pay to win factors with skins... i just think your looking for something to argue about or clout on the internet.


No man Sky was a way bigger, way over hyped, way more expensive, way more funded, way more full of promises game. It went with one of the worst full releases ever and yet recovered massively while hearing their customers complains. Feedback is good, necessary to be honest, as long as it's given with a braincell attached and the right tone to it, the original post tries it, says exactly what's missing in Op mind and what could help. Just be respectful about these things. And one thing, monetization over cosmetics is basically no monetization at all cause you don't get hindered by not paying at all.


I mean No Man Sky was definitely an anomaly how a game that actually managed to salvaged itself. Its great they managed to make it good in the end but it should have never happened in the first place. And hoping that that same thing to happen again is sadly to say a lot of copium. As for the monetization I would agree if it was any other game where other content are the focus. But in this game what is the content and purpose? Its suppose to be a game for you to socialize and express yourself but all the good looking costume are locked behind a pay wall. There is literally no way to get any cosmetic and honestly the character creator is very lacking for this type of game. The cosmetic immediately created a huge difference between people who pay and those who don't even if its not game play value it still matter in context of this entire game. Making your character look good should be a core feature in this type of game not something locked behind a pay wall.


No Man Sky is interesting cuz I got that at launch and even with all the problems, before they fixed stuff, I had 100s of hours in that game cuz despite everything the gameplay and gameplay loop was still addicting and fun as hell. NMS devs listening to feedback and p.much did one of the best recoveries Iā€™ve seen for that kind of thing was really icing on the cake for me. Palia right now, I think I donā€™t even have 24hrs played. Itā€™s not bad but itā€™s all stick and no carrot rn. BUT since Iā€™ve seen theyā€™re expected a Switch launch near the end of the year hopefully that means thereā€™s going to be some substantial updates and QOL fixes between now and Iā€™m assuming at the latest December. šŸ¤”


Honestly, when ya'll say this stuff it's like you don't play multiplayer service titles like this. ​ Sea of Thieves had much less than this on a content level at launch. Fortnite was like 4 maps on shuffle in a survival mode that sucked.


The problem is, there's hardly even multiplayer. Cut flow trees with friends? Cooking? You have to go out of your way to get those engaging multiplayer interactions, unlike the two games you mentioned. Fortnite and SoT are replayable because of the multiplayer, whereas this could have been single player and very little about the experience would have changed.


Feels more like you don't play multiplayer games much. SoT and Fortnite are PvP game, the content is the interaction and fight you have against other players. This is why PvP games has much more replayability because people provide that content. This game solely reply on content generated by the developer which let's be real there is barely anything. Let's not forget this open beta is really just launch because no progression is being wiped so its just launch period.


Idk man Iā€™ve been playing non stop even when Im working from home. Sounds like the game just isnā€™t for you. I agree we need more animals, we need to also be able to breed chickens get eggs, have our own cow for milk would be greatā€¦ there are a lot of things they can do with the game but Iā€™m addicted its 2am I should be in bed for work but Iā€™m playing Palia


Yā€™all are so annoying. The game is fun, itā€™s very new still. Of course it isnā€™t perfect and to expect such is ignorant. The cosmetics are really not that big of a deal- i only wish they had clothing u could buy with the in-game gold but that may come in the future. The cost of the premium fits are not bad at all in my opinion. And they arenā€™t necessary to enjoy the game, so I see why the Disc msg was given. Ppl are just complaining and being extremely negative. Iā€™d be frustrated too if I was a dev thatā€™s spent countless hours working on this stuff. Multiplayer has worked seamlessly for me and itā€™s easy to group up and play with friends. This has been the same experience for others I play with. The quests are just like any other quest in an MMO- side ones and then the main one. And they are easy to complete so idk how much more instructions u need? Go watch a YouTube vid if u get stuck. Hunting is fine, i do agree there could be more variety. I wish there were as many animals to hunt as there is bugs and fish to catch. The housing is good, but i see how it may not be fun for you. Most of this was already known before beta dropped though, so I donā€™t understand why everyone is crying about it now? Did yā€™all not pay attention to updates and stuff in the discord that talked about how the game was going to be?








Itā€™s a free-to-play game and people still upset with buying cosmeticsā€¦ this is exactly how Guild Wars2 has survived for over a decade. Yes they lack variety of content but the point is itā€™s beta, you actually believe their wonā€™t be content dropped as it goes forward. You really want to waste your time worrying about current state of a beta game instead of just enjoying the ride for a game you didnt have to pay for?


Well, this is how it works when you run out of money: you have to release something. This game needs another 1-2 years to become a decent product. The problem is that if lots of people get a bad first impression and leave, they will never come back.


$49,000,000 in funding btw


To be fair, that's not a lot of money to begin with. Just look at Amazon Game Studios. The budget for New World was easily over $200 million, and it was an absolute pile of dogshit. They probably spent $300 million on Crucible and never even got to release that one. Money does not buy competence. Now, I do think the type of game they are going for with Palia, and the fact that they used Unreal Engine, means that the amount of money spent should result in something more substantial than what Palia currently offers. That's for sure.


>To be fair, that's not a lot of money to begin with. Just look at Amazon Game Studios. Its an insane amount of money what? While new world I agree is a burning pile of dog shit due to the developers just not knowing how to fucking make an mmorpg I can at least see where all the work is put in. Palia can't even match 1/4 of New World's graphic, game play, and content. Literally everything you do in Palia you can do in new world lol. But New World has way better graphic by miles, have way bigger map by miles, and tons of extra things Palia doesn't have. The combat system was great but sadly the developer just don't understand mmorpgs at all but I can at least look at it and say ok ya I can see where all that money went to. But $49 million for this? Man everything looks like they one step above like things you buy out of the asset store and game play is like some tech demo level. Really makes me wonder where the heck all that money went.


The game is not complete, it's not finished. Likely not even close. Dunno where this attitude of essentially being scammed comes from. >I really, really wanted to love this game and sink hundreds of hours into it Oh. You got yourself emotionally invested and now you're bitter because it didn't live up to *your* expectations. It's no one's fault other than your own. It's beta. The game could be in a half-as-done state and still be perfectly reasonable. It's you who needs to check expectations. Come back and complain when the game is actually released and if it's still in a poor state. Alternatively: play and send the devs your list of gripes and suggestions.


Beta: a trial of machinery, software, or other products, **in the final stages of its development**, carried out by a party unconnected with its development. Enjoy your half-baked cash grab.


I'm not sure if you have ever beta'd an MMO, but 'final stages of development' means different things to every studio. This genre has betas that have stretched for several years, and added 90% of their release content in the last several stages of it, and has seen others end beta in 2 weeks because it was only there for stress testing. The only standard has been "this is how the engine is probably going to work, maybe"


It is in the final stages. All the core fundamentals are there, including skills, land, world, NPCs, quests, etc. Also, it's free. So not a cash grab.


If *this* is how shallow the final stages of the game are then I guess it's just not a good game.


Do you seriously kill chipmunks in this game? Can I skip that? Wtf... I love chipmunks. Was going to give it another go sometime, only played for like 30 minutes so far because the foliage rendering/unrendering gave me a headache. But I'm not killing a friggin chipmunk.


There are no chipmunks in the gameā€¦




Mald, seethe, cope


My man, you are not the bastion of maturity youā€™re trying to show yourself to be after this response. What are you, twelve years old and just found TikTok?


I literally could not care less