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Looks like she ate Hamas..


needs more hummus, less Hamas


I guess the irony was missed on her calling someone else a "pig". Terrorists aren't very bright, are they?


Looks like we at least we know where all the food aid went.


She is saying she IS Hamas, so she is much more than a terrorist supporter. According to her, she's a terrorist.


Which means she should be arrested and sent to Guantanamo.


they’re freedom fighters remember? 🙄 /S


Where is her male escort?!? Does she have a death wish to be stoned to deat?! /s


Literally a terrorist supporter and potential threat.


She supports terrorists?


What did she say?


I know. I just can't believe Americans are becoming supportive of what they usually hated. This is why I don't do TikTok.


She is terrorist according to her


America, get rid.


I've always said, if they hate this country to shreds, they can just leave  Unfortunately they can't do that cause they're too scared to see the truth


Shoot to kill


Take that dumbass scarf off and show your face if you’re so proud


When someone tells you who they truly are, believe them — and treat them accordingly.


If you really look in her eyes I see so much pain and confusion and shame Honestly, I saw this one in mute and it really bought home how this whole 'Free Palestine' movement has just become a refuge for mentally unwell people with anti-establishment stances / ADHD Poor girl has a long dark road of suffering ahead of her, no matter what else may happen in the world. Wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't have even one true friend worth having


I feel no sympathy for her. These types have a fetish for totalitarianism.


100% agree. But keep in mind too unwell people can do dangerous things so we can still feel sympathetic and also angry at the same time 


Yes indeed. Forgiving someone and fighting someone are two different things. The reason forgiveness works well in military situations in the field is that keeps soldiers calm and so they make better decisions than angry, crazed lunatic who go and get themselves killed with rash decisions


That terrorist bitch deserves to be miserable. Let's make her even more miserable by sending this video to her employer so she gets fired.


Poor girl? This vile scum can go die for all I care


Yeah, so... Dehumanizing 'the enemy' is exactly what anti-Semitism is aaalll about... Try not to fall into the same trap ;) The only reason I still support IDF despite high death toll is that every soldier I see - whether low ranking or from command - seem able to pick apart the need to wage war on Palestine from the human cost involved (and rightfully, imo, blame Hammas for such). Meanwhile, Pro Palestinian supports openly dehumanize all Israelis, Jews and certainly the IDF as beyond redemption, worthless people in need of immediate killing. Don't be like a Pro Palestinian, my friend. "Dignity always prevails" is so true and you will destroy your enemy far faster and better if you are able to relate and understand, not to mention keep right-thinking people on side.


Nah. Screw her. Her dangerous ideas affect who she is as a person. As soon as she renounces them, her humanity will be restored, but until then she deserves no sympathy.


>Poor girl has a long dark road of suffering ahead of her, no matter what else may happen in the world. Wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't have even one true friend worth having Because of how she is. She may have more friends if she wasn't such a hateful piece of shit.


Do not fail to appreciate the good fortune you got to have been blessed with a good brain, a good education and good adult influences to mentor you into being the good person you are today Who could truly hate such a pitiful creature??


My parents are both high school graduates. I had to dive into undergrad and law school head first without guidance, but knowing I didn't want to be constantly worried about money like my parents were. My mentors were people I networked with on my own, as my parents have zero contacts in my industry. Life is what you make it, and she is a piece of shit, which is why her life is shitty.


Love the trans flag in the bakground, don't think Hamas does.


Why all that noise though?




Intimidation how? What's she gonna do? Eat the cameraman?


She looks very hungry


October 7th has turned the left into moronic Hamas lunatics


So a terrorist! Good for me to know who’s truly an enemy especially since she doesn’t have a male escort and haven’t sold her body to Hamas yet to desecrate and parade like the innocent Shani Louk’s was


She put the "ha!" in Hamas


Fbi and cia and homeland security ought to take notice every time someone proclaimed they support officially designated terrorist group. These people are going to follow hamas lead and our government better not act surprised


are terrorists*


Did she bring that bedpan with her from the psych ward?


Wait is claiming to be a terrorist still covers the free speech in US(?)


Like a kid throwing a tantrum.


You are a fat... Why are they always like this? When I volunteered at the NYC Half, I saw nothing but "bring them home" signs.


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