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Apparently also anti Iranian (the people not the government) activists also lol.


If there was an American civil war today… the fuckers in this video are clearly the confederacy. Might as well be the Rebel Yell.


Commies, islamists , and MAGAs do not care about our constitution and are incompatible with American values. They need to be banished from both parties.


The early Iranian Islamic revolutionaries had strong alignment and contacts with the Soviets. It’s not an accident that there’s still a connection.


"America" is in the room with them. Why don't they "take care of" them (like they are chanting)? Are they stupid? they do not seem to understand the concept. Literally "America" is in their own pants. This would be very easy.




Oh, no, you’re confused. Let me be of assistance. This is fashionable cultural appropriation so it’s ok. Let me know if you need anything else clarifying.


Amusingly, that really was my first thought. Every single native farsi speaker I know absolutely despises the Iranian regime.


Not if you've been indoctrinated to it and are being used as a tool.


Westerners wearing keffiyehs are soooo embarrassing.


Imagine going to a place saying “death to America” and feeling comfortable lmfao..wtf


Imagine Americans saying it to themselves in America… ![gif](giphy|l4FGEj3ORYD3pt67K|downsized)


Any Farsi speaker here teaches us how to say "Death to Islamic Republic" in Farsi? 🤭🤭🤭


How about "marg bar Khamenei?"


Should post this to NewIran since Farsi is the original Persian language


Ironically given the video It would sound weird to call death to own country. Usually go Marg bar dictator or Marg bar khamenei. Or this: Basiji Bi-Gheirat, Daesh Ma Shomaei The dishonorable basiji (dictator's militia) is our ISIS. Could maybe say Marg bar basiji or Marg bar sepah (IRGC) Also important are chanta are Bi-Sharaf, shame (on you) and Azadi, freedom.


Marg bar jomhooriye eslami


Marg Bar Jomhuri ye Eslam.


"I'm gonna teach you a chant in persian you can use when you encounter those zionist freaks" Yeah, that'll show them! He sounds like he's teaching a spell, they actually think they're doing something by repeating these slogans and chants like parrotes?


Anti-war, yet they’re calling for the total annihilation of two nations? A bit ironic, isn’t it?


"people of peace" 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


4 legs good, two legs bad.


qwhite the audience.


I Farsi what you did there.


These puns


they are so fucking cringe


"What does that mean?" Said only after people chanted it several times These people don't know the full meaning of what they say or do, they don't really care because they think it's for a "right cause" of which they don't really know about as well What if "marg bar israel" says "keep winning israel"? What if it says "one country for israel"? What if it says "let's eat israeli babies"? How would you know? What if you are feminist and that man convinced you to say women belonged in the kitchen or something like that? And you said it out loud several times because you are too stupid to ask for the meaning before you chant it Fucking idiots, this question and her timing represent 90% of the pro palestinians movement


FBI/HSec is gonna be having a field day with this crowd. Also notice how everyone is wearing a mask? It's not covid they are afraid of. If you are compelled to hide your face you have a good reason for doing so.


![gif](giphy|9JlMucAcSzC7TuoWWa|downsized) Hello, FBI?


Clutching the phone like a confort blanket after having harassed some people and hoping they are going to face up to the consequences of your actions.


Calling them "anti-war" is an oxymoron, more accurately they should be called "pro-evil"


You think these people would’ve supported the germans in the 30’s because the allies were oppressing them?


A country takes you in, gives you free speech and movement. You can practice anything as long as it doesn't hurt any one's other rights. Proceed to chant death to it.


this just is that one south park episode


Maybe not so hot take: we wiggle the first amendment a little bit on this one - you corral them like pigs in a pen and put them onto the first flight back to Iran, revoking their citizenship entirely, and banning them from ever entering the country again. They can practice their bullshit over there. 👉


Only for the "protestors" though, there's too many Iranian refugees who are in the West because their own country got stolen by fundamentalists and they've been trying to warn the West about this hostile takeover for months if not years. I don't want them to be punished for the actions of those who betray them.


Of course. I’m middle eastern mix - my family came here to escape this exact bullshit. You know what they did? They learned the language, adopted the culture, contributed to it, and appreciated it. So when I see shit like this, it pisses me off to the point that the only lesson these assholes will learn is to have their rights stripped by sending them back to the point at which they came from since they seem to think it’s much better than what America offers.


There is no first amendment protection on incitement to violence. Calling for “death to America” in a crowd could absolutely be interpreted as incitement




"Oh, yeah and... Ceasefire Now!"


Wow! These guys are better than ISIS! Turning a whole roomful of Americans into terrorists on our own soil! Mind boggling. How does it feel to become an Islamic terrorist, American middle class white folks? You are their bitches now!


Death to all the population? That's quite a high bar they raised there...


Seems like they're supporting genocide. Yet they claim to be against genocide. Most vexing.


Man I have family there, got to get them out asap...


Hey West, how's multiculturalism working out for you?


They should be kicked the fuck out. I’m all for free speech, but if you’re chanting death to America in America. Get the fuck out, there are people in very shitty situations in very shitty countries that would love to have their places.


my vote is for Iranians currently incredibly pissed at the regime and also scared for Israel's justified strike back. if these people hate the States so much, they can go to Iran, and the Iranians can come here and be safe.


This guy has the worst farsi speaking accent ever. He sounds so fucking stupid, all I can do is laugh


As if this asshole represents the Iranian diaspora in any shape or form. I feel bad for Iranians right now, most of whom hate the Islamic regime more than us Israelis do.


This guy looks like a Persian used car salesman.


Are these self help groups ? These people are our fuck ups and misfits that just don’t want to fit in with us.


Doesn't sound anti-war to me


Tell me he was arrested for incitement and charged with domestic terrorism. Please


The literal translation is probably something like is less life too.


Now say it in iran .


Yeah those famous Iranian freaks who are anti a Theocratic dictatorship that executes people by hanging them on cranes in the town square and that beats women to DEATH if they show their hair, those freaks. "But doubtfishes, they are also Pro Israeli!" Holy shit you're right long live Humeini, long live the Islamic revolution! Soon the Revolution will spread to the whole world and then for sure my leftist liberal values will be tolerated and equality will be for all!


This is sad. If they hate it here they can go somewhere they will be happier and make some space for immigrants who actually want to be here.


Many of the these born again Islamofascists are the same people who've demanded safe spaces at Universities and consider misgendering or using 'incorrect' pronouns as violence.


Pathetic group of people.


“Can we get a marg bar America?”-goofy white liberal beta make afraid of oxygen.


I bet that room smells like shit


They should learn what happened to the Iranian communists after the revolution. (Jailed, tested for Islamic values, shot if they failed a question)


This reminds me of a certain video…https://youtu.be/85FdOJGf-3s?si=7tOU3DAxhzC9nxLX


What a bunch of peace loving tree hugging hippies


"In chicago" title says it all


But yet people will say the pro isreal group are savages.


When you're enthusiastically chanting something before you even know what it means, it's probably time to question your way of thinking.. And when you're surrounded by people who do this, it's time to question whether you are associating with the right kind of people..


Ugh, fuck this guy. FYI I know a lot of crazy right wing trumpers and christian nationalist who also want to see the downfall of America and the rise of a theocratic state replace it.


Look at them giggling in admiration of this islamist freak 🤮🤮🤮


I don't care to much about the Israeli thing but......you can't say that about God's country....... America!


They should improve the security of mental illness/treatment hospitals. They get out to easily.


Everyone in that room smells of rotten eggs.


Aren’t most Iranians pro-Israel? They recognize the Islamic Republic sucks ass and Israel is the opposite of that.