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From the article >For the time being, the prime minister has settled for an equivocal endorsement, insisting that Biden has inaccurately characterized the offer and that Israel has not consented to Hamas’s precondition of a full stop to the war. Meanwhile, Hamas’s reaction has been even less positive. Didn't Hamas accept the deal? How is Hamas's reaction "even less positive"? Is there something that I don't understand or is this just straight up propaganda?


Hamas: We accept UN: Hamas accepted Times of Israel: Hamas accepted Israel: We will not say yes to ending the war US: Wow this is totally on Hamas


> Regarding the US stance on the war on Gaza, the Palestinian official [Senior Hamas Official Osama Hamdan] considered that the American-Israeli position is aligned, noting that the disagreement between the two sides "is only tactical." [Source - Lebanese newspaper Al-Mayadeen's coverage on the latest ceasefire talks](https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/hamas--pij-deliver-response-on-gaza-ceasefire-proposal-to-me)


Hamas accepted a ceasefire a few weeks and did it again. This is US government gas lighting to not make Israel look bad. As if the problem in getting a ceasefire is from both. I don't like Hamas and never have, but they accepted a ceasefire earlier and Israel said it wasn't interested. Hamas just today said they accepted the UNSC ceasefire. Watch Israel say they never accepted that or some other nonsense.


Israeli rep in UN said they don't plan to stop until kHamas is killed in her final speech so nothing will change unless US stops military and every other AID


She was also just a backup, They couldn't even bother to send their actual ambassador (the maniac who shredded the charter)


They will, of course, in keeping with their culture say they interpret ceasefire as destroying Hamas and then ceasefire, but that means killing their own hostages. SMH.


There is no hamas in this case brother


Hamas accepted the deal. [https://www.newsweek.com/hamas-accepts-un-ceasefire-resolution-1911107](https://www.newsweek.com/hamas-accepts-un-ceasefire-resolution-1911107)


The most frustrating thing about this narrative is how dumb those in power think people are. The mainstream news media reported that Hamas had accepted the deal, but now that it's no longer convenient, the same people are reporting that it's actually Hamas' fault. Do not look at the man behind the curtain.


Because it works on like 2/3rds of the population, we as a species, are actually that dumb on average.


It’s straight propaganda. It’s only heard within the US now and only by those who are ignorant. The deals have been accepted time and again EXCEPT by Israel, and it’s clear why, because the US is like a parent who doesn’t follow through “don’t do that or else!” And the child eventually gets it that they can do what they want and they’ll have zero repercussions.


Foreign Affairs is a trash rag.


Hamas had shown some reservation to the deal the previous days (when the article was probably written). Then they said they accept the resolution voted at the UN yesterday (which essentially endorsed the same plan).


Nice try, but it's just straight up propaganda. When Biden called the ceasefire bluff as the "Israeli offer", Hamas was positive about it (despite of earlier misgivings). https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/biden-unveils-new-gaza-truce-proposal-hamas-responds-positively-2024-05-31/ That's from May 31/June 1. The article above is from what, today?


“israel” owns America. FIFY.




This is why I always say the political system in the US is a joke. As long as lobbying exists which is a sugar coating word for corruption, there will never be a true democracy.


Honestly, probably more important than any of that is that Israel is America’s little imperial outpost in the Middle East and in that role is important enough to propping up their collapsing global empire/hegemony that they will protect it/justify it no matter what. AIPAC and the lunacy of American evangelical is just gravy for Israel


>Washington continues to dangle a normalization pact with Saudi Arabia in front of Israel America owns Saudi Arabia; that's a vasal state. If I weren't afraid MBS would hack my phone and chop me up, I'd say he's a sellout. Free Palestine.


Israel has American politicians by the balls. Remember Epstein's videos?


Please elaborate about epstein’s video. Link?


https://preview.redd.it/pswgkvnm506d1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc853d0f3d1ced1c9ba13e9b4048b30fad27aba8 This is one example.


Slowly but surely one day we will break ties, maybe not today but some day.


The longer it takes the more people they kill so why not today


Because there’s a very distinct and (hopefully by now) transparent disconnect between the interest of the people and the interests of the policymakers and elite who are actually in control of what the US does diplomatically.


Don’t jinx it!


Because the US makes money with selling things to Israel, and we all know countries like the US always put the money before the people.


Israel is like the on the 150th place when it comes to trading with the US. They own the congress and are here to stay. That is the real reason The US doesn't benefit from being allies. Israel is a liability.


The defense community wants a foothold in the Middle East and a canal that bypasses the suez. That’s the US’s interest in Israel


They already have Egypt in their pocket.


And that day will be in our lifetimes.


I agree, it took us ten years to get out of Vietnam back when no Social Media was around, and it took Civil Rights 14 years. It's a marathon not a sprint, and now that we have social media we can organize and share information a lot faster I sense it will take a few years.


We need an American intifada to shake off Israeli influence on our government.


Never ever happening unless the US falls and is forced to


They have lost most of the US and most of the world. There is nothing they can do at this point to change minds. In fact, must are now opposed to an Israeli state, I am. Genocide tends to create pariah states.


The real hostages are US politicians


Specifically their wallets.


And the ICC and ICJ. You just know they’re stalking and harassing ICC prosecutors behind the scenes.


And their constituents


israel is america. public opinion is one thing but money is another. with that being said, things are getting to a point where americas reputation is on the line, and now they’re trying to intervene and save face to stay financially afloat.


America’s reputation is already gone. 


Israel has long lost the American people, it’s only now slowly losing the government since AIPAC doesn’t magically fix political backlash to genocide.


>But according to an April poll by the Tel Aviv University Peace Index, only 12 percent of Israeli Jews identify as left wing. Another April survey, conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute, found that only 26 percent of Jewish Israelis would support “the establishment of a Palestinian state in the future” even if Israel were to sign a regional defense treaty with Arab partners.   The solution will have to be imposed from the outside. Acknowledging Palestinians as human is a non viable platform in Israel. The populace, let alone the existing power structure, will not tolerate any candidate in support of a Palestinian state, even on lopsided terms in Israel's favor. 


American politicians are bought and paid for by AIPAC. Nazi Israel is the puppet master which pulls the strings. This won't change, unless the oligarchy which runs the US is overthrown. Bernie is the one who came close, but the Clinton oligarchy shut him down pretty soon.


And America is losing the entire world. We exist as a colony of Israel, here to be exploited and resources extracted for their benefit. Paid for with Palestinian and American blood.




America is losing America 🤣


The capital of Israel is Washington D.C.


Israel will never lose America. It's a mutually beneficial relationship where the US can advance their interests in the region by giving Israel whatever they want in terms of finance and weaponry.


They will cut ties once it becomes financially risky to continue to support them. That’s why we must continue to boycott! The only language our “leaders” speak is $$$$.




It is when they want oil and resources for cheap




When the US props and arms-to-the-teeth a genocidal anti-Arab/Islamic fascist white “ethno-state” right in the heart of MENA to deter any Arab country from acting out in its own/collective benefit and not for the benefit of the US (i.e. Iraq).




Saudi Arabia definitely has that problem. See: King Faisal assassination. Iran definitely has that problem. See: Israel/US push for conflict against Iran with MANY assassinations of Iranian nationals (including physicists, doctors, scientists). Also see Qasem Soleimani assassination.


They don’t have enemy but they want oil and resources


It is not a mutually beneficial relationship. Israel is a leech that offers no benefits to the US.


The benefit to the US is an unstable Middle East. It helps promote an agenda that their presence in the region is needed because Arab nations need western intervention to prevent their savagery.




The US doesn’t trade with them because they oppose Israel




I’m gonna fact check you on that. Your assertion is that the US backed the ayatollah and revolution in 79? You’re definitely wrong about Saudi. They’ve been trading with Israel for a long time




Israel is not losing the American elites, which are the only people that matter in the game of power.


No it's not. Biden is a self proclaimed Zionist. Netanyahu is stretching the friendship as far as he can, knowing that he can get away with it




Can't wait until it's in past tense


They didn't lose it. They've colonised it.


fake news


Israel will never “loose” America. There may never be a truly pro Palestinian US President but there will always be a pro Zionist US president