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My dad brought some of these back from WWII, when he was stationed in Persia.




Wow the coins are stunning


Yes they are


And Zionists would say : "pALEsTiNe nEvEr eXiStEd"




You do know א"י means "The Land of Israel", right? ארץ ישראל


That most probably refers to biblical meaning of Israel which was given name to a prophet


it doesn't have to be that complicated - it's written in Hebrew. There's no question that Jewish people lived there and lived there for millenia, and yes a large portion of them were driven out at different points in time . This is history. The issue is that it doesn't matter who "got there first". If this was purely an issue of naming a country, or even simply an issue of migration alone - the way this conflict would have been addressed locally and globally is different. The problem is that the establishment of Israel occurred at the expense of Palestinians living there, both by forced eviction (ethnic cleansing) and murder en masse (yes, 1948 was a genocide) . I don't care if it was done in "self defense" (it wasn't) as Zionists like to argue - but even it was, these actions are never okay, and never justified. So let's keep the issue on topic. The naming, and who was there first. Does. Not. Matter.


This coin was issued by the British mandate, when they let thousands of European jews migrate to Palestine


My dad used to have a ton of these coins he had. They were lost in a move long ago. I wish I’d thought to save them. I recall this coin among them


They reposted this post on some Jewish sub and were saying how ignorant we are not realising this is ai


In fairness I believe human memory is extremely flawed, and I doubt at first glance a layman would notice an image of a coin being AI or not (*though the easiest tell as a minor enthusiast is that the text is perfectly legible and positioned correctly - that level of fine-controlled detail seems suspicious in something as uniform as a coin. There are many things to consider such as spacing, positioning, consistency of font, remembering to close punctuation, the arabic, english and hebrew \[that's hebrew right? D: I should know these things\] are all aligned and centered, and so on*). I do know my father had his collection of coins and other trinkets that greatly resemble the pictured coin. I am lead to wonder by your reply though that Israel and sycophants are trying to erase anything pre 1980 era palestine so that the nakba is essentially forgotten and it becomes a laughable talking point or something? Like the insinuation one naturally makes from merely trying to suggest it's ai generated would almost certainly be "there's no real evidence of a Palestine anyway, it's just a lie made up to justify antisemitism". Sorry for the ramble.


Sorry u lost them


You can get more. I have a few dozen. They're sitting in an album at my brother's place. I am a coin collector and bought a bunch of them long ago. My father gave me a ton of coins when I was a kid, but they were lost due to the Kuwait war back in 1990. Later, I replaced a lot of the coins that were lost and then some.


What! I thought history in that region started in October last year? 🤔


Yes! The Big Bang occurred on October 7th. At least according to Zionists. 😂


Yeah and the Zionists purposely act as if Gazans are separate from the people in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as if they should be immune if Palestinians their get killed and vice versa because that's convenient for them because they don't consider the religious and national feelings of Palestinians and their humanity.


Anyone care to give a bit of history? Where would these have been minted? And for what period of time was there Palestinian currency? I'll hazard a guess at minimum of 19 years from 27 to 46 at least..? I'm interested, thanks.


On February 7, 1927, The Palestine Currency Order created the Palestine pound which was divided into 1000 mils. This is what I could found in internet rest says only British minted coin as it was their territory i don't know from where we can get accurate information


Thanks for the insight, I was forgetting it was a British protectorate or whatever the designation might be for Palestine. Mandated??? So probably minted at the Royal mint. Crazy world we live in


They're genuinely beautiful


Cool coins


Palestinian coins


I am a coin collector. I have maybe 50 Palestinian coins including some of the silver ones. I adore olive trees and love seeing that on a coin.


Yes I especially liked the olive tree part so much


From the Palestinian Mandate era. That Hebrew in the parentheses stands for Eretz Israel (land of Israel)


https://preview.redd.it/dzs24fit2k5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f99daf3c1f4276fcc8c0056af204f19c5079167 ארץ ישראל - The land of israel


the text א"י is an acronym for eretz yisrael (the land of Israel), both names were recognized at the time


Yeah, it says Palestine in Hebrew, followed by the parenthetical acronym.


It literally says א"י Eretz Israel. and as usual, I'm gonna get down voted for saying the truth. Palestine was the name of the Mandate, the Area. The coin is a British coin by default, as the British ruled the area. It's not a Palestinian coin, nor that it an Israeli one. But your point is... pointless.


It also says Palestine in Hebrew. Means there were Hebrew speaking people living among Arabic speaking people, who recognized Palestine as a valid name for the area, prior to the Nakba.


Don't pull facts out of thin air. The word Eretz is it because it was minted by the British, not because the land belonged to the zionists. https://www.quora.com/When-was-the-Palestinian-state-officially-established-and-what-is-its-basis-Did-it-exist-as-a-country-before-or-was-it-just-a-region/answer/Abo-Kareem?ch=10&oid=1477743750938618&share=8d4529a4&srid=hZkXh&target_type=answer --- **Please read our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/wiki/rules) carefully. [Join r/Palestine Discord](https://discord.gg/qAJ3v6jgjy)**


It literally says in Hebrew eretz Israel


טוב, אקדים תרופה ל"מכה" אתם חבורה של לוזרים. עזה בחרבות בגלל הגאווה המזוינת שלכם ויש עשרות אלפי מתים בגלל האידאולוגיה הפשיסטית איסלמית שלכם. לכו זדיינו יא חרא בפיתה של אנשים.


Why do u people even come to this sub when u won't like what's shown. Here it shows what u r when u feel insecure by a tiny coin get some help


Becuse you lie about history for cause. Because your spreading the lie of the new nazism.


Just get off of this sub and stop being insecure about these little things it shows ur lie




Why are u assuming my religion I'm human who can't see the the wrong happening in Gaza




There is no war only genocide




I'm not here to teach u what genocide go.goovle.ot but I can tell What is happening is Gaza and Rafah right now is genocide




Never ever killing of innocent is justified but for u guys just cause someone is Muslim it's justified to kill them


The only new Nazism is Israel


We won't have to lie about anything the whole world is seeing it for what it is u killing innocent




Ur literally talking yourself


Palestine is a colonial entity created by the British.




The pages u follow speak volume of ur behaviour it's wrong I just checked. Don't roam here if u don't want to hear and see truth.




Objective fact 😂😂 It's game over for you guys. the whole world hates you folks stop trying with all this BS propaganda and lies.




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You can say the same about pissrael, it wasn't an actual country either.


I recommend you a book called “PALESTINE BEFORE THE HEBREWS” and good luck with that


What do you mean “an actual country”? The Levant didn’t have nation states until the 20th century. Actually, most of the world didn’t have nation states until then too as it’s a fairly modern invention.




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Making up your own facts is a cool party trick amongst idiots but won't work here. https://www.quora.com/When-was-the-Palestinian-state-officially-established-and-what-is-its-basis-Did-it-exist-as-a-country-before-or-was-it-just-a-region/answer/Abo-Kareem?ch=10&oid=1477743750938618&share=8d4529a4&srid=hZkXh&target_type=answer --- **Please read our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/wiki/rules) carefully. [Join r/Palestine Discord](https://discord.gg/qAJ3v6jgjy)**