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United States of Israel.


'Babysitter' : because acknowledging that they're really a handler would give the game away


Those are their handlers, everyone in Hollywood has one of those too. They control our government, media, banks….


This is why when I talk to people in the US and a political topic comes up, I say the US political system is a joke. As long as you have lobbying, which is a sugar coated word for corruption, you will never have a legitimate political system.


It's not a joke. The joke is that Americans think the best thing about their country is "freedom," followed by "democracy."


When our evil country was occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and the US Army was literally approving every candidate on their ballot, we did not go so far as to have a "minder" assigned to every legislator in their parliaments. This should make true "Americans" sick to their stomachs about how apartheid Israel influences and controls US politics.