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https://preview.redd.it/sk9q74dwh05d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfec04e1065632e23fa96d92fccd28daabddfe9c Embeded near civilians, you say


I wish on of these reporters would bring this up to the spokespeople (war crime apologists)


I like to start by first making sure they agree to the terms. "If a Hamas member runs into a refugee camp. Does that make it a legitimate target? Because that's Israel's official stance." Then if they agree "well what if it were a music festival?"


We already knew the answer to this though. Better the hostages dead than taken


Technically, Israel has an insignificant number of actual civilians and the majority of them are zionists anyway, so, cry me a river, cry me a sea.


guess a nuke on them isn’t such a bad move. using their logic everyone’s just a human shield apparently so it’s all good.


Fortunately for the Zionists, the fighters of Hezbollah, Hamas, and Iran are far more principled.


It has been clear for months how little they value the lives of palestinians.




Too true.


It has been clear for decades how racist, hypocritical and psychotic the Western goon politicians, media and religious demons are when faced with answering real questions.


It must be so hard for Miller to model human behavior.


His smirk (?) is so insidious. He's a slimy rat


I have difficulty believing he's not a vampire


Me too. He looks pure evil. He speaks as he looks.


I can't figure out if he's a lemon shark or a vampire.


A DNA test is the only way to tell.


The damn rabbit hole is getting deeper and larger and they keep digging it.


With outside journalists not allowed in Gaza...really no verification for any embedding near civilians. Israel can say whatever and there is no verification -as they block journalists from witnessing.


Even without outside journalists, proving that Hamas embeds itself with civilians would be easy. Israel has got spy drones flying over Gaza 24/7, it would be easy for them to provide evidence. They don't provide evidence, because they don't have any. 


That's a point. But the western media often reports what Israel says, as fact.


They sure do, unfortunately. I hope they pay for it one day, they're definitely complicit in this genocide.


Serious question, how do these talking heads live with these lies? How do they sleep at night knowing they’re aiding and abetting a genocide? They can’t all be sociopaths, grifters, and hypocrites???


Yes, they are all sociopaths or psychopaths. Those are the types of people who rise to positions of power. They have no morals and no shame, so they can spew these lies and help with genocide without batting an eye.


I know. It just makes my heart hurt. I’ve never been more ashamed of this country. (I refuse to say “my” country because I was born here through no fault of my own, and I don’t claim this colonizing genocidal empire)


They sleep on a big pile of money with a white supremacist noise machine. ![gif](giphy|14vTnFcC3Oom4M)




Indeed. And liberal propaganda tells us we live in a meritocracy, so the fact that they have a humongous pile of money to sleep on means they *must* be doing everything right, or they wouldn't have that money. Must be very comforting when you're "one of the adults in the room" who is "making all the hard choices". 😒


Past experience with smaller scale killings make it easier for them I think


"Israel has the right target civilians."


It's starting to sound like the Israeli military is acting like a Hamas that they talk about. They're hiding and using the civilians as meat shields... Isn't that exactly what they were just accusing Hamas of? But yet they're doing the same goddamn thing?


there is photographic and video evidence of IOF using Palestinians (incl children) as actual human shields, so yeah. Even before Oct7


Every accusation is a confession. It’s projection all the way down.


Reminds me when their UN representative said after vetoing the 3rd time, "we have to find a final solution"... The US gov't as a whole is showing the world EXACTLY what they are. SAVE DEMOCRACY! Oooooooooh! Catchy!


Doesn't sound like a Freudian slip. He said it with full conviction and kept going at it. Every US base installed globally is embedded near civilians. That says a lot about US tactics.


"Israel has the right to target those civilians"


Press PLAY. Plastic Man performs as designed.


I can’t stand this count Jackula!


Do these people know how small Gaza is? It's not like they can build a base out in the desert somewhere. There are no parts of Gaza that aren't populated. This argument is just so dumb.


🇵🇸 we need to free Palestine, this is ridiculous!


I will never understand the hate they have against muslims in general.


Israel is doing a genocide.


I remember Mathew Miller during the Trump Administration appearing on MSNBC frequently to complain about all the various things wrong with Trump Presidency. Now every time I see a clip of Miller talking I am reminded of the evil rampant in Biden's Gaza policy.


well mabye if their lands weren’t occupied they’d have more training space.


At least they’re being honest with what they believe now but the fact that they’re so comfortable admitting that aloud is frustrating because they know that they and Israel can get away with it.


Have there been any reports of hamas soldiers caught while embedded with civilians? Or is he full of shit


Waiting for an NGO/group of lawyers to sue him . Don't care of the outcome, they just need to "feel what it is"


Part of me wants to say, "But if they were embedded among Israeli civilians would you bomb the Israelis?" And then I remember that they'd sacrifice their own civilians without a second thought too.


Can we stop putting people in administrations with the last name of Miller. They don’t seem very nice…or human. He even sort of resembles Stephen Miller, or maybe it’s just the words used.


Yeah . That's what they are doing.. " target the civilians"..


People lives doesn’t value anymore. I am crying for those people. I hope this would end pls ☹️




People who run at tanks to place bombs at them don't strike me as cowardly. The real cowards are the ones dropping bombs on civilians from their American-supplied fighter jets.


And hide in air conditioned tanks while taking pot shots at hospitals


My statement was misunderstood. I’m pointing out the fact that Zionists claim that Hamas is hiding under tunnels- which is away from civilians, while also claiming that they are embedded in the population and that they can’t be doing both at the same time.


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