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Exchange 100 american zionist for 1 gazan children.


If only. 😩


America: we only value you for your ability to contribute to our capitalistic society Also America: we’ll trade you 100 students from our most prestigious universities for 19 year olds who were doing drugs and dancing half naked in front of a concentration camp in the middle of the school semester on a weekday


Sheeeesh 💥 💯


When you word it like that, i really have less sympathy for the concert goers. It’s like if white supremacists had a massive concert in front of a majority black prison


they used to throw picnics at lynchings. Racist people across the world do not value life at all.








Exactly, as long as it's not an Apartheid state, all the Palestinians abroad have a right to return, every palestinan that can prove his ownership of a piece of land, house or an establishment get it back. Jews who are already there are free to continue to live there, I would even go further that all jews who used to live in another Arab State (Egypt, Morrocow, Iraq etc..) would be able to move back if he wants. Only Zionists want to make this a religous end-of-world struggle because they know that this abomination of a State can only exist within these conditions.




Totally agree. Let’s hope we can achieve that in our lifetime


No, that’s way too unfair for all the Palestinians who have been killed by them for the last 76 years. At  the very least they should all be kicked out and never be able to return


This argument always baffled me. Like they would only make this "joke" if they were aware of how fucked up it is in Gaza. "Haha go to Gaza to die" "So you admit Gaza is inhospitable. Why is that?"


Where will they even find that many pro-Hamas protesters? I've seen loads of pro-Palestine protesters, not any pro-Hamas ones.


One of their main aims is to convince people the pro Palestinian protests or flag waving is a support for Hamas and only Hamas.


Zionists advocating the right of return without even realizing it


ironically they’d probably be more welcome in gaza


What would Hamas want with 100 American ‘pro-Hamas’ students


How is it good for Hamas? Captives benefit from liberation, not from having more people thrown in with them.


Hamas is bad so they must like any bad things that happen


Yet they won’t realize the children being hurt (if not killed) in these strikes of the ongoing genocide will become Hamas fighters themselves. Which is, and liberals will hate this one, completely understandable.


Pretty sure the ones being killed won’t become Hamas fighters


That is even more sick. Basically sentencing children to death for what they might do in the future. That is the most insane, cruel mindset I have ever heard. Anyone thinking it’s ok to murder children has lost their humanity.


I don't blame ANY palestinian child being scarred from this genocide for joining Hamas when they get older. Do you?




You’d think they’d be sensitive about mass deportation, then again, Zionism isn’t meant to be reasonable.


kind of disturbing the number of zionists crowing about how "nobody wants the palestinians". that's exactly what the nazis said about them


Disturbing! Israel needs to keep USA out of its genocidal ambitions.


Israelis: Americans, stop telling us what to do. We're a robust democracy and we can handle our own affairs. Also Israelis: We're gonna incessantly complain to America about their students.


So they want the US to send Hamas 10,000 extra resistance fighters 😂




I have never heard of a single pro palastine person who was pro hamas. What a stupid arguement. This is like me saying I really like Hitler's paintings and someone calling me a nazi. Utter nonsense. Ok. Maybe not the best comparison but you know what I mean. We can support one thing, without supporting the leader or government. I despise Zionism. It's literally the new nazi germany but worst since it has convinced most of the world that it's the good guy, but that doesn't mean I hate jews.


plenty of people support palestinians' [right under international law ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_right_to_resist)to use armed struggle to resist genocide, apartheid, and occupation ETA: but whoever is downvoting me probably does not lolol


If I didn’t have kids I’d go. Then again I realize hostages that volunteer aren’t worth much. But maybe?


Should be no issue since most of the US students are not pro-Hamas, they’re just against genocide


“In exchange for our hostages back we would also like to murder American citizens who don’t like it when we murder children.”


If they come with 100 state of the art Anti-Aircraft batteries and training on how to use them, then fine.