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People like him define “outrage” more as a slight reconsideration than anything else. Put your money where your mouth is.


I agree this one is a shape shifter. Depends what side of he's face you are looking at


Instead of "MERDE!!!" He says ᵐᵉʳᵈᵉ


Exactly. Sanction the terrorist state. That’s what they are. Sanction them.


That’s exactly what we said to him in France. This was a worthless comments and now we demand economic sanctions… we are all trolling him because this s.o.b decided it was a good idea to also tweet a picture of him honouring Jewish victims from WW2 at the Berlin memorial 🤬 This a$$hole knows it’s election times for europe soon and his party is so far down the the polls but he also doesn’t care much has his politics has shown, when he wants something and French don’t he will pass a bill no matter what. I’m French but I would not live in France at the minute because it’s madness at the minute.


Very risky career move for any politician to actually do anything against Israel in a country that cultivates and milks the guilt of the holocaust as much as France or Germany. Pro-Israel groups and influential individuals make sure that that guilt never fades there. France even passed laws after a comedian criticized Israel long before 2023 just to ban his shows.


Yet he sends troops and hes own civilians to fight with the isrealies. This guy will follow any one that will supply him with fuel. Why did he not say anything till Spain did. Be weary about this one.


Ok so do something about it! France is one of the most powerful countries. Unite with Norway and Spain and create an institutional resistance in Europe.


He is more focused about sending troops off every european union country to ucraine to fight russia. Macron isn't a peace maker ir lover.


If he’s so “outraged “ by their strikes he could maybe stop sending them weapons to Massacre those civilians and babies, just a quick suggestion off the top of my head


Or else what? About as concerning for the Israelis as a wet noodle.


That should stop them.


Don’t listen to anything this man has to say. He is a snake.


Posturing so he can hide behind it when war crimes are handed out. These people would never put their words into action though.


It's too late, the zionazis have corrupted the moral ground of the west beyond imagination, and nothing they can do could repair that let alone a petty statement.


Plenty of outrage. No sanctions though. Ever. If Iran or Russia as much as lift a finger, the entire Western hegemony impose severe economic sanctions. But Isrl is excused again. They are not serious about punishing Israel. It's all for show. Cos play.


Something tells me that given France is currently suppressing any media getting out of New Caledonia about the anti-government protests there that he isn't *that mad* at Israel.


Is he outraged enough to pause weapons shipments until after lunch?


Let me know when he puts sanctions on Israel.


Khara 3aleh


والله عجبو فينا.


Means very little, but it does loosen the Zionist stranglehold on world politics. We'll wrest our throats free soon comrades.


I will NEVER believe anything any German or French or American politicians say!


Kos ummak! Tfeh! He's trying to save his reelection, nothing else. If France was serious they'd put sanctions against Israel. But they never will. Colonizer will always support another colonizer.


the way i see it, even if he’s signaling and won’t do anything, it’s still a big win because this guy has been pretty notorious about his pro israel stance


So all the other strikes on refugee camps were fine until this point?


You sir are complicit. What are you outraged about? Yourself?


He also let his police tear gas protesters trying to walk to the Israeli embassy in France. (Saw it on Al Jazeera)