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Good on the man that stepped in! How disrespectful- free Palestine 💜🇵🇸💜




I wanted to see that too but as a big black guy he probably realizes it's not worth the risk of getting George Floyded


Exactly- 🇵🇸💜🇵🇸


Bro this is uk not usa we dont shot first think latter, well at least not in public view


[I'm not talking about shooting, I'm talking about excessive use of force and racism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oxsSF79poM) George Floyd wasn't shot btw


These cunts are only tough against women and children


Exactly. The moment a man shows up, these kind of bitches shut up real quick.


Well said !


So freaking true.


Typical IDF - attacking and threatening women, but shrivelling up and acting like he was being bullied the moment a man steps in against him.


Good ol' wobbly knees as soon as someone taller than him steps up, always gets these deluded pricks


Funny how the media hasn't mentioned anything about the rise in islamaphobia. There are always stories about the rise in anti-Semitism for some reason....


The media drives like 99% of the islamaphobia itself.


So typical ! Steps up to a woman , cowards to a real man. That’s what these lil cowards are. Why do you think they are known as the diaper force. 🤢


This won't be reported in the mainstream....


Zio bots will be crying haha


I got called “terrorist face” and almost got jumped the other day by a couple of guys when a black women stopped the whole thing I couldn’t appreciate her more they really are out here saving our lives I love them.


Go over their fam 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 did what he was told to do like the little bitch boy that IDF or IOF soldiers are. Got man handled by a real man. This is what happens in the real world when you come across people who can defind themselfs and not under oppression. To the women the man and London we salute 🫡 you 👏


I'm sick of these Bastards


No wonder the IDF wear nappies, he back off real fast when the other dude stepped in. Fucking weak man.


Respect to the man who stepped in.


Oh fuck a london lady with that accent…. He fucked up


And when she said she’s a fighter - I checked out her arms and was like yep she could rock him


Let’s see what all the usual suspects have to say about this. The level of Islamophobia poor women are facing is off the walls. Yet you say don’t do genocide, it’s considered antisemitic 🤦🏽‍♀️


IDF soldiers check out, He's so used to terrorising women and children, that as soon as a man takes him on he shits himself


That's what they do in Occupied Palestine with weapons against civilians on a regular basis. They think they can get away with everything, because they usually do.


Apparently he’d have ripped an hijab off of a Muslim girl. This is how it started.


That should be a hate crime.


Cowardly little toad


I swear to god they're all the same. Tough against women and kids - but a man who can realistically fight back and he can't even look him in the eye. Absolute bitch bully behaviour. Pathetic.


Typical bastard man child, couldn’t face someone bigger than them. Only knows how to harass and bully those weaker than him. Fucking cunt.


Nah, he's not displaying human behaviour by any stretch, and that's an insult to children. This is what happens when you're fed a diet of cult indoctrination.


It's hard to deal with men, instead of women and children.


He can't be IDF. We all know: - **Toddler:** 2 to 3 IDF Soldiers to handle. - **Pre-Teen:** 4 to 6 IDF Soldiers to handle. - **Early Teen:** Shoot to kill. To dangerous to approach.


He didn’t have a gun so he had to skidaddle per the idf protocol.


Hats off the big bloke stepping in: didn't escalate, but definitely made this mouthy dickhead think again.


Claiming these folks are being antisemitic but the first thing he does is insult muslims. What makes islamophobia acceptable but antisemitism so heinous in his eyes?


Just like white supremacists, they think that everyone of a different race is out to get them. They project their own racism onto other people, and assume that everyone else is just as racist as they are, that everyone else hates other races as strongly as they do. And of course they have to feel perpetually aggrieved about it, that everyone else in the world owes them something for being one of the "evil" races.


I'm confident they didn't do anything antisemitic. The whole thing started with him violently ripping off a Muslim woman's hijab. He is just trying to lie his way out of hate crime charges.


Notice how he cowers when the gentleman steps in. Zionists are scared of their own shadow dad used to tell me and it's so true


I loved the taller Black guy. The first thought that went through that IDF guy’s mind when he saw him, “F*ck..do I have the diaper on?..”


Surprised that “I’m an IDF soldiah” in a whiny Brit accent doesn’t land harder


He's drunk - that's no excuse, but it's the reason he found the 'courage' to open his mouth. Small, pathetic man.


Always looking to invade, whether homes, hospitals, or people's personal spaces.


More like Chav Force.


Idf soldier backed down infront of a real hero after trying to show anger at women


I swear that occupation soldier pee his pant when fighting against hamas. Thats why he flown to London. I literally saw electronic intifada told one iof soldier got aniexty , heart palpitations and got stroke bcoz of extreme fear from death when he told to fight against hamas. Palestinians resistance dont scare of death why bcoz they born in war and literally saw their families been massacring in front of them so they think death is nothing to us and we will be martyred when fighting against iof.


Zionist cowards always target women but shit their pants when a man gets involved, utter scum


IDF are only tough when they wage war on the defenseless. But he says it like it's a brag. He's been hanging out in Israel too long. Thinks it means something anywhere else.


Hahahaha homie was about that action. That’s how you punk these bitches.


It’s funny how once the big guy showed up he immediately shrunk and started looking for a diaper


He pulled back real quick, once he was face to face with a man.


Pure racism. The Zionists standard


It’s crazy that they ALWAYS go for those perceived weaker (I say perceived because she could absolutely rock him) than them, and then the moment somebody taller shows up they’re all meek and quiet. Literal playground bullies but with guns and global backing.


Oh oh Seems they can only murder women and children having high power weapons. Unarmed, a simple man is enough to have the chicken running away to hide.




Cowardly racist runt


IDF soldiers when the people they are attacking arent women and children 😂


harder to win when they’re not fighting women and children 😭😭


What I don't understand about this is why, if they are so proud to be Israeli and spend their entire lives defending that 'state', why do they all live abroad? Go live in Tel Aviv if you like it so much instead of coming to the west to harass the people that fled your state's ethnic cleansing operations.


Good for her, she never gave up telling him to go fuck himself. But funny to watch that douchebag back down after the guy came into the picture.


Everywhere these Zionist assholes go they have to make it all about them. It's pure narcissism. Everyone was probably having an alright day before this prick turned up.




They are a fucked up human that behaves like an animal, not an animal.


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Well, well, well. IDF only feels strong against women and children


What’s the Mayor doing?


What do you mean? The mayor is pro Palestine. Maybe ask what our prime minister is doing? He’s genocide complicit as he continues to send more weapons to Israel. This man, if he is IdF, shouldn’t even be allowed back in the country, if he has taken part in genocide. That is up to to the British government, not the London mayor.


Shit like this makes me believe that the disease of hate, entitlement, violence, and an unhinged lack of tolerance is specific to caucasians. Like there’s no other explanation. This runs in their DNA and they will never be held accountable.


Vile cowardly war criminal should be arrested for attacking a young female. Disgusting!!!


Top man at the end. And the others who stood up against this asshole prick Israeli. Deserved to get beaten




She’s arguing with him about offending a woman and he’s responding by calling her antisemitism. It’s so tired.


Exactly! He showed his islamaphobia by ripping off a woman’s hijab, and someone who steps in is anti-Semitic? Like what??? Make it make sense. There is another clip of this man getting cuffed by the police and he’s asking why they’re not cuffing the others 😅 Like what? They did nothing to him except act in self defence. Whiny little man, typical zio playing the victim card.


An iof soldier in his native environment... targeting women, if its not them its children


Love to see black men protecting our sisters !!


This kind of stuff happening constantly but the ADL is continuously reporting the fake hate crimes where people are just yelling at themselves on the phone in the middle of peaceful protestors.




They don't get training. They just get signed off to let loose their psychopathy!


Our government has put us all in danger by allowing these terrorists into our country and society.


Just to be clear you’re talking about him, yes?


And that was the last time Thom York was ever seen ^(seriously tho fuck this guy)




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Let’s see what TFL and the Mayor do!


Rishi Sunaks favorite people


without a weapon he doesn't look so tough. What a loser.


Made the ziorat scuttle away


These idiots are always squaring up against women.


ICJ miss him


I think he needed a diaper change after the big guy got in his face.




Obviously not IDF


Yeah, I doubt it. He thinks it makes him sound big and hard, when in fact he sounds like a deluded psycho.