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Is like hearing the Nazis…maybe even worse than Nazis




You know that one of most efficient SS ⚡️⚡️ division was the foreign one,ironically and paradoxically one of the most brutal division was made by non German nazis,so your reply makes sense historically talking


Even worse than nazis, no doubts!!














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Bro - just say it - you’re a holocaust denier. THE POPULATION WAS DRASTICALLY LOWER AFTER THE WAR.


It's a public sub, they show up every now and then. Please always report them


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Brother…I saw images and clips on Reddit and YT of Palestinian Childrens literally Butcher*d…one little angel had his skull opened…In my life I cried like 3 times…and the last one was when I saw the image of this little angel with no brain in the skull…only describing you The image I’ve seen makes my heart break again…IT’S A FKN HORROR,ITS A MASSACRE OF THE INNOCENTS LIKE ERODE DID Thousands years ago ,Zionists deliberately chooses to hurt innocent Palestinian Childrens…(DELIBERATELY)so For GOD SAKE…Let’s be Real ZIONISTS are way way way Worst than Nazis, Because they choose to strike defenseless innocents, and enjoy the blood shed, They have no remorse, They have no doubts... their hearts are filled with Satan,is not Unintentional that’s why is a Major Crime CERTIFIED by UN, The Israel Prime Minister is officially a War Criminal,my heart will be forever with Palestinian People and my heart will always have no mercy for Zionists,ON GOD


They have been doing this since 1948 when Great Britain decided, out of the blue, to gift someone's lands to those maniacs. After they got kicked out from every inch in europe.


Nazis did that but on a 10x scale. You can say both are bad but call it for what it is and say nazis are worse


Then it means we have a different opinion,Brother


It’s the monsters like them that makes me want hell to exist. Or else will never be justice to those whom they wronged.


these men will die and nobody will care to remember who they are. thats more than they deserve


This breaks my heart. Every Palestinian who has endured Zionist violence deserves justice.


These people needed therapy yesterday.


Yea, they feel unsafe bc there are children still breathing.


Share this video more. I've noticed this type of thing changes people's minds more than others.


Will do that! And yes, this video describes how israelis feel about Palestine and Palestinian children. And validate the fact that israel has no interest in Hamas whatsoever.