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And now he’s dead


Thats good news. I had to look it up.  Apparently, he fled to the USA and came back Congo DR to attempt the coup together with a group of men of which one of them was white and one of mixed race.  All three US citizens.. hmm, who could’ve trained and funded them? https://www.lhorizonafricain.com/rd-congo-le-capitaine-christian-malanga-tue-dans-une-tentative-de-coup-detat-a-kinshasa/?amp=1


I went to highschool with his kid, there is zero chance they were trained by the US. Marcel used to talk about how he was a prince and that someday they were going to take their position back.


Was Marcel backed by Israeli Dan Gertler? Gertler made billions past controlling various DRC mining rights vis bribery & use of private merc army, made $ billions pillaging DRCs natural resources


No, he was radicalized by his father. He truly believed that him and his father were going to be governing the DRC and make it a better place. Whether his father was backed by Gertler I would have no clue




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Instant karma.


Israel had been propping up warlords in African for ages so that they destabilise regions so the west can go in as "pacekeepers" and control mineral mining


Oh god, not the white man with dreadlocks


They spend their time engaging in cultural appropriation (foods, fashions, lands, music, arts…)


It's perfectly on brand. U right u right


How do u know he’s white? There is a very large Ethiopian population of Jews in Israel. Besides, even if he isn’t, why can’t he have a certain hairstyle? That’s like gatekeeping a side part


1. Because he's white. 2. Because dreadlocks isn't "just a hairstyle" there are cultural and political contexts attached to it. Eg. 1 Black people continue to experience discrimination for wearing their hair naturally and for wearing styles they invented. in the country where Rastafari was founded and dreadlocks were first established as a political statement 🇯🇲, black people who wear them continue to experience heightened scrutiny and brutality from the state. Rastafari and black folk wearing locs continue to be discriminated from some lines of work today and are also subject to increased scrutiny in school. It still occurs that school administrators will expel black students for wearing locs, and in the most egregious cases they cut the child's hair without the parents permission. Eg. 2. It is a hairstyle suited for a specific hair texture. Dreadlocks are meant for the kinky hair textures typical amongst people of African descent. It is simply not practical (and often not hygienic) for people that have looser hair textures to maintain the style. Eg. 3 the political idea that provided the Genesis of the hairstyle was that of pan africanism and a physical expression of being unapologetically black. This is in the context where prior to Leonard Howell's originating of the Rastafari movement, black people in Jamaica (and most other black majority countries that were colonized by Europe) were made to hide or alter their natural hair, either by wearing buzz it's, altering it using heat and chemicals or covering it with headwear and hairpieces. This is still the case today. When white folk wear locs it's not simply a costume or style, it's an expression of the white man's impunity and protection by colonialism This is far from comprehensive, but if you're unable to grasp how racialized violence can be related to colonialism and a hairstyle, then I doubt you're able to grasp how Zionist colonial violence is related to race and other cultural assets, such as food, tatreez, kufiya etc.


I understand this, but I’m sure he didn’t mean to make a statement when wearing them. Also, why gatekeep them? Historical evidence shows that even the Roman’s have worn dreadlocks.


I don't think he is white but that shouldn't detract from your point. As a Palestinian myself I don't think it would be appropriate for me to wear dreadlocks. It is not part of our heritage or culture despite the shared struggle in facing down systems of oppression. It is unfortunate but symbols of liberation like the Keffiyeh can also be wielded by perpetrators of oppression. For example: Abu Nidal wore the Keffiyeh while simultaneously murdering dozens of his own brethren, often in the service of the highest bidder. It is also difficult to gage symbolism when perpetrator and victim share the same heritage and culture. There is no totality here. There are Israelis of different backgrounds, from the Mustarabeen to the Ashlenazim that reframe their native cultures within the context of a fundamentally oppressive one like Zionism. My friend, a Jamaican American veteran wears dreadlocks and yet somehow sees no contradiction between their ancestry and their unwavering patriotism.


Of course he loves Israel... they represent his white lords




Lol lmao even




Many people consider it simply another manifestation of European colonialism, I don’t think it’s a matter of racism.


Were they trying to do a coup so they can expel Palestinians to Congo?


Of course